THURSDAY AFTERNOON, NOVE>IBER 3, 1955 '£J!L . - - •J&Sfc t wKBm . 11111 . 4 ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED MISS PEGGIE POPE is the daughter of Albert Pope of VVaise Jemi gan. bowl Guests served themselves de lightful ham and pimento cheese sandwiches, potato chips, pickles, and decorated cake squares. The euests enjoying dancing du ring the evening with music pro vided bv a juke box. Several door prizes were awarded to those hold ins the lucky numbers. Special guests fdr the evening were Coach and Mrs. Jim Brown, and Coach and Mrs. Maurice Ge orge. Approximately 115 people en-< Joved the occasion, including foot ball players and their dates, the team managers and their dates, cheerleader and their escorts, and other invited guests. 188 DAILY BECOBD, DUNN, N. 0. FOR ONE ■ STOP SHOPPING mm v rItiGLY WIGGLY WIGGLY is cooperating with the Farmers and the Agricultural Depart- { lir ===. m ment, by featuring LOW COST fresh PORK as the best buy of the fT L —^ lr ——= ~~ week- SERVE APPLE SAUCE WITH PORK. SMALL LEAN CENTER CUT W ~ # PORK CHOPS lb. 49c Mayonna ' se r Krafts iCa SWIFT’S PREMIUM •• ■- • BACON e lb. 4Sr tens FREE FRESH WHOLE OR HALF PORK TENDER END CUT PORK For Mom & Dad LOIN lb." 45c CHOPS lb. 35c 2 TICKETS Wm. & Mary ws. N. C. State For Junior KRAFTS MILD 8 Oz. Cracker 13 1-3 Oz. Cracker J UI ITT LI EAATRAII Barrel Sharp Barrel Mellow I BlMlvFl IVVIDHLL W? /i Q** QQ. t T Nothing to Buy - No Obligation . B ■ Bid JRjj Qw tR C Come And Register Drawing Nov. 12 - 6:00 P. M. WHITCHOUSE OR MUSSELMANS COMSTOCK Apple Sauce 2 29c SERF Sliced Beets 16c DEL MONTE CRUSHED Reg. Giant EXTRA SAVINGS PINEAPPLE %T 27c 30c 73c Snowdrift 3 lbs. 73c STOKLEY’S SHREDDED PHILADELPHIA CREAM KRAUT 2 ~ 29c CHEESE 2 X 25c DROMEDARY DIXIE * 1 VAV- KRAFT ° live Pim > Pineapple - Pimento Emit Cake «u 79c Cheese Spread 24c Lousianne can 83c 1 • Oil Cheese Spread 5, « 28c SANITARY NAPKINS 1 t|.» KRAFT MILK Kotex 2** 77c Caramels “■? 35c KRAFT AMERICAN PILLSBURY OR BALLADRS f ■ ft Sm. • BISCUITS JIFFY, WHITE, YELLOW, CHOC., SPICE I fStCu VIIGGSG g I#C j, A M If P Illy TENNESSEE BRAND FROZEN 4 cons 49c CAKE MIX STRAWBERRIES PARKAY Buy Several M Sweeten end 10 Oz. a margarine Pks '£“ lUc s,ioed pke 25c Pound mm SWEET AND FULL OF JUICE FLORIDA ORANGES 2 doz. 39c FANCY GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS 2 lbs. 27c ~£P VANILLA WAFERS 25c APPLES 4 49c - POTATOES SQUASH 2 lb. 19c 10 ,b * ba * Z7e PAGE THREE