Rodman Raps Negro Group RALEIOH, N. C. UP — Atty. Gen. William B. Rodman Jr. Mid today the Natioal Association for| the Advancement of Colored Pea-' pic wants to avoid registering un*, tier state laws because "they are raising stupendous sums of mon- i ey" to break down segregatian. "They don’t want us to know what they are doing,” Rodman said Redman said "I’m Insisting that ‘ it i* liable to register aa a foreign corporation and it should be penal ised as provided by the statutes" for failing to register. “It has been engaged In actiyi- j ties here for a long time, it has ptnops H pu« *1* P',Jou8i be required to pay the penalty," he said. V p Dunn S Ciiy £■* UR EATER DA R GAIN UAYS Thursday, Friday, Saturday ONE i BEAUTIFUL | SET OF I SEAT 1 COVERS r $29.95 Value With The Purchase Of Any Fear GOODRICH TIRES Many Other Wonderful Values During BARGAIN DAYS INSTAU THf FUU *ET for as a00 DOWN LOW AS low weekly lermi SPECIAL WELLONS MERCANTILE, Inc, 120 S. Wilson Ave. DUNN, N. C. Phono 2354 Also Visit Wellons Mercantile In Coats, N. C. e ■■ir fT/RST IN RUBBER - FIRST IN TUBEUSS 1 F. Goodrich + Benson Social News + Mn. A*D. Williams was honor ed on her 66th birthday last Sun day when Mr. and Mrs. Talmon Penny entertained at their home in Coats. Present were the following chil dren of Mrs. Williams: Mr. and Mrs. Thurston Smith of Chalybeate Springs, Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Jack son of Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Williams of Fayetteville, Mr. and Mrs. Clay Williams and Mr. and Mka. Jack Hunter of Raleigh and their families. BENSON PERSONALS Mrs. Vinnie Smith and Miss Nets Turlington spent first of the week at the Turlington cottage at Caro lina Beach. James Franklin Lee of Burling ton spent the week end with his mother. Mrs. Hannan Lee. Mrs. Alonso Parrish Is receding treatment in Johhston Memorial Hospital in Smithfleld. Mrs. Will Woodall and Mrs. Bag gett Herring spent Month-y tn Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. H. D Wooiall and son, Richard, of Barbertowu, Ohio spent Monday as guests of their aunt. Mrs. Settle Johnson, and thalr cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Strickland. They were accom panied by Mrs. Bill Woodall of Dunn. Miss Bonny Lynn Morgan and Kenneth Lewis of Chapel Hill spent the week end here with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse T. Morgan. Mrs. Donald Parrish left Sunday evening for a week’s visit with re - a lives in Montgomery, Alabama. Mr. and Mra. Alonzo Gregory and son*. Keith and Kemp, of Durham were vial tors in Benson Saturday . Mr. and Mra. Partta Hudson left Saturday for several days vacation in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A Johnson and Miss Dora Barbour spent Wed nesday with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Allen Mi Franklin ton. T. E. L. CLASS MET Mrs. David Olive. Mra. Cornelia Cagle, and Miss Mary Grimes were hostesses Monday evening at the Olive home to members of the T. E. L. Sunday School class of the Baptist church. Mra. Jesse McLamb. vice pres ident. presided. Mrs. J. F. Woodall presented the program, highly interesting discus sion of The Women of the Bible The; hostesses, assisted by Mrs. ten ton. Mrs. David nice, Mra Norman L. Duncan. Mra. C. C Can aday. Mrs. J. F. Woodall, Mrs. J. H. Poole. Mrs. Ethel Turlington. Miss Dora Barbour. Miss Mary Turlington, and Miss Sanh Tur lington. MOM FREEMAN HOSTESS Mrs. Wilson Freeman was hostess Monday evening tomembers of the Business Women’s club of the Bap tist charch A program, Ood Save America, was presented by Billy Parrish assisted by Mra. Shelton Moore, Mrs. Earl Jackson, Mra. Coleman Dunn, Mra. Wilson Freeman. Miss Annie Mae Kill, Miss Mae Byrd Miss Hortense Turlington, Miss Peggy Cbate. and Miss Gerry Britt, The hostess served open face sandwiches, potato chips, mint} and iced drinks. BIRTHDAY DINNER Mrs. J. C. Warren entertained Sunday the birthdays of her hus band and son, J. C. Warren, Sr. and J. C. Warren, Jr. were cele frated The dinner table, covered in white, was centered with an arrangement of red roses in a Elver bowl resting on a foundation of red tulle with outline of Valentine hearts. Bran ched candlebra holding red candles flanked the centerpiece. A three course dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Warren, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. 'Warren Jr. and children. Johnny; and Mary Helen. Mr. and Mrs. Judson Creech and son, David, and > BiUy Warren, all of Raleigh, and, Miss Mildred Warren of Fairmont.; Mrs. Alfred Parser and Afifred Parker, Jr! were guests of the; Warrens In the afternoon 'CIRCLE MET TCE8DAT Sirs. Albert Sutton and Mrs. Wal ter R. Strickland were associate hostesses at the Sutton home Tues day evening for the monthly meet ing of circle No. * of the Methodist Woman’s Society of ChrJottan Ser vice. After a business session over which Stella Creech presided the devotional was presented by Mrs. W. R. McLamb who used they topic. The Worlds Laborer, Worthy of His Hire. Mr*. Paul Gardner presented the program which followed along the lines of the devotional with addi tional observation on Woman and Workers. 1 During a social hour the host teiaes served hot fudge pudding topped with whipped cream, and coffee to Mrs. Butler Jeffreys, Mrs. Carmen Dorman, Mrs. Alfred bar ker, Mrs. Thaddeus Barbour, Mrs. Ed Holmes, Mrs. Howard Denning. Mr*. Paul Gardner, Mrs. Clara Hardin. Mrs. W. Evett Denning. Mrs. W. R McLamb. and Stella Creech. Mr. and Mrs. Miller Patterson and daughter, Jean, of Fayetteville were visitors here Tuesday. Mrs. William Morris continues ilj at her home here following sur gery j - Miss Sarah Parrish is improving following an illneas of several days. Mrs. Daniel Hill is a patient at Duke Hospital, Durham where she underwent surgery. Her daughter. Mis« Annie Mae Hill, visited her Wednesday. Mrs. W. R. McLamb and Mrs. Mather Dorman spent Monday in Raleigh. Mrs. Marshall Woodall, Barbara and John Charles Woodall, and Patsy Tart spent Monday night to Fayetteville with Mr. and MM. Charles Johnson. FAREWELL PARTY As a farewell courtesy to Mr. and Mrs. Bill MeOranahan. Jr., Mr. and] Mrs. Garland McLamb invited a family group to their home Satur day evening. Among those having dinner with the McLambs or call ing during the evening were Mr. and Mrs McGranahan, formerly of Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. PR Johnson of Raleigh. Mrs. Jasper McLamb, Mr. and Mrs- Willis M0 Lamb. Mr. and MM. Ed Johnson. Mr. and Mrs Earl MdLarob. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McLamb. and Ml and. Mrs. James Massengill. Mr. and Mrs. MteGranahan who have lived in Oreerufcoro since their marriage about It months ago, left Saturday Bight from Dur ham for New York where they will make their home. WITH FLU MTS. C. H. Grime* Is confined to her home with flu. HIGHER INTEREST LONDON OTt—Sritata'a Conser vative government today raised in terest rote* to »» T*r cent, the highest in 24 years, in a move to halt inflation and bring its import «sport trade back into balance. R. A. Butler, majority leader in j the House of Commons, «aid more t st«ps to ease the growing economic crisis would be announced tomor BIGGER BARGAINS ; AT THE BIG COMPLETE BARGAIN OAYS DEPARTMENT STORES Bathroom SETS Assorted Colors ONLY $1.00 SPECIAL! White Pin Dot CURTAINS Regular $2.98 Value S1.00 ONLY One Rack of Ladles SPRING SUITS Values to $14.98 $5.00 One Rack of Ladies FALL SKIRTS Vj Off One Rack of Ladies BLOUSES Vi Price Just Received — New Shipment of DRAPERY MATERIAL Floral Patterns — Values to 98c Yard SPECIAL 59c yard LADIES' NYLON HOSE Reg. sold for $1.29 Pait Special Spring Shades 79c Pr. mm SPECIAL ON LADIES' HATS Special Group of Ladies Fall Hats Values to $3.98 — Special Weekend Only S1.00 SPECIAL! LADIES SHOES Special Group in all Styles and Colors — Mostly In Dress Styles — All Sites — SPECIAL Weekend PflCQ Special Group of Ladies CASUALS All Styles and Colors Save — Save — Save SPECIAL $2.00 7 Pair MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS /J In Solid Colors, Grey, Tan, Green ' >■ and Blue * Reg. $2.98 Value Special $1.98 MEN'S SHORTS Assorted Patterns and Colors Values to 69c — SPECIAL 2 pair $1.90 MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS With Wide Border —eg. 15c Value — SPECIAL 12 for $1.00 MEN'S COTTON SOCKS Nylon Toe and Heel. Assorted Patterns and Colors. Values to 39c Pair. NOW 5 pair for 81.00 Boys’ Blue Denim DUNGAREES Sixes 1 to 5 — SPECIAL BUY $1.00 pair Ready Made DRAPES Solid Colors of Green, Tan, Rose and Red. Regular $4.98 — Special Close Out $1.00 INFANTS DRESSES In Assorted Materials and Colors. Values to $4-98 $2.50 BABY DIAPERS doqen% 1.09 SPECIAL! Cotton and Rayon TABLE CLOTHS Assorted Patterns, Colon Sizes 48 x 48 and 54 x 54 NOW $1.00 For Bigger Bargains On "BARGAIN DAYS" Como To OEPARTME NT STO t