$ Trial Opens' Johnston Court S£ lut ffi — Farmer De! to death in the -ear, pleaded not fmpda of “transitory as ha want on trial for id time for murder tr Superior Court yesterday „ sentenced to death for the slaying of farm er Raymond tfe Hayes. He death W* «t : Central Prison in Ra ___ tMUali Hi* *M» 8upreme Court granted him a now trial. The high court heW that Judge n««p(a wffltauM of Sanford erred In charging the Jury which convict ed Adams, of BentonviUe. MRS. Sl’RLES TESTIFIES | Only two witnesses were called as the trial began yesterday. Mrs., i Junie SUr les, owner of a store where, Rayas was shot July I. 1956. said 3 she was in the store with Hayes < When Adams entered with a pistol < and ordered her to leave. She said she ran to a nearby barn and heard a shot ring out as she hid there. Hayes' testified that she heard ' the shot from her borne nearby. Mrs. Hayes said her husband had ' left her a few minutes earlier on an ■ errand. Attorneys for Adams asked each prospective juror the question: "If ■w r & Skinner Funeral Home LSTABLISHED IN 1912 Dunn m • AMBULANCE SERVICE Paul ^ .rev Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. During free fmrnmjmmm free TIRE BHfsn!BWMPla tire At PERRY BROS. TIRE SERVICE On The Dunn-Erwin Highway One Of These Is Yours FREE No Drawing No Gimmick No Gamble Just Buy Any 3 New GOODYEAR TIRES You Get The 4th One Absolutely FREE That’s all there is to it. This offer good during BARGAIN DAYS ONLY. - ■ ■_• PERRY BROS. TIRE SERVICE FORMERLY TWIN CITY TIRE SERVICE PAUL PERRY, Owner — CHARLES CORE, Manager Quinn Shopping Center — Dunn, N. C. — Phone 4639 Two Are Hurt In Auto Wreck Two persons were brought to the Dunn hospital Saturday night after in automobile wreck at t:lS on the dd Pope road near Newton Grove. According to investigating High* ray Patrmolmen J. A. McColman ind Fred T. Hand, a 1951 Ford our-door car driven by David Tyn iall. seed 33. of Route 1, Dunn, leaded east failed to take a curve >n the rural paved highway and >verturoed into a ditch. The driver was taken to the lospital and admitted for serious iruiaes and abrasions as was a uutsenger. Miss Dori Tanner, and l*. of the same community. She vas treated for a possible fractured skull. The car was a total loss. The nvestigation is continuing. . 'ou are shown evidence which hows that Adams’ wife told him hat Hayes made Improper ad anees to her and that Adams be* ame emotionally and mentally un j&lanoed. will you give that evi lence as serious consideration as my other?" Stewart i fCmHmeS from Pare Owl THREE COMPANIES SITED Mrs. Stewart, a sister of Mia. ’hoebe Leona Drake Johnson, wife >f a prominent Dunn physician ind surreon, has brought action igainst three insurance companies. She asks a payment of a 330.000 xdiev on Stewart’s life held by southern Life Insurance Co., poil* ■ies totaling 313.000 by Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Co., and i 33.000 policy held bv the Life tn uranee Co. of Virginia. Mrs Stewart sets formth in her vsnnlsint that proof of her hus iftnd’s death was furnished the companies on July 13. 1953. although there was no body or physical woof of death. tinder North Qarodim law, a ratting period of seven years is -equtred before a person can be ieclared legally dead without a aody or a witness of death. After his disappearance, avia tion experts expressed bebef that Stewart had been caught in a squall and his plane blown out to sea. A long search failed to turn up any sign of his body orhishght plane. Confesses fCsntlooed from Page One) young people’s meeting at our church, she began nagging me again about coming to too late.” be told police. "It was shout 9:00 o’clock. “We both went to bed but I was restless and couldn’t sleep,’’ Lewis continued. "Finally, about halfway through the night, I decided this was the day so X went to the kit chen and got a knife and stabbed her while she wa» sleeping." The youth first told police he found his grandmother dead when he returned horns hem a trip but later confessed killing her before leaving on the trip Lewis had served time In s vo cational school few breaking ar.d entering and lived with lAx, Lewis since he was released. 1 | Mrs. Sessoms Spoke Monday To Club Members The Lillington Business *nd Pro fessional Women’s Club, which has given a helping hand to the around ! Observation Corps, heard a ta.fc on this phase of civilian defense by Mrs. R. N. Sessoms, as the club met on Monday night at the Com munity Center. Mrs. Seasoms. chief observer tor , the local ground observation post, was the guest speaker. She was invited by the club's national secur ity chairman. Mr*. Frances Murray, who arranged the program. The speaker told how the local post, — located at the county prison camp, operates on a 34-hour sehed ! ule. She reported that there are now 101 accredited plane spotters, with eight others In training. How hardship on present volunteers, she ever, in order to prevent working a said, many other workers are need ed. Ten hours are required to win the wings that signify that an ob server is an accredited member of the Ground Observation Corps t Mrs. Sessoms reported that only Dunn and LillingSon have Grou-.« Observation post* in Harnett Coun Ity. Carl Lucas of Erwin Is the county civilian defense chief but so far no appropriations — • have been made by the county for ex pense of civilian defense activities. During the business session. ’ members voted to hold a "white * elephant'’ sale in either March or 1 April to raise money to contribute ' to maintenance of the Community 1 enter, site of club meetings Ciuo r members also went on record end orsing the entrance of Lillington in \ the 1956. Finer Carolina Contest * Active participation of members was pledged. Ice cream pie and sailed peanuts were served prior to the program : by the hostesses Misses Irene Las si ter and Betsy Row. Attecbng were j Mis Mamie Haighwood, club presi dent, Mrs. Inea Harrington, aeeret . ary; Mrs. Iva Sloan, treasurer; and * Mrs J. H. TSylor. Miss Margaret * Shaw, Miss Adelaide Shaw, Mrs. Gladys Phillips. Mrs. C. K. Bass, Mrs. A. R. Jackson, Mrs. Irena . Byrd. Mrs. Hattie Barnes, and Miss l Lois Byrd, a I _____ Bridge Chsb Mrs. Prentiss Sloan entertained the members of the Chatter Bridge Club and several additional guerta on Friday night at her home on Lillington, Route One. Bridge was in play at two tables, where players were ciub visitors Mrs. W. H. Byrd, Mrs B. O. O’Qu inn. and Mrs. Lewis McKinney, and members Mrs. Venable Baggett, Archie Taylor, Mrs. James Renn, Mrs. C. 8, Fowler, and the hostess High score prise for members went to Mrs. Renn and for visitors to Mrs. McKinney. The travelling award was won by Mrs. Baggett. At the ci'ose of progressions. Mia Sloan served coffee and cherry pie topped by. ice cream. Next meeting of the club will be held with Mrs. Archie Taylor. t l I i 1 s i Mrs. Sidney Winstead of Rost bore, former LUUngtcn resident, un derwent major surgery an Monday u Watts Hospital m Duham. Mr. amf Mrs. Leo Kelly of Lillington visited Mrs Winstead at the hospi tal on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Win stead Used In LOdngton while Mr Winstead was stationed for mon than a year at Ft Bragg. I M^fhorlfcfs To Hnva Sturlv Course The Woman’* *oeiete of Christ ian Service of th- Ullinrton Meth odist Church will sponsor a aeriea of four Bible study courses during Lent. first class of the aeries win to held on Tuesday. Feb. » at 7:X o m. at the home of Mrs. Cbr Kelly. Dates of the other clasae? will be March (. at the home ol Mrs W. If. Bvrtf; on March IS a the home of Mrs. J. A. Walker: or March 90 at the home of Mrs. E C. Shoaf. Circles of the Woman’s Societj will take turns as hostesses foi each seeslon. At the Kelly home th* hostesses wm be members of thi Euls Parker Circle; at the Byre home the Sara Lanier Circle; at the Walker home, the Annie eas iness Circle; and for the meetinj at the parsonage, the Ruth John son Circle. “Introduction to Five Classics' will be the topic of the stud] which deal with the writings o: Amnietine, Thoms* Kempt* Broth er Lawrence, Wiliim.-, liw, am Thom** Kelly. The study win be o» for which credit wflf be siren to the Southeastern Jurisdiction o the Methodist Church ill order to qualify, certain stand ards must be met. such as readim the text in advance, attendance am participation. Arrangements for th study will be In charge of Mrs Walter Lee Johnson, Spiritual Lif Chairman for the society. Miss Sharon Wllbourne and he parents, Mr. and Mrs. John WU bourne had as weekend guests, Mia Pat Walker of Henderson an Miss Carol Porter of Dunn. Mi and Mrs. J. Paul wadur of llsn demon ware hare Sunday to' retan home their Senator. EVERY DAY WHERE MILLIONS SHOP WITH CONFIDENCE SPECIAL LOW PRICE! JANE yakker CHERRY PIES ea. 39c SPECIAL LOW PRICE! AAP All Green ASPARAGUS - 35c SPECIAL LOW PRICE! Packer» Label Red Sour Pitted PIE CHERRIES -19c SPECIAL LOW PRICE! Packer» Label White Whole Heavy Wnttm Grain Fed Beef I I SUPER-RIGHT" BEEF SALE! e PORTERHOUSE e T-BONE e CLUB STEAKS SIRLOIN STEAKS - - CHUCK ROASTS - - Per Lb. Per Lb. Per Lb. 69c 65c 33c FULL LOINS ir 59c Boneless Ronnd Steaks .. ___ ;t: .. Kr 09c Boneless Rib Steaks_???r/;rrr7?.TT.7T. It 09c Lean Boneless Stew . jrrr.TT.Trrr.Tr.Trrr. K 45c Plate Stew - Bene In . .TTr rrr?.rr~.Tt.TT. 2* 15c freshly Ground Beef. rrr.r PoTro^ SZ 45* Chuck Roasts 49* Luncheon Meat ££ 19* Per Lb. 37e Cooked Horn Ml Ocean Perch Gorton Fish Sticks IU 53* 33* 41 cj PILLSBURY Pie Crast - E 19c AftP Yellow Popcorn ••• 2£.25c CHERRY PIES A £ 39c WHITE BREAD ,1SS* 25 14c SPANISH BAR £& - 29c OUR OWN TEA 55c £ 99c 20 Mule Team Borax Boraxo Powdered Hand Soip A&Ps Fresh Fruits & Vegetables ORANGES " ~ 8 £ 49c turn Cn» - O. t M. 1 - IMm miu POTATOES - 10&47c Wrw Crop COMM * ONIONS.■•A'vj & 17c s' ioc irtr ~ 17 Potatoes . Fmt norku Grapefruit •Lb. Lb. Rutabagas£T 8 g; 33« R5 ~~ .1 OtM» Carrots . ..~.2 a* Bag w**. C#Ury _ Gropci ST 14#) Scotch Mold Frozen Food* “^T^0RI LOCATION 1 COT BROCCOLI 2 SSSt 2*« ■ I GREEN PEAS . 2 ££ 33e | BAIT LIMAS 2 35« i OVMBaajkim 1 COT CORN 2 ££ 28s There Price* effective Thru Saturday ^A1^SuPcrMarkcts ■■ ■ TTor-T-Iff1* 10c A&rs Mogozine WOMAN’S DAY Morcb Issue Per Copy 7c Nabisco . I Vanilla Wafers pm 31c Woxed Paper —25c Oatmeal Style Burry Cookies _ Shortening Snowdrift All Purpose Oil __ Wesson Oil £ 29c «*. 55c SOC. PM 19c Sfr 31c 85c ANN PAGE PRESERVES iQUAiTOW* >(CY —• SsTSYOU 17-0*. Chicken ol the Sea Chunk Style Tun Chicken of the Sea White Meat Tuna Fancy Tender Libby's Green Peas Libby's Fancy Tomato Juice_*K^29c Strietmanns Fresh Crisp Cheese Wafers _.1S?33c Converted Rice Uncle Ben's ^23c^45c'