CLASSIFIED RATES Under 25 words • 50r each Ad — 5 times - $2.25 — Os ar 25 words - 2c word—Paid in Advance — All keyed ada 25c extra. FOR SALE COAL AND FUEL OIL. Highest quality. W. B. War ren Oil Company. Phone 3*!S in Erwin. Phone 4173 in Dunn. Charles Lee and W. B. Warren. 12-8-tta-c i _ _ FOR SALE: Seven rooms car port, storage room, new brick veneer house located on North Wautauga Avenue. Lot 83 x 150. This is not just another house, but one of the nicest in Dunn. Contact Gus Register, Day Phone 4246, Night Phone 3383. 2-10-tfn-c FOR SALE: One dry drink box, 20 case capacity. Will sell cheap. Contact Larry Baird at Pure Food Store. 2-29-6t-c FOR SALE:: One 14 foot plywood fishing boat and nailer. CaU 4478 after 6:00. tj( r‘ ^ 3-i>-3t-p FOR SALE: Bedding pota toes, at the Big Four Ware house. 3-5-5t-c FOR SALE: Six room house, new store 23 x 32. Thirty-six road fiont In c. Pretty loca tion, two from Dunn on Fairground Road. See T. E. Barbour, Route 3, Dunn. 3-S-St-p FOR SALE: House and lot (48'2 x 150). Located at 800 South Clinton Avenue, 1 block from The Daily Rec ord. S*e E. C. Carter, Route 4, Dunn 3-5-2t-p FOR SALE: Phone 2522 for cabinets, bookcases, window cornices, special built fumi- j ture, furniture repairs, win dow and screen repairs and etc. Rouse Manufacturing Company, formerly Lang don’s Wood Works. 3-G-5t~c FOR RENT FOR RENT: Five room un furnished apartment wired for electric stove. Hot watei heater*. Beautiful yards. Near business section. Recently painted. Best location in town. No up stairs. Reason able rent. See W. A. Ennis or Phone 4216. 3-6-T-Thu-F-3t—p j FOR RENT: Neatly furnish ed three room apartment with bath, new electric kitchen. Located on Route I 1, Bunnlevel approximately 18 miles from Fort Bragg. Mrs. Dora Byrd. Phone 3175. 3-2-5 t-c ♦ STEWART * BARBARA STANWYCK FRED M»cM£RRAY JOAN BENNETT LAST TIME TODAY * DUNN + TODAY thru WEDNESDAY ■' C SPECIAL NOTICES PICTURES ol anything, anywhere and anytime. Spe cialize in group, wedding and commercial pictures T. M Stewart, Lillington. 7-26-tfn-c COOK. Need Cash? Well lend you money on your ap pliances or furniture. SE CURITY LOAN CORPORA TION, Comer Fayetteville and Cumberland Streets, Dunn. 7-4-t*-** Auto Financo AUTO LOANS? -G-fcEFINANCING4— .. ‘ .'fednc ; ft Money »« 10 Minute*"!•. 1 MOTOR !? CREDIT CO. DUNN, n: c. iFavettevillr St. Phofte 1158 IMPORTANT NOTICE A new service has been add ed. Call on us for installa tion of cornices, floor and bathroom tile, installation of storm windows, weather stripping of doors, cabinets, screens, or any interior mill work. - Prompt service, free estimates — Gail POPE AND MIXON BUILDING SUP PLY. Phone 3836. “Don't It Off, Put It On.” 1-31 UENEKAL REPAIRS ON AiiL MAKE OF CARS. Over 25 years experience. Carbu retor and ignition specialty. Brakes relined. Reasonable prices. KIRKMAN'S GARAGE Phone 4918 East Erwin "***• * 2-24-26t-c WANTED LONG TERM FARM LOANS: Fair appraisal. Quick service. Low inter est rates. C. J. Hanna and Son, Inc. Phone 3125, Dunn. tin WANTED: Couple desires furnished apartment. Close in. Cali 3117 3-5-tfn-c HELP WANTED $2.00 HOURLY possible .do ing light assembly work dt home. No experience neces sary. Write Sanco Manufae-* turing Company, 7159 Bev erly Boulevard, Los Angeles 36, California. 3-6-2t-p Legal Notice ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE The undersigned having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Marie Sorrell, deceased, Iare of Har nett County, North Carolina, this i§ to notify all persons having claims against said estate to file same, du»y verified with the undersized on or before th> 6 day of February. 1957 Or this notice win pleaded in bar of , their recovery. All person* indebted , to said estate are hear >by requested to make immediate settlement with , the undersigned. This the 6 day of February, 1956. Mrs. Ida Floyd Own Sorrell, Administratrix Feb. U. 21. 28, March, 6, 13, 20-c ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Heath I. Lee, -de ceased, late of Harnett County, N. C., this is to notify allpersons hav ing claims against the said estate to file the same duly verified with j the undersigned on or before the ' 31st day of February, 1957. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate settlement with the un dersigned This 21st day of February’. 1957 HARVEY HINSON. Administrator. HOWARD O. GODWIN Attorney Feb 21-28, Mar. 6-13-20-27 % CROSS-COUNTRY ON A HORSE-Mrs. Annie calls herself the “last of the saddle tramps,” arrives Calif., on her horseback jaunt from New England, The **•**?*" old West Minot, Maine, traveler will continue on to Los Angeles, having already traveled 5600 miles since November, 1954. Improvements j ( mtlniH from P«i» Cost of famishing such a suite will be borne by the county judicial louncil. Such accommodations were authorized by the new law passed »t the last legislature separating he county recorder's cqprt from he superior court and creating a separate clerk for each court. A rerialn percentage of court costs cere set aside for the library. JAIL NEEDS Jail accomodations were called to mention of the commissioners by State Jail Inspector T. A. Early from the State Department of Public Welfare which has the re sponsibility for jail inspections. Early took the commissioners and Sheriff Claude R. Moore on a tour of the jaii to print out a long list of ways in which the Harnett tail falls to meet the minimum re quirements necessary to absolve the emmissloners of liability in event of harm to a prisoner. UNPROTECTED WINDOWS Commissioners reported that Early :aited attention to the fact that there are unprotected glass windows on the lower floor on the prisoner’s side of the window. Early told the ooard It was now easy for an un :ully prisoner to break the giass at uiy time, with possible Injury to ihe prisoner. This condition does oot exist on the second floor whert Eher* is a cell block. Chief critic isms were reserved for the tack of modern food handling equipment in the kitchen. Harnett* j*il lu 10 way conforms, the stmunissfoners fere Informed, to methods of steri lisation recommended for Jills. While no criticism was directed it Jailer L. L. Upchurch and Mrs. LJpfchurch the inspector pointed out :hat there is no divided sink in the titchen suph as the State Depart ment of Health requires in ail food landling establishments. One set don of a sink with water heated to 180 degrees Farenheit is needed, le said, to assure dishes clean en >ugh to prevent spread of comrat Ucable disease. He. also recoin - nended discarding the tin plates Eiom which prisoners now eat for sectioned stainless steel or alumin um trays in order that food will lot run together and will appear nore apetizing. COST NOT KNOWN * No estimate was made of the noney needed to bring the jail up o state standards, nor was any 'xact date set for compliance. In pector Early promised to make his ■ecommendations in Writing, “We kill think about it”, replied the j commissioner, who frequently eat j —:—<—■ B & G Milting Company 1 Miles East of Hum AT ERIC BASS FARM Custom Grinding and Milling | THE WAYNE WAY WE SHELL and BUY CORN | —FOR SALE GROUND OATS GROUND BARLEY GROUND COBB BALED SHUCKS at the Jail themselves on iirst Mondays. Both requests, observed one com missioner, underscored the coun ty’s long standing need of a mod ern courthouse and Jail. In other business, commissioners approved the bond for Constab.e Eli Manning; granted permission for purchase of eieotric typewriters for the county health department and for the clerk of. superior court. Salary of additional workers as sisting Tax Supervisor Berles John son was set at one dollar an hour or. hb recommendation. Commissioner J. E. Womhie of Liilington reported to the board that the new county library, now under erection in Liilington will cost an exact sum of $16,619.67. Chairman L. A. Tart said the Harnett commissioners pian to at tend a one day district meeting of the State Association of County Commissioners. The association .wilt meet March 20 at 10 a. m. in Car thage. with representatives 'from the Institute of Government in charge. EASTER HOLIDAT Easter Monday, April 2 was de clared a holiday for county em ployees. The courthouse Will be Closed, but since the date coirjeWes with First Monday, commissioners will forego the holiday and meet as usual, but at an early hour of 8:30 a. m. Present in addition to Chairman Tart of Dunn were commissioners R. G. Johnson of Kipling, B. P Ingram of Mainers, and J. E. Worj ble of Liilington. Commissioner Bob Pate of Erwin vacationing in Flor ida was absent. Mrs. Inez Harring ton. cierl^ to the board, and Coun ty Atiofhey W A. Johnson ami Auditor H. D. Carson, Jr. also met with the commissioners. CAROLINA TYPEWRITER 4 Add. Machine Service *•» E. Canary 8i Due, N. (i Phone Mil I Day Service aii. VUUxr Hollywood Ice Revue THE SHOW WITHTMS STARS OUNDI BUSCH Germany'» World Champion 1 andra mclaughlin Internationally Famed Star MARGIE LEE Ballerina on gedel 1/S : MARCH 19 THRU MARCH H I MATS. 3:30 FR$. A 2:30 SAT. PriMbi *L$0, $3.00. $2.50, $3.09 1 Children 1-2 Price Fri. Mat. Only Mail Orders Promptly Filled Add 25c for Handling and Mailing N. C. STATE COLLEGE M N COLISEUM fOWf THIS LADfe CARRVINCj :AL DOUGH—KNCW4 IN SOME CIRCLES AS A WAD— -i ORA BUNDLEf j-^ r FIRST TOWN THIS . RATTLER STOPS IN, iVrf GETTIN’ SUPPLl ES - A LOT REX MORGAN UNFORTUNATELY. VpU'RE J I SAID I’Ll, TAKE NOT TRAINED FOR ANY S ANY KIND OF A KIND OF WORK,MR. BARKER// JOB—A PICK ,> YOUVE NEVER HAD A V AND SHOVEL —^ JOB—NO \ ANYTHIN J REFERENCES— K\ f ^ rr WILL REQUIRE A J COMPLETE ~4 RE-EDUCATION FOR ULA— LEARNING TO LIVE A FULL LIFE WITHOUT HER SI6HT/ I'LL FILE YOUR APPLICA AND IF SOMETHING COME UP WE'LL GET IN TOUCH WITH VOU, MR. BARKER/ >/ CRAVEN — r I NEED A JOB '— AND I DON'T CARE WHAT KIND OF A JOB IT IS/ BUT WHAT IF NBtL'S' WIFE DOESN'T RESAIN HER VISION, Pt MORGAN l— THEN WHAT i ABOUT WHAT? Ittl Dappt. whcm LIPSTICK SHOULD I WEAK FORTME STUDENT- PANCE WHY NOT OSe ONE StlAPC OH EACH UP? . »n*v -> cmsi, Jis TDU HAVE UPS, DON'T TOO? CW, peak .1 oitfr oc ClCt WHICH SHAPE OF UP5TKJC lb WEAR/ IM.ll.Tih ttitt NO DOUBT YOU W0ULP, THATS ABSURDl HE1 AGREED TO CLOSE THE OEM. TOMORROW] tu.rU. PLY OUT AND IDENTIFY WATT'S BODY. IP NECESSARY1 ^ MATT PIP l IPV BUT since rrj& POSSIBLE HE WERE ALIVE \ OR.KELL IS ALIVE, McKEE HE WOULDN'T BE \ WILL NEED PROOP OP HIS HIDING! HE KAO DEATH BEFORE PEALING EVERYTHING TO 1 WITH YOU FOR KELLONi GAIN BY COlWNG - —' v HOVJE1 / 1/ iAPS. Oft THE OTHER LISTEI \ WITH A FORTUNE AT il STAKE, IARS. KElL'. j WHAT ABOUT when FiASSEsaER WHOISSTH.L AlSSWS ALSO*. ONE 0‘ THE A DIDN'T TAKE / WHY, YES, I l r REAP THAT ALLV OF THE vicnws BUT OWE HAP BEE i IOBNTlFiEO...AY K HUSBAND, k OBVIOUSLY! 4 HE TURNS UP LATER? .pjll *%{ | c I I. I• I &RNER - By Ai CAPP a MV tiSUAl. ir-E is 5.000 AHKHMCITAUCBIN DQQ- 1 PATCH, WASHIN' SOCKS FO' TH' BOVS AT TH' STABLE - AT A ---- #1.00 PeR V / „ WEEK. HOW LONG, WILL J IT TAKE V PAV '<*’ AT THAT RATE ? GOO&VE,THEN.r p TH'SOONER AH GIT STARTED, /WAIT MV DEAR-I i HAVE A QUICKER ■fcPLAN ►ow k:n ah IAV VO' FO' >. TH' SOONER AH'LL FINISH * CURIN' ME, A REX MOONLIGHT M O. ? ANCY - By ERNIE BUSHMIUfeS YOU ARE tH§ NEAT TYPE WHO KE£PS* THINO-S , TIPY WEIGHT ANP FORTUNE L SURE ENJOYED MY PICNIC — t B I gained five POUNDS ISBSf u Jit!i* *«u

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