CLASSIFIED RATES Under 25 words - SOe eacl ad — 5 times - $2.25 — Or er 25 words - 2c word—Psic In Advance — All keyed idi • 25c extra. FOR SALE COAL AND FUEL OIL Highest quality. W. B. War ren Oil Company. Phone 3416 in Erwin. Phone 417J In Dunn. Charles Lee anc W. B. Warren. 12-8-tfn-< MR. FARMER — Let us fil your fertilizer needs. Farm ers Cotton Oil Company higt quality fertilizers of al kinds. Big shipment Shel DD soil fumigants Just re ceived. We also have seec sweet potatoes, other seed of all kinds. Highest quality lowest prices. Immediate anc friendly service. Buy fron your farmer friends, whc know farming and can hei{ you. Enoch Godwin, God win Produce Co. Phom 3547, Dunn, N. C. 3-9-5t< FOR SALE: Six room house new store 23 X 32. Thirty six road front lots. Pretty lo cation two miles from Dunr on Fairground Road. See T E. Barbour, Route 3, Dunn 3-12-5t-J ELECTROLUX VACUO CLEANERS — Sale and ser vice. Bonded salesman. Write Coll Sexton, Lillinglon. Rt 1. 3-13-5t-p FOR SALE: 1955 Plymouth 4-door Belvodore. Purchasec new in November. Only 6, 000 miles. Practically goo< as new. Well cared for. Sell ing at sacrifice due to fi nancial difficulty. Phon 2156 in Dunn from 7 a. m to 6 p. tn. 3-14-tfn-< FOR SAKE: Lovely artilicia handmade carnation and or chid corsages for Easter. Al so special dogwood arrange ments. Order now. Mrs. L D. Ennis, 114 West Broa< Street. Phone 4958. 3-15-5t-< FOR RENT FOR RENT: Apartment a 201 West Pearsall Street Two bedrooms, living room kitchen and breakfast room Bath, hot and cold wa ter; downstairs. Unfumish ed. Call Mrs. J. L Hatcher Phone 4990. 3-12-5t-< FOR RENT: Three bcdroon house, air conditioned Locat * STEWART+ TODAY and FRIDAY Walt Disney’* True Life Adventure "The African Lion" * DUNN + TODAY and FRIDAY HUMPHREY BOGART MARY MUKPHEY —In—' "ill# Desperate Hours" ed on E. Divine Street. Call W. C. Register, day phone 4246, night phone 9395. 3-13-tfn-c (for RENT: Four room fur : nished ^apartment, private. 1 Close in. Contact Mrs. 1 Charles Highsmith, Sr., 210 South Wilson or Phone 2357. 3-13-3t-p ' I FOR RENT: Funished apart * ment downstairs or rooms ‘ with kitchen privileges. 103 East Divine Street. Call or I apply after 4 p. m. and on ,, Saturdays. Phone 2688. ; I 3-14r5t-p 1 FOR RENT: Three room un furnished aparment on Duke l Street. Wired for electric i stove. No upstairs. Low rent. . Phone 4216. 3-13-2t-oed-p [ f“oR RENT: One 5 room 1 apartment, newly painted. ■ Automatic heat. Electric 1 stove, refrigerator, fumish 1 ed if desired. Large front 1 and back yard. Private front ' and back entrances. Avail able at once. $50 a month. ! Contact B. G. Porter, Phone f 2439. 3-15-tfn-c . FOR RENT: Five room un ■ furnished apartment wired for electric stove. Hot water i heater. Beautiful yards. Near business section. Recently painted. Best location in > town. No up stairs. Reason r able rent. See W. A. Ennis or Phone 4216 3-15-2t-p SPECIAL NOTICES P1 C TIJR f7so!anything, anywhere and anytime. Spe cialize in group, wedding ' and commercial pictures. T. . M. Stewart, Lillington. i 7-26-tfn-c Auto Finance AUTO LOANS —REFINANCING ' Rfllocc Yenr 1’menT , Payments Money fn 10 Minutes i MOTOR CREDIT CO. * DUNN, N. C. Ff yetteville-Sr. Phohc^lSJt LOOK. Need Ought Wei lend you money on your ap pliances or furniture. SE . CURITY LOAN CORPORA . TION, Comer Fayetteville and Cumberland Streets, Dunn. 7-4-tf-** IMPORTANT NOTICE A new service has been add ed. Call on us for installa tion of cornices, floor and bathroom tile, installation of storm windows, weather , stripping of doors, cabinets, screens, or any inteiior mill work. Prompt service, free estimates — Call POPE AND MIXON BUILDING SUP PLY. Phone 3836. “Don’t Put It Off, Put It On.” I 1-31-tfn-c GENERAL REPAIRS QN ALL MAKE OF CARS. Over 25 years experience. Carbu retor and ignition specialty. Brakes relined. Reasonable , prices. I KIRKMAN’S GARAGE Phone 4918 East Erwin 2-24-26t-c WANTED WANTED: Couple desires furnished apartment. Close in. Call 3117 3-5-tfn-c HELP WANTED SALESMAN OR SALES LADY to work on good com mission in local territory. Must have car and be relia ble. Full time or part time work. Write P.«0. Box 5, in care of The Daily Record., tin SALES DISTRIBUTOR wanted for Dunn area by manufacturer of peanut but ter products. Good opportu nity for energetic salesman. Apply in own handwriting stating age and experience to Box 50 in care of The Daily Record. 3-13-3t-p WANTED: Maids wanted for New York City. $125.00 per month. Write Mrs. Ola G Childress, P. O. Box 172, Vir ginia Beach, Virginia. Opportunities AWNINGS AWNINGS CANVAS ALUMINUM CAROLINA AWNING TENT MFG. CO. ESTIMATES WITHOUT CHARGE and 504 North Church St. P. O. Box 449 Phone 6-5307 Rocky Mount, N. C. The Original — The Oldest Serving Eastern North Carolina for over 30 years. First In Quality — Fairest In Price — Fastest in Service. 3-15-tfn Sen. Kefauver Was Served A "Mickey" MANCHESTER. N. H. OP! — Sen. Ester Kefauver (D-Tean) was sen-' ed a “Mickey” at a smorgasbord , here yesterday. The senator dropped in on a din- ! ner sponsored by the Manchester* Democratic Women's Club, A pho tographer snapped him loading his plate, but the Tennesse Democrat was just about to take a mouthful when he got an earful, t “You’ve got your nerve coming here,” said Mrs. Madeline Gladu, vice president of the Democratic state acmmittee. "This Is supposed to be non-partisan.” Kefauver protested that he had ' been invited. Mrs. Gladu, wearing a large Stg- j venson button, said that if the Il linois presidential aspirant "were here we’d give him the biggest par ty this town’s ever seen He wouldn't have to crash in.” “It’s not my fault that he isn’t here,” Kefauver said. Other women demanded that Ke fauver ordered the photographer turn over his plates. The senator refused. “f have no control over the press,” he said. “I wouldn't exer cise it if I GOT SOKE HCWS> PER VA... BOARD'S SENPIN' lift A NEW ^ PR&KUERSLriJWM ATAASr/OaSiSi w Later at BOULDER. ' BLUFF... WHAT* DAVID CRANE wvsv, r want 1DAARRV you, wrLino, and SO WITH VOU ’" trying to push the DOC WHO SAVED YOUR LIFE OFF A MCMNG TRAIN? JOE . PEOOO, 'OU'RE A REAL ^RAT.' just like tue . HEBE'S DR-COOPER V"hEU-O,SEEN NOW, ULA.' ^Vv««2SaT._ ^ dr.morsan.' would rr JOBE HAPPY TO SEE WM |BEFORE HE 'COMES IN, ULA/ . BE ASKIN6 TOO MUCH IF ’ YOU WOULD SEE NEL BEFORE HE CAME INTO THE ROOM T j he should know BEFORE he COMESW 'Y« . HERE WHAT-_ WIU. NEtL BE ^ HERE THIS MORNIN&, LILA? WHAT DR-COOPERS EXAMINATION REVEALS/ ^ ALWAYS HAPPY BY A WHIMS'CAL COINCIDENCE., AT THIS MOMENT INGRANDCENTRAL DRAWING-ROOMC,ON ^ THE WEST BOUND PATHFINDER’ ••• D£‘.% NATION'S SOME ^ BURG NAMEO-FJLNNING52* TO HANDLE BAGS WITH RICE On'EM.ED!*** SURE SIGN THE MAN*?, |N A GENEROUS MOOD! A GROSS UNDERSTATEMENT, MRS. WORTH!- • • I'LL'MAKE BOOK THAT MY HIlDEGARDE 6 THE MOST x BEAUTIFUL BRIDE TRAVELING TODAY BY TRAIN,PLANE,CAR-A* , OR CANOE! ■YOU LOOK. } LOVELY. ' MRS. i KENT! I HAPPY HONEYMOONING. :> AID!5ENDMEAP05TCARD, STATION FROM SUN VALLEY! t'v Hi— n9 •WBlIteTM? "So I wont make the mistake OP DO!M<3 over. Time on my homework/ ABSOLUTELY, FATHER - - - I'D BE LOST WITHOUT THEM ! I CONCENTRATE BEST WHEN ZINKY ZOOKS FKOfaRAM . IS ON t _ And my other radio ones the CORRECT TIME EVERT FIFTEEN fAlNUTES ,—sttf''' Hilda, MUST you wave TWOradoS SOlN<5 WHILE YOU DO TOUR , SaiPTlNQ? J ” IT IS ' NOW EXACT LY EI6HT CAPTAIN PA«V STRANGE ..SHE'S RUNNING A*.Vi WHERE t* HER CAR—HEY, WHAT£ THAT GUR3UMG NOSE IW THE . --—|tr=r RIVER ? &*MRs.«a JU*Af5,THE CAR GATHERS SPEED, AND WIT* HER DRU3GEP HUSBAND tUSiOE, Puwaes into THE RIVER... / HEY, SOMEBODY'S ? STEAL! N* ELBERT'S ; OC MAN'S AUTOMOBILE' k C'MON. CANC, LET'S Li GO GET inf ^ ..ill ■ I ■ I I IL ABNER-By Al CAPP t -AND IT S/ H*rPfZ-NOT UKEF HOWLED- )\ THING IS RIGHT.?, NOT LIKE HEREj ANY EARTHLY} f , XoONC t THING.*/ ~y \ J^D 5? LET* IT GALLOPED THROUGH MY TENT—RIGHT ACROSS MY FACE -ON TEN __ legs.'.' UeOKTr |T WAS MERE I SAW IT A GHASTLY, GHOSTLY . WHITE- . _ HE GOES TO A DRIVE-IN MOVIE IN a TAXI _ I'LL SHOW you kNUI Oy CHniE oujnmiucii DRIVE-IN MOVIE THAT’ RICH BOY ON OUR STREET IS EVEN RICHER than i f— thought