DOUBLE SUICIDE Lover Are Found Dead PENSACOLA, Fla. (IP) — The bodies of an Alabama sheriff and an attractive 23-year-old Pensacola girl were found today in a parked automobile 20 miles north of here. Hie county medical examiner labeled their deaths “an apparent double suicide.” Both Sheriff John Brock of Cone cuh County. Ala., end Myrtle La.: i» Booker, who lived with an aunt hoe, have been missing since March 4. They were the objects of a wide local search. Two men. Charles Brantley ofd nomaton, .Ala, and James Ward, of Molina. Fla., found the bodies In a parked car near Pine Valiev. Police said a rubber hose ran from the exhaust pipe. The win | daws were closed. Brock, 41, and the brown-haired girl were found sprawled across the back seat of the ear In a heav ily wooded area. Dr. Oretchen Squires, couny (Cammed treat Page One) umit of 100 million a year. Obviously mindful that this re quest faces strong bipartisan op position in Congress, the President said: -We should be able to assure Che nations of the free world that we will continue to participate in par ticular non-military projects and enterprises width will take a num ber of years to complete." PHONE 4769 IN DUNN medical examiner, said It was "an apparent double suicide by asphy xiation.” State Atty. Ed Wicke, however, ordered an autopsy to determine ‘‘definitely" the cause of death. There was no suicide note. The thin, sandy-haired sheriff recenty had separated from his wife, Louis Bromfield Dies In Columbus COLUMBUS. Ohio W — Louis Bromfield, 59. noted author, lect urer and conservationist who con tributed many new principle* to scientific farming, died last night of a liver and kidney infection. The Pulitser Prize winning novel ist was admitted to University Hospital here Feb. 28 for treat ment of homologous serum jaun dice. Relatives said Bromfield'* body will be cremated. A memorial ser vice dm be held at 3 p. m. Thurs day at the First Congregational Church in Mansfield. Roundup TICKETS Off SALE IN ERWIN —Tickets to the Duke University Band which will play at Dunn High School Saturday night, March 34 are available at the Erwin High School and atto at the Thomas Drug Store in Erwin. MIXONS RETURN Mr. and Mrs. Willard Mion re turned Sunday night from Bogal usa, Louisiana after being called there due to the death of Mr. Mix on's father. I NEW LOCATION LOANS To Moot Your Personal Needs B & B FINANCE CO. FRED M. BYERLY, Manager Cotton Dale Hotel Building — lit 8. Clinton Avenue Phone 4930 Dunn, N. C. LIFE INSURANCE ANNUITIES GROUP INSURANCE Guaranteed Renewable Non - Cancellable Accident, Sickness and Hospital Insurance A. B. SMITH, JR. ST National Quality Award Winner And Top Club Member NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. One Of America's P- O. Box 550 Oldest Chartered Office Phone 46S3 Insurance Companies Home Phone 2883 Erwin News Church Circles Met In Erwin The Presbyterian circles met Tuesday with food reports. Circle No. 1 met with Mrs. C. E. Raiford end Mrs. Fulton Godwin presided. Mrs. Mark Wed* l»w s most interesting devotional on Household ProMsms, followed by open dhcimdon on evangelism. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Godwin. Mrs. Wade, Mrs. E. H Lassiter. Mrs. R T. Jakeman, Sr. Mrs. John MCGill, Mrs. Clarence Julian and Mrs. R- S. Kelly. CIRCLE n Circle No. 2 me* at the home of Mrs J C. Graham. Mrs. Alton McDonald presided. Mrs. Oraham gave the devotional on Jacob and his family followed by a talk on Evangelism by Mrs. K W. Ballentine. Delicious refreshments were serv ed to Mrs. Felix McKoy, Mrs. Carl Matthews. Mrs Ballentine, Mrs. Jas Stephens Miss Effle Jeffries, Mrs Eddie Stamper, Mrs. B. H. Hall. Mrs Alton McDonald and Mrs Will McDonald. CIRCLE in Circle NO. 2 met with Mis Tony Harper on Tuesday at 3:20. Mrs. A. N. Woodruff presided ov er the meeting sod gave a devo tional on Self Dedication followed by a group discussion on the Book of Genesis Mrs. Tony Harper was in charge of the Program on Evan gelism. The hostess served delkdous re freshments consisting of coffee, cheese biscuits and pound cake to Mrs. Cart Oamerone, Mrs. Dick Bauer, Mis* Ruth Knight, Mrs J. M. Morgan. Mrs. A N. Woodruff. Mrs. William Hall. CIRCLE IV Circle No. 4 met with Mis. James Cameron with Mrs. Leon Wade a* co*boflt<tt. ' Mrs. J- W. Lassiter presided and gave the devotional. Mrs. J. H. Wil son discussed the family problems of Jacob and his family. Refreshment* were served to Mis. W. G. Lassiter, Mis. V. C. Swan son. Mis. Kick Lassiter. Mrs. S. H Harrington. Mrs. Marvin Sloan Miss Oeo Blackman. Mrs. K- G. Home. Jr, Mrs. J. H Wilson. Mrs Raymond Jakeman, Mis. Mac* Quick, Mrs. Robert Taylor. Mist ■Billie Taylor. Mrs Mae McCSana han, Mrs James Woodruff, Mis Bsrl Ferguson, Mrs. W. H. Har rington, Mrs Marvin Sloan, Mist Cleo pi—a-»—» Mrs K. O. Horn Jr.. Mrs J. H Wilson, Mrs. Ray mond Jakeman, Mrs Mack Quick Mrs Robert Taylor, Miss BUI* Taylor. Mis Mae McClanahan, Mbs. James Woodruff, Mrs *Prl Ferguson, Mrs. W. H- Harrington, Sin. Oallie Norris, and Charlotte Cameron. G. A. Queen's Gave Program The Missionary Society of the First Baptist Church met on Tues day evening. The five G. A Queens gave interesting accounts of their weekend trip to Campbell College to attend the Queen’s Court. The girls taking part were Beth Wood all. Judy Avery, Barbara Tyson and Joyce and Wanda Lee. The Louisa Green circle was in charge of the program and Mrs H C. White Jr. gave the devotional. iff appetite for things aeronautical. That’s why he’s jumping oft this rooftop With a tattered bedspread for a parachute. Eric discovered that wheoJie jumped trtm a bank his coat billowed out behind him like a parachute So he hunted up this bedspread, climbed to the roof of a pump house and gave It a try. Now he takes a running start and jumps. Aside from some knee and elbow bruises, para chute jumper Eric has made every leap a successful one. ■ I ’ Miss Madeline Robinette introdue j ed the girl*. The society observed the Week of Prayer for Home Missions last week. Mrs. Sharpe was Shower Honoree.... Mrs. Jay Sharpe was honored at a Cradle Shower on Saturday eve ning at the Erwin Recreation Cen ter given toy Mrs. Lee Dennis. Prises for games went to Mrs. Walter Hohnes. Mrs Vernon Pair cloth and Mrs. Nealle Matthews TIm honoree was presented a uni que corsage of baby articles toy the After Mrs. Sharp had admired her many lovely gifts the hoate* served delicious refreshments to Mrs. Sharp. Mia. L. B. McLean, Mrs. R. M New. Mrs. Toni Burt!, Mrs. Stacy Avery. MS*. Neal Ite Lean, Miss Helen Dennis. Miss Hil da Avery. Miss Nancy Dennis. Mrs, Vernon Fairdoth, Mrs. Clyde MH sapp. Mrs. WObert Tyson. Miss Judy Ann Boatwright, Mis. Made line Robinette, Mrs. Lora Benson, Mrs. Leon Capps. Mrs. NeaHe Mht they and Melody, Mrs. BUI Bver ette. Mrs. A. D. Lewis. Mrs. Bart Holland, Mrs Walter Holmes and Mies Peggy Keener. Those sending gifts were MSs* Ann jemigan, Mias Joyce Lee. Mrs. Junes Upchurch. Mrs. Bobby Wood. Mias Eteanor Gardner, Mm j. M. Sbnpkina. Mrs Hubert Reg ister. Mrs. Margaret Stewart. Mrs. R. C. Sox. Mrs. For eat Maxwell, Mias Margie Ann Adley. Mias Lil lian Adley Hood. Mrs. Sam Dor man. Mrs. Donnie Snplth, Mss Lula Matthews. Mrs. Dewey Godwin, I Mrs. E. L. Collins, Mrs. L C. Mc Lsurin, Mrs. Annie Jane King, Mrs. Louise Green. Mrs. Neal Archie , McGill and Mrs. Julia Hinson. AMOL’NG MOST WASTED WASHTNCrTON Of — The FBI today added one of the brains be hind the million-dollar Boston Brinks robber to the list of the nations's "ten most wanted fugi tives.’ The latest addition to the FBI’s bhie book of crime is 44-year-old | James I. Faherty, a carfaced ex convict who is one of the two fugitives of the I960 Brinks job RETTBN FROM FLA. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Smith, Jr. have just returned home from a ten-day vacation in Palm Beach, Fla. MRS. CLIFFORD VISITED Mrs. David Clifford of Greens boro spent the weekend with Misses Rachel and Louise Clifford. attended funeral Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Pope, and Mr. and Mrs. William Creel attended the funeral of Mr N. H. McLeod in Raleigh Sunday, Mr. McLeod was an unde of Mr. Pope. VISITED TTLERS Mrs. Myers Tilghman, Mrs. S. N. Butt, Mm. BiBy Hodges. Mrs. A B. Johnson, Mrs. B. c. Pridgen. Mrs. Ed Purdie, and Mrs. Jerry Butter all visited Mr. and Mrs Henry Tyler in Richmond, Va. oyer the weekend; ON DEAN’S LIST James G. Talley, Jr. of Angler was among those from the Univer sity of North Carolina who was on the Dean's List of the college of art* and sciences. _ - Here’* the most powerful 4-door hardtop in the medium price field... the 255 horsepower De Soto 4-door Sportsman. Tina brilliant new De Soto out-powers, out- performs, out-handles, every other car in its class. You drive it Just once and you’ll know why De Soto was selected as official pace car for the famous Indianapolis 500 Mile Race. Today, why don’t you... Drive and Price a De Soto Before you Decide. TONS IN •KOWCHO MARX BVKRY WttK ON NIC RADIO AND IKSVIIIOM W. & S. MOTOR CO. - 203 N. Wilson Aye. - Phone M - Dunn, N. C. Franchise Dealer No. 2171 Cox Will (Csnttnaed from Pip One) standing State Chairman in 1954. In Chapel Hill he was name 1 Outstanding Young Man of the Year in 1954 while President of his local club. He is a Methodist layman and a director of the Mer chants Association. Parking Asso ciation. and active in Community Chest and health association camp aigns. In his elections platform he has pledged himself to work for in Legal Notice RESOLUTION On Motion of Commissioner Bryan and seconded by Commis sioner Godwin the Following reso lution was introduced. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF DUNN WHEREAS, it ha* been necessary by the North Carolina State High way and Public Works Commission to connect with Clinton Avenue in the Town of Dunn; and Whereas, on the 30th day of June 1966. the property owners on that portion of Cbnton Avenue, lying between Rd gerton Street and Johnson Street, filed with Chas. R. Storey. Clerk of the Town of Dunn, a petition for improving said portion of Clinton Avenue in the following manner; “To construct concrete curb and gutter on both sides of Clinton Avenue,” and WHEREAS, the said Clerk of the Town of Dunn has certified to this Board that the said petition is suf ficient in all respect*, the same saving signed by a majority in number of the owners of property i upon said portion Clinton Avenue and who also represents a majority of all the lineal feet of frontage of lands shutting upon that portion of Clinton Avenue, lying between Rd geiton Street and Johnson Street. NOW. THEREFORE. RE IT RE SOLVED. by the Board of Com missioner* of the Town of Dunn as Follows: I. That the above mentioned pa trtion is found to be sufficient In all respects:* s 3. That that portion of Clinton Avenue, lying between Bdgerton Street and Johnson Street, be and the same la hereby declared a Spe cial Assessment District and that it be improved in the following manner; that curb and gutter be constructed upon both sides of Clinton Avenue so described under and by virtue of Section 180-T9, O. 8. of North Carolina: 1943. as amended, and that the said Im provement be done by contract with the North Carolina State Highway and Public Works Oom mixsion under the provisions of Section 138-27. O. S. of North Car olina. 3. That 88.41 percentage of the total coats of said improvements be hereinafter assessed upon the lots abutting directly upon that portion of Clinton Avenue so described herein, exclusive of so much of the total cost as is included in Improv ing the street intersections, accord ing to the extent of the respective footage* by an equal rate per lin eal foot of such frontage; 4. That the assessment herein provided for shall be payable In cash, or. if the property owner shall elect and so give notice In writing to the Clerk of the Town of Dunn In Accordance with the provisions of Section 180-93. Gen eral Statutes of North Carolina, as amended, he shall the option end privilege of paying assessment in Five equal Installments, said in stallments to beari Interest at six per cent per annum. 6. That this resolution shall be published In the Dunn Dispatch and the Dally Record Newspapers published in the Town of Dunn on the 13th day of March 1968. and on the 19th day of March 1968.. This the 1st dav of March 1968. RALPH E. HANNA. Mayor, Town of Dunn Attest; - Chas. R. Storey Clerk. Town of Dunn The following Oommisekmer* voted for the adoption of said Re solution: J. Leon Godwin, J. H. Capos. W. M. Bryan and 8. D. Whittenton. Mar. 13 - 19 creased participation in Jaycre awards programs, simplification of dues structure, extension and mem bership increases. Improvement of new member orientation, and greater use of "Future." the month ly stat Jaycee magazine. Mr. Cox will be introduced at the meeting by Bob Leak, President oi the Club, and *01 be accotnponlel from Chapel Hill by Donald Stan ford and David Fonvile, membeis of his home club. WANTED: Colored girl for general housework. See Mrs. Black at Star Furniture Co. 3-19-5t-p LI M I Hatcher A Skinner Funerc* Home Pfcaoe 2417 LSTABLISHED IN 191S Dunn, It. 0 AMBULANCE SERVICE Charles Skinner ftml B. Attm ANOTHER OREAT CE SPECIAL AT WILBOURNE'S Regularly $319.95 MW OILY ^219®®-. * MO CAPACITY for big family washes * WATER SAVER CONTROL for small loads * ACTIVATOR* WASHING ACTION gets out dirt * "FLOAT AWAY" RINSE AND OVERFLOW DRAIN haeos dirt out * 5-YEAR PROTECTION PLAN * FAMOUS G-E DEPENDABILITY This Matching G-F Dryer SS $179.95 -SEE IT TODAY AT WILBOURNE'S In DUNN ond ULLINGTON Dunn ffMMM OITt — LUlington Phone MU

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