Coroner Grover C. Henderson of Dunn said k> inquest win be held in an accident that art Bragg soldier and seriously injured an night about 11:30 o'clock, 12 miles south of i same Army outfit, mu admitted tc the Army Hospital at Fort Brag! for treatment, HU condition todaj era* reported at satisfactorily. Lit tie to from Louisburg, Tena, Rout* 6. Coroner Henderson said it wn definitely established that Mclvci was driving the death car and the: there would be no purpose in con Uelver was the eighth person kfl lid in Harriett's highways this yeat i ft«kkent Harold W. Tribble ol y declined to comment on th< * tear tetter administration ol ^ AlgeriA (d) — France threw its full mill jjdiiy’ agafnsf the 16-months-old rebellion is #4 Clamped down on the restive popular law. tapered masshre troops rein to the sprawling North African posse«sior French nava| fleet steaming across the Med tlteMdetfe catet. ■ ' r ■ 01*6$ (&> — Treasury Secretary Geor*> M lid three ket members of the tax • wrttbu ahd Means Committee agree there will 1m gflON (f) k- Th« first Soviet theatricol rwns«ni the |f. 8. In 30 years win leave Fumne in «entem a two-roonth American tour, according to Moscor l, Germany W> — The U. S. Armv prepared to it eser operation of tta giant Mains ordnano private German firm. +~~~******~*~~ .. ON flP — Photographs of pin-uo girls graces pf confidential flying manuals of Britain’s Rov ps today. The RAF Bomber Command publish «l Showgirls in Ha quarterly “flying safety re •totetmae pilots to study. to 1 lottenrUle Virginia is visiting hi CMhmpt daughter and son-in-law, Dr. an htafttn. D tars. W H UUy. The Com OREST ro Miss Adcock la a first year stu dent ta the commercial department of Peaod Junior College In Raleigh. 6b* was graduated last year fmn LHiingtrth High School and as a senior ru chosen the Olrl Scoit j May Qufeen. I Mr. Balrkmsan. who Is In Army service, is stationed at prasent at Rort Bliss. Teaas. Me attended Campbell College last year. A summer wedding is planned Mis. tmtV RETURN MW i. O Warren has returned lome after eteitinc for several days prith hdr eon Richard Warren and raadlr in Uaribrrton. McLeods here Mr. and Mrs. Bill McLeod of ReidaviUe visited his parents. Mr. ind Mrs. J. A. McLeod this past weekend WEEKEND GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Blalock. Jr and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Little ol Wadeaboro visited Mr. and Mrs Bab Hadley over the weekend. AT PEACE COLLEGE Ashley Wade and Betsy Ro* spent the weekend at Peace Col* lege. as guests during ‘•Hospitality Weekend" DAVID CRANE •ouurn HUM, C*viv., M TWH-Z IKWCR* V ftKTifNT! rue chu»cm JS ^ wait, **ank ... i THINK X ME '«« COMING NOW. Meanwhile well, »t» ELEVEN O'CLOCK AND NO SIGN C* i THE \OUN3 4 L PEE ACHE e. fl if HE SHOULPO' ) ^ MEN ON TIME ANP X AIN'T GONNA wait Much lonm*. irrnm «*** J3TV to collect [O \ anp... > when it’s - 1 ■ .... _you’re cooking ELECTRICALLY! “-— *-wll how Electric Cooking banishes “smudge pots'* here is White Glove cleanliness and pans start dean and star dean, from now on! flameless electricity Tou sore hours of cleaning time cleanliness, comfort and convenience In dealer can he!© you prove to yourself that ONLY Glove Clean. You'll bless the happy day you start to You 'll Live Better Electrically! CCAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY)