DUNN. N. C. PUBLISHING COMPANY NATIONAL ADVERT!SING THOMAS F. CLARK CO., INC Wft-tn B. 4M WL, New Torfc 11. N.T. City RATES SUBSCRIPTION % CARRIES: IS era HI TOWNS NOT SKIVED IT CARRIES AND RURAL ROUTES INSIDE NORTH CAROLINA: SAM iter year; RH for six months; UN for throe OUT-OF-STATE: $19M per yew In nSenneo; UM for Entered as second-class matter In the Post Office in Dunn. N. C., undur the laws of Congress, Act of March 3, 1879 Every rftemoon, Monday through Friday. The Upper Room The U«ht Is still shining in the Sarhnrss. for the darkness has nev er pul It out. (John 1:5. SoohyctLi PRATER: We thank Thee, our Father. I hot Thou dost transport us through darkness into the DgM of Christ and HU saving power. Help us to be loyal to the church for which Hr gave His Ufe. In His blessed name we pray. Amen. Sing Rock-A-By Baby To Rock ”N" Roll Thai old-fashioned piece of furniture called the ra dio may be saved from the antique auctioneer's block af ter all. This will come as a depressing piece of news to the television and movie industries. But while the moguls of rival media were plotting ways of drivng the wirless un derground, they overlooked something. What popcorn did the movies and quiz panels did for television, rock *n‘ roll music is doing for radio. This is not based upon hearsay since our slightly dented ear drums have yet to recover from an afternoon of search ing the radio for anything except rock ’n’ roll. The kids love it, say those radio gentlemen called disc jockeys. And the beautiful (ugg) thing about rock n’ roll music for radio is that it’s so versatile. You can make a rock ’n’ roll tune out of anything from a Mother Goose rhyme to a mam bo and it all sounds the same — even the lyrics. It’s all really simple. Take ROCK AROUND MOTHER GOOSE, for example. This is the inspired lyric: ROCK. ROCK, ROCK A-ROUND MOTHER GOOSE. ROCK, ROCK. ROCK A - ROUND MOTHER GOOSE It’s this maddening repetition that gets you: “HEY MAM - BO! MAM - BO ROCK! HEY MAM - BO! MAM-BO! MAMBO-ROCK!” The supply is endless. The top - selling record in the music industry. is the ROCK AND ROLL WALTZ. All of which points up that radio is on a mass rock ’n’ roll binge which seems destined to stay with us awhile. We aren’t complaining, although we have become slightly tone deaf since the onslaught. But we do have a sugges tion. In the words of a song from an earlier more expres sive musical era: W’LL BE GLAD WHEN YOURE DEAD. YOU RASCAL, YOU. It had been a terrific fire and now, after winning a bitter court battle with the insurance company, thfc own er of the burned-out business was in his attorney's office receiving his money. “Hey, aren’t you taking out quite a percentage?” the businessman complained. “This case has been in litigation for some time,” the lawyer protest ed. “I think my charge is fair. “For the love of Mike,” the client mumbled sourly, “you’d think YOU started the fire.” — High Point Enterprise. Annie and Fannie /\ •4W, Vd|} FliATT^iitER!! -Nolr you KNOW I don’t leak prt>iUer than the bride IT’ Loans - - Financing Wt Make Uum On Mm and «M Automobile* "’”r --— ^ INSTALLMENT LOAN DEPT. FIRSKITIZEMS BANK & TRUST CO Phone 2173 iMmn, N. ti Stewart Theatre Bldg. - - —-— — House Of Ziegfield Set For TV Shows NEW YORK U*—The ‘House That Ziegfeld Built' is being put into shape so you can turn on your television set and have a center section aisle seat in this beautiful theater that has sheltered a wide range of tenants, from "Show Boat” to BHIy Rose. The National Broadcasting Com pany's designers and engineers are deep in the business of making the Ziegfeld Theater safe for color tele vision. NBC expect* to have it in operation as a color studio early next fall nose, who has owned the Zieg feld for the past 12 years, has leased it to NBC for a long term at a long figure. One part of the house the workmen won't touch is the high-up luxurious apartment in the front of the building that Rose calls home He remains undisturb ed. NOT MUCH CHANGE Actually, the rest of the theater won’t be changed too much. There won't be any wholesale removal erf seats, as usually happens when a legit bouse is turned Into a TV studio and the stage will still be recognizable. “After we get this ready as a color studio, you could still move a theater attraction in here and play it without a hitch,” said Sol Corflberg. director of studio and plant planning for NBC, who is in charge of designing new NBC col or studios in Burbank. Calif,. Brooklyn and Chicago, as well as at the Ziegfeki "Two rows of seats will be re moved from the center of the main floor, right.under the balcony edge. A few will be taken out at each side about a third of the way back. And that's all. “There will not be a lot of cam eras. platforms and equipment be tween the audience and the show * being telecast, as is the case in most deals such as this-. The or chestra pit will remain as' it is, and when we have the type of show that calls for an audience, pit band and stage in their accepted theater position, the musicians will play in the pit. NO AUDIENCE “Some shows well put in here will not have audiences. For ex ample. should Sir Caesar use this house for his show, there prtdiably will be no audience He’s exprwsaed. a denire to work without one. “An innovation — still on the drying board' Is what I call an aerial camera There will be a track the full width of the balcony edge, about half way back in the auditorium On this track will be a color camera that can move back and forth as desired or can be raised 14 feet in the air above the balcony rail or dropped 14 feet below the balcony, right over the audience." Removing the two rows of seats across the center of the house is a precautionary safety measure made necessary by this camera. Technically. NBC seems to have the Ziegfeld under controL Now if it can just come up with an orig inal TV production as great as "Show Boat' . . . Surrounding Towns Are Competitors Seven communities in this immed iate area—including Dunn. Lillin,: ton. Angier and Coats in Harnett County—have entered this year's “Finer Carolina" contest. Cash prizes totaling $6,750 wlH be given to winners. $1000 awards go to the three top towns, and speci fic organizations who sponsor out standing projects will receive $250 Dunn has a number of projects library, as a memorial to the late lined up, including erection of a BASS AT IC WATNE WAY BUY CORN PI SHELL —FOR GROUND GROUND GROUND i Girl-Boy Show Brings Fines To 81 Viewers NEW YORK — Magician Fred Keating and 81 other men. includ ing some music teachers, hairdress ers and designers, paid fine* of 810 each yesterday after being caught in a raid on a show given by three female impersonators and a mate cburdh organist. Magistrate Hyman Bushel i i Weekend Court said the fines should be a warning to others to stay away from ' 'these degenerate parties." which he labeled "a public disgrace " Organist's Apartment Keith Verhey. 31, the organist, ot ICS W. 21st St.. In whose four room apartment the show was .staged, was released in $2,500 bail for hearing April 4. He was charged with possession of lewd pictures, conducting an un licensed masquerade, running an unlicensed theatrical performance and allowing three males in women's clothes to put on a show. As far as the three impersonators were concerned a wig belonging to one of them was all the raideis were able to grab. The trio escaped out a window’. One was believed hurt in the mad «- .mbie to get away, police told me court. Neighbors Complaint d Verhey's apartment was raided late Friday nigh* after neighbois General Bill Lee. father of V. S. airborne forces in World War II. Carolina Power and Light spon sors the contest Nearby towns which are participating include Clinton. Saiemburg and Roseboro. In the state at Urge, 135 communities are taking part. CAROLINA TYPEWRITES & Add. Machine Service MS E. Canary St Dun, N. f I rWaaa Ml 4 1 Day Service DIAL SITS DUNN, N. CL The Lowest Price Ever J On This BRAND NEW 1956 GENERAL ELECTRIC RANGE if Modern Pushbutton Controls if Big, Wide-Open Master Oven if High Speed Calrod Cooking Units if "Focused Heat" Broiler if Fully Enclosed Bake & Broil Units For Limited Time Only WILBOURNE'S In DUNN and ULUNGTON Duiui Phone 4179 — Lillingten Phene 5391 Many Other Great GE Values complained of the racket. When the raiders arrived the three she men were performing on a small stage set up in the living room. Vcrhey was playing an electric organ 'for accompaniment, The audience lammed the room and overflowed into the foyer and an other room. In court Bushel had each of the 82 defenaants state his name and occupation. Besides the hairdressers music teachers and designers there were advertising copy writers, ac countants. file clerks, display art ists, ohe stnger and one actor bi sides Keating. GUESTS OF MSS. Guests of Mrs. Mattie Washbume last week included Mrs. Caviness Brown of tilling ton on Wednesday: Mr, and Mrs. E. Jf. Pipkin of Broad way, Route One. Thursday; Mis. A. L. Mincey and two daughters, Mrs. Jack Lee and Mrs. Richard Mour iiig of Wilmington on Saturday. Duke Hospital treated 23 patients in a special speech therapy program last year, supported bv the N. C. Society for Crippled Children and Adults, lac. «{ 0 + FUNNY BUSINESS * The Farmers Who Benefited MOST fir* you water.. * e •'W'e HPw w ^w^aPw •• I Pierce rolled-steel feting* arc engi ■ aeered to (irt you trouble-frco 1 service. Used with aluminum tub ing you get economy, strength and lightweight portability. Pierce guide coupler* make system* easy to assemble and disassemble. Positive locking couplers with extra wide •prana give you stability with flex ibility on the roughest land. Here are last a tew important i at the Pierce Hear with Pierce g-Z Lech •ip piuei < fere nr Crap and DEMING and GORMAN RUPP PUMPS. AND PTO-Tractor Powered Self-Powered Pump Units Any Capacity ^SEgp ft m from their IRRIGATION SYSTEMS In 1955 Were Those Who .... STARTED IRRIGATION ' -AT Planting Time From Transplanting to Maturity, their Tobacco NEVER Stopped Grow ing — Giving Full Development of the Root System, the Stalk and the Val uable Leaf Crop. We Engineer And Design R. H. PIERCE IRRIGATION SYSTEMS -Especially FOR YOUR FARM A Detailed Survey of Your Farm Will Be Made With out Obligation or Cost for Estimate by our widely Ex perienced Graduate Agricultural Engineer, Mr. ft. If. “Bob” Meares. ★ For Best Equipment ★ For Best Services ★ For Best Price it For Best Terms it For Best irrigation it For Best Crops Get An R. H. Pierce Irrigation System 11VIII iaiUt UvurOTT Johnson Cotton Co. Dunn - Smithfield * Wallace Won dull tP’** ' *'7' V' _ ’ ’ t *