DES MOINES, I*wa (IP) — Thieves stole $125 worth of guests’ clothing at a Sheriff's ball sponsored by Sheriff Wilbur Hildreth. WASHINGTON W — The Senate has returned the question of revamping the presidential electoral system to committee for more study. Opponents of changing the system said today the Senate’s action means the question is a dead issue for the present session of Congress. OTTAWA lP— Socialist Claude Ellis, of Regina. Sash., urged Parliament Tuesday to provide more housing while Als wife gave birth to twins in an Ottawa hospital. FRESNO, Calif. is close at land for Dunn Presbyterians. . . William H, Whipple of Lakeland. Florida a whiza-bang at raising ooney, has arrived to direct the .rive for *150.000 for a new church wilding. . We met Mr .Whipple raving coffee at the Minlt Grill late iast night with Rev. Leslie Tucker and Johnnie Purdie and he im presses us as a man who knows how » rake In the long green for such t Worthy cause. . . With Jofejini* and Parson Tucker helping hira, .t ought to be a cinctr . Jdfmh'e knows who's got the dough and the pfeachcr know* how to get it. rhere's one thing about it, if any church In Dunn can raise that much cash, It's the Presbyterians . . . The ehuren has a very devot ed and wide - awake membership and for years it has led all other denominations here in per capita church-giving. . .So, if you’re % Presbyterian, you might as well start a little soul-searching and t> tot of deep-digging , .The Rev. Mr. Tucker has outlined some won derful plans for the new church building... It will probably be the most beautiful piece of church property In tails section of the State when completed. . , We still contend that if Cabbages cost fnors than orchids, the gals would insist on wearing cabbages for Easter That’s just woman-like . Bless ’em —■ they're wonderful. . The walls of the new girdle factory are rising rapidly . Contractor Vic Anderson gives assurance the build ing's supporting walls will be just as strong, relatively, as the sup port in those Bien Jolie girdles . . If this column doesn't make good sense today, it isn’t just because we're sleepy . A friend of ours gave us a whole box of 85-oent cigars ar*d we just couldn't resist the temptation to smoke one if them. . .We'd probably be drunk for another week Or two Truman (Continued from Pace One) "I suppose there has to be a first time for everything." Handwritten under Mr, Truman's famous signature was this cryptic comment: "That paper has treated me like a pickpocket.” STEWART Today and Tomorrow "Never Say Goodbye" starring Rock Hudson DUNN Today and Tomorrow The Invasion Of The Body Snatchers' starrtWg (bits tfvnter BULLETINS RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil llf! — Customs authorities refused to allow the Swedish steamer Montevideo to dock Tuesday because it allegedly brought 208 automobiles from the United States without import licenses. TOKYO (IP — Japan’s Parliament Tuesday approved the biggest national budget in the country's history — ex penditures of about $2.7 billion. .-—. SEOUL. Korea IP — About 200,000 acres of Korean land has been reclaimed and irrigated under the Ameri can aid program to produce rice to feed more than one mil’ion persons for a year, a United Nations spokesman said Tuesday. UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (IP) — American delegates invited Israel’s Arab Neighbors to ask the United States today to spell out in detail what it wanted U. N. Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold to do in the war-threatened Middle East. WASHINGTON iff — The Army today appeared to have won at least a temporary victory in its batt'e with the Air Force for continued expansion of its muiti-biHion dollar Nike missile system. Still unresolved, however, was the basic question of which — the Army or Air Force — ultimately will have the primary mission of anti-aircraft defense of the United States. MOSCOW iff — The official Communist newspavr Pravda denounced Josef Stalin in a 10.000-word editorial today for his ‘‘monstrous excesses” during h? later years. The bitter attack was the first authority ,e report on the present policy of degrading Stalin as outlined by Com munist Party Secretary Nikita S. Khrushchev 'ui the recent 20th party congress. LOS ANGELES ff — Adlai Stevenson arrives here to day to map strategy for his "do or die” campaign in the California presidential primary. Stevenson cancelled a Florida vacation to make a 3-day California trip to con sult with his campaign heads here amid reports of grow ing support for Sen. Estes Kefauver. NEW YORK ff — Negro ministers in major North ern cities predicted large church attendance of their con gregations today in observance of a "national deliverance day of prayer” in sympathy for the Montgomery. Ala bama, bus boycott. CHOSEN CHIEF MARSHAL Miss Kathryn Butt of Dunn, a member of the sophomore class at Atlantic Christian, has been named - ~ chief marshal at the school for the coming year. Marshals are selected on the basis of their high academic Fitchett's Easter - ' n ptCjAtt Saturday SPICED HAM SPECIAL Reg. 10c POCKET COMBS, 3 for.10c mmmm Reg. 39c 1 — 100 Clifton t’SP 5 gr. ASPIRIN 9c Reg. *1.00 — 1000 1 gr. CSP SACCHARIN 59c EASTER TOYS FOR CHILDREN 49c to $1.69 Complete Line REVLON Pet or Carnation MILK 2 cans 25c Don't Forget CANDY for EASTER Whitman's or Pangburns BUY NOW AND SAVE • Prescriptions Our Speciality • FITCHETT DRUG John W. Thornton TtS E. Broad DUNN, N. C. Ffcdrte Driving Counts fCMrthiWia from r*fe Om) condition he pay *15 per week for -heir care. James L. Drinkwater. Fort Bragg, illegal possession and driving with out operator’s license, pled guiltr. 60 days suspended on payment of *50 fine and costs. William Scott Williams, 8a a Francisco. Calif., possession of non tax-paid whiskey, pled guilty. 30 days suspended on payment of *10 fine and coats. Ivan Hendrix Vande Sande, Mi ami. Florida, possession of non-tax paid whiskey, pled guilty. 30 days suspended on payment of *10 fine and costs. Billy L. Arnold. Route 2, LUUng ton, possession of tax pa id whiskey on which the seal had been broken while off his premises, pled guilty, 30 days suspended on payment of S10 fine and coats. Archie D. Jernlgan. Route One, Dunn, possession of taxpaid whis key with the seal broken while off his premises, pled guilty. 60 days suspended on payment of *15 fine and costs. Daniel Anthony Mar be 11, Box 4*7. Erwin, speeding 70 miles per hour in it mile aone. pied guilty, *5 fine and costa. Betty Ann Lee, 301 N. Fayette ville Avenue. Dunn, driving without operator's license, pled guilty standing, begin serving at com mencement on June 2. They also will serve at various other college functions during the year. through her ittoroty 1 R- Williams who waived her appearance in court: *10 line and coate. John Waylon Porter. Route ? Lillington, improper exhaust and passing on a hill, pled guilty, $5 fine and coats. Jsrkaon Hubbard. Fay etteville. speeding 67 miles per hour, pled guilty, coats. Bernard 1*?. Route 1, Newton drove. Improper brakes, pled guil ty, costs. Earthy Evelyn Smith, speeding 65 miles per hour, funning st-rp sign, pled guilty. *5 fine and costs Harold Oene lgm#*hare. Fort Bragg, no operator’s license, pled guilty, *5 fine and coats Carlyle Eunice Eason, Benson, improper brakes, pled guilty, coats Clifford Harold Smith, Jr., Caro lina Beach, North Carolina, expir'd Jh Cooley .Continued from Pm* Omi by many 'with first advancing the theory of interposition as a mean* of rimbatUng the segregation de cision. V.MU.UUO, attacked bitterly at a Patriots rally Saturday at Went worth. hailed the Supreme Court's authority yeeterday aa he fired back answer* to six questions nak ed 1dm by the group. Opening hU campaign for re- T nomination In Winston-Salem. Chatham said the Patriots are "hurting" the South “by all their agitations” : ' >>;■> * license, p'.ed guilty, $10 fine anl costs I NOTICE A’l resident and sojourning Knights Rose ( roix are courteouslv reminded that the indispensable MAUN* DY THl RSDAY CEREMONIES OF EXTINGUISHING TOE LIGHTS AND THE CELEBRATION OF THE MYSTIC BANQUET will take place in Pa myra Lodge Hall. Dunn. N. C.. Thursday. March 29, at 8.00 P. M. ORATOR George Dud’ev Humphrey Wilmington. N. C, Dunn Scottish Rite Club. Dunn. North Carolina Bert Alabaster, Secretary YOU'RE INVITcD TO AGAIN VISIT LEE'S FLORIST Orchid Bar THE FIRST ORCHID BAR IN THIS SECTION Opening 9 A. M. SATURDAY MORNING Wait And See Your Orchids Before You Buy. Scmptesir Will Be Shown From Wed nesday Until Friday. Com pare Prices and Quality. BE ON HAND FOR THE OPENING 500 BEAUTIFUL PURPLE ORCHIDS MADE UP AND READY TO GO ONLY $2.98 each 200 White and Purple Hybrid ORCHIDS $4.98 to $5.98 each BABY ORCHIDS $2.00 each A Two Orchid Corsage $3.50 Fresh, Beautiful, All In Tubes of Water. Ready To Go: Other Beautiful Flowers of Every Kind. Come in and Pick Out What You Want. Our Flowers Are Of Highest Quality - Our Prices Lowest. —Extra Special For Easter— Beautiful Potted Lilies and Azaleas.$2.50 Rostand Carnation Corsages.$1.50 ap LEE'S FLORIST 'fttone 4263 - Old Fairground Rd. - Dunn, N. C.