* WEATHER * Partly cfoudy and snmrwtwt warmst this afternoon and tonigtK. and mttd TuMday THE RECORD IS FIRST VOLUME 8 TELEPHONES 3117 - 3118 DUNN, N. C„ THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 7, 1956 FIVE CENTS PER COPY NO, ISt ym, I ' GOOD LUCK FROM A QUEEN — Ray Heston, Jr., newly elected president of the LUUngton Jun ior Chamber of Commerce Is here congratulated and wished good luck by ~Mft* Wake County." S°nja Averethe from Fuquay Varina. Occasion was the Ladles Night banquet held last evening In Lillington. (Dally Record Photo by T. M. Stew art) Nat'l Jaycee Director Speaks m loom lOAin TV SHOWS, HARRIET. ED JOHN MACK. JANET. ETC The Town of Dunn is receiving nation-wide publicity this month, bat i& the kind of jubdcitv |liH mane friend* of E C. Dafflet. big scandal magazines has a store which reportedly wives the “tnsWe" reasons whv his msriiawe to Mar raret Trtimsn won't last — which is pure nonsense .The store taMs about the davs when E C. worked In Dunn on Stonnv Tflwhman’s Dalhr Bulletin ' *f vouTe plan nine to be in New York next week and want to see some wood tele vision shows in person wet in touch with Margaret Strickland of Dum The local school teacher has a bit bunch of tickets five in each set, for some of the too TV shows which originate tn New York. Including the Arthur Godfrey Show and se veral ouia show programs . . She had planned to be in New York next week but has decided to wait until later In the summer and visit Canada instead Margaret taught hi Canada one vear as an exchance teacher . . She’ll be happv to give the tickets to someone who can use them—they’re all for free, of course. . The marriage of Mrs Worth (Harriet) Stewart of Dunn and Charlotte to Tom Rogers came as no surprise . . The two had been romancing for a long time Harriet Is a charming gal. . . .He’s a good looking fellow, too Mr (Continued On Page Twa) . . One of the LUlington Junior Chamber of Commerce installed Its new officer* hat night in a golden blue setting at the LiUington community can ter Lt. Tom Eggleston, local Jaycee, served a* ma*#er of ceremonies and Charlie Briley, national Jay cee director for North Carolina, made the feature address Hay Seaton, tobacconist, was In ducted as president and other offi cers installed included Chester Brown and Lincoln Neale, vice oresidents; Truie Johnson, secre tary; A. B. Sherman, treasurer; ■ Roger Hawley, publicity chairman; Joe Caviness. Jr., state director. Members of the board at direc iters also ins: a*# were Harry Shaw. Seiwvn O’Oiinn. Paul Mac Donald. Billv Ray Matthews, John Pat Hamilton. Bobby Passmore, and JOe Caviness. Around fiO attended including members their wives and other eueets. Hamilton gave the invoca tion and Caviness. the Immediate oast president. recount red vMtocs Marvin Koontz of Raleiyh. vlce nremdent in rbaiwe of the 7th Dis trict. officiated at the installation ceremonies. New president Sexton urged members to mage/ the year »h«*d the best in Javcee historv. music was rendered by family Kellv. voraHvt. of Linimtou Rhe was ar-omtmnied on the oisno bv her brother Teo K“llv. Jr. She sill* "A little Bit of Heaven” and other numbers. T .tlliovton restaurant* served as cater* for the meal, and arrange ments were headed bv Oavlneas. as chairman, assisted bv Rav Moore. Buddy Gregory and Hamilton. "PALS" TAKE TV SET DETROIT W — Eddie Williams met three men in a bar Tuesday and took them home with him to watch television. Eddie fell asleep. When he woke up his friends were gone and so was the television YOUTH FACES POSSIBLE BLINDNESS Arrest May Come In Jernigan Shooting Sheriff B. A. Henry said late this afternoon that no Warrant has yet been issued in the liquor raid shooting of £lmon Jernigan, 20-year-old Meadow Township farmer ^reportedly threatened with blindness from the gunshot wound in his face. "1 just don't know” what deve lopment will come next, Sheriff I Henry Mid today. Jernigan waa shot when officers raided a still and sets, ed a, large quantity of beer. Sheriff Henry told the Smith field Herald that one of the offl eera on the raid, ATU Agent C. 8. Coats, fired several shots after at tempting to board a pickup truck E which came down the road with dim lights. i Officers on the raid included, according to Henry. Sheriff’s Depu ties E. O. Beasley. ErSaieen Creech. Aivin Narron. J. T. Smith and 8pecial Deputy Jack Hudson. Sheriff Henry declined to state against whom a warrant might be Issued. Model Given 1 1-2 Million Settlement | LUO A VO, Switzerland OH — Ttie “dream marriage” of a baron and a model ended today In a putt of dollar bills. Baron Heinrtsh von Thyaaea and Nina Sheila Dyer agreed to divorce conditions under which the baron agreed to give her more than *15 in ca-h, jewelry and property. In turn, the former English mo del agreed never to use the name Thyssen and to return some val uable antiques to the baron. Erwin Church Plans Evenf A “Home Coming" at the Erwin Presbyterian Church will be held Sunday, June 10th, at 11:00 o’ clock. The Church celebrated its 50th Anniversary last year, and it has been felt by many members that the opportunity of coming together has been a meaningful experience. Therefore, the ‘Home Coming” has been made an annual affair, to be held the Second Sunday In June each year. It Is hoped that all members and former members, together with their families, will join in the partici pation of the moranig worship ser vice at 11:00 o’clock and the pic nic dinner, which will follow on the Church grounds. 10-20 Years For Webb Safe Looters Ten to 20 years was the heftiest sentence meted out to four who pled guilty to the robbery of a safe containing $70,000 from W. T. Wetb on Jonesboro road Horace Garland Tate. 50, of Zeb ulon and Delray Beach, Florida, received this sentence in Johnston County Court. John Edgar Shipper Of Raleigh received eigb|r to 10 years, Dewey Hunter Moore, 31, of Norfolk, eight to 16. The fourth man tried. Bari Har dison, is in jail without bond, and sentence will be passed on him at the nert session of court which starts June 25 in Smithfleld HERSHEY GETS PROMOTION WASHINGTON ilh — President Eisenhower Wednesday nominated Maj. Oen. Lewis B. Herahey, di rector of selective service, for the permanent rank of lieutenant gen eral. School Aides Are Named By The County Dunn’s two elementary schools have official new na mes. They are Magnolia Avenue School and Wayne Avenue School (that’s the new school). Names were chosen Monday by the county board of education at its monthly meeting in Lillington. In other business the board ire ejected the county supervisors. Miss Bessie MasseengiU and Beaman Kelley for the white schools, and Miss WiUa Mae Jeffries for the Negro schools. Mrs. Ted Malone of Goats was re-employed as visit ing teacher or truant officer Two speech correctionlsts, Mrs. Palmer Davis of Dunn for the white schools, and Mrs. Mildred Holloway for the Negro sehoois were re-elect- j cd, and also a special education < teacher, Miss Bertha Westbrook of I Coate. Contracts for principals and tea chers whose contracts have been received by the county superinten dent to date were approved. Mis. Maggie N. Douglas, and her husband who operate the Seminole Boardjng Home, a detention home for Negro children who are wards of the Harnett Juvenile Court, ap peared to request the use or the abandoned Ridgeway School build ir.g Mrs. Douglas said that the school building, when converted to a home, would afford much more space than she now has, and also would pmee the home five miles (Contlmed On rage St*) BOB DICKEY Dickey Succeeds Hooper As Prexy Of Lions Club Bob Dickey of Dickey Motor Co. was recently elected to succeed to the presidency of the Dunn Lions Club. Glenn Hooper, Jr., Dunn at* tomey, is the outgoing president. Other new officers of the local organization include James Yates, first vice president, Charles Whit ten ton, second vice-president and Harriman Lynch, third vice-presi dent. Carl Parnell was elected secre tary-treasurer; Charles Hutaff, as sistant secretary-treasurer. Junius Morgan, lion-tamer arid Nathan Cannady tail-twister. Named to the board of directors were Ed Welborn, M. T. Thompson. Louis Godwin and Glenn Hooper, Jr. + Record Roundup + ANNUAL PICNIC — The Hoe and Grow Garden Club held Its annual picnic. Tuesday night at 6:30, at the Dunn Park. Charles Hildreth gave the invocation and a delicious picnic basket lunch was enjoyed by all. CATTLE TALKS — Harnett County cattle growers will meet in LUlington today to discuss various matters. A] Howard agricultural agent for the Atlantic Coast line Railroad will speak. Howard also represents the North Carolina Cattlemen's Association and discus sion of that organisation win take place. FELLED BY LIMB — A tree limb he was helping to cut down shipped and seriously injured James McNeill, negro employe of Dunn’s street department on Tueatfty. City Manager A. B. Usde. Jr., *aid McNeill had hold of a rope tied around the limb, the limb slipped and he couldn't get out of die way. Injuries include a fractured pel vis, broken ankle and several bro ken ribs. TEEN-AGE CLUB — LUlington teen-agers interested in reorgan izing the Teen-age Club for the summer are asked to meet Satur day, June 9, 7:30 p. m. at Lilling ton Community Center. Last year around 05 reported for a similar Continued mb rage tits) BEEFCAKE BRAWL - MAE BOUNCED Mae West's Muscle Men In Battle WASHINGTON UP) — Two muscle-men appearing with Mae West in a local night club act got into a fist fight in her dressing room yesterday. One ended up in the hospi tal with a cut mouth, and the buxom Miss We^l was knocked off her feet in the melee. The fight broke out while Mias West was conducting a news con ference backstage at the Casino Royal, where she and her “chon* line" of male “beauties'' are ap pearing. The “come up and see me ' act ress was explaining to newsmen that the "Mr. Universe" of her show, Mickey Hargltay. 26, will soon be replaced in the cast. She said the replacement will be "Mr. Universe of 1956,” due to be pick ed this weekend. She denied the cast change had anything to do with Hargltay’s interest in curva ceous New York actress Jayne Mansfield. I<p At this point in the proceedings. Hargltay entered the room and tg||£ to get in a few words of his own. Each time he interrupted Miss West, police said, be was told to shut up. The advise was dispensed by Chuck Krauser, 24, s member of the “chor (Continued On Page Two) 1 iun»f {Charge Brings Stiff Denial From The GOP WASHINGTON (01 — Hou 1 se Democrats today accus j ed the Eisenhower adminis tration of aiding private ut* ilities in a fight to destroy public power and remove all opposition to “a complete private power monopoly in the United States. The Democratic majority of the Hou»e Government Operations Committee made public a 250-page j report calling for President Eisen hower to fire Interior Undersecre tary Assistant Secretary Fred O. Aandahl The report accused former In terior Secretary Douglas McKay, Davis and Aandahl of a “brazen attempt” to subvert the law toy favoring private utilities in the sale of federal power. Republican members of the 30 man committee l-sued an an$ry dissent. t They denotjhced what they called the r/onocraits* “venomous attack on private enterprise.” The Democratic report, they said, was' a “textbook for socialism.'’ MISUSE OF POWER Tne Republicans 50-page dissent said the Democrat* had displayed a ■‘shocking misuse at congression iaJp#rog»tives and functions foe pfman purposes.'’ The reports are based on.lt day* of stormy hearings held across the country last year by a subcommittee headed by Rep. Earl Chudoff (D-Pa). “The announced afkahototration policy’ the Democratic report said, “is identical with that of the com panies.” ”rt is designed to destroy the federal power program and elim inate every vestige of opposition to the establishment of a com plete private power monopoly la the United States.” “In carrying it out. the acAM (Csattmoi Or Fags Ms) Arthur Godfrey Loses Parker NEW YORK iW — Frank Parker, a member of Arthur Godfreys -family” for six yean, declared himself an ex-member today. The 88-year-old tenor said hie association with the Oodfrey gang would end after June 30 when his present contract runs out. Parker said he plumed to devote much of his time to production of a proposed TV drama series and outside singing engagements. Parker said the break with God frey was amicable. “It is most gratifying to me not iMlng Arthur's friendship, which goes back long before I started working for him.'* Parker said. "This means a great deal to me and it will be wonderful to be a guest on Arthur’s Show.” Parker was at a low point in his career when Godfrey picked him up. Before the war, Parker had been wed known as a musical comedy star and as a radio per former on the Shows of Jack Benny. Burns and Allen. Ben Ber nie and Eddie Cantor. Ike Says Have A Little Fun Every Day WASHINGTON — President Eisenhower offered this advice to* day: • Everybody ought to be happy every day. If you don't have some fun every day. that Is a day wasted. “Play hard, have fun doing it and despise wickedness.” He gave the prescription for happiness in an informal talk to a group of visiting young Republi cans'. jfe yjf§--: Sj IvlUP^^ m I “.-if." • r EARL RECTOR .‘4 . • * *—» a Church Will Have Newlyweds On Staff The Gospel Tabernacle in Dunn will soon have a pair of newly-weds on its staff, but they aren’t hitched yet. Twenty-one year-old Earl Reotor, a '56 graduate of Holmes Bible College In Greenville, South Caro lina, took over this week as the Tabernacle's first full-time educ ational director and church sec retary. Bari who Is tall, dark and wavy haired plgns to be married in Aug ust to Betty Jane Gravett, of Dan ville, Va. The bride-to-be, also a graduate of Holmes Bible College, will become the choir director of the church. Rector is a native of Roderfleld. a small, town on the edge of Welch In West Virginia. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Rector, still live there. At Holmes, he was president of the senior class, worked on the school annual and was pianist for the college trio which traveled in North and South Carolina. The trio never came to Dunn, though, and Rector’s first visit here was two mohths ago when he came for an interview. Rev. Bane T. (Omttmi On rage Ha) Nobody Knows If Grace Is Pregnant MONACO «* — Nobody know for sure today whether Grace IWly was pregnant. But the Her. Francis Tucker, chaplain to her husband Prince Rainier, said, "I sure hope she is * “I ha* had no definite waM that she ls,“ Father Tucker added 'hastily in Parts, where he waa on tain way bade to the United States. “But neither of them has madp any secret that they want to bade children," he said. “Nobody Is taking a very big chance who he says the princess is eapocttndf He noted a Berlin newdMMM report that Grace to eaqpecttog fto heir in January, said he kafd nothing definite but added "X aw* hope die to." ,v„ Tj Father Tucker mwk h*#.c««a ruttnil Ob Page Mat || AFFAIRS OF THE HEART AND AUTO Divorces And Other Cases To Be Tried 4 Two divorces and a long list of other cases are sche duled for trial at the civil session of Harnett Superior Court which will convene Monday morning in Lfllingtan. Judge William Rlckett of Ital *lfh will preside over the sexton ** -'nirt, the last scheduled this sprint!. v v Most of the second week of the term will be taken up with Mae trial of appeals from the State Commis sioner of Motor Vehicles. Use suits were brought by persons completed of motor vehicle violations whs are seeking return of their driving li censes. The two divorce cases will be heard at the opening of court Mon day morning. FoOowtnr Is a Dot «f the eases: ditows wen Roosc veK Pope: Eugene Norris vs Doro thy Eleanor Norris. MOTION DOCKET i C. H. Oozsrt vs Sam H. Boas et al: H. C. Cameron Lumber Co.. Inc. vs Herman Thomas. trial docket McLamb Supply Co. vs Board of Education; Harold R Wilson vf Donald A. Dyer; McCreary Tire M Rubber Co. vs T. J. Corbin Concrete Products CP.; In Be: Adoption of Settle Jean Davis; Pauline H WiU Hams vs Joaenh B- WUii4*w- - TUESDAY. JUNE if

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