Mrs. Wade Entertained At Luncheon To Honor Miss Betty Crumpler Mrs. Marvin Wade. Jr. enter tained at a lovely luncheon Tues day at one o'clock, honoring Miss Betty Byrd Crumpler. who will be married Saturday. the Womans Club, the acene of the bridal courtesy, was attrac tively decorated with summer flowem. In the dining room, the one large table waa centered with a beautiful arrangement of yellow roeea and lilies, along with mag nolias. When the bride-elect arrived, die waa presented a nosegay of gardenias. A delicious three-course lunch eon waa served. Mrs. Wade’s gift to Miss Orum*> ler was a silver bonbon dish. I Those enjoying the party were Che honor**, Mi** Betty Byrd Crumpler. her mother, Mrs. j. p. Crumpler. Mrs. J. H. Byrd and Kathryn Neil Byrd, tooth of Un dan, Mrs. Billy Hodges, Mrs. 8. N. Butt, Mrs. Fred Byeriy, Mrs. Charles Byrd. Joyce Godwin. Vir ginia Lee Vann, Libtoy rtae Clo martle, Martha Ann Butler, Utney Hodges, Janice Fowler, and Ann Byeriy. VISITS HERB Sammy Jackson of Angler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Jackson, has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Jackson and Pat In Dunn. IN HOSPITAL Mr. Oscar Strickland is a pa tient In the Dunn Hospital. SAVE UP TO 50% Helena Rubinstein 10 BEAUTY PAIRS GET TWO FOR THE MONEY-LIMITED TIME ONLY FOR SKIN PROBLEMS S FOR COARSE FORK DEEP CLEANSER , ' unclogs pores, helps prevent blemishes -HERBAL" SKIN LOTION freshens, ^tightens’* pores Combination Value 2.00 • Save Both for 1J0 1 FOR DRY SKIN -PASTEURIZED" FACE CREAM SPECIAL v oil-purpose cleanser and softener SKIN LOTION SPECIAL gives dewy young finish ’ Combination Value 2.13 • Save 29V6% ...Both for 1J0 2 FOR AOS LINES -PASTEURIZED" NIGHT CREAM moisturises deeply, smooths - 4 -HERBAL- EXTRAIT soothing, softening lotion Combination Value 2J5 • Save 36*6%... Both for US5 2 FOR BLACKHEADS BEAUTY WASHING CRAINS rinses out blackheads — _ MEDICATED CREAM helps heal surface blemishes v Combination Value 1.98 • Save 32%...Both for U5 t FOR GLAMOUR MAKE-UP 2 FOR RADIANT MAKE-UP SILK-TONE FOUNDATION perfect coverage. longer cling SILK-SCREEN FACE POWDER \ for Rowing, silken finish Combination Value 2.13 * Save 2916%.,. Both for tJO t FOR FACT AND ClIMKf MINUTE MAKE-UP foundation end powder fat one , BILK-TONE LIQUID ROUGE like e natural bhmL Combination Value UB • Save 3316%...Be* for 1JS 2 FOR MAKING EYK WATERPROOF MASCARA waul ran, smudge or streak EYE CREAM SPECIAL for yoonger-lookiag eyes '■ fsmlrlnntTr- Value 2-50 • Save 50%...Be* far US FOR PRETTY GROOMING 2 FOR BEAUTIFUL HAIR New COLOR-TONE HAIR SPRAT ' highlights with color as it grooma COLOR-TONE SHAMPOO washes your hair with color K Value 2.13 • Save 18%...Bo* for US/ 2 FOR BOOY FRESHNKS * PERFUME SPRAY DEODORANT 1 safeguards even on hottest days , WHITE MACNOLLA TALCUM keeps you fresh, amoc* * Cembbrntfen Value 1.63 • Save 23%,4.Bo* for US t FOR FRAGRANCE HEAVENSENT EAU DE TOILETTE lingering loveliness to splash on « HEAVENSENT DEODORANT CREAM l perfumed anti-perspirant . - , Combination Value 1 “5 • Saw 32%,-Bo* fcr US IIOOIIS DRUG STORE PAUL C. HOOD — HERMAN W. LYNCH Phone 2349 We Deliver I Bridge Club Met Tuesday At Creteni Home Mrs Corky Creteni entertained for members and quests of the Valentine bridge club last night at her home. The home was made more attractive with colorful ar rangements of gladioli and roses. While the games were in pro gress, the hostess passed Iced ‘drinks, nuts, and cookies. At the end of the evening, she served cheeaewiches, a congealed salad, and coCfee. Mrs. Luther Turner was the win ner of the high score award, pil low cases, and Mrs Paul Tart, ,who was second high, was given note paper. Mrs. R. A. Duncan, Jr. was the high i-core winner among the guest*, and she also received pil low cases. Mrs. Haruz Duncan was the winner in a game of bingo, and Mrs. Creteni gave her a dish towel and cloth. Members playing were Mrs. Ha ruz Duncan, Mrs. Luther Turner, Mrs. Paul Thrt, and Mrs. Robert Page. Quests for the evening were Mrs. BiU Lilly, Mrs. John Ciccone, Mrs. Lewis Oodwln. and Mrs. R. A. Duncan, JS'. Baptist Class Met At West Home Tuesday The home of Mrs J C West vu the meeting mace Tuesday night at eight o'clock, for members of the T. E L. Class of the First Bap tist Church. Mrs J. L. Hatcher was co-hostess with Mrs. West. Colorful summer flowers decor ated the West home for the evening meeting. Mrs. V. J. Rice, the president, presided over the meeting. The devotional was given bv Mrs. June Ouv. She read the 13th chap ter of Matthew Miss Minnie Ouy then led in prayer. The evening’s program was pre sented bv Mrs. Lewis Strickland. She closed the meeting with pray er Mrs. Rice presided over the busi ness meeting. Routine reports were given, and the minutes of the hud meeting were aporoved. The hostesses served at the end of the evening prune whip, cook ies. nuts, and punch. Members attending were Mrs. E M. Slaughter Mrs. Marv Hawley. Mrs. C. H. Orimes. Mrs. C. L Guy. Miss Minnie Guy, Mrs. Allen H. A. Lee Mrs. June Ouv. Mrs. C. T Con nor. Mrs. J. A. McLarab. Mrs. V. J. Rice. Mr' R, j. Walton, Mrs. George "■‘H- Mm lewis Strickiand. Mr... Roger Barer--t -> the'two I hostess-. ?»••' v and Mrs. Hat cher. RETURNS HOME Mr. and Mrs E. W. Lockamy of Jeffersonville. Indiana returned to ’.heir home Sunday after spending a week in Dunn visiting her sons.! Willis Pope and Jackie Pope and their families. They also visited Mrs. Lockamy's sister. Mrs. Leo nard Monds and family, and her brothers, Johnny and Fred Jack son and their families. P !wmr7 HONORED AT SHOWER — Mtai Betty Byrd (jumpier ww II a »hower la.t night at right Wrt Hn M JB-V**"* Vann and MU* Joyce Godwin at the home ri **f- *"^* **^ Vann on S. Layton Are. MUo Bari»r» .Snjyef,, brted ricct ^ Jaly. was also ksMni Shown hero, at the party,, left to right, are Mhw Virginia Tana, her mother, Mra. Earl Vann, Mis* Betty Byrd Craw ler, the heneree, her mother, Mra. J. P. Grumpier, Mini Barbara Snipes and Mias Joyce Godwin. Cousins Honor Betty Crum pier *t At Linen Shower .... i Miss Virginia Vann and Mi#* Joyce Godwin honored their cou sin. Mias Betty Byrd Crumpler at a linen ah owe r Tuesday night at S OO at the Vann home. Mias CnilB-' pier win be married Saturday In Washington, D. C. Mias Crumpler was presented a corsage of gardenias by the host esses. Miss Barbara Snipes, an other summer brlde-eieot. was also presented with a corsage of gar denias. ■_ Arrangements of summer flowers decorated th* living room of the home. A white bridal umbrella cen tered a drop leaf table which held a shower of many nice gifts for the honoree. In the dining room, the tradi tional bridal scheme of green and white was carried out. The table was covered with a white Italian linen cloth- The centerpiece, on a reflector, was composed of white tides, gardenias, and gladioli flank ed by white candles in silver can delabra. The buffet was decorated with magnolia and silver candela bra. After the guests arrived they entered the dining room where Mrs. J. P. Crumpler mother of the ho noree, poured punch. Other re freshments Included sandwiches. In dividual green and white bridal cakes and nuts. Miss Godwin’s gift to Miss Crum pler was a pair of linen sheets. A silver vegetable dish was Miss Vann’s gift to the honoree. Miss Snipes was remembered with gifts of silver to her chosen pattern. Those Invited were Miss Crum pler, Mrs. J. P. Crumpler. her mo ither. Prances Crumpler and from Linden Mrs. Jesse Byrd. Miss Ka ' thertoe Neal Bvrd, Mra A. 3. Bethune, Miss Hallie Bethune. Miss ; Sandra Bethune Mrs. W. H. Beth, une, and Mrs. Tom Pemerton. Mrs I W. B. Byrd.and Mrs. Lloyd Byrd of Bunnlevel received invitations along with Miss Alice Prince, Miss Ann Bjrerly, Miss Margaret Cath ey. Miss Peggy Ruth Barfield, Miss Lanle tor, Miss Ml! MB Nay Mlas Margaret' OAffwlA. Miss flanke^Fow- j 1*1* 'Mint Vinrinia Turlinfirton, -Miss ■« M1“ Alice Stewart, Miss . Miss Martha Ann ButMr.'iffa. Willy Hodges, Mrs. Frank Wilson, Mr%. L. B. Pope, Jr. Mrs. Fred Byerly, Mrs. Ralph^Marwe^^fcs^Dwig bara Snipes, Mrs. Ralph Snipes, Mrs. Marvin Wade Jr., Mrs. R. J. Denny Miss Meredith Cromartif. Mrs. Earl Vann, and Mrs. A. f. Godwin Sr ad of Dunn. Winsome Class M*t Tuesday At ■ Frmfc Home Members of the Winsome class of the First Baptist Church met Tues day night at eight o’clock at the home of Mrs. Curtis Ennis with Mrs. A. y. Suggs acting as co-hos tess. Mixed flowers, with rosea and gladioli predominating in the bou quets, decorated the Ennis home. Mrs. H. A. Westbrook, class pre sident presided over the meeting. The devotional was presented by Mrs. Westbrook. Her scripture was taken from the 9th chapter of Luke. To close her remarks, she read a poem, "Follow Me". Mrs. Ernest Russell led in prayer. Mrs. Westbrook then presided over a routine business meeting. During the soda! hour, the hos tesses served pound cake topped with whipped cream and a cherry, along with cherry punch. Members attending Were Mrst Albert Watkins, Mrs. gnes Warren, Mrs. Katherine Warren Mrs. Sam Aualey*. Mrs. W. E. Rvals Mrs. Er nest Warren, Mrs. Ernest Russell. Mrs, Herman Qreen Mrs. B. O. Slaughter, Mrs. S. D. Whittington, Mrs. H. A. Westbrook, aiul the two hostesses. RETURNS HOME Mrs. 1 W. Jernigan of Spring Hope has returned to her home after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Strickland. 4 Dress Up For Sale! Singing Convention •f~-r^T=V' • Three-day Special Prices Thursday, Friday & Saturday, June 21, 22, 23 Open At 9:00 SUMMER COTTON DRESSES -For Girls 1 to 14 Years -For Pre-teens, 8 to 14 sizes •-For Juniors, 7to 15 sizes -For Misses, 10 to 20 sizes -Half Sizes -141-2 to 241-2 HATS & HANDBAGS - HALF PRICE PUT CLOTHES-SWIM SUITS Come See What Bargains We Have Chicken Fry At Holt's Lake The No. S Department of Spool ing and Warping .of the, Erwin Mills and their guests had a' chick en fry at Holts Lake Friday at 6:00. V .. The menu consisted of chicken, . .potato salad, mis, cookies and soft drinks. . \ The thirty who attended enjoyed swimming,. boating and dancing. Miss Worrell Honored At Erwin Shower Mias Frances Worrell of Ervin, who will become the bride of Bill W. Lassiter Friday,' June », was honored at a miscellaneous shower last night at the home of Mrs. Vance Melvin given by Mrs. Carl White, Jr. of Fayetteville and Mrs James Adams. Mixed flowers of green and white hues were used in » thr tthnut th M. with a oardenia table was eovered with a who es were Mrs. George of the bride-elect, and land West. Mrs. H. Q. the The part* aunt wiches, mints, bridal cakes, fruit punch, coffee and bridal ices. Mias Worrell waa presented a gift of linen by the hostesses. Those present included Miss Wor rel. Mrs. George Conard. Mrs. AJ ton Ouin. Mrs. Vance Melvin, Mrs. H Q. Beard. Mra. Forest Maxwell, Mrs. Bruce Gomedela, Mrs, Roland West, Mra. E. O Davis, Mra. A. H. Harper, Mrs. Leonidas Jackson and Mrs. Hugh Lassiter of Dur ham, mother of the groom-elect. INVITATIONS SENT The following invitations have been Issued: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marvin Blackman request the honour of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Agnes Jacqueline to Mr. Robert Leslie Smith, Junior on Wednesday, the twenty-seventh of June at half after eight o’clock in the evening First Baptist Church Benson, North Carolina CLUB MEETING The Oak Dale Home Demonstra tion Club will have Its regular meeting on Thursday at 2:00 in the club room with Mrs. R. E. Alien acting as hostess. Please go and take someone with you. LOOK WHAT YOU GET FOR ONLY With The Purchase Of Any GE TELEVISION SET AND A COPY OF THIS AD COMPLETELY INSTALLED All-Channel, Channel Master Rainbow Antenna With Alliance Rotor $140°° VALUE New Ultra Vision The very finest in Cabinet Design. 0 : The Very Finest In Listening Pleasure. . Automatic Sound * ^ hST . \i Tuning. Range Control. TAKE UP TO <% m MONTHS *** TO PAY "Let It Be Told We're Never Undersold" THE SUGGS CO. Stores In Dunn And Fayetteville ACROSS FROM THE POST OFFICE — DWHN, N. C. — PHONE 4602 ft,—'-/