+ WEATHER 4 Considerable cloudiness, *«rm and humid today, tonight and Thursday with scattered showers and thundershowers occurlng most ly In afternoon or evening. The Bang Krams THE IS VOLUME 8 TELEPHONE 31 IT — 3118 DUNN. V C. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON UT.I'ST 13. l!>.S8 I IVE CENTS PER CORN NO. 210 i UR. GEORGE Cl'THRELI. BI'SBEE POPE L. A. TART HONORED BY DUNN ROTARY—Three long lime Dunn RoUrians with distinguished records of service have been presented honorary mem berships In the club. They are, left to right. Dr. George C'uthreli. L. Busbee Pope. Sr. and l.ofton A Tart. The citations honoring the three leader*, of the club were presented by Thomas R Hood, a past district governor and director of Rotary International. illal.v Record I’hotos.l escaped Prisoner Safely "Talked Down" Steals Plane For First Flight Ex-Governor Collected Fee To Aid Hoffa WASHINGTON (UPI—A form er Kansas governor acknow ledged today that he collected i fee of $1,554.09 for Intervening li a 1953 house Investigation o Teamster boss James R. Iloffi which died on the vine shortly aft er it began. The ex • governor, Payne H Ratner, told the Senate Rackets Committee that, as an attornej for the teamsters, he discussec the inquiry with Rep. Wint Smitl (R-Kans.) who was co-chairman o1 the House group conducting th< investigation. The 1953 investigation into Hof fa's handling of union welfart funds ended abruptly after a few days of hearings. It w-as followed by charges that pressure frorr "high places” in the Eisenhowei administration was responsible foi Its demise. At today's hearing, committe* Investigators produced document! showing Rather's role in the case They put into evidence a lettei from Ratner to Hoffa in which th< ex - governor who is now a unlor attorney said Smith had "gon< along" with Ratner’s suggestior for “treatment" of Hoffa at th< hearings. Bootleggers Try To Beat The Heat Harnett County rural police found that bootleggers have con spired to beat the heat with a novel water-cooled system for their KranH "urK itn lirrlitninn ' * In a raid late yesterday near J the Cumberland-Hamett county j line, on what is locally known as the “piggery road," rural police captured four whiskey stills, fired with gas burners. The stills were linked by irrigation pipes to a nearby creek, where a huge wood-1 en box, receiving the whiskey, was cooled by the running water. Officers seized 12 gallons of the "cooled whiskey,” 1,200 gal lons of mash, and 25 cases of fruit jars waking to be filled with the non-tax paid whiskey. Buck Griffin, rural policeman, (Continued On Page Six) Dunn Loses To Jacksonville Harnett Teams Both Downed The Jacksonville team that ca me unscathed through an earlier . contest cut down Dunn-Erwin last night in the North Carolina Jun ior League Tournament Now underway at the Dunn ball park. the tourney comes to its climax tomorrow night Jackson ville advances into the seml-fin ais tonight, scheduled to play Ca ry Raleigh West Rotary earned its way to the semi-finals by defeat ing the other Harnett County team entered in the tournament, an all-star squad from several towns called the Little Champs. Both of last night's games were narrow coatests Dunn-Erwin was beaten 2-1 and the Little Champ-s 3-2 with each going extra Innings. Playing against Raleigh West Rotary tonight will be Kinston which beat the companion team Raleigh Optimist, on Monday nite The Kinston-Raleigh game start! at seven o’clock while Jackson ville-Cary play at nine Tomor row's championship game will tx played at 7 30 p m DAYTONA BEACH, Fla (UPI) — A National Guard prisoner who had never flown before stole a plane today but was "talked down” safely into the arms of the law after a hazardous low-level flight from Savannah, Ga. Jimmy Gingrich, traffic control operator at the Daytona Beach Airport, heard National Guard Pvt. Charles Ward, 19, of Okla home City, Okla., begging for help over the radio and gave him ■ instruction for landing. Ward broke out of the National i Guard stockade at Camp Stewart i near Savannah where he was be ‘ ing held on charges of being ab i sent without leave. Gingrich said Ward told him several times he had never flown a plane and didn’t have any idea how to land it once he got air borne. Escaped Jail Sheriff Rodney B. Thursby said Ward escaped the camp jail at dawn Tuesday, hid out all day and night, then took off in a single engine Dehaviland training plane this morning. As military and civilian au - thorities began organizing a south wide search. Ward and his plane came barreling over the east coast resort, skimming the tree , toPs ' f * m “He was a little snook up." Gin grich said after the youth was safe on the ground. "I suggested that he try to land at Daytona but he said he was afraid of the heavy air traffic ' I cleared the traffic over the air port, keeping an Eastern Air Line passenger plane and another plane | out of the traffic pattern. “Tht first time he missed the | runway by 50 feet. The second (Continued On Page Six) HST Has Praise For Ike's Speech INDEPENDENCE. Afr>. Tn I OI< \ KIWI K It’s haul to sat ahHhrr II \rarolit Judy Slrphrtisnn was startlrd to* thr prrlortnanrr »l hrt hrrocx on thf hall IkU — or Ju»t by thr auddrn appraranrr of a lamrra man. \t any rat r. hrr porlahlr radio was an unnrrt rsaarjr prria)i thin against horrdoni brrauar thr tram «hr roolrd for laikson *lllr — has prrfarmhl nlrrl* In thr rlulrhra Itrjtlna Hum last night l»rr Sporta I’agr \ It ups hr ads loin ll*r srmi finals. Krrord W>*to l>* I «• it ( I Jtl 1 ^ Air-Conditioning For All Patients Anti - Heat Steps At Dunn Hospital The pal IrnU at Itetv Johnson Memorial Hospital may not !«■ a* happy as polar Iwarn hut they no longer have to endure the tropl cal blast* of hr at that have eonie to tow n Movie Green administrator of the hospital confirmed torlay that air conditioning ia Just about roiu plele The patients. he said are dr lighted A decision to take the anti • welter step-. was made only fid (lava ago Since then electrician Karl Youngblood has worked quickly, installing Individual un Its in 50 patient*' room* and a number of offices The lobby aneen air - conditioned Until now, only two rooms had been alr-t-ondi tinned and these went at .1 somewhat blither fee than normal Hut (Sreen salt) the hospital "not try to pay fur the new units out of the patients’ bills ” Beauticians Stage New Initiations The startling serenade al the Cottondale Hotel today was Just part of the sorority initiation at the Dunn College of Beauty Cul ture The five candidates were told to go *ing "Cod Bless America’’ at the hotel at noon-time Th<**e accepted Into Ha" Kana NATIONS \ \ l 1^1 Pv - iilrfii Ki Two Georcji Mysterious omen Beaten * »It I r PIN Iti.l I |*l A 1} two rl y widow-. with In an inrh n Ing the night but spared t»n -.mat ported today I nu* victim*, both ellnglng to life today wore Mrs .1 M Smith ' mother of Advertising Manager' Russell Smith of the (irlffln Dully ’ News, anil her slater, Mrs Jim mie la-e lutes. Both worn* n ire,( In their flit* Smith, who dlseovered the bid to* at the suburban home this morning found the small children, Officers Find Unique Wafer-Cooling System MoonC razed Ex-Con Confesses -Slaying Dll,CON H C iUI’D "Moon-» i l/i-tf «*x-4-onvict Quincy Bui lock today ilgnrd a full conf>M-don adiAlttiiuf th«- full-moon Auk 1 murder of Mri Carolyn Barfield W rt-< -Vol-h' in a Dillon County i-eme. j Sheriff PH*- Rogers said the N> I gro dishwasher would b«- Iran* | fcrred la tor today from the Dll Ion County jail to the state peni tentiary at Columbia where he will be held on a murder charge (hillock, 46. who varbatly admit . tod the slaying during question ing last week, signed the confes sion early this morning after spending most of Tuesday telling and retelling the story to officers j Bullock, who previously served seven years for attempted rape, i told officers he was a "Moon baby” who often did straugs I things when the moon was full. During questioning by state agent i'olln King. Sheriff Rogers Janfcl-^jy^er officers. Bullock ;aid f hfr ijjaynt* told him many years : aV^T'tjf.was a "naoon baby," mean ,inV.h«'#was born when the moon 1 wgs(full I 'VKfng" talked the Negro precisely bowVjip; full moon affected him /itjdt Bullock replied it made him • U .was at this point In the interrogation that Bullock began to gi^tv details of his action on theVi>{fcht of the slaying. *> Mrs.i WaUchoch, a widow with foilr'TVhitdren. was killed while ' pAlced^fin a wooded cemetery "lovers’l lane" with a 24-year-old Lake View. S.C., man. *“AI .NIK*-- l,ovr Orranti4(lun «Ur Anne *«M»n to hr irrn in inri w h«i » with Howard “HmxU o# Krir,” in rniwriou» rvr Q wtirn I nr M’aiitlfu? jn former hraiitt quern, at nhr llkm to *er 4 rovrrrd ami rlefalit “| rvrn th«»U(h the\ ;> 4 woman to attrai t ’* MU* llr% wuint i* who doesn't like to r !• M tH vital *t.«tU it*e-niHnnt *.iva*»'Iv fx*;i f i's w itti m Iron pip# dut children authorities re nd li tlll.iAA be I the women wl’h an IrnVi ^flpi ' i.it Imre and "elbowr lii^/lt?1 «»’ It riul inked ollt tele* [diiitil** yiiiinerllini Illd r**d la M> 4 Hie* i n f It. , i hildi ™ *.11, found lying • U^int'inird On l'a*r si\ 4rr