+ WEATHER + Partly cloudy, warm and humid with scattered mostly afternoon and evening thundershowers to day, tonight and Friday The B ailg Kieer THE RECORD IS FIRST VOLUME 8 TELEPHONE 3117 — 3118 IH NN \ ('..THURSDAY \H I KNOON U(.l> r 14. 1958 E!\ I ( I VI s PER ( I »1*5 NO 311 99 GOES DOWN JACK STM KI.KY CHAKI I S WIIIT I I \TO\ Tonight At Country Club Lions Celebrate 25th Year T ; JhsiM Juitle JkinqA By HOOVER ADAMS LITTLE NOTES ABOCT PEOPLE AND TH1YOS Other ministers might take a cue from the Rev. Jack Daniell, hustling young pastor of Dunn's Hood Memorial Christain Church. . . . .!Ie bucked tradition and is holding Daily Vacation Bible School at the end of the summer instead of at the beginning and at night instead of in the morn ing. . . .It's the second year he has done it and says it works out 100 per cent better, he has no difficulty securing teachers at night and attendance is way up. . . Not only that, but holdire the school at night gives the whole family an opportunity to attend. . . Dr. Thomas W. Fryer of Miami has been rebooked for a sermon Sun day at Paul Strickland's lakeside Sunday School at White Lake. . . Tom was scheduled to let ’em have the word a few weeks ago but was unable to make it so his ! young son. Tommy, filled the pul-' pit in his place. . . .Incidentally, ; Tommy outdid his old man and drew the largest crowd in the his (Continued On Page Eight) 1 will be celebrated at Chtcora Country Club tonight as the Dunn Lions reached the quarter-cen tury mark. The banquet and dance will in clude special ceremonies honor ing some of the men who helped found the club here and have kept it an active organization through the years. Jack Stickley of Charlotte, the Tarheel who served as interna tional president of the Lions in 1956-57 and made worldwide tra vels to perform his official func tions, will be the key speaker. Chairman Charles VVhittenton, who has headed planning for the event at Chicora. said that a num ber of other distinguished Lions will be present to help the club take its bows. For 25 years of steady achieve ment, the Lions Club has now been designated an “Old Monarch” club (see Susan Black cartoon) The current president is druggist Her man Lynch. Charter members who will be honored during the program in clude Mack Jerniga.i. Hugh Prince, Ralph Snipes, George Arthur Jackson and Raymond Cromartie. Stacey Budd of Sanford, district governor of the Lions, will come to pin chevrons on these half-dozen long-standing members. Others in the Sanford Club w-ill also attend. This silver anniversary celebra tion begins at 7:30 p.m with the dance to follow about 9 o’clock Whittenton said th.v. music will be provided by Lee Sandl n and his Hi-Fi’s. — News Was Close By — Police Found A Potful This isn't one of thbse movie newspapers where the reporter takes a swig of rum ever> time the bell rings on his typewriter. In fact, the teetotalers are al most as thick around here as at a Baptist convention. We just want that understood because of the revelation about to be made. In Dunn, whore police tap many a liquor seller over a year’s time, a house ten yards from the Daily Record has been raided. They came up with a pot of whisky which measured out to a gallon and a half. This morning > in Dunn Court Maybelle Range, who lives there, w’as tried and pled guilty to having the brew in her possession. Judge H. Paul Strickland fined her $50 and court costs with the proviso that she must henceforth allow officers to enter her home without a search warrant to make sure she's keeping the terms on which a six-month jail .sentence was suspended. Thirty-eight years old and gain fully employed, Mrs. Range is a forthright woman who safd after wards she didn’t deal in liquor herself but “had to take the re sponsibility" because it was in her home. Police records revealed one prior arrest or. a liquor charge Man Blames Rape On Love Notes MOORESVILLE (UPD — James Ronald Teague 29, of Mooresville is scheduled to go on trill here late this month on a charge of raping a 15-year-old girl at her home. Teague remained in Jail here today without bond pending trial I'.i a term of Iredell County su perior court starting Aug. 25. Authorities withheld the name of the alleged victim because of her age. At a preliminary hearing, the girl claimed Teague broke a back door lock to enter her house knocked her to the floor, dragged her into a bedroom and raped her Thursday. The defense charged at the hearing that the girl had written “love notes" to Teague, inviting him to the home. Man Held On Burqlary Count Sheriff Claude R Moore said today that Willis Smith. 28. Negro of Broadway was being held in the Harnett County jail without bond on a charge of first degree burg lary. TAie sheriff said Smith al legedly entered the home of Es ielle Gales, a Broadwav colored woman, at 1 a.m. Sunday. No other details of the rase were available. Farm Measure Clears House WASHINGTON (UPI) - An ad ministration-backed bill to pro vide lower price supports for farmers cleared the House today w-ith the support of both Demo cratic and Republican leaders It was passed by voice vote over the protests of some farm belt congressmen of both parties They denounced tt as a "complete sell - out” of the Mideast grain farmer and an “unconditional sur render” to Agricu’ture Secretary Ezra T Benson. The measure would permit sup (Continued On Page Si*) • Philanderer, Barn-Burner, Child Bride, Others Get Divorces Dunn Man Divorced For Adultry Eight divorces were granted in Harnett Superior Court this week and some of the cases involved color and spice — and things no* so nice. A Dunn woman was granted a divorce from her husband on charges of adultery and another woman was granted a divorce from a husband sent to prison be cause he tried to burn her in a tobacco barn Another couple was given a di vorce from a 40-year separation; another divorce was granted be cause the bride was still legally just a child on £er wedding day —and her husband left her the next day. And one divorce basis was insanity. Most of the divorces were gran ted on grounds of two years sep aration Kathryn Humphries of Dunn was given a divorce from Bruce Humphries on grounds of adultery The “other woman" in the case was named as Doris Hughes Miss Hughes’ own brother ap peared to testify against Hum - phries. He swore that the defen dant kept company with his sister and for sometime he didn’t know Humphries was married As a result of this illicit love (Continued On Page his) Lloyd Backs Ike's Mid-Easi Peace Plan UNITED NATIONS. N Y I FM —Briiish Foreign Secretary Sel yn Lloyd gave full support tie day t<> President Eisenhower.. six point peace plan for the Mldd'e Fast and called for private talks at the United Nations to arrange details. Elsenhower Wednesday pro posed a do - it - yourself econo J mie program for the Arab world. He suggested establishment of a U. N standby peace force and emphasized the need for action In the world organization to safe guard Lebanon and Jordan Lloyd told the General Assem bly's emergency session todas he thought it would be “unwise" to go into details of these plan? at this stage “One of the advantages of our meeting 'here Is that we have the opportunity of private consulta* ion and discussion," he said. Doubts Summit Value Lloyd, despite earlier upport expressed by British Prime Min ister Harold Macmillan, said he doubted the value of summit talks for which Russia plugged a*l year, only to back down when ihc Unit ed States and Britain proposed a heads of government meeting In the U. N. Security Council (Continued On Page Seven) I -i- ... .... j Citizens Praise Men Who Shot Him j I Police Chief Shot, People Are Happy BOYD, Tex (UPIi Police Chief Lee Cockrell wa« shot down on Main Street W'e<i'wsdiij night and nearly half the population of this little town gathered to praise the men lhal shot him Cockrell was shot twice in the back and one,, in the arm while trying to arrest three men who allegedly threatened to take Mayor W. B Horn ori a "one-way ride" if he didn't fire the police depart merit. Cockrell wag rushed to St Joseph's Hospital in Fort Worth sen ously wounded He underwent surgery and was reported "much im proved"' today. After the shooting, about 200 persons of the 500 In town gather ed around the City Hall "1 hope he's dead." cried a voice from the crowd. “We sure won't miss him." yelld another. There were few women in the group “People who live around here are afraid to row,, to town " . aid a service station operator “They were afiaid they'd get a ticket Accounts of the gunbatUe varied, and Wise County Sheriff Carl Ramsey said he had not yet completed hi* Investigation Lili St. Cyr Is Filmed In Altogether Nudity Becoming Popular In Movies HOLLYWOOD IL'PL Strip teaser Lili St Cvr made rnovi. j land history this week when sin- appeared in a scene f..r a r. a \a< ' ture in the altogther — that is, absolutel> nude Producer Edward L. Alpersor filmed the sequence knowing Hoi lywood censors would kill thi shot, but he holds high hopes ll will remain in the picture for for eign distribution With the Influx of Brigitte Bar dot films from France nudity hai become increasingly popular witi movie-makers . Hollywood, too has relaxed iti restrictions on expanses of epi dermis. But not to the point ol allow ing L1M to frolic on t h < screen without so much as i G-string The scene used for ‘‘I, Mob ster." was taken directly frorr Uli's night club act In which sh« disrobes to take a bath Hownever her night spot nipups are per formed behind a mesh curtain and she always manages to keef partially covered up Shocker to OldUmers Lili’s movie strip was a shockei to oldtimers Nothing like it hat! ever been attempted before Even Lili was surprised ‘Continued On Page Sis) Her Son Found A False Clue Tear-Gassed Widow Wants Men Who Blew Up Her Big Dream Rv 111) ( K \ 11 Rreord Vf»» t dtlor The laxly in still mod and fins trated anil she wishes Ihi'rt' xvcr* a hot-shot deteetlve ns ho could find Ihr villains who put her lit'rally —in tears Mrs Leona Fish went Into bn* inrss ftn herself for the fir t time in her life three week* igo Seven day* later she was out of business Two strangers armed with a tear gas bomb struck suddenly at Jack's Rocket Drive-in near Coats on a Saturday night They stn> le In and when Mrs Fish spoke to them they didn't answer A few minutes later she heard the crack that sounded like a pis tol or shotgun exploding When the fumes hit her eyes she knew it was tear ga* So did couples in I the dance hail and others parked [ outside Mrs Fish's 11 veat old son. Mack, who slept In a room at the ririxe-in on nights when his mother work ed late, was asleep when toe I bomb exploded “A boy came and woke me,*' he recalls dramatically, "and when 1 walked out the door my eyes were about to tall mil " I I IT MAKES MACK'S sisiei. (Continued On I’age Sl*l Sill DKOITI l> l>KI V I IN Mr* I cotia I Uh altovr hiUi r|rf ion) U mI<Iow who Irft hrr tir* hitftlttr** rulbrt than t «u• < ti.im i n with l«*»r i tn thn>M( r<i who r\pl<Hl»<| bomb in h# r |»l m « of bust nr »*. «Kr«i>rrl Photo »|>«| ( rail Rothschild Goes On Trial Next Allen Given Life In Georgia Killing Jhf'f'hRSON. (»a { I• I A I» Alh'ii w ronvh ti*d amt i n t^nced tit lifi* lm|irl««nnu*nl today a an an omplif i* In ’hi rohh«-i v munliT of an ttliicrly (ieoiulu inn t han? i Alien was nrst up m trials that blossomed swiftly after ex-polire man Chart** Rocky Rothschild confessed h.; he killed Charles Drake two years ago but rlalmed Alien help«*d plan the robhei v that precepltated the kllllnk It was possible that Moth child might go on trial later today A Jury returned th • «,,11■ tv ver diet In Allen's ease aft r 7v4 hour of deliberation but recommended mercy Thai made th*' life sent ence mandatory The Jury tried more than five hours Wednesday and ,*ll of if,. morning today to reach a verdict. It came 30 minutes i.fter th*- jury returned from hirch Karller Judge Maylon tt f"dn!c>-.r;»|e-. re jected a Jury req * -at to order t*'sts on clothing Roths«'hl!d said he had worn the night of the slaying Mother Of Elvis Dies At Age 42 MEMPHIS i t'l'I I Mrs V«rnon j Presley mother of rock ami roll entertainer I’ll vis Presley (lifrl in i a Memphis hospital early today apparently of a heart attack She was 42 Mis Presley’s physician «ahl | death came at about r> I a a m cat It wa unexpected, since *b* had reported feeling o much i better" only a few hours before I Her husband was at her side when she died but Elvis was j asleep at home in suburban White (Continued On Page Six) Dentist Had Nothing To Squirt With After 29 Years, Coats May Vote Anew On Water System * *•" ii»*» > ’ii in v •><! \ h jum wisn rs that back there in 1929 more [M-opIc had seen the light "Angler and Coat* were voting r>n water systems at the same lime Angler got theirs and In Coats it failed by six or 7 votes "But a lot of folks who were against it then have changed their minds They're going to vote different next time ” Yes. C J Turlington admitted. Coats has found itself in quite a fix inis iiunmer for lark of wat er About the tame as last year I-ast year a dentist just up and left town because there he’d be, fixing and squirting, and then there'* be nothing to squirt with The meager supply of water would be shut off for folks all ov er town so the storage tank eould build up a surplus again The town board, said Mayor Turling ton, is solidly behind an effort to get permission from the State I Unties Commission for a new bond election and levorse the de cision of 1929 An engineering survey by J F Honey of Raleigh has indicated that the cost of an effective sys tem, including the fire hydrants which Coats lacks, would cost ab out $215,000 “It’s too bad It wasn’t voted the other time," said Turlington. "It would have cost $75,000 and the (Continued On Fage Sill At Least 46 Americans On Board Plane MlVWoN Ireland <11*1- — \ KIM I;<m it |iiit«h \lrliiif < Niiprr Constellation wiMi *PI per hoii% a board. Inelttdlng at Irail • *» \ merle4n« plunged |nt*» thf storm* North Vtlantle todav oft * flight from 'tm l'i.lim to New V orh » Mtirv i' i i ntulltloiH were good, but there was tin solid report ?h»t •n> of Ihp airliner's passenger* hail *itr\t\nl the crash I ho Hiitdi Mr Mm drv said the I* rt*heh trawler lii’n^rat Le tt It*IT sent ,i message tonight sav Ing Can m*p IUrhn.it4 with men on board Hut after .» close up look the \ 11 Mint, r- said thr tntw-lri messaged th**i . * wa . no sign of lift* visible Markitess wax rioting n swiftly on fh«* (lii.pttM are i and r.irh passing mimitr dimmed hope* Unit any of thoM t board had survived Ju#f. four years ago next month another K I NT Super Constellation crushed at the same tine of day and tinder nint h the sami rtr • (umdiim i*s |t phitt m| before1 dawn Into fhe Stnnnou * dual v flats I here were 54 prisons aboard and 27 died Two patrol planes of the [loyal Mi t* one vvim * nvei th** an a wben the Oenerat I.eCtere’s me* N I LT|» U it nil Wiwl lift Tl»« ninu.wi reported thcv »w Another uni* diHltified trawler *t«* mind for Hu* HI»ol from about eight tittle* nwny. Previously, two fn *h *r.m*h pIloU returning to Shannon said tin* It \ K rr*'u «. bcllrv* d they .i\v a*mi* Ilf#** in r.»l * dotting the *ea Around the crash nr^i A K1 \1 passenger Its? Hsued at The Hague* Holland .mud the name* of 10 person* i ie compinv “aid were A iht'IrnrH \ spokes man for the .drllne aid earlier that at lead 10 n«*‘ ionallfleA” '■••it Ineltided in tho,r aboard. The erew of eight was ail Dutch. The j|I fated tit craft l ft Shan* non airport at I 05 a m. today 10 05 p III c . t VVedn#’,daV* headed for Grander. Newfound land It apparently ran into » Hiun* demtorni and crashed. Quick Trial Effort Is Frustrated An '(fin tn -tolleltor Charles I.ee iJu I., quick!. hrinK to trial DM ll.ii "limi v 11 ii f rated in I In i M Court t!ii .i in niri ’ L)i tense \itui i' , I .tii-rt C. Bryan, tin had • iru : snuyli a continuant' 'i H.nil tli.it tie ucouId ask for a joi trt-i liulv't' It Paul Stru kl.ui l ■' • t> i • l ilalt* fie’ September Han loot • wife and Mr. Jn-iph Coats have claimed that a road teas barricaiiett to stop their ear util that Barefoot shot a pistol art (Contiuurd (In Paice Si*i

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