♦ WEATHER + Mostly sjnnv t«>da\ Increasing cloudiness tonight and Saturday. Not as cold tonight Ehe L aily Kieer THE RECORD IS FIRST VOLUME 8 TFLEPHONE 3117 — 3118 IM'NN. N l FRIHAV %FTI HVOO\ (X ini;» |j 31, i«»*»S MM I I Ms 1*1 |{ ( »»|* \ NO »M» JANUARY OPENING — A block off Broad Street near the Supreme Service Station, a crew of workmen are busy on the building which will house the new- Federal Savings and Loan here Foreman Silas Vlphln (above) said the shooting dat. to open the building is January 3. (Record Rhoto.) Jh&Ac Jtittlc JJunqA By HOOVER ADAMS LITTLE NOTES ABOUT PEOPLE AND THINGS Dunn’s American Lesion post won't hold its traditional free feed this Armstice Day — or Veterans' Day, as it’s now designated. “The post treasury just can’t stand it,” explained Major Geor ge Franklin Blalock_Those for tunate enough to hear the Rev Clarence Corbett, Jr. at Dunn’s First Baptist Church last Sunday morning said Doc really did him self proud and delivered an ex ceptionally fine sermon. This coming Sunday, the popular young Dunn minister is holding Home coming Day at his Calvary Bap tist Church, a few miles on the um>Mi is ui l/uui’ jumi vjiffii, i popular Dunn man who's well | known in farm machinery circles, is now with McLamb Machinery. Inc... It s the quietest campaign year we’ve known in a long time Most people don’t even realize, that a national election is to be held Tuesday."What are we supposed to he voting on'.’" some body asked this morning. C. Dana Malpass of Wilmington, a politi cian of the old school and the Republican opponent of Congress man Alton Lennon, was in the of fice today to remind everybody that there is an election Tuesday.. A kindly old gentleman with a twinkle in his eye. Candidate Mal pass lists his varied vocations as j a minister, evangelist, laborer, farmer, editor, author, publisher, and former postal employee, sales man, soldier and teacher.At least, nobody can accuse him of being inexperienced According to a report he gave us. running for office on the Republican tic ket is pretty rugged in this staunch Democratic territory. It cost him $225 to file for the office, and as yet he hasn't been able to talk Republicans out of but $174 to re imbursement . "A millionaire (Continued On Page Two> Helicopter Joins Hurst For Woman, 90 A helicopter from Fort Bragg today joined the search for ft 90 year-old colored woman miss ng from her home in the Spring Lake section ot Harnett County. Sheriff' CiffUfle ^fonrp reported that the woman. Cappie Barnes was gone when her daughter re turned yesterday from a trip to get a ton of wmod. Mrs. Barnes lived with two dau ghters on Spring Lake, Route 1 Neighbors joined :n the search after a preliminary scouting of the community failed to turn her up The sheriff and Rural Police man Walker O'Quinn led a large band of the woman’s in nils as they tramped the woods for her last night. This morning Moore contacted Fort Bragg and arranged to have the helicopter explore the area in combination with searchers on the ground. YOUTH AVERTS CRASH CULLMAN. Ala UP School authorities today credited Wayne Pearson. 17. with preventing a school bus crash when the driver died at the wheel. Pearson turned off the ignition and pulled the emergency brake to stop the bus Thursday after driver James Ri ley Copeland Sr , 56, died of a heart attack. IKE PLAYS GOLF WASHINGTON Pre i den Eisenhower player golf Thurs day at the Burning Tree Club in nearby Maryland. DUNN LOSES Halloween aside, this was Gloom Day in earnest at Dunn High School. Last night they were defeated for the division title by Massey Hill, losing 12-7 That knocks them out of any chance to advance in the state playoffs. See Sports Page for details. Billy Goat Held For Chasing Girls MORRISTOWN, T* nn (UPf> — A gallivanting hilly goat with a penchant for women was up for grabs today. The billy goat, also known • the tiger of the Tigertown community, was arrested Thursday after sev eral people complained that he was chasing women and children but leaving men alone The goats was first put in a ("11 at the county jail but the other prisoners objected Deputy Johnny French tied him outside. He’s just a lively fellow, but a fine goat,” French said "He's still not claimed and if the owner doesn’t show up. anyone wanting him may have him.” Jealous Lover Kills His Rival WHITEVILLE — Floyd K.'lh of Bolton was h- Id without bond todav in the fatal shoo ing of a lose rival who was to have been deported today Columbus County Sher^f 1 I? Pridgen said Thursday that Kelly had admitted the lover’s lane shotgun slaying Wedn< *d: v 4I.' of Francis Pepper, 26. Pepper, a Bri'ish subject who had work'd in a pulp wood mil! at Acme, N. C. since 1948. had been ordered to leave the country because his visa had '-xpired He was to have left for England today Mary B-nson of Arm? told Deputy Sheriff T B Con that. Kelly followed her and Pepper Wednesday night when ’hev drove to a lonely, rural lover’s lane She said Kelly ordered them out of the car and then shot Pcpp-r. Farmer Claims Land Neglect, Collects $5,000 Booze Mill On Rented Land Proves Costly For Sorrell Private wrath has cost John Sorrell Jr. of near Dunn five tim es as much as his public arrest for operating a liquor still. Sorrell and John E West were sued in Chatham County Superior Court at Pittsboro by a landlord who claimed that they had neg lected his land while running a booze mill there Judge Susie Sharp awarded H C Sprinkle 15000 from she pair of defendants for allowing the farm land to deteriorate Earlier this year Sorrell was convicted of manufacturing non - taxpaid whisky and w as fined $500 in Pittsboro's Recorder's Court West (not charged in the cri minal case i was held equally lia ble with Sorrell in the civil suit Sprinkle accused the pair of be ing so busy making liquor they didn't keep up the farm land rent ed to them along the Chatham - Wake County line Rural Raiders Get 30 Stills In October The month o Ovtobff 1 * will go tlreir own wav Fh*t report* indicated that de stiucUve vandalism would he down from preceding years, but Indianapolis police said stolen step signs hate already caused some accident* There also weie In stances Thursday ills'll! of broken windows, flat tires and stolen an to appliances I rirksier t\ minded In Itickncll. Ind a tear her. Miss Carla llarbaugh. shot and srric usly woundrd one of her grammar school s'udmlt when the boy tried to Matter com on her front porch fhe hot, I art Martin, 13, and some friends had been throwing corn while the rest of the tiwn was at a Halloween parade \ hullei intended to pass over his head struck him in the throat. On the bright side many com munities were proud of their tot*' fContinced On Page Twoi — Sees Nixon A Shoo-In — 'Last Campaign' For Malpass Republican Congressional can didate C Dana Malpass didn't hes itate to make county Democratic chairman D K Stewart part of his visiting list as he made the rounds in Harnett yesterday and today. I wanted to tell him about tin advantages of the* two-par*\ tom.” said Malpass Mo admitted rather «ad!\ that this will probably In* his last < am paign Malpass says that in 19.V1 ho polled the laigest vote <»f any Hcpublionn candidate for Congress (f'on On I'aKf Two) SHK S DOM1.STIC, TOO—Prftty Carolyn Gardner. “Mim I»onn of 1958-59" is a very busy young Udy. In addition to brine the town's reigning beauty queen which requires constant personal appearance*, she’* an honor student at Campbell ('•Urge. And she still finds time for rooking and assisting her mother with house keeping. Here, Carolyn is shown on a shopping trip in Dunn's new **i«ly Wiggly super market, stocking up for the weekend on super-nutritious Made Rite bread. “We always prefer Wade Kite ” said Carolyn. “AU my family loves It.” And such a statement from a lovely lady like Carolyn should make President V. T. Franklin of Made-Rite Bakeries in Goldsboro very happy. (Dally Record Photo.) MAUI I III 11{ OWN Inn i non v lit min III Mr g li U ,* ( W .»g nolO \ventir rrammir Yrh««l had 411 • tirMrr *lart on li t Ho* mi I rii\ |ng m hiiol vfYtrrdiiv thr% rlminrrl the f»*|H-r%*< k m.i<»k<* the* hid dfnifalrd Ihemaelvr*. d < rail » Admits Killing Two Models, Young Mother Killer Leads Posse Jo Women's Bodies Avalanching Rollcall For Scout Dinner Just oni side of fh* counts h,»s already Yielded more* than 500 reservations for the District An nual Bov Scout Dinner We don’t know wher , p r * \erybodv said District f seen* five John Buvh "tint we’r* ,*Ucd o many will tom**” Tins is tin* banquet whei top adult leaders in srontinu! ar • re r ogfii/ed for theli arhiev nientl Th» outstanding scoutmaster' den mother cub master and dMrict sccHiter will ad be named for -pee |a| awards Nc*w distnc* officers vsili b» >n tailed b\ John Shutt, of Baiei^h executive of the Oec on* r< he e Council \n award will be Kiven to tile scout unit with the he t attendance and to the be «c out* HiJK II* III'- '.III- 'I* i 'll IIMIII Training awards will go o unit leader* and d*-n mo! Ini a who have completed nfou'.lng training arid lenuri Scoutmasters go ‘lirough 10 pha*< * of training and erve three Mire*Ivc years a* an actlw Kout leader to receive tin. m cognition I Cu> *t speaker at the iianrju't iwill be K P Wood non trii oer of Occidental Ulc Insurann Com pany and in art it* Hoy Seoul en thusiast Reservation* are now being tak >n for the November IK banquet which will t>< held In the C.imp hell (,'nilcge dining hull and hi ’Jn at 7 .10 p m The idea of the dinner," said Bush, ’V to recognbt*- unit 1. aderx and scouting committeemen for work 'hey have done during the year This night lx for par- n»s only " WASHINGTON - Mr* Carr.e Estelle IXdieny. 83, widow of multlinlllionarie oil developer j Edward L Doheny, died Thura I day following a heart attack SAN DIROO ( iilif t |*|* ( on fp.Mftf kill* r Ifi*rv«*> Min il% (Ha* man. '<0, « illy !od»\ ted .» j»n *.* of policemen through h barren <1 * h**11 area to the n main* of wo of his fhit** unoicri victim.*. Thi* remain* found in Mu unin j habited e;i;lh<|iiik voiles •section | «»f \n/ i s*.«14■ I*ark Himut HO mil* j not Mirasf of lu t e were those of • Iti a< ?i\ • mod l Ruth Hit i \f i ratio 24 mi intf imp hud fulv and Mr Shirlev Ann nihfi^rford 24 mother of two children tnfa ; irifct dnee hint March Only the poiched bon* k re main'd of Mi Hrid^eford whom M ontliMirfi on Taicr I wo) Decade Of I Improvements Recommended IPI Vhv sUfr tloaiit «*f Kihif th« I M . t l rMimi . mi ! i * I tin t.M!» HHi >»> to Ur uprnt lui ttiK till l»r HI III \ »Mt H fill | .|D‘ ji'.il imt»i m »‘im*n ^ fur r.itr -Up ■ |H»r!i'i| i •»!)«' and tirmmMttr* i Thr t atr would m»t havr to pimtd* itir full amount. howrvfr 1 rtu u».i i »4ur«'H ih.it Ml tr. nou x%<»itlit Im i»mirntMt to fhr *tatr If • lot mttot n t* # *clf Ui|uii| ifrd i»\ tmi half !ht* total rvprnditur* l hat cotnptda’inti would Iravr thr .'.i i' with ii totnf lull of $78 ItM j Wttl fm tfcr ftiNUHW prrtml That fuurr riifflpafp's with | a tmut $)(H) OfU) IKM) Hj»rut liming | 'hr tfM7 *7 yrar* Rut 'hr Imard » d d hit* i Ir.i i r\ nh iu r f»j ! poor plaivnlAit a* rrgitnt* torn » tion** of building* amt a-* m i ,n d* ftp lU’ivit of building- fm pmj 11‘ctPtl u*r* ' cftirfitg that iMitfrr | »»♦ ! io«| the board bused ita request o#l enrollment projection*'* which cKe a probable Iflfl 70 mint morn enrollment In the xrhoots of 72 - »hm) and ;» probable maximum of !H» (MM) Hulk to 1 M The hoik of the requested funds would go to the Consfllirlrttnl t’nl* verbify of North ( arolina Hie to tal for thi* Consolidated Utilvrr dt\ for the 10-tear period ft a! $47 i;U m with 122 HIT,336 \$ 19Mt i»| and |?INjtiO*3 fot iMt ^ ( hwiff" bbW ("nw munMv enilcifea would h«*wovPi* * t the hulk of their fund* In the • i-old pound from I ltd I fif) That allocation would mean that the total < h* doled would ope nil SKI C»> lm» in the next two year* and S it Mi,1 iul.t in the last eiijht- year* ftn- a kdnw it Mroken down by school. the - ehrdule i ill* foe t \< fid H47 • l*M» Division of Health Nffalls, Hi I mi (MM) N C State SIM I tvt • tMMi \yric iilfui i| hxjnmenf Sta tion $1971.100 Woman College, $1 Id JtM) I ist Candlti.i ( oil* '« Hi Ml * :>00 \ X '| *4 m;;t . '*> Western Carolina $2.8!*>.7-ta Vppalurhlan, S'i 1* i‘. fMM> Pembroke Style SI t .VHMjO Winston-Salem TeticlH'i'i, $2 31H. 500 Kli/abcth (Vv Teaeb • I - $1 4VI 000 y a V et t evllbi I f/H'lii't *i $2 017,M'»0 N (‘ Col d onUmied On IVitr I w«ii New Union Hall Already Open TWUA Nat l Prexy To Speak At Erwin Alrmdy moviit into ihnr snap in new ijuarleis in tin- tidy new union hall w of town Krwin | union official* an- awaiting the • nival 01 |ntci n.it lonal General ! Mriildent William I'ollock heail >f Mi< Textile Worker- of A HUT | it'ii I’olloi k a major lalior loader with Iwariuu.ii'iti m \>n the on I k .mil aims uf those who tii.iii I ■ ti \ )(• -n dustrv Yeitei iluv hu- ii ,u tit Sum Millello moved in; i tin Im-itU's.' a Kent s office In the new hall, .lilting Iroin i he f "irnei down town location in hack of the Krwin theatre Its a lot better here, he da ted We hope our attendance i( rill tinned On Pur Three • Directors Are Nominated South River REA Pians Annual Meet A N$nlnatln( Committee corn-, j>o-cd of mnnlyrs from the riif j ferent geographic areas of the ! South ftiver Electric Memo -rsh o Corporation met and noin mttrd ! nine directors to be voted upon at the Annual Meeting of the mem ber* November 21. 19511 Tho.se serving on the nominating o--.irr.it tee were Marion Clark It 7, Fayetl*vill . G t McCormick. K 1 Broadway. W Murphy Guy. R-2. Fayetteville. E A Bonce, H-l. Sledman. H. J. Norris K I, Rosehoro. Jake Speil. H-l. Autry vltle, Kgn-1 Draughon. H I Godwin C T McCull-n, Jr., R-3, Clinton. W E Peacock, R-2, Four Oaks Candidates nominated by them (or director* in 1959 are: Kesler C Butler, R-7, Fayette ville, Rebekah Evans. R-5, Fay etteville. L D H'-rring, R-3. Clin ton. L. A Hall. R-l, AutryvlUe, (Cuntinurd On Page Si*)