+ WEATHER + Considerable cloudiness, warm and humid today, tonight and Tuesday with scattered showers and thundershowers occurring mostly in afternoon and evening. The B aitg Kewrd VOULME 9 TELEPHONE 3117 — 3118 DUNN, N C. MONDAY AFTERNOON. JULY 20. 1950 FIVE CENTS PERCOPY NO. 158 BOILING ALONG — The busy assembly line where locally grown peppers are prepared for the worldwide market ay II. P. Cannon Co. was boiling along today. Large photo shows belt carrying peppers down two lanes of workers. Sue Lambeth (inset) slices peppers as they start out on this chain. (Record Photos by Ted Crail.) JhQA& — Presi dent Eisenhower, asserting that “skyrocketing of federal spending” must be stopped, criticized the Senate and House today for includ ing funds to start new projects in a pending public works appropria. tions bill. The President's sharp statement was interpreted as a warning that he might veto the bill, unless Congress knocks out funds for many of the new projects. The chief executive’s views were set forth in an exchange of cor respondence with Rep. John Taber (R-N.Y.), senior Republican on the House Appropriations Committee. Taber will serve on the Senate. House conference committee as signed to draft the final bill. As it stands now, the bill is a direct challenge to the President’s recommendation against starting any new public works projects for development of the nation’s water resources. (Continued on Page Two) In Slaying of Wife Socialite LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UPI1— So cialite Dr. Bernard R. Finch, ar rested in the $150-a-month Las Vegas apartment of his former nurse, will be returned to the Los Angeles area today to face ques tioning in the slaying of his at tractive wife. Finch, 43-vear-old part owner of a West Covnia. Calif., medical center, signed a waiver of extra dition Sunday night but refused to make a statement to sheriff's dep uties about the gunshot killing of his wife, Barbara. 38. She w'as shot outside thetr $80, 000 home in West Covina, a Los Angeles suburb about midnight Saturday. The family maid said she saw Finch chase his wife out of the garage with a gun and then heard a shot. Finch’s nurse friend said she was there shortly before but left when Mrs. Finch pulled a gun. Finch was arrested in the plush apartment of Carol Pappas, 22. a former nurse of his who for the past month has been working 'Continued on Page Two) Earl Wears Out His Texas Welcome EL PASO, Tex. (UPI) — Gov. Earl Long of Louisiana.his wel come worn as short as his tem. per-planned to leave Texas today for Denver. The talkative, mentally.troubled Long announced abruptly Sunday night he was scrapping plans to go to Monterrey, Mexico, as prev iously announced, after a second incident involving editorial criti. cism by Texas newspapers. In Denver, a spokesman for the Brown Palace Hotel said theatri. j cal agent Jack Blue had reserved I five double rooms for the Long | party for Wednesday. The 63-yeur_old governor has spent the last nine days in Texas, with side trips to New Mexico and Mexico, in a vacation punctuated by <%n tyursts of pn.flanity and threats. He came to Texas for a rest after being in and out of three mental wards and suffering what doctors said may have been one or more slight strokes. E. M. Pooley, editor of the El Paso Herald Post, commented ed itorially Sunday that "the papers in this part of the country are dis. gusted with Long,” and added that Triple Love-Killing Leaves 6 Orphans j SLIDELL, La. radib' announcer whose name lea- j ves him open- to all sort- of bad ! jokes about being a sparkplugi, had a pretty sparky weekend. With his family, which includes . a wife and three young daughters s —ages 7, 6 and 4—he moved into a new home on North Orange Ave nue, reporting to work here early this morning for his first day on the job. He admits that he doe- not ha. ve experience as a sales super, visor, will have to learrr it. His predecessor in the job was a PTes (Continued on Pare Two) -«LD CHAMPION Doctor Questioned WIN'S IMS CASE — Kirby Johnson had lust descended from thp Dnnn ritv courtroom where he was acquitted of a charge of driving on the wrong side in Jonesboro wreck. His arm was still bound up from crash. (Record Photo by Ted Crail.) Johnson Acquitted In Wreck Trial Kirby Johnson, an' 18-year-old pickup driver accused in the i wreck at the Jonesboro overpass, this morning was acquitted in Dunn Recorder’s Court of driving on the wrong side of the road. Former Superior Court audg^ Howard Godwin, acting as solicit, or, recommended to the court at the conclusion of state's evidence that a verdict of not guilty be re. turned. Judge Godwin said the testimony did not seem to ad. quately support the charge against Johnson. When he came to court today Johnson's arm was still contained | in a heavy cast and a witness, Charles Edward Autry, 17, was , still suffering from a fractured jaw. Autry was a passenger in the accident. The pickup had collided at the mouth of the overpass, located a few miles from Dunn, with a car driven by Bruce Allen, 25, of Ro me 2, Dunn. The collision was near the ho- I me of SBI agent Bill O'Daniel, i who left his bed to rush to the scene, summoned a tfire truck J and other help with his police Batman-Like Entry Made By Thieves Thieves who broke into a cloth ing store here over the weekend nttsdown through the roof and '1