(dsuaihsih Variable cloudiness and mild this afternoon with chance of a few showers and scattered thundersh owers mainly in south portion Party cloudy, windy and cooler tonight and Saturday. " VOLUME U TELETHON* DUNN, N. C. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER IS, IMS FIVE CENTS TUB COPT GAMES TONIGHT Dunn at Morehead City Angier at Ramseur Erwin at Hope Milk Midway at Union C. B. Aycock at Pine Forest Four Oaks at Massey Hill Greenwood at Coats NO. 195 I FT FROM THEIR LANDLORD — Mrs. Edward Godwin, left, Mrs. Tommy Sessoms, right, operators of The Beauty Salon, > occupied the same location for Ate past 18 years. Add Nici r’re iMAfcJhe finwt tenants « pro y’Ve nrwr made the first complaint and the only request erer made was for the glass door to be replaced when it was broken. To show his apprecia tion, Mr. DeMai has fust added a beautiful and modernistic near front to The Beauty Salon. It matches the styling of his other ad journing office buildings. Delighted, Mrs. Godwin and Mrs. Sessoms Were equally high in their praises of Mr. DeMai as a landlord. (Daily Record photo by Russell Bassford.) fall Girl Must Appear Oct. 2 mm ' 1 . V. ;: • 77 Christine Makes ffijr v- ■ . .. 7f-' f) ^ 1 7 . * ' -C. Courf Appearance LONDON (UPI) — Call girl Christine Keeler made a two inlhute appearance in Magistrate’s Court today on charges she con spired to obstruct justice in the j&sault trial of Jamiacan Jazz singer Aloysuis Lucky Gordon, otie of her discarded lovers. •WW ‘keM tittle TkihgJ By HOOVER ADAMS (ARKT PHELPS — A SYMBOL QF UNC academic freedom Governor Terry Sanford and UNC esident William Friday are still ting that Communists should be ped to speak at State institu (Continued on Page d) Hie 21-year-old redhead, whose amours set off the sensational Profumo scandal, and three co defendants were ordered to ap pear CXit. 2 for a pre-trail hear ing. All four were permitted to re main at liberty under bail posted after their arrest last Friday. Miss Keeler wore a dark brown check suit and high-heeled black shoes when she stepped from a limousine at great Marlborough Street court with two co-defend ants. her roommate Paula Ham 11 ton-Marshall, 23, and their house keeper, Mrs. Olive Brooker. 56. The fourth defendant. West In dian Rudolph Fenton, 39, arrived on his own while extra police held back a crowd of several hundred persons. All four defendants stood brief ly In the prisoner’s dock while the formalities of continuing their ball were concluded and a date set for the hearing which under British law determines whether a Against Integrated Schools In Ala. White Students Demonstrate BIRMINGHAM, Ate. flfPI) — About 300 chanting white student from a newly - Integrated high school formed a caravan of flag draped cart today and demon strated at several schools, trying to whip up support for a boycott of classes. i! The students from W*et End High School gathered across thf street from Phillips High, Still all vfcite, before classes aWfichanter' the familiar stogan: “Two, four six, eight — we ddn’t want-,to inte grate.'’ The demonstration was noisy but orderly. AboOt six policeme’ were on hand. Officers did not permit the students to congregate near West End, or at Ramsay High, also newly integrated. Police routed their caravan o cars, festooned with Confederal flags, around the Integrated school The student caravan was one r several that roamed the city pro testing integration of three Bir mingham schools. Attendance Better Official reports from the thref integrated schools stated that at tendance had Increased slightly a< two, and remained about the -samr Boy On Bike Hit By Auto jMKIypP Ted Baibour, Jr., 15, of Route 3. Benson, suffered a fractured thigh Then the bicycle he was riding was struck by a car Sunday at 12:30 p. m. on rural paved road 1319 six miles north of Benson. Barbour was taken to Rex Me morial Hospital in Raleigh where his condition Monday was describ ed as “satisfactory.” Highway Patrolmen Sam Collins and D. M. Cole made the investiga tion. Patrolman Collins said the car involved was a 1955 Pontiac driven by Jimmy Morrison of Route 3, Benson. 35-year-old Negro who was oharged with drunken driving.. The patrolmen reported that Bar bour was driving the bicycle down a dirt road when he entered the rural paved road in front of the car. The front of the car struck the bicvcle and carried the boy and bike some 60 feet, the officers said Property damage was estknated at $15 to the car and $30 to the bicycle. Bank Held Uo In Councer Tenn. COUNCE, Tenn. (UP) — Two men escaped with about $5,000 to day robbing a branch bank In this small West Tenneawe com munity, authorities said. The two men entered the Citi zens Branch about 9:15 a.m. and pulled a gun ori Mrs. Jane Sharp, a 48-year-old teller. Mrs, Sharp said sh<> was the only person In the bank at the time. Ammunition Aboard Plane That Kipped Apart lavs Mot Carried Arms new HAVEN, Conn. (UPI) — fhe pilot in a mystery-shrouded airliner crash, caused by an ex plosion, owned a gun shop and lently carried arms and am munition on his flights between Miami and New York, it was char ged in federal court today. ' Some of the arms were sold to Cuban exiles, according to charges Mde by an attorney involved in gijniranee litigation. •The plane crashed on Jan. •. IMo fa North Carolina, killing 34 jS&ons, including Julian Frank, £J, Westport, Conn., businessman VtlQBe life had been insured a few niopths earlier for $1 minion, and pi m * ******* * National Airlines. The plane, a DC6B, was ripped apart in the air by the explosion and plunged Into a marshy area near the town of Bolivia, N. C. three days lated Frank’s mutilat ed body was found in the surf of Kure Beach on the Atlantic Oce an. about 16 miles from the crash site. CLAIMED SUICIDE The Occidental Insurance Com pany of California, which held $800,000 of Frank’s policies, claim ed that Frank committed suicide by blowing UP the plane, in oppo sition to tins, the charge filed to day said: n... m — that gun-powder was being carried a board the National Airlines OC6B being piloted by Mr. Southard that crashed at Boliva, N. C.** Same time ago. th* insurance company started civil action a gainst Frank’s widow seeking a Judgment that it would not have to pay the $600,000. The policy contained a provision that if the Insured died by suicide, the com pany’s liability would be limited to the amount of the premiums paid, in this case $3,767.60. Frank’s widow, former blonde model Janet Frank, who now is Mrs. Joseph F. Rafferty of San Francisco, has taken court action at the third. West End had 4f more students than Thursday. Ram say had only one more and Gray mont elementary nad 12 more stu dents. One of the motorcades roam ing the city was made of 100 cars driven mainly by adults. Banner? On the cars called for a boycott of the desegregated schools. JUST BEING HIMSELF—Suzy Parker ft just one of the gorgeous gals Gene Barry will meet in his role as Amos Burke, an independently wealthy homicide detective, in a new television series. He’S dispense “Burke’s Law” in the usual fashion—Bany playing Barry. Says Barry. Presbyterians Plan Campbell Day The First Presbyterian Church of Dunn wlli observe “Campbell College Day at the morning wor ship service this Sunday. The Presbyterian students at Camp bell will be the special guests of the church for the worship ser vice and dinner afterwards. On Thursday evening, Septem ber 19, at 7:00 o’clock, the Men and Women of the church will honor the Presbyterian students, Presbyterian faculty members and others at Campbell at a steak dinner In the fellowship hall of the church. The Presbyterian stu dents who attend Campbell from the local Church will also be spe cial guests at the dinner. Dr. O. I«. Hooper, a ruling eld er of the church, is general chair man of the Campbell Observance. The following committees are pre paring for the day: arrangements for meals on Sunday, Mrs. Bruce Brown, chairman, Mrs. Leon Me Kay; transportation for Sunday and Thursday, Robert C. Bryan, chairman, Bruce M. Brown, Eu gene Bracey; Thursday evening dinner, Women of the Church chairmen, Mrs. W. W. Cunning ham, Mrs. Marvin Bodwin; Men of the Church chairmen, W. A. Gilbert, Roy Tew and Mickey Rouse: hospitality, Frank L. Be lote, chairmen. Mrs. E. P. Davis, Jr„ Mrs. B. C. Pridgen. Mrs. C. W. Byrd, Mrs. Mac Turlington, John Gray: ticket sales. Gerald Mann; program. Dr. Hooper and the Rev. Leslie C. Tucker. At this dinner brief talks will be made by Dr. Prank L Weyer and Dr. Paul Yoder of the Camp bell faculty and a devotional con ducted by the minister of the church. The congregation of the First Church plans to be on hand to greet the students and faculty members. Brothers Named In Counterfeit Case CHARLOTTE (UPD — A three state counterfeiting ring, involv ing at least 11 men, has been bro ken up by the Secret Service af ter years of Investigation. Vernon D. Spicer, special agent in charge of the S8 office here, reported that agents arrested four more men, each accused of pass ing 120 bills in bogus money. This brought to 11 the number arrested in the case since M*y. Spicer said he believed a few more arrests would dose the case but that the investigation would continue "until every link is In place" Warrants have also been Issued for the arrest of two brothers, both formerly of Dunn. Th*y *re Q«ue Autry Mwls. age Joseph Garland Dennis, 24, who now reside In Norfolk. Va. All 11 men accused of passing the counterfeit money m North Carolina, Virginia and Tennessee. Spicer an untold amount of the money is still in circulation and that "several thousands of dollars” has been confiscated. He identified the latest four arrested as Ralph C. Wlnsted of Merritt; Billy Ray Johnson, 37, a Duma carpenter; Jacob McKinley Stewart, 33, a Dunn painter and printer Robert Williams of Wil son. Williams, who was ordered held under 310.000 bond, is a parolee on a Mnrth Carolina murder convic tion,^ (Continued qn BW •) UNC Leader Witness At Hearing Today WASHINGTON <UPI)—Kicking and screaming students demons trators were di-aggea wholesale from the U.S. Capitol today when they boisteriously protested a House investigation Into illegal travel to Communist Cuba. Also slated to testify today was Larry Phelps of Burlington, N. C., one of the leaders In the Pro gressive Labor Club at the Uni versity of North Carolina. Phelps, who has declared that he is even further to the left than the Community Party of the U. S., was among the students who defi ed the U. S. government and went to Cuba. Phelps has been loud in his praises of Fidel Castro, and reportedly among those who cheered a movie showing the shooting down of an American plane. Phelps activities at UNC have been defended by UNC President Bill Friday and Chancellor Wm Aycock, who say Communists should be allowed to speak freely at State Institutions. Jityjt yesterday, Friday protest ed bitterly because the former edi tor of a Communist newspaper In London cannot appear at UNC under the new speaker ban law. Phelps graduated at UNC this spring. Six of the demonstrators were ejected from the morning session of the House Committee on Un American Activities on order of Chairman Edwin E. Willis, who stood shouting to police: "Throw them out.*’ This episode, a revival of Thursday’s violence, was quickly followed by another flareup as the afternoon session began. Youths of both sexes were standing in a long line waiting admission. As the line approach ed the caucus room, police singl ed out certain youths and refused to let them enter. Couple Ejected A young man and a girl wear ing sweaters, were grabbed by police after they got inside the room. A struggle started with the man screaming: “Leave my wife alone.” Police carried him down to the (Continued on Page 6) *• f 'rt" * , *. ;■ THERE’S MEANING IN THEIR SMILE -- pictured hqte Wearing big smiles are Mr. and Mts. Leo McNease ol Spartanburg, S. C. ing to "the local exposition, which will continue through tomorrow. This ig their second year at tile local fair. (Dally Record Photo by RUsseQ'Bassfurd.) At Banner Still Two Men Arrested Local treasury agents and John ston County deputy sheriffs in a surprise raid Thursday morning ar rested two Four Oaks men, con fiscated a 1953 Ford and destroyed a 701 gallon submarine type still. The outfit was located in John ston County in Banners Township. Leo Maasengill, 37 of Route 3. Four Oaks, and Elwood Allen, 26, of the same address, were arrested and released without bond pending their appearance before U. S. Com missioner Abe Elmore on Monday. Art Bryant, agent in charge of the local post, said 1450 gallons fer menting mash, and miscellaneous distilling ecruipment and materials were also destroyed at the scene. The raid was made by Bryant, Raymond Harrison and Raymond Moore and' deputies pailey Stewart, Charlie Lewis and Olenn Cobb. GUEST REVIVALIST The Reverend Charles B. Ho ward, noted and beloved evange list, a native of Sampson county, will be the guest speaker during an area-wide revival beginning Monday night, September 16, at 7:30 o’clock, in the Roseboro Ta bernacle. This evangelistic crusade is sponsored by a group of chur ches in the West. Sampson area. W. A. West will have charge of the music. The public is cordially invited. Dr. Howard and 1 Dr. Peck Appointed College Fills Two Posts Dr. C. Edward Howard of Clin ton has Joined the science faculty of Campbell College as assistant professor of geology. Campbell has also announced the appointment of Dr. Marylyn Van Leer Peck to the position of associate professor in its depart ment of mathematics. Dr .Howard attended Campbell in 1950-51, and completed his un dergraduate work in geology at Duke University in 1953. He re ceived the M. 8. degree in geolo HOWARD DR. C. gical engineering at N. C. State, College in 1965, and this year gra duated from Louisiana State Uni versity with the Ph.D. degree in geology. He taught geology at the university while studying for the doctorate Dr. Howard was a teaching as sistant at State College during his study there, and he served as geologist in the North Carolina Department of Conservation and Development in 1952-54. He was mining engineer for the Tungsten Mining Corporation at Henderson in 1965-57. His professional memberships include Sigma Xi, American Ins titute of Mining Engineers, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert R. Howard of 509 Woodrow street, Clinton, he, is married to the former Eve lyn Kline Baker of Henderson. Dr. Peck has studied chemical engineering and mathematics at Vanderbilt University and at the University of Florida, from which she has the Ph D. degree. Her most recent professional assign ment (Feb. 1961-Feb. 1903) has been research engineer for the Rocketdyne Division of North American Aviation, in California. Earlier, she had research and teaching assistantships at the Uni versity of Florida and at George Institute of Technology; and she had lectured in chemistry and mathematics , at Georgia State College. Dr. Peck’s membership in pro fessional societies includes the Society of Women Engineers, of which she was national vice-presi dent in 1863. In San Diego last year, she received the Golden Plate of Achievement award of the Academy of Achievement; and in a special issue of Life maga < Continued on Page 6) DR. MAETLTO KCK mr

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