CLASSIFIED RATES under k words m cents Race ad. over is words, s CENTS PER WORD, PAID IN ADVANCE. ror Soto I-A FOR SALE Roll out WUidSws abd doom Ukc new. Complete coml pink bath room outfit. Forty ful. hot water heater. Built In Ogk. Teh piece dlr.inr room suite and many odds and ends of landscaping plants. Mute be sold ana removed at >nce. All going at very loir price*. Mrs. Eldridge Lee, OH fairground Rd., formerly Lee’s florist. p TWO 1962 CHEVROLET DUMP TRUCKS Price Is Right — CALL — DAN McLAMB McLAMB MACHINERY COMPANY nson Hwy. DUNN, N. C FOR SALE: Siegler heater In good condition. Call 892-7290. 9-20-2p FOR SALE: Tygard tobacco har vester, A-l shape, aluminum top, usds Silent Flame equipment. Farmall cub tractor, A-l condi tion^ mower and equipment. Three with HI equipment. Beams te co setter. Car trailer. Tilgh McLamb, Route 1, Newton Oh five miles east on Highway SO Unity Church. 9-20-8p FOR SALE: I960 Oldsmobile. Two door hardtop. Blbe. A-l OonditioB. Call 392-7157 between 8:00 am. and 6:00 p.m. 9-18-3p FOR SALE: 1958 Ford station wa gon. Country sedan. Nine passeft ger, straight drive with overdrive See at Amoco Servicenter, 20* West Btaad Street, Dunn, or call 892 9243. 8-18-tfftc 1_ FOR SALE: 1960 house trailer two bedroom, air conditioned. 10 feet wide, SO feet long. Will finance low bank rates. Call Luby Naylor, 892 3685 or 892 - 2032 at night. 9-11-tfno FOR SALE: 1963~Bonne*l|R Pe» tlac, two door hardtop. Air con ditioned, fully equipped. Contact Sherrill Bass, 500 Norib Wilson Avenue, Dunn, or call 892-756*. FOR SALE: One Jersey cow an* call twelve weeks old. Cow will give four gallons milk a day. Also selling one lot of nice pigs, nice size. J. L. Pleasant, Route 1, An gler. 9-19-4C FOR RENT FOR RENT: Three room unfi nished upstairs apartment. Pri vate bath. Hot and cold water furnished. Close in. Located at 306 North Clinton Avenue. Phone 893-3391. 9-U-tfne FOR RENT: A large lovely two bedroom furnished apartment. Steam heat, air conditioning, hot and cold water, private entrances, centrally located. Nice home for business or professional couple. Phone 993-3138 day or 893-2039 at night. 9-ll-tfnc FOR RENT: Five room heose in Erwin. Call Eula Suggs, 893 - 7378. House located 210 Bast Street. 9-18-&C FOR RENT: TJUree Urge .room furnished apartment with bath. Pri vate entrance. Call 892 - 3818 or as* - am. 9-i8, aoc FOR RENT: TWo or three room furnished apartment. Close in. Reasonable rent. Call 892-3194 or apply at 300 South Layton Ave nue after 5 p.m. 9-19-2p FOR RENT: Bedroom for male. Hot and cold water, private hath and entrance. Located 416 S. Mag nolia Avenue. Call 892-3368. 9-20, 25c Special Notices A NOW READY TO RENT — Mod m —<* duplex apartment located at 302 S. Layton Avenue. Completely redecorated. Conveniently located. Automatic heat. Beautiful hardwood floors, screened - in pdrch. Living mom, dining room, kitchen and hah bath downstairs Two large bed rooms with large closets, toes closet ana full path upstairs. Base 'latrt —ror recreation room or laundry. Just like a new home Phone 892 - 2313. tfncf MORTGAGE LOANS - Mad* oi first and second property. Five years to repay. Home improvement loans farm loans. 16 to 20 years. Moderr Home & Mortgage Company, 80( West Carr Street. Dial 892 - 3514 Dunn, N. C. 9-16, 18, 20j 22, 25, 27p Auto Loans Speed reading id—rt fog cMW red and adults to begin 1'ueeda'y, October 1. Minimum guarantee: Dobble or triple ydur reading speed. Call Dr.' Vearl O: McBryde, 892-6289. 9-17-4C ASSIGNED RISK INSURANCE ■ IE »#V Wwr%wW% !■ EXPERIENCED We knew hew to rate you correctly. « ; LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS - which allows you up to 6 months to pay. MEDICAL PAYMENTS . which includes Family Cov SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY, OUR YEARS OF IENCE COULD SAVE YOU MONEY. WFWKT v SNU>6 INSURANCE “Insurance is the Policy" mif. mtmftjt** Dm j _ Own Ye-f Own Home! ■with a very small or went. Wide rariet* to ckaese from. Let ea belt yea plea. No obUyattea at a~ Prices start at $SSM. IIMSN or ItMIN Colonel A* at The Upcharch's Place AUTO LOANS —refinancing— Rcdu.'c Your I’rrscjit P> 'ments Money in 10 Minutes MOTOR CR€D«T CO, DUNN, N C r.Yvcttcvi!!f St PHorv '’IS1 NEED MONEY ? We Win lend you money on u» thing ef nine: Watches, Dia monds, TV seta, Radios Guns, Guitar*, Tools, Cars, Ranges, Refrigerators, irikes, War Bond*, THE PAWN SHOP 8W E. Broad St. Dunn, N. C. Next to the Suggs Co. Wanted 7 WANTED EXPERIENCED truck mechanic. Must bring references. Apply in person at Robin Hood Truck Stop on Interstate 95, three miles north of Dunn. 9-6 tfnc WANTED: Will hire two ladies In Dunn and vicinity to do survey woit. Thirty hours weekly. *1.56 per hour. Must have car and be over 21 years old. For interview, write P. O. Box 3026, Wilson, N. C. 9*17-4c CASH in on the big fall and Christ mas Selling Season. Be an Avon Representative in your neighbor hood. Write giving directions to your home to Mrs. Smithdeal, P. O. Box 882, Sanford, N. C. 9-18-3< Automatic zig-zag sewing mach ine' in nice cabinet .Wanted some one with good credit this area to take over payments of $13.44 monthly or pay entire balance of $67.20. Details where seen. Write: National's Credit Dept., Box SOB, Charlotte, N. C. 9-20-6C WANTED: Someone to accom pany me to Detroit, Michigan/ , Saturday night Three day tr^p. ? Call Earl G. Holland in Erwin, I 898-3952. 9-13-2C PORTABLE TAPE RECORDER LAY AWAY PLAN - Only ***-96 WEST'S RADIO & TV SERVICE 919 W. Braid DIAL 8**-7«* ^ NOW / AND SAVE FUEL (0. DUNir ^ NOTICE Oi* SALE OF LAND ET TRUSTEE Under and toy Virtue of the Pow r and authority contained in thata ertain deed of trust executed by lack H. McDonald and wife, Mar ket McDonald, to Max & Mc jeod. Trustee, dated February a, 962, add recorded in Book 546, >a«e 208, Oiiice oi Register oi )eeds fbr Harnett County, default laving been toads' in the payment if the indebtedness Utereby secured ind the holder of the note evidence ng said indebtedness having de nanded foreclosure, the undersign ed Trustee will, on Monday, Ooto *er 14, 1963, at 12:00 o’Mock Noon it the Courthouse door of UMtoStt bounty in Lilllngtoh, N:. ct, sell’ at Kiblic auction to the highest bid* ler for cash the following describ ed lot or parcel of land: All of two certain tracts of hind, containing 346.9 acres, more of less, divided toy the Norfolk & Southern Railroad into two tracts - Tract No. 1, containing 138.6 acres and Tract No. 2, containing 219.3 acres - known as the “Made McDonald Place”, in Lillii«ton Township, of Harnett County, State of North Carolina, approximately two miles South from Lilllng ton, N. C„ on N. C. Hwy. No. 401 (formerly N. C. Hwy No 15 A) between Lillington St Bunnlevel. N C.; hounded now 1 formerly as follows: Worth the lands of D. A. Blalock, P. Davis, sad F. P. Me Donald Estate; East by the lands of Ross land; South by the lands of W. H. Parrish, Mrs. A. H. Phelps, K. P. Phelps and O. W. Poole and West by the lands of James Wood, Rosetta Bailey and Dr. J. W. Baggett. Said tract of land being more particularly described accord ing to plat prepared by Harold 1*. Turlington, Surveyor, Jan. 1W2, as follows: rtkST TRACT: Lying and be ing on the northeast side of N. C. Hwy No. 16-Ai and on the pouthwest side of the Norfolk Sc them Railroad, bounded described as follows: BE at a oomer of this and the Phelps land ip the West margin of |he right of wiy of the Norfolk St Southern Railroad, and runs thence South 41 deg. $0 min. West PM feet to a comer; thence North 43 $!■%• West 430 feet to a comer; thence South 42 deg. 30 min. West 106 feet to a comer; then ce North 47 deg. West 110 feet to a corner; thence South 43 deg. West 390 feet to a corner in the east margin of N'. C. Hwy. No. i5-A; thence along the east margin of said highway North 47 deg. 48 min. West 1230 feet to a comer; thence North • deg. East 374 feet to a comer; thence South 81 deg. East 189 feet to a comer; thence North M: am Mm mi in* *■- * comer, thence North • dec. But IBM feet to a corner; thence South M dec- 1« min. Best 564.44 feet to e cornu in the West martin of the right of Ore right of way of the Norfolk 6*. Southern Railroad; thence along die west margin of said right of way South 30 deg. SO min. Beat 3833 feet to the BBODWINO. Containing 136.6 acres, more or less. SECOND TRACT: Lying on toe nortoeast side of the Nor folk & Southern Railroad and described aa follows: DttGlM NINO at a comer with toe Hockaday land and in the east r margin of toe rignt of way of toe Norfolk 6* Southern nail road, and runs thence South 83 deg. 16 min. Bast 680.44 feet to a comer; thence South 87 deg. 06 min. But 400 feet to a comer; thence North 1 deg Bast 197.5 feet' to a comer; thence South 87 deg. 06 min. Bast 3750 feet to a corner; thence South 1 deg. West 2617 feet to a corner; thence South 39 deg. 45 min. West 2920 leet to a comer in toe East margin of the right of way of toe Nor folk & Southern Railroad; then >' ce along toe Bast margin of said right of way North 20 •, deg. 30 min. West 1840 feet to a corner of the Spears 50 acre tract; thence with a line of said 50 acre tract North 69 deg. 30 min. Bast 1650 feet to a comer; thence with another line of said 50 acre tract North 20 deg. 30 min. West 1320 feet to a corner; thence with an other line of said 50 acre tract South 69 deg. 30 min. West 1650 feet to a comer in toe Bast margin of the right of way, of the Norfolk & Southern Rail road'; thence along the east margin of said right of way North 20 deg. 30 min. West 2040 feet to the BEGINNING^ Containing 219.3 acres, more or less. Hie successful bidder at said sale will toe required to deposit ten pier cent of his bid with the Trustee at the time bf sale. This sale is made subject to all prior liens! This sale will stand open for ten days for raise of bid. This 11th day of September, 1963. Max E. McLeod, Trustee 9-20, 27; 10-4, 11 Too Late To Classify WANTED: Salesman to call on re tail trade for Dunn and mtrround ing area. Company car furnish ed. Salary commensurate with ability. Write Manager, P. O. Box 334, Dunn, N. C. 9-20-50 James Chiropractic CHiric Dr. Gerald James Old-Dunn — Erwin Highway DUNN, N. C. DAY HOURS: 9 to 12 — 2 to 5 - Daily NIGHT HOURS: 7:30 - 8:30 Monday, Wednesday, Friday And By Appointment . J---- j^teaaiwa* If randma likes hers warmer... Both can hove just the temperature they want_in the same Flameless Electric Neat and these Room Control Thermostats. Start this fceffng^.fi^tfith' the "just right" ry room of your home' •Hat or nwstrtrCPR ‘ •ifiHetit cafcvtjfe irv Ai*iM>tXo fawned. Autoxrt* mubtic utility company ~ ';v' ' Call your efectrii Hsot1 Sffice to** fta4i be-ptanin| JPT! INA OOWFR H. LIGHT CO'vIPr'