CLASSIFIED RATES UNDER * WORDS M CENTS BACH AD. OTER 28 WORDS, 2 CENTS PER WORD, PAID IN AMVANCS. Ppp Sale I-/« FOR SALE: One horeepewer Johnson water pump. Slightly us ed. See CM ton Brock, UlHngton, 893-4891. 10-15-tfnc FOR BENT: Apartment, furnish ed. Two beds, hot and cold water. Private, out of town. Electric stove, gas heat. See Earl a. Hol land la Erwin or call 892-3952. 11-14-7C FOR SALE OB TRADE: General Electric portable dishwasher. Works anywhere. Dries dishes au tomatically. $83. Also 1053 Stude baker V-8 automatic. $125. Two openings lor car pool. Westhaven section to Magnolia Avenue School. 11-18-44 FOR SAAR: Clean 1981 Dodge Sencia, 6 cylinder. $895 or take older car on trade. Phone 892-3062. ll-19-3c _ ___ | FOR SALE: Roll away bed, Polaroid camera in leather case and gas heater, 65. BTU’s. All in good con dition. Call 892 - 3816. — ir-i9*2p FOR RENT FOR RENT: Two bedroom borne oq South Magnolia Avenue. Apply to Mrs. J. D. Barnes. 11-8-tfnC FOR RENT: Three room house, furnished or unfurnished. Locat ed 211 North McELay Avenue. Also five room bungalow at 503 West Harnett Street. Call Mrs. C. L. Guy, Sr., 892-2097. 11-lMc FOR RENT: Two newly redeco rated apartments near Magnolia Avenue School. Other apartments available also. Call James Best & Company, 892-6910. ll-18-5tc FOR RENT: 10x58 three bedroom house trailer. Call Charlie Surles, 892 - 6805 or 892 - 3154. 11-19-2C FOR RENT: Nice six room house. Reasonable. Call 892 - 7333. ' 11-19-2P Special Notices 4 GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE: Groceries at cost. Some furniture less than half price. Store building for rent. West’s Grocery & Market, South Erwin. ll-154ic WE BUT GOOD USED childrens’ winter clothing. The Suggs Co. Clothing Department. Call 892 7M>2 11-18-5C HELP WANTED: Office girl to assist bookkeeper. Some exper ience helpful, typing not neces sary. Immediate opening. Write Box 33 c-o The Daily Record. 11-19-2C -,,- —--Jtu ’ 2 Jl'.,?#:- {ft 7 V;** SALESMEN Life, Hospitalization and A.&H. We have a new plan that is sen sational. There is nothing like it being offered today. If you can’t sell this, you can’t seU anything. It costs you nothing to let us show you what we have to of fer. We furnish good leads. Ap ply Howard Johnson Motel, Dunn, Wednesday Nov. 20, from 5 to 9 p. m. Ask for Mr. Butler. W ANT ED - Exper ienced man for Tractor and Truck Parts Dept. Contact McLamb Machinery Co., Inc. Dunn, N. C. ll-18-5tc HELP WANTED - Man for Parts Dept. Must have know ledge of Automo bile, Trucks, and Tractor Parts. Wrife P. O. Box 22, Dunn, N. C. giving refer ence and exper ience. lJ-18-5tc COURTESY AND SERVICE IS OUR POLICY Interest On SasUtfW 4a Current Dividend ka - -«-• •- ■ INSUREO SAVW6S ANY DAY IS A GOOD DAY TO SAVE AT SAVINGS ASSOC. lit I. MU. — 801 Main St. ire rfffluWist Un. •WjWMMkp «rr MEN AND WOMEN WANTED TO TRAIN FOR CIVIL SERVICE JOBS We prepare men and women ages 18*60 lio experience necessary. Grammar school education jobs. No layoffs, short hours, high pay, advancement Stay on present job while training. Send name, ad dress, phone number, and time at home (if rural give directions) Licensed. Write WS, P. O. Box 27, Danville, Va. Nov. 15 & 19 FOR SALE FENCE POSTS Pressure Treated All Sixes GODWIN FEED * SEED SERVICE Tel 892 - 3919 413 E. Edgerton St DUNN Custom Seed Cleaning ALL TYPES OF GRAIN GODWIN FEED A SEED SERVICE Tel. 892 - 3919 1813 E. Edgerten St DGNN| LILLINGTON SCHOOL MENU WEDNESDAY Fried chicken; Potato Pudding; Cole Slaw; Cheese Wedge; Bread Milk; Butter. THURSDAY ^ Vegetable 6eef Soup; Pimento Cheese Sandwich; Raisin Jelly Pea nut Butter Sandwich; Fruit; Crack ers; Milk. FRIDAY Fish stick; Cole Slaw; White Pea Beans; Fruit Jello; Corn Bread; Milk. MAGNOLIA AVENUE MENU WEDNESDAY Turkey with Egg Noodles; English Peas; Pineapple Salad; School Baked Rolls;; Cranberry & Orange Relish; Cookie; Milk. THURSDAY Pork Sausage Pattie; Buttered Rice; Turnip Greens; Apple Sauce; School Baked Rolls; Butter; Cook ie; Milk. FRIDAY o. Ham Biscuit; Black Eye Peas; Green Beans; Fruit Cup; Cookie; Milk; Carrot Curies; WAYNE AVENUE WEDNESDAY Beef Vegetable soup; Spiced Ham; Peanut Butter Sandwich; Apple Sauce Cake; Milk; H Orange. THURSDAY Ground Meat Sauce on Spaghetti; Yellow Com; Tossed Salad; Grapes, Rolls; Milk. FRJDAY Frozen Fish; Buttered Pot; Butter ed Cabbage; Fruit Cup; Crispy Corn-bread; Milk. MARY STEWART WEDNESDAY Beef - Vegetable Soup; Crackers; Ham - Peanut Butter Sandwich; Fruit; Milk; Butter. THURSDAY Chicken Salad! Buttered English Peas; Potato Chips; Fruit Gelatin; Bread; Cookie; Milk; Butter. FRIDAY ©ren - Fried fish sticks; Cole.Slaw; Dried Beans; Com bread; Ginger bread; Milk; Butter. . ■ .an ii, >' » ■■ 11 11 ■ DUNN HIGH WEDNESDAY laef , Vegetable Soup; Peanut & jelly Sandwiches; % ©range: CWoWes; Milk; Cheese ’Swe* THURSDAY 3ak*d Turkey with Dressing; Giblet Gravy; English Peas; Cranberry Reliah; Rolls; Butter; Milk Can died Yanw; ' FRIDAY Tima Salad on Lettuce; Sliced To mato: Buttered Potatoes; Bread; Crackers; Lemon Pudding with whip Tapping; Butter; Milk. fifohffr SCHOOL MENU WEDNESDAY j^table §oujj^^Crajjjgts gelatin with apricots; Milk. Traffic Violations, Assault, Etc. Only Minor Cases In Harnett Court Howard Lucas, Rt. S Dunn white man charged with assaut on Viola B. Lee pleaded not guilt? hi Har nett Recorder’s Court In ZJlUng ton. An array of witnesses offered conflicting testimony, and during the examination of one witness he became ill on the stand and had to be excused before Ms testi mony. Judge Robert B. Morgan found Lucas guilty of simple assault at the end of all testimony, and judg ment was continued on payment of the costs. Defendant through his attorney gave notice of ap peal to superior court — no bond was required. George (Sina) Elliott, Rt. 9, An gier, charged with assault on La cie Melvin with a knife, had judgment continued on condition he continue to support his minor children, and pay actual costs. Traffic Violations and P.D, Earl Linwood Tyndall, Dunn, charged with careless and reck less driving plead guilty to a les ser charge and was fined |10 and costs, and on further condition he surrender his operator’s license for a period of 90 days. Presley Mitchell, Spring Lake, public drunkenness, carrying con cealed weapon—90 days on roads, suspended 12 months on payment of $50 and costs. On another charge of drunken driving Mitchell was ordered to pay a line of $100 and cost. ($175 of fine remitted.) Justin McGregor, Rt. 2 Cam ejon driving under influence, plead guilty to careless and reck less driving, $25 and costs. Gordon Keith Turlington, 141 lington, speed 75 in 55 zone, not guilty. Dennis Everett Avery, Durham, drunken driving, fail to report ac cident, plead guilty to drunken driving, $100 fine and cost (50 Of fine remitted). Douglas Haire, Rt. 1 Linden, driving under the influence tt plead guilty to careless and reck less driving and paid a fine of (50 and costa. James Wendell Cameron, til ling ton. no liability insurance, $10 and costs. Granville Emmitt Avery, B4. *. Dunn, speeding vid careless and reckless diving — plegd guilty to speeding — net guilty to careless and reckless — to pay fine of $25 and costs — bpth .renpttedhe is to surrender driving license. Two drivers, Calvin Leroy flay, Rt. 2, LiLUogton, and teon Walt er, Rt. l, Buonlevel, paid fines of (10 and costs tor racing. Others who paid fines arid costs for minor traffic offenses were: John Laymond Williams Jr., Ben nie Edward Mason, Coleman Pay ne Deck, Robert Eugene Taylor, Nathan Seaberry Jr., Joseph Daniel Stephenson, p.d., Glenwood Lucas, Aurefis Cisneras, Wood row Johnson, Mary Dawkins Johnson, Jerry Drexel Gregory, Horace Oliver Baker, Nelson Alex Pateieon, Curley Smith, Gerald Pittman Floyd, Dennis Downing Hobson, Billy Ray Jackson, John Griffin, Donald Larry Damon, Charles Junior Ganus, Paul, Wil liam* Windell, Orville Joseph Jr. Fuller. Jetford Hunt, Paul James, may delay wedding CHICAGO (UPR - Prank Ver cillo and Aon Parrsil may have to postpone their wedding Saturday. Police scheduled a hearing for them Thursday on charge* of theft after Vercillo sold a *M0 Wig to a female police investigator. Authorities said the wlga were stolen from the Vfctory Beauty Supply Co., by Miss Farrell, an em ploye of the firm. Police said she teld them she needed money to ftnanow to marriage to Vercillo. Vercillo. | THURSDAY Roast Turkey - Dressing - Gravy Congealed Cranberry - apple, - sa |Tfied perch; Carrot & Cabbage Slaw; Potato Salad; Com Bread; Ice Cream; Milk. )^d; Turnips Chocolate Cu Walter Earl Thompson, Willie Robinson. One Divorce Granted Dtane Snyder Gaskin of Wash ington, D. C. was granted a di vorce in Recorder’s Court from Robert Edward Gaskin, Harnett native on two years separation. Aged Benefits Only Part Of Social Security When most people think of Soc ial Security, they think of old-age benefits payable at 62 or 65 years of age. These old-age benefits have always been the most widely known part of the Social Security program, but it is only part of the economic protection afforded by Social Se curity stated Charles V. Sheltn, Harnett County Field Representa tive today. The younger insured workers should be happy to know that their families are protected by survivors and disability benefits in case they die of become totally disabled be fore, age 65. If a wage earner dies and leaves a viridow with minor children, his widow and children are entitled to monthly benefits. THlese benefits range from $60 00 to $254.00 par month based upon th« wage earn er’s earnings under Social Secur ity. The widow would also receive a lump sum death payment rang ing from $120 00 to $255.00. This Is a one time payment and is also based upon the wage earner’s earn ings covered by the Social Secur ity law. When an insured wage earner becomes permanently and totally disabled prior to age 65, lie and his family are protected by disability insurance benefits. The wage earn er must have worked under Social Security 5 years out of the 1® years immediately before he be came disabled. If he is insured, has worked the 5 years under Social Security, and is permanently and totally disabled, he can draw monthly benefits. Also his Wife and each minor child can receive one half of the monthly benefit the wage earner receives up to a total of $254 00 per month to a single family. So you can see that the taxes paid to the Social Security PM" gram form the foundation off MM* omic security for the family: Each person determines the level of pro tection for his family by the -•* mount of his earning# gMbr S#ei»l Security. ... . , , ---—--■ • Jimmy Gregory In Honor Society North Carolina State1# highest scholastic honor society, FM Ktp pa Phi, has elected 49 student# «e new members. The new members lnetud# 41 seniors and six junior#. T» b# eli gible for this national tton, the junior must have rented a 3.5 or higher grade point **•# age with 85 credit hours. Seilftl are required to have s Ml K*er age with 100 credit hours. A M average equals a “B” grad# aver age and a 4.9 a “straight A.* Juniors and seniors slMtgd to membership include Jimmy D. Gregory of Angler. DICK TRACT GEN ERAL, COME HERE A I WANTTO MEASURE 1 LOOK AT THAT? 3*- INCHES EXPANSION? CAPT. EASY PLATINUM IST WHY, ONE OUNCE CAM BE PRAWN OUT IN 60 RESISTANT TO TO A WIRE SO FINE IT'D REACH FROM ACID* AND HEAT, IT'* USED IN MAK ING ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTS! NEW YORK TO KANSAS Ciryin^ KIMW? I MUST REMEMKRf THAT!^ THAT'S ENOUGH PLATINUM TO LAST US TOR VEARS! VEAH.i MR.McKSE |GOT A SLIGHT INT BV BlW IN1 A BANKRUPT JEWEL*/ PLANT* entire amv, CM,WA5H~C>tD WeW» MBMTIOH whv he mit* TO5K«e^_ . ,7m tOLPI “ freckles I DON'T ^ KNOW WMAT To GET MILD* FOR. Her. 6IRTHPAY/ AWA/ MAYBE SHE CAM / Help; IT DO YOU POP. A Siy-TCEM YeAr. old eiRL —r ■? > A NEW BCJT4 FRtEMD WHOS MoT A TieHT VJAD/ Il.'.t. InJ. LIL ABNER DENTED > MAH FENDER cuss it rr US MALES IS OUTDISTANCIN' THEM FEMALES, HUM, SMELVIN? NCWTH'V^ lUT'S after) JR ■ r-S .^-DIDN'T KNOW TH' FEMALE VJHUT'S AFTER j >VO'-l$ OUR SALOMEY.r‘ THEVMA'yCALUMJ Sg-X,WHICH ISMAJ-E— GONNA HELP ftALOMEY-f ' BECUZ AH LOVES HER jf ALLYOOP .1ST H.' ...WE CANT AFFORD \ HAyiKJ1 GUYS LIKE jD I YOU SETTIN’ UP >> PANGSROUS .jar (PRECEDENTS. SEEMS T'ME IF ANYBOCYS DANGEROUS, (T9 GUVS LIKE YOU. ..AN* I THINK TIME SOMEBODY V WHAT DIP about nr, ’ SOMETHING joutit/ *— YEH? UKE TT NANC . * 1 W <*■«*> s' -W( fPM -W ■ \» • *< •%* '■- : \\rs - *j Wlf«- S ■’• wi ■>! 1 ROLLO—LET'S GO TO THE RARK AND PITCH HORSESHOES IT'S TOO COLO IN THE PARK