IlMHR H KOiDB M CENTS EACH AD. OVER 25 WORDS, 2 i ENinr nn word, raid in USANCE. - - For Safe I-A FOB SAUK: One horewewer Johnson water pump. Slightly us ed. See Clifton Brock, UHtagtoo, 893-4861. 10-15-tfne r:.. ■ ■ £,. ■ XX.::. FOR RENT: Apartment, furnish ed. Two beds, hot and cold water. Private; : out of .ibwri. Electric stove, "W Sei Earl G. Hol land in Erwin or call 892-3952. ’fiat???.. .. _ FOR SAL* OR TRADE: General Electric portable dishwasher. Work® anywhere. Dries dishes au tomatically.. $65. Also 1953 Stude baker -automatic, $85. Two opening* -’tak ear- pool; Westhaven section.'-: tb ' Magnolia v Avenue SchoolsOHohe «92£013. - H-22-5tc FOR SALS: Rabbit Boxes, Genuine rand’ Made. Dae to Increase in price ol. raw materials the new Wholes*}* Price per doz. is $18.00 effective 'Tuesday Nov. We have Jfcwwnlng Guns, Duxbak Hunting Clothes, Insulated under wear, boots, socks and camouflage suits. IBM lour 2nd floor Men’s Dept. We.appreciate your business. Cromartl* Hardware, in down town Dunn, If. Q.' 11-U, 15c FOR SALK: Pecans 25c pound. See H. R. Godwin at Godwin’s Barber- Shop In Erwin or at his home an Route X. Call 882-2654. (C) FOR SALS: House and lot. Three bedroom home located near, Dunn Erwin Skating Rink. Low monthly payments, 12-year financing. $100 down payment. Jim Walter Corp. Highway 301 South of Fayetteville (next to Armory). Call collect be tween S;,atyd 10 a. m. 433 - 4180. W**7-' ' ‘ ’ li-21-3c FOB HBNT: Two hedtoom home on South Magnolia Avenue. Apply to Mrs. J. D. BUNks. ‘ 11-B-ttnc FOB RENT: TWo newly redeco rated apartments : near * Magnolia Avenue School. Other apartments available also. Call James Best d» Company, 892-6916. ^ ll-18-5tc « -w> -i '•>)»■■'■ K.i FOB RENT: Three mom furnish ed downstairs apartment. Private entrances and bath; Close in. Call 892-3194 or tee Mrs. Earl <5. Vhrrh at 300 %ooth Layton Avenue af ter 5 p.m. ll-21-3p * a War II Common Boards and Framing ,.rr ; Low Price of $80.00 Per Thousand ..'a, Juniper Lumber - Per Thousand. \'JJ PHONE 892.7246 rtf: -'■t ■ - REGISTER BROS. LUMBER CO., INC. rsEzvrvr. I • . 1 S -—! Your passpprt to bountiful gifting!' - ^ 1964 5 CHFISVHA5 CLuB NOWs sr» f ’ #. 1 Mr ^ '• ? H . i h SrSh. y Now Club For- ; 1964 STARTS THIS WffK SAVE NOW FOR SANTA IN 1964 DUNN, N. & FOR RENT: Arvdersoa Arm apart* ment on West Broad Street. $70 per month. Call .Mrs. C- I^1 Butter, 882 - 3422. _ . ... :lfl-2*,-6 UTO LOANS —REFINANCING— Reduce Ycur Present , Hints Money in <0 Minutes MOTOR CREDIT CO. JUNN, n. c.a F, . i- c. PViic J15v .**nFg| h -f WjANTED EXPERIENCED tract mechanic. Must bring reference*. Apply in person at Robin Hood 'Truck Step on interstate 95, three wiles' north of Durin. 9-6-tfnc J ■„ —L.i——, WANTED; Three ladle* fpr sales work. Also two for telephone dial ing. Must have personality, neat appearance, willing to travel. Wyite' or see Mr. Yamnitz 902 Building, Charlotte, N. C. 11-20-3C < ua - WANTED: Elderly white lady or 'couple to live in and do light house-keeping, for ^elderly person. CaU Mrs, Ruby Stewart, *92-2232 after 8 p.m. V ll-20-3p ? ■ WANTED: Four neat appearing ! young wen, aggs lb to 25. Mtst be willing to work ang free to travel, wfrte or See 'Mr.tSheppard, 902 Wilder Building, Charlotte, N. C. "'•Ji. U-20-3c a. GUARANTEED N* t. LIVE - IN MAID jobs. $35-$55 Wk. Fare advan ced. Mallory Agency, Lynwook, N. Y. iW-?r 15, k2, 29p WANTED"- Exper ienced man for Tractor and Truck Parts Dept. Contact McLamb Machinery Co., Inc. Dunn, N. C. ll-18-5tc ■ ni"« aw* ■ ' >•v HELP WANTEDl - Matt for fydrfi Dept} Must chaYe know ledge of Automo bile, Trucks, and Tractor Parts. Write if. O. Box 22, Dunn N. C. giving refer ence and exper ience. U-T8-5tc Seed AUs Custom Cleaning ES OF GRAIN GODWIN FEED & SEED SERVICE Tel. 898 - 3919 |813 E. Edgerton St D —««■;.<-i'.v—tax — Isafj vir ;>»-*. v/. dinnI LfiCvTiwAfr. -i bueeft* Mis' «ttoi •»ot ,fiw .i-'.'irf.1 - sin .1 TJHEe Evfcenh.i* Jeco^Taal aitil tonSd Loess WeShecialrie *n Flat Top* | .M«*o Waiting ! L Sijjier^aHfe* to ,1 EmhVw L*ur stpuiirUi : •'I Open 8 a. m. to 8 p, itu-1 -* ,9& ■ j| LegOtNotice 2-0 NOTICE; OF SERVICE OF PROCESS. BY,, PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA , , v harnett comcor . IN .THE RECORDER’S COURT, C-ERALDlNE. JONES' WHlTfei HEAD LUTHER FEfcfoN* ’ TO .LUTHER FELTON WHITE HEAD; ■ , . ... j Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the ahoye entitled action. The paturft. of the relief being, sought 1$ ag follows: Absolute Din vorce upon, the grounds of two, years separation. You,-., are required to make de-, fense to such pleading not la tec than the 9th day of January, 19641 and upon-your failure to do so the party seeking service against you v/ill apply to the Court for the re lief sought. This 20th day of November, 1963. .3? J-r* 5.4dA-;W.,Stonp..., a: $ l,,.!*®.., Clerk,. flfe Recorder's -**»*' 29. 124, 1* WyntAdsPvy legal Notice 7-0 The mwlfWigjiea. having,-qualified , is admJnjAfitrlk wf the'fstattf ©f Mr Loftan A. Tart, Sr., Dunn, If. C , deceased. of . Harnett County, hereby nbtih^a. ajl persons r firms and cbrporatltfhs • Having clfttos against said estate to pres*tit the same to fee duly verified pit of Be fore the. 21st day May, ' iRjll,' or this notice wil| hi pleaded fti toir of their recovery. All Person* In debted to said estate will make im mediate payment. This 21st day of November, 19©. Mrs. Alice Tart Butler Administratrux .. * 1011 North Ellis Avenue Dunn, N. C. 'r: i * • 11-29; 29; 12-6, IS ’ Legal Notice 6-0 NOTICE Of SERVICE OF PROCESS Jjtf PUBLICATION ■NORTri Cj HARNETT' IN TUB SWPHIWOft QOUWF r BEFORE THE GUERE*1 B. F. McLEOD* ADM». 09* THE it- ’ ESTATE Of mon„ deceased; ’ .ososbr. V, HAHJ#pN> fPDOJFBtV rU -.frrfffi; r,f •LOUIS., • I _ _jf MADWf ^MON BRYANT: Vfe HffSRAfTOt, Hfc TON BRYANT; PJMnttOTT D;: DO* LAN #f . dola#, ^ ^ p.'.d.nst. ltd ji-iBMWURQtB I TO: Louis K Haoman aAd wife ■Madie tHerman; > audio Barman Bryant-An*! Wlsha**^ «tto»:Brj*' ant, and Patrick Qi Dolaji am ' 3 tfABN' NOTICE -THM . «n tfv -tfWna ilsdf |thi» JW.lV mu A.A PkO^ng wfltCMW.reliRt against you ha^.h»n #Hfld:On tke akove-: entitled'special'procebdint. m/ The ^mm m *m hen* sought a' aa JMM&'" :!»•' -W-tohsia; \iitv>v .. The Special proceeding is brought for the^t^oiH^oFgdWhgAtBe fifty (North Carolina, which belonged to •the late William H. $0*910$ jft-tjip' time of his death, for division a mong his heirs-at-lagr" pet «f 1fltg(s Jp common. You are required $0? rpakb del fense to such pleading not later than ' SUHS«» 1963, find upon your ,failure ,t•; Monday ' Meat tool;: Rice; Gravy; Tur PlP Greens; .Rolls; Cranberry Peach Salad; Cookie; Milk. X -X-.. Tuesday Pork Sausage; Dray Pea Beans; Steamed Cabbage; Apple Sauce; Crispy Combread; Mitt. Bee# Veg. Soup; Crackers; Spic ed Ham Sandwich; Cheese Stick; Cranberry OTUnch; Mitt. Mary Stewart School November 25-37 Sausage Battle; Steamed Cab bage; Black-eye Peas; Apple Sauce; Biscuit; Milk; Butter. -i: ; • Tuesday -Stew Beef; Carrots; : Onions; Potatoes; Pineapple Salad; Bread; Cookie; Mitt; Butter. “ ** > • W Sehafll s-r Pit November 25-37 Mb !>.’Italian Spaghetti;''1 Green Veg. Salad; YelOw Corn; School Bak ed Rolls; Apricots; Buttef; .Jdltt. Beef Veg. Soupr Flty. Cradfcrs; Grilled Cheese Sandwich; “ tbang*; Doughnut; MUfc. xj l "2 t jBakgd Sugar ed Tomato; Green' Baens; Baked Rblls; Apple Crisp; ■ycT \ All Thursday ^ [for i jsfv.-s M'J * /aautokiri arjew.fcK.vtf m BtMC «■*? ASBMWG t'’-' !e?.‘ j’d assart. mtftu'M - '*»”« Olav C^ues^^mi tbh Norwdgn Pfess Photographers' Association's highes|.,.award —-ij. small bronze statue n,fmedav“iJiqe &oy” which is given apuusi^to! the celebrity W moat' cfMj^Baiive .w&lh pimsWr »-v ssir.pp'K; nr Ford Salesman Takes Course Shelton fcartfoot, sal#uaan of, Auto Sales & Service, Cftmn, has been certified as a retail selling course graduate conducted at Fay etteville by Ford Motor Com pany’s Atlanta Marketing Insti tute. ' Certification of course comple tion was announced by fc, C. Brock, director of the Ford Ins The course Is one of. several available at the Institute fbs dealers, their personnel aitf Font Motor Company employes. Class ed are conducted by a staff of professional, full-time instructors. Subjects range from manage mgfi and merchandising courses for dealers sp d$Hetr department managers to salesmanship and specialised workshops for staff members. In addition, the school of autemottve business adn^ate tratttm conducts training progfuihe for selected Ford Motor Company personnel: Classes utilise t|te most effec tive management methods cur rently being used by outstanding automobile dealerahlp% Mr. Brock said. Group participation is stai u la ted seUing or managappit sit uations is a primary pert of each course. H»* nkHeedllej IWripfiiirCkirft |"^as»;wgg*r J08IFH S DEPT. STORE ERWIN, N. -C. Mon. Toes. & Weds. — NOV. 25, 26, 27 )'i ir A.. M. U 1 P. M; — 2 0. M. to 5 P. M. WO AGE I4HCC - ADUVSTOq, . rm, 1:1-1 iiffl-Qn^fr Addition*) He®; 32 P«r kion*l Subjects iiTi r - Tv*> J>*r FmUr $4,95 f. GEHL Mix-All cuts feedmaklng costs The 10,000 owmwrof Gehl Mw-AUahaue found, that best money-Mvite.nuicitias fi^lS« >euaa awed/Tgytii yourself. .. you’ll Save on costs by using your own grain ana buying concentrate in quantity. You save the cost .of grind* ing sad muring because you do it yourself. You save grain hauling, trips to the mill. You save again by making feed ™ .— Jbu save again c watting in line at the nrilli cqstfeeds wi,th> two tons of l in ntynuta» oMhal&Ofl*,