(OsuaJth&h Increasing cloudiness but not quite so cold tonight, with a chance of scattered showers in the mountains. Lows in upper 30s in mountains and 38 - 45 elsewhere. Thursday, variable cloudiness with moderate temperatures. fOLLME 14 TELEPHONE 892 - SMI — 892 • 3118 FIVE CENTS PER COPT NO. — The widow of Republican Congressman Howard Baker fought off a strong challenge by a Democrat who tied himself to President Johnson’s anti-poverty program — to win Baker’s congressional seat Tuesday. WASHINGTON (UPI) — Dr. Herman Taller was Indicted by a federal grand jury today on charges that his best selling book, “Calories Don’t Count’’ was part of a fraudulent scheme to promote weight reduction. WASHINGTON (UPI) — Miami financier Benjamin B. Sigel baum, said to have been involved in several business deals with Bobby Baker, refused today to tell Senate investigators anything about them. (Continued on Page Eight) JOHN E. NORRIS MRS. LIB CRABTREE They Favor Bonds Citizens Tell Why Mrs. Lib Crabtree of 110 North Layton Avenue and a long-time employee of Belk’s Department Store in Dunn said today, “My friends and I realise the need for a medical center to give adequate care to the citizens of Dunn. A new hospital will be a drawing card, enticing doctors and specialists to our community. It will also provide more space to accommodate all our health needs. The few people in our town who are against the hospital because of a little tax should Just be told, ‘brother you can’t take it with you. So spend it in good health. Vote for the Hospital Bond Is sue’.” (Continued on Page Eight) Formally Announces For House of Representatives Gregory Seeking To Regain Seat; Favors Anti-Red Law HAVE LEADING ROLES — Walter Jacobi of the Campbell faculty as Mr. Frank, and Nancy McLaughlin as Anne, will play leading roles in the Campbell College Players production of the Diary of Anne Frank in Turner Auditorium Thursday and Friday. Curtain time is 8 p. jn. Belli Pulls Another Surprise Ruby's Attorneys Rest His Defense DALLAS (UPI) — Jack Ruby's defenders abruptly chopped off their case today without calling liim to the stand and followed with a motion ror acquittal. Judge Joe B. Brown rejected the request and said the jury should get the case this weekend. Both sides prepared for rebut tal fireworks and the defense said it was saving Dr. Walter Brom berg. a prominent New York psy chiatrist for “ambush” testimony in one final attempt to blow the state’s murder case out of court. The jury of eight men and four women had Just filed into the box at 10:07 a.m. EST for the start of a session expected to produce character witnesses when, defense attolrnay Melvin Belli rose an i calmly addressed Judge Joe B. Brown: “The defense rests, your hon or.” ' Belli had said he had as many as 20 more “Cleanup” witnesses, including Ruby’s rabbi and his maid, to round out the defense portrait of Lee Harvey Oswald’s slayer. He presented two psychia trists as star witnesses Tuesday. His announcement that the de fense had completed its case left the courtroom in dead silence for f a moment. Ruby never appeared on 'he | stand to defend himself. Moore Takes His Own Life William Pickney Moore, about 60, well-known and highly-respected farmer of Benson, Route 2, shot himself to death about 9 o’clock this morning. Officers ruled if was a case of suicide and no inquest was held. They said Mr. Moore shot him self with a rifle about a mile from his home. Members of the family could give no reason for the sur prise action. This body is at Rose Funeral Home in Benson. Funeral services will be held Friday at the Holly Grove Advent Church. Complete arrangements will be announced later. Mr. Moore was active in the Holly Grove church and also in other community affairs. Former St^te Representative i Carson Gregory of Angier, Route j 2, announced today that he will seek to regain the seat he held tor 12 years and reported that “things look mighty good for my return to Raleigh.” The prominent Harnett farm leader, after representing the county for six straight terms, was unseated in a hot second primary fight two years ago by the incum bent, Dr. H. D. (Buster) Mabe ol Erwin, who has already announc ed for re-election. “X think nearly everybody knows that I’ve been running all along,” said Mr. Gregory today, “I’m just making the formal announcement now.” He said he has been cam paigning day and night for months in every nook and corner of the county. Gregory said he very frankly has been “amazed at the large num ber of people who have voluntarily come to me and asked me to make the race, which makes me feel mighty good.” Recalling his defeat two years ago, Gregory said, “I really have nobody to blame for that but my self. I made the mistake of be coming over-confident and didn’t campaign as hard as I should have, but I won’t make that mis take again. You can’t take any CARSON GREGORY body’s support Tor granted in poli tics.” He said many of his supporters told him later that they figured he’d have no difficulty,. so they didn’t even bother to go vote. ‘‘But they tell me they’ll be out to vote for me this time and I sun particularly grateful for the large number who have told me just recently that they voted against me two years ago, but will be for me this time.’’ RUNNING ON RECORD ‘‘Just as I always have in the past,” said Gregory. “I’m run not running against anybody,” he the people of rrarnett County. I’m not running aaginst anybody,” he continued, “I’m just running for (Continued on Page Eight) Work Costing $300,000 To Begin In Spring Of 1965 Harnett Road Project OK'd A proposed project to widen and resurface 8.7 miles of US 401 be tween Neal’s Creek in Harnett County and the Wjjke County line received unanimous approval of about 30 citizens who attended a Highway Commission public hear ing at the Harnett County Court house in Lillington yesterday. According to Roger Jackson, Commission Public Relations Of ficer, no opposition to the pro ject was voiced and A. C. Bare foot, Harnett Commissioner re presenting the area taken in by the project, endorsed it whole heartedly. The project calls for widening the highway surface from 22 to 24 feet, resurfacing with four-inch plant mix asphalt, and widening shoulders to 10 feet. This section of US 401, Jack son said, is the only remaining portion of the highway between Fayetteville and Raleigh which at present does not have at least 24 feet width. Cost of the project % estimated at $300,000. With approval by 'o cal citizens at the hearing. High way Commission spoilsmen said they hoped the necessary right or way will be obtained for letting of contracts by the fall of this year. According to this schedule, actual work should begin in the spring of 1965, and be finished by that summer. Highway Commission officials present at the hearing besides Jackson were Commissioner W. K* Horner of Sanford; R. W. Mc Gowan, Assistant Chief Engineer; J. W. Spruill, Division Engineer of Fayetteville; Easier Butler, As sistant Division Engineer; Fay (Continued on Page Bight)