(tffiathsLh Generally fair tonight and Mday. Mild daytime temperature*, m ther cool tonight. _ . Slip JBailti liUwrd 14 TEUPBONI IW - OH — SM * Silt DUNN, N. C. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 17, 1964 FIVE CENTS PER COPT DUNN STORES OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAYS NO. Ml Crowd of 20,000 Hears Bafry At Greer, S. C. GF.fiER, &. C < tJPT', — Sen. Barry Goldwater campaigned in the Carolinas today with a pre diction that the defection of Sen. S rom Thurmond from the Demo cratic party will cause a gradual realignment of the political parties. "Hundreds of people, thousands of people, and now millions of people will make a move,” Gold water told a crowd estimated by police at 8,000 to 10,000 in front of the eburttiiUse fcf Raleigh, N. C. Thurmond, who repudiated the Democratic party Wednesday night to become • the Deep South’s only ‘JtepuWicab; senattllri Goldwater as one of America’s "most courageous men.” The 61-year-old conservative told his constituents that Goldwater would make a great president. “He has risked the ire of the liberal, left-wing, socialist es tablishment in this country - even in his own party - in order to stand by his convictions as to the meaning and intent of the Found ing Fathers in giving us the United States Constitution,” Thurmond said. Wave Rebel Flags Some 20,000 persons, many noia lng Confederate flags, were on hand for what was expected to be Goldwa'-er’s lone visit to South Carolina. Thurmond said Goldwater*g can didacy deserved the support of “all South Carolinians and all Ameri cans.” Qoldwater told his audience, '•'There is nothing left ... of the principles that your fathers and grandfathers stood for in the De mocratic party- I wonder how many votes Hubert Humphrey would have gotten out of the South of your fathers and grandfathers.” “As long as this party no long er represons your principles you can vote for the party that keeps those principles alive. That’s the Republican party of today,” Gold water said. He hailed the emergence of a real two-party system in Dixie. “Follow the brave exujnle of S?rom Thurmond,” Goldvratir told the cheering crowd. (Con—nor© on BUD Raid Victims Fail To Show Harnett Judge Robert B. Morgan has issued capiases for three per sons arrested In recent raids con ducted by county officers. The three who failed to appear In court for trial were: Mrs. Paul ine Tart of South Erwin, charged with possession of whiskey and beer for the purpose of sale: J. W. Parker, operator of 421 Grill, charged with possession of whiskey for sale, and Ted Gray, operator of Ted’s pool room, charged with pos session of beer. Officers had cited all three to court without bond. Neither of them showed up for trial. Denutv Sheriff Clarence Moore arrested Parker last night and he Was released under (200 bond. War rants for Mrs. Tart and Mr. Gray have not yet been served. Everything In Readiness Angier Festival Opens Friday Angler’s 198* Harvest Festival begins Friday night at 7 o’clock with the kick-off at the football game between the Angler Bull dogs and Chatham Central High School. '»__ The gala ceremonies, sponsor ed by the Angler Jaycee* get Into fcill swing at the street dance in downtown Angler beginning at 9 p.m. Bill Jo Austin and the “Tar Heels” will play .Admission will be During the street danace chair iran Maurice Mangum ha* ah nounced that a 19-inch portable TV will be given away. The parade will begin at 10 am. Saturday. 1 '' Moving through the heart of Angler win be float* representing merchants in Angler and the Bur min ding communities, bands from Coat* Higa School and Meadow High school. The Maaaey an mar ching majorette* and with repres entative* of the Antler Saddle Club. Tbw-i officials and contest ant* for the "Mia* Angler crown. Jon Hunt is padade chairman. MIDGET FOOTBALL A second football game will add to the weekend activities at 5 p.m. Saturday when the Angler Bull Puppies play Puquay there. BEAUTY PAGEANT . Seven Angler girls will he pres entered for judging beginning at 8 pjuk Saturday night at the school auditorium. Gerald Young is chairman of the pageant. Mrs. Gerald Young I and Mrs. J. W. Johnson have been (Continued on Page Six) | AaJL. mSTrtlM TEI _ DISTRIBUTES flags — In connection Srlth Constitution Week <17th-23rd), members of the Befle Flensing Chap er, (Children of the American Revolution,, are distributing small flags to local mer »’ cSants to "mike them aware of this special week. The girls, 'flanking a copy of the Constitution and other historical data, are (left to right) Emmie Thomas, Mariah Johnson, secretary; Becky Jo Bass, junior president; Cherry Johnson, vice president; Mrs. Cad Upchurch, senior president; and Meda Lide Doffermyre, historian. Jtecord Photg by Russell Biss ford) Says He Didn't Threaten Anybody Weapon Non - Nuclear, Says K ! MOSCOW (DPI) — Premier Ni 1 kite S. Khrushebev sai« Thursday, right Russia has -* **terri)le” non nuclear weapon near MosCOw* rrris Wa nudfcar wwtpdiHW cause it is wfkr Moaqow," Khru shchev toil this correspondent in a conversation at a diplomatic re ception. "A nuclear weapon would » duite testing and, anyhow we lire npt -teatiiigr.* *ai