i'Ootdlwi Partly cloudy through Saturday. A little warmer tonight. No im portant change in daytime tem peratures.. She jBailtj fUwmd DUNN STORES OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAYS DUNN, N- C. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 18. 1964 „ . -- ... -- i ' i■—--— FIVE CENTS PER COPT 14 telephone - 811’ — 89t - mi Dunn's Market Ranks Second In Averages Dunn’s rocketing tobacco market Is second in the seventeen market Eastern belt in the highest av erages of the season according to * Department of Agriculture report. This .rave Dunn’s market a boost from third to second place in two days. Only me market has a higher season’s average than Dunn and that market is also a smaller one. Dunn tops all of the giant markets. Dunn’s market Is also near the 5,000,000 pound mark in sales to day as the market gets ready to close tonight, for a sales holiday along with all other markets m the belt until next Thursday. through yesterdlv, the market Yeiterdaf alone thp mart*- sold close to 410,000 jipunds foj an .ay. erpge of $55.18. Another 400,000 ih sales in poundage was expected today. Three Lawyers Are Sworn In - Three Harnett County lawyer* who recently passed the State law examination were sworn Into le gal practice In North Carolina by Judge Sid Clark In Harnett Super ior Court. Hie new afttomeyfe ere: Ben DeBerry of Lillington and Ed Mc Cormick of Broadway, Route 1, both of whom are associated with the Lilllngton law firm of Morgan and Williams, and James P. Pen ny. Jr. of Chalybeate Springs. Penny, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Penny Is associated with the law firm of Park and Sink In Raleigh 5 • NO DAMAGE WASHINGTON (UPI) — Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara Friday reported a night-time mili tary incident off North Viet Nam. But he said there had been no da mage to Ameriian ships or per sonnel. In Dunn Auto Accident •; " ' | C ir. A Jury in Harnett Superior Court today returned a verdict awarding Malcolm McLeod of Is lington, Route 2, $5,000 damages against R. Dennis Strickland, pro minent Dunn business man as the result o* an automobile collision. Strickland’s daughter Sylvia Ann, a college student, was driver of fn automobile that collided with pne driven by McLeod at the cor ner of W. Vance St. and N. Mils Avenue in Dunn on November, 19. 19M. The accident occurred near Miss Strickland’* home. , ^ < Evidence ehowed that the acci dent occurred as Miss Strickland fame out of W. Vance Street. She testified that she was driving in r. slow, prudent, manner but did not see the other car. Both sides claimed contributory negligence. McLeod was confined to a hos pital here for 21 days and at Duke Hospital tor two months, and ac cumulated medical bills In ex cess of $2,500. State Senator Robert B. Morgan and his law associate. Attorney Fd McCormick, offered as a wit ness Dr. Bin Erwin, a psychia trist at Duke Hospital. He testi fied McLeod suffered from truma tic neurosis, brought about by the accident and also by his personality and a personal emotional exper ience suffered prior to the acci dent. Dr. Marvin B. Boole of Dunn also testified for McLeod. The defense attorneys, D. K. Stewart of Dunn and Teague, Johnson and Patterson of Ral eigh, contended McLeod’s condi tion is more mental than physical and has been tot a long time prior to the wreck McLeod had sought $100,000 da mages. Jurors deliberated tor about two hours. A MODEL MODEL-A — The venerable conveyance of Campbell senior Norman Elkins of Spring take ge s the iron eye from State Trooper E. W. Horton of Dunn, while Trooper Charles Rogers of Buies Creek In the background approves of Atlanta coed Sue Reeves and her late model Lincoln. Helping with the annual fall inspection of 1000 student vehicles at Campbell College are Alpha Phi Omega fraternity member Jim Pierce of Raleigh and Harnett County deputies Herbert Ennis and Ro bert Mitchell. After a whirlwind tour of the third Congressional District with gubernatorial cahdidate Dan K. Moore, Congressman David N Hen derson today predicted that the people of eastern North Carolina will take a look at the entire rec ord of both major political parties and the total individual records of their presidential nominees before casting "their votes tn Hljvember. 'Those who believe the election In eastern North Carolina will be decided upon a single issue are in tor a big surprise,” Henderson com mented. “Our farmers know who they can depend on for a continuation of the tobacco pijogram »nd a solution to their current problems “Our businessmen remember the increase in business and business "Just A Bunch of Complainers" Sanford Ridicules Barry's Supporters CHARLOTTE — Gov. Terry San ford came to Charlotte Thursday and spent much of the day hurling wry barbs at the Republican Par ty in general and Sen. Barry Gold water in particular. Goldwater’s campaign speeches ih North Carolina this week re quired no rebuttal from him, San ford said. “He's been furnishing his own rebuttal.* In ridiculing the Republican campaign approach, Sanford said: “They are trading on fear, on people who are dissatisfied - as comfortable as they are - because they don't think they’re getting what they are entitled to.” Republicans, Sanford said, are “born oomplniners.’t and Repub lican citiclsm is Just another cross Democrats have had to bear as they ma»e the country forward. jj"I doPfpmind their belr$ dls Wtisfled* said the governor with a broad grin. ‘‘We’ve got to go through the rest of our lives hear ing Republicans criticism. “I hope the criticism will con tinue year after year as the Demo crats continue to do something for all the people.” The governor said he was “sat isfied that the Democratic candi date, Dan K. Moore, would carry or. the Sanford programs In edu cation, roads and industrial de velopment. M FACULTY TEA A tea honoring the faculty at Harnett High School will be held Tuesday night at 6:00 In the school lunchroom. Entertaining Is the Harnett High PTA. Parents are also Invited to attend. The an nouncement was made today by PTA president, Walter Massey. SATELLITE INTERCEPTED WASHINGTON (UPI) — Newly developed American rockets have intercepted satellites successfully at altitudes of hundreds of miles, Lepton Exposition Closes Sat. Nite Fair Crowds May Sot Record The American Lejflon’a Pour - County Fair drew the largest crowd pf the weak last night and if good weather holds out attendance for the week is expected" to set > re Fair managers Airis Carver and Lewis Whittenton said today they nrc espicaliy W*» pleaaed with the goo*} comments heard about this year's fair, i i P - .... : “Many people have been our* prised not only ft the high quality of the agrtculttaral exhibits, but also to rma sueh an outMaikBng midway,** they gold The David *ndy Attractions on the midway features more than as shows, rides and other attrac tions.. -I'in There are more rides this year ever seen at the local Hair be fore. Large crowds are expected again tonight and tomorrow. profits during this administration. “Our taxpayers know who gave them the first meaningful cut they have had since the war. “Our teachers and parents know which party has led the way in providing federal assistance for many different types of education al 'programs and industrial train ing. ..... *T>ur citizens know how few of their communities got new Post Offices during the Elsenhower raffe an£ hpw m#iy of them hqygj fdtten new. or extensively remodel-? ed facliities since. “Our toafn and county officials nnd taxpayers know which party sponsored the legislation which has provided them with federal assist ance for water and sewer projects, matching funds for hospitals and aid for other worthwhile projects. “Our wives and mothers know who has maintained the peace with firmness and disnatch but without needless provocation in this dan gerous nuclear age “Our ReDublican candidates tell us what they are aeainst but not what they are for, Their record Is negative: their platform Is nega tive; their outlook is negative and fhev are completely unable to think or speak in positive terms. It is easy to nick out flaws in what the other fellow is doing but it Is quite another thing to do a better Job yourself. "Our people have too much good horse sense to be led astray by these neoratlvlsts ” Henderson con cluded. “They will vote for a pro gram rather than a protest.* CAKE SALE The Crusalders for Christ of Long Branch Church will sponsor a cake sale this Saturday at Al phin Bros. Grocery, Belk’s Dept. Store and Carl’s Super Markets in Dunn and Erwin. A1I proceeds will go to the mission fund. Space Officials Are Jubilant Over Success CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) — The world’s mightiest known rocket, the U. S. Saturn - 1, leaped Into spate today and apparently or bited a 19 ton satellite in a major step toward conquest of the moon. The 190-foot tall Saturn - 1 thundered from its launching pad at 11:23 a.m. EST (12:23 p.m EDT) and 10 minutes later appeared to have scored its seventh success in as many launchings. A jubilant space agency spokes man said, “With a perfect per formance like this, we do have an orbit. But I will confirm It for you shortly.” The Saturn - 1 was Inspected personally by President Johnson three days ago. Its fiery departure was witnes sed-today by nine of the twenty nine IT. 8. astronauts who are trained to ride even more power ful models of Saturn on two week voyages in earth orbit, and ulti mately, to the moon. Perched on the super rocket’s nose 12 dories above its massive cluster of eight engines was a test model of the Apollo space ship that scientists hope to use to launch the first three asronauts to the moon before the end of this.-decade. Agents Nab Janies M. Lee A Route 8, Four Oaks, man was aarrested by local ATTT agents at his home early last night. James Monroe Lee, 37, was ar rested In connection with the sei zure of 17H gallons of non tax paid whiskey found In a woods near his home an