OOstaihah Mostly sunny and continued cold today. Highs in 30s except in lower 40s along the south coast. Fair and not quite bo cold tonight. JEteiltj The Record Gets Results VOLUME 15 TELEPHONE 892-3117 — 892-3118 DUNN N. C. TUESDAY AFTERNOON, JANl ARY 19, 1965 five cents per copy NO. 31 ROBOT-PILOTED MISSILE IS FIRED INTERVIEWING THE GRAND DRAGON — Mrs. L icille May of The Daily Record staff is shown here interviewing J. Robert Jones, Grand Dragon of th» North Carolina realm of United Klans of America. The soft-spoken, mild-mannered polished Klan chief points out that the new Klan is far different from the KKK of earlier years. (Daily Record Photo by R ussell Bassford.) Says White Man's Lot Is Growing Harder Klan Chief Is Visitor Here J. Robert Jones of Granite Quar ry, Grand Dragon of North Caro lina’s Ku Khix Klan, said here that “it’B getting harder and hard er all the time to be a white man in this country.” “All the laws, the courts, ipid t£e M mm l A Sr A $ LITTLE » W 5? « f ■LwPWY^" rttiwiiis THINGS DULL IN DUNN; NO MURDER IN OVER 48 HOURS! Mayor George Franklin Bla lock isn’t too happy over some of the references .made to Dunn’s Pope’s Bottom by the Harnett Anti-Poverty Committee. The mayor’s family owns Pope’s Bottom and he says it’s no poverty area. It came into being when the old Pope lumber mill was the town’s largest industry. The mayor points out that the houses there are good, well-kept, and he’s willing for them to be compared with any similar neighborhood anywhere. Pope’s Bottom actually includes an area of only a few blocks. The mayor thinks that’s where the confusion came in. “Appar ently, they consider that whole ward a3 being Pope’s Bottom, but it isn’t,” he pointed out. The mayor’s brother-in-law. County Commissioner Willard Mixon views the situation with his typical good-humor. Mixon’s office, incidentally, is located almost smack in the mid (Continued on Page Six) whole government appears to be on the side of the minorities and very few people ever speak up tat fihe white majority,” declared the Klan chief. " 'jfones; visiting Dunn In the $7100 'Caftlillae tivfca him as a Christmas fg(ft Aw ♦North Carolina Klansmen e Williams of Route 1, Coats; (Continued on Page Six) Former Indian School Being Converted Adult School At Maple Grove GIFT FROM BELK’S _ Dr. L. Stacy Weaver, lei t, president of Methodist College, receives from Rich ard Hensdale checks totaling $5,050.00 as a gift to the college from the nine Belk-Hensdale stores of this area.