VOLUME U (Owllwi Partly cloudy and continued mm today, tonight and Prlday with widely scattered afternoon and ev ening thundershowers each day. Highs today 76 to M In the moun tains and 85 to 99 elsewhere. Lows tonight 56 to 64 in mountains and 66 to 72 elsewhere. MAN* PIIM LABORATORY 740 CHATHAM ROAD WINSTON SALEM# N. C. JHaifa* Jtcmvb The Record Gets Results TELEPHONE 892-311% — 892-2118 DUNN, N. C. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 17, 1965 nri com per cope NO. 19» Planning Board Discusses Signs, Zoning Rules I The Dunn Area Planning Board held a special meeting Monday night at the Home Savings & Loan As. sociation with Chairman John Simpson, presiding. Other members present were J. I. Thomas, Calvin Wellons, James Snipes, Graham Henry, Carlie Mc Lamb, Casper Tart, Carlyle Core, Belvin Strickland and Frank Sand ers. Also present were John Don nelly, Chief Area Planner of the Division of Community Planning of the State Department of Con servation and Development. Davis C. Catlett, Mr. & Mrs. James Yates, Mr. & Mrs. D. E. Brewer, Mr. & Mrs. John Snipes, Sam Miriello, and Mr T. C. Bogle of Lamar Dean Out door Advertising Company of North Carolina, Inc. at Winston-Salem. Mr. Bogle objected to the restric tions of the proposed new zoning ordinance which would allow out door advertising signs only on va cant lots in C. E. Districts (Com mercial Districts for Exterior Use). Mr. Bogle offered to prepare sug gested sign regulations. The Plan-, nlng Board agreed to this and ask ed that the regulations be sub mitted within one wees. The next item was the new zoning map on which the Planning Board marked off areas according to their zoning classifications. Most of the visitors present were there in the interest of keeping the area Bouth of the Wayne Avenue Shop ping Center a residential area. Aft er several hours work, all areas had been marked off except for R-M areas, which are Multi-family residential unit areas in which are allowed Trailer Parks. The Board delayed action on these areas until they could study the proposed new Trailer Park Ordin ance. They then preceeded to study this Ordinance in detail but no fin al action was taken to allow mem bers more time to decide the best course to follow on trailers. There was some objection to the 4 acre minimum size requirement for a Trail - Park, and other construction details. These are to be decided on at the next meeting, which will be the reeular meeting' on Monday, September 27, 1965 at 7:30 p. m. No owners of present trailer in stallations attended this meeting to express their views. NO . clear now as it's ever been.“ He said that for 45 years he had been able to get along, had cared for his family as well as any poor man could and had successfully managed his business and other affairs. He said it was true he had been upset about his wife, “but that's in the past now. “If they think I'm crazy enough to be sent to Dix Hill," he added, “then they ought to round up everybody else that's out and send them with me be cause they're as crazy-as lam. That paranoid stuff stuff is a lot of nonsense." No new witnesses were offered at the sanity hearing, Judge Carr summarized testimony relating to Tew's mental condition as he took it from evidence of the trial. Only witnesses who had testified they thought Tew insane were an uncle, the two psychiatrists, a detective and an airplane pilot he hired to try to catch his wife with other men two traveling salesmen who called on Tew at his furniture store, and Mrs. Verdie Huguelet, his lawyer’s secretary, and Mrs. Nancy Welborn, local newspaper editor. More than a dozen other witness es had testified Tew was sane and knew right from wrong. Dr. Hohmann had testified that beginning about the first of the year Tew started having paranoid mental delusions that his wife was unfaithful but that his delusions to here sexual promiscuity had all been false and disnroven. Bv coincidence. Resident Superior Court Judge W. A. (Bill) Johnson of Lilljngton was among the State’s witnesses who swore he thought Tew was sane and knew right from wrong- Judge Johnson had presided At a custody hearing attended by Tew ana ms aivorcea wue juai two nights before the killing. State and prosecution attorneys who fought constant verbal duels all through the hotly-contested first degree murder trial, continued to spar at the hearing today. Solicitor Archie Taylor asked the court to put Tew away “for years and years and years and years’* and indicated he didn’t think he should ever again be turned loose but still contended that Tew Is sane. “I didn’t think at the rial he was insane. I do not believe now that he is insane, but the Jury ruled otherwise.” said Taylor. Bryan Objects Defense Attorney Robert C. Bry an Jumned to his feet and object ed to Taylor’s remarts and said confinement should be for treat ment and not of a punitive nature. “Though he Dulled the trigger.” said Brvan. “he is not guilty of any crime because he was at the time.” He said Tew now th«t he was mentally i _ . a the time but feels that this book ige of his mind mav be past and. hat he can be (Continued