740 CHATHAM RQAD WINSTON SALEM, N tfie Record Gets Results Partly cloudy and warm today, to nl*ht and Friday with widely scat tered showers and thundershowers in the evenings. DUNN, N. C. THURSDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 83, 1965 MO. M Escaped Con, i Two Others Are Captured Monroe Cummings, S0|-year-old escaped convict and two compan ions, all with records of breaking and entering, were arrested early Thursday in a stolen aotomobile after a chase with Ullington Po. lice Chief Paul Stogsdtll. Chief Stogsdill took William R. Gray, 21, Of Sanford, into custody ime^sdiatejy; Larry Dull, 24, of Sanford, captured a few min utes later with bloodhounds, and Cummin** was taken into custody ’ shortly afterwards. Chief Stogsdill said he became suspicious about 2:25 a. m. when he spotted the 1963 Chevrolet with Georgia license and started pur suit. He followed the car, with his light blinking and siren running, from the center of town out on the prison camp road Just before reaching a dead-end. the car driven bv Cumminbs tried to ram the side of the police car. Stogsdill ran the car Into the dead end, where it crashed Into a ditch The police car hit a curb at about 80 miles an hour and swerved around. All three occupants of the $ar ran. StogsdlHe caught Gray quickly, then summoned bloodhounds and Deputies Roger Lvon and Sherwood West.. They d»vs overtook Dull and Ciimminvs was arrested about day brdhk. He ww charged With care less and reckless driving, larceny of the auto and possession of vod ks, whiskey and a auantltv of beer. The twd companies were charged with aiding and abetting and as accessories. Cummings was returned to the Harnett prison camp where he had escape. Stogsdill said Dull was on parole for breaking and enter ing and the other naan has two convictions for breaking and en tering. '! Area Students Enroll At UNC ■ dents who have ^ift-olled in the dents who have enrolle din the freshman class at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill They are James, Robert Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Adams, Route 1, Bunnlevel; Ronald Kemp Ashley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kemp H. Ashley, Angler; Ann Elaine Cole man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hal (Continued on Page 6) m • ' fT-.. ■««mi I.IIIIIIWIIIIIII II r.^TTT-.-T.y ^ DTJNN’S NEW EAOtE STORE HAS GRAND OHENtJWS — City and chamber of commerce officials were among the large crowd present this morning for the opening of the new Eagle Store in the Wayne Avenue Shopping Center. Shown in top photo, left to right, are, C. J. Ftrguson, III, of Charlotte, per sonnel director and head of store operations; Di'triet Supt. X. J. Terry of Florence. S| C.. City Coun cilman O. W. (Bill) Godwin, Jr., and M. J. McSorley, local Chamber of Commerce official and bank executive. Shown below are some of the company executives and store personnel gathered for the event, left to right, Mr. Ferguson, son of the company's founder And president; J. J. Eldrich, Earl Hinson, L. B. Maimey of Charlotte a buyer; B. R. Eason manager of the Bordeaux store at Fayetteville; Mr. Terry; M. J. O’Sullivan, manager of the downtown store in Fayetteville; and J. R. Thomas, manager at Bennettsville, S. C. (Daily Record Photos by Russell Bassford.) > >- —,——-—— —■ Charles Beyer's Son Gun Victim WEST LOS ANGELES, Calif. (UP!) — Screen star Charles Boy er’s only son, Michael, 21, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound at hie home -'•arly today, police re ported. . | Detectives who said the young man “had a record of doing funny things with gun* were unable to say immediately whether pie shoot ing was accidental. Officers said •oyer's girl friend, Marilyn Campbell, 22, was with him in the den when the shooting oc curred but had her back turned. Legal Status In State School Group Without RALEIGH (UPI)—Secretary of State Thad Eure planned to notify the Southern Association of Col leges and Schools today it needs his approval to operate in North Carolina. Eure based his action on an opinion Wednesday by Assistant State Attorney General Ralph Moody that the education associ ation should be required to ob tain a certificate of authority to operate in North Carolina. . Though hot now authorized to do business in this state, the as sociation has threatened to dis accredit State schools of higher learning because of the law which prohibits appearance of Commun ist speaker* Col. Willtpu* T. JoynW of Ra (Con tinned on rage •) Boyer’s roommate, John Klrsh, 22, was in another room watching tele vision, . According to police, Miss Camp bell had told -Boyer earlier in the evening that she wan breaking off their romance. He had then threat, eijed to kill himself and had held a 38-caliber anub-nore revolver to his head. Officers said the fatal bullet had been the only one in the pistol. Five others were found on a table next to the body, Indicating he might have been playing “Russian roulette," they said. Boyer, a gun collector, was known Boosters Club Reorganize An organizational meeting will be held Monday night at the Dunp .High School gym to form an active Boosters Club to back athletic pro grams In Dunn. .. in making the armouricerrierit Dr. Bill Lilly and Wilty Forbes noted that the present ’Organization is inactive and with so much, invest in athletics * Dunn j»c ive club would be an advantage ttr (Continued on rage .6) Plans are now in full swing for Benson's 16th AiinUal Mule Day Celebration to be held Friday, Sat urday, and Sunday. The towly mule, onc.e a necessary agricul tural ingredient who .has for all practical purposes been ■ made ex tinct by mechanization Will share the spotlight during the Cour-day event with two beauty contests, a Crade. a epeeoh by Lt. Governor b Scott 1 street! dance, w don* key softball game, two rdfeo per formance* and a fireworks display. The Mule'Day Celebration opens' Thursday night at i o'clock tn the Benson High School auditorium when the Jayceas sponsor the an nual “Miss Benson’' beauty page ant. ; *>- 1 "* - ■ •> % u!. The program' Friday morning will bt held at Bensdn's Singing Grove. Leading off at 9:30 wfU be a trick bore* display Judging of individual end pairs of mudea ie set for 10 o*«ioek. followed by mule puffing contests at 10do. J. M. Cutchin off Whitakers, who had ihe Grand Champion mule at 'Benson last year, will have on dis play at this year’s event 26 show mute*. /'. a ,-,i n-‘.. I' • The presentation of miniature* mule trophies to the whtoerg of the mule judging and pulling con test is Set for n a m. Friday. A luncheon will be held at the Benspn p American. Legion Building at 12:30 pm. Friday for Mule Day committee chairmen, out-*of-town guests, and fudges. Lieutenant . Conthmed On Page Mn)i-.< to have played “Russian roulette” before, the detectives said. Only a few nights ago he had shot out a large o glass window in the hou se, which Is loiaetd In the fash ionable Cold-water Canyon section north of Beverly Hills. ee Officers fos Wrecked LONDON (OPI) — A gang of 10 men, whooping like American Indians and armed with guns, axe iahdles and iron bars, today at »oked a payroll car and its police sscort and escaped with $89,600. ro*r automobiles were wrecked In lie wild attack. Three police in the escorting pat til car were injured. One had seri es head Injuries but the other wo were able to leave the hospital tfter treatment. Also injured wore he five employes of a bullcttng con ractor in the car carrying the Apron and the driver of a steam oiler who tried to block one if he yetaway cars. Polict captured me man. He was carryinv a load id revolver but apparently had nade no attempt to use It. Ajbout 10 men. wearing stockiny nasks, carried out the raid with iplit second timing at 10 a. m. n Sorth London. ‘‘It was just like a battle field.” lalin road laborer Fred Nutt, 22. “The gang went berserk. They screamed as If they were red In dians yelling war cries.” Tfhe payroll car. followed by the i Continued On Page Six) if r ! - . . -■ -- e’ Order bent The Central Prison Variety Slur will climax a big day of event at Coats this Saturday. The Coat Junior Order Is sponsoring- thi event. Beginning at 1:00 that afternoon a variety of games have beer planned with prizes awarded th« winners. A pipular string banc will perform beside the Town Hall HaU and a talent show will be featured at this time, too Refreshments will also be serv ed That night the Central Prison Variety Show wl'I perform in the Coats School auditorium at 7:30. Tickets for this are being sold by the Junior Order members or can be purchased at Johnson 8c Norris Real Estate office. The tickets are selling at $1 under 12. for adults and 50c for children KING’S ARMS MANAGERS — Pictured here are Mr. and Mrs. Wally Stephenson, managers of the King’s Arms Restaurant, . which opened for business here last night. A large crowd was present for tht opening and showered compliments on the new eating' place and its management. Wally and June spread a real • feast in the manner that food should be served. Already popular with local citizens and making many friends here, Mr. and Mrs. -Stephenson came to Dunn from Lansing, Michigan. The King’s Arms features a luncheon buffet daily and a buffet all day Sun days. (Daily Record Photos by Russell Bassford.) LEAD LILLINGTON DRIVE — Lillington commit teemen and college officials met at Wade’s Restau rant Tuesday morning to plan county-seat area par iclpation in the current statewide drive for Camp bell college. Seated (1. - r.) are Jake Lamm, Archie Taylor (chairman), President L. H. Campbell, Rev. Don Bowen, Rev. Robert Park, and Robert M >rgan, Sr. Standing are John Wilboume, Ed McCor mick. James Goff, Ray Edwards, Bobby Wicker, Rev. Frank Grill, and George V. McCotter, director of development at the college. *. Harnett Drive Is Well Underway Nothing succeeds like success If not another dime were given In the statewide campaign of Hen derson Belk’s •‘Million Dollar Ca binet’’ for Campbell College, the results already gained since the i movement started In mid-Julj would add up to the school’s big gejst s ngle financial return ever. Campbell'* home county expect 7 to raise at least one-feroh »ienca buildins’ and the $250 thou sand library wing now under con struction on the campus. Overall chairman of the county effort is W. L. Corbin, Dunn en gineer and contractor, who is one of the 16 top N. O- business men on the taUien Dollar Cabinet “Our people realize that we are long overdue in this effort, Corbin told a meeting of the cabinet in Ra leigh last week. “We citizens in Harnett County are on the mote.” I B t PHILADELPHIA UPI)—A Phi ladelphia neuropsychiatrist said Wednesday that about two mil lion Americans have attempted suicide at least once. Dr. Morton Herskowitz told a meet ing of the American College of Neuropsychiatrists that his study showed females make twice as many suicide attempts as males but men are twice as successful. He said the Christmas season and spring were the peak periods for suicides. Dr. Herskowitz rejected the the ory that suicide was a longing for death by pointing out that ap proximately 80 per cent of all un successful suicidals interviewed were Triad they did not suceed Dr. Herskowitz is assistant pro fessor of neuropsychiatry at the Philadelphia College of Osteopa thy. Baptists Will Elect Deacons on Sunday Each year the First Baptist Church elects deacons and deacon nesses to serve for a three year term. The present deacons make the nominations, usually three times as many as there are vacan cies to be filled. At the close of the worship ser vice. Sunday, September 26, mem bers o f the church will vote from the following list: Emmett Aldredge, Sr.; Sam Ausley Mac Barefoot, Howard Bass, Ed win Boyette Richard Carr, James R. Coats, W. E. Cobb, J. P Crump lert Royee Crumpler Eugene Driv er R O Ennis, Lewis Gavin, Howard Godwin, Sr., Felton Holland, Kie : Hudson, Earn F. Hudson, Ho • ward M Lee. Sr.. C. T. McGugan O O Manning, Dallas Matthews Willard Mixoh Lloyd Pope, H. Paul Strickland, J. Norman Yates, Mrs. W M. Brannan, Mrs George Brit ton, Mrs, Davis Catlett, Miss Aman da Culp Mrs J. M; Dawson, Mrs. Irene Dixon, Miss Lilian Drangh on, Mrs Harvey Eldridge, Jr, Mrs. J. S. Farthing Jr Mrs Herman Green Mrs Earl Hawley, Mrs James Hawley Mrs. Harold Jen»l gan. Mrs J. R. McCall, Mrs Ralph Maxwell, Miss Ophelia Matthews. Mrs Taylor Newton Mrs. John Parker Mrs Charles Skinner, Mrs, W. H. Slocumb, Miss Letie Strick-1 j land, Mrs Furman Turoage, Mrs Luther Turner and Mrs. Albert Watkins Deacons whose term expires Continued On Page Six) Stephenson, Huffman Seek Presidency CHARLOTTE (Ut*I)— A show down between backers of defeat ed gubernatorial candidates I. Beverly Lake and Ir. Richardson Pryer was expected when the North Carolina Young Democratic Clubs open their annual three-day con vention on Friday. Vigorous presidential campaigns have been conducted by A. J. Ste phenson o* Lillllngton and Robert Huffman of Monroe for the post being vacated by George Miller of Durham ■Stephenson has the backing of Lake’s supporters, while Huffman was supported by the go-called Preyer faction. The «laction was scheduled Saturday moraine. Continued On Pag* Six) A. J. Stephenson of Lillington to day Claimed victory in his bid tor president of the Young Democratic Clubs of North Carolina. In a prepared statement. He said "On the eve of the election of the next president of the Young Demo cratic Clubs of. North Carolina I am confident of victory. '‘After counting, my delegates and committee votes* my total now reaches over TOO,” he said. “With approximately 1,000 cfenvention votes to be cast, this assures my. supporters of victory.** |i „ The YDC will select its next |pa sident to succeed George MfUer af Durham at its state cooventtpn starting Friday in Charlotte. « * V Stephenson, supported by hacMrs of former gubernatorial candidate [. Beverly Lake, la opposed by Ro bert Huffman of Monroe, supported by the wing of the Democratic party which backed the gubesnatgr, ial campaign ef L. Richardson Prey