L* FRIDAY EVENING - OCTOBER 29. 1966 (liltioyft Thaxton 5" . (9) Brolu-o (4) Algebra * 1:9ft (7) Mv rotmni 6:09 (9.7) New* Weather 8pt» (U) New* (8) Dateline 9:20 <8> Dinner Hoar New* •:90 (7) Hnntley . Brinkley (t-ll)CB8 New* (2-4) What's New •t35 (S) Viewpoint 7.-00 (7) Wyatt Earp (11) flUUgan (5) My Three Sons (9) Dt-nnls The Menace (2-4) Dr. Poslns tilants 7:30 (8) My Mother The Car .(<) Camp ftnnainuck (9-11) Wn Wild West (2-4) Forum on Art * Mush 4:00 (5) Tammy "Will The Real Dwayne Whitt Please Stand Up?1 iVlth an as sist trom Tammy Owayne gets a Writing assignment and week eds at Houseboat to absorb ati thelc atmosphere. (7) Hank (4) Houston Symphony 8:30 (7) COhvoJr (5) The A Mams ramie (8-11) Hogan’s heroes 9:00 (5) Honey Treat ''The Princess and the Paupers” Honey and partner aj-e lolled In their attempt to follow th» rnn son collecor (or a rock'n roll singer. (8-11) tJonier Pyle An ally cat (cl’ows Gomer a board ship for a tour of sea duty r. vMfttlon of Navp -vl gulatlons. , 9:30 (7-11) Mr Roberts (5) Peyton Place A surprise visitor for Ada and for Rita a surprise escort. Un yielding anger for Stella and for Steven a pleasant legal for mality. (9) Smothers Brothers 19:91) (7) Mail from Uncle “The Arabian Affair" Phyllis Newman guests as a prince o who holds Tllya prisoner' until she learns of THKUSH operates n her tribe’s desert territory. (5) Teenage Revolution An examination of modern day teenagers profiles the lives cf teenagers from diffreent walks Of life (9) Teenage America Prgetnt (11) Lorado 11:09 (5-7-9-M) News Weather 11 15 (7-11) Tonight show 11:30 (9) Movie (5) Starlight Theatre - SATURDAY PROGRAMS - OCTOBER 30, 1965 6:30 (IT) Space Sollder* 7:00 (5) Sunrise Theatre •■o (?) Clutch Cargo »:80 (11) bee. squirrel (7) Space Angel s.oo (7) Hospitality noose (0-11) r.iptaln Kangeroo 9:00 (7) The letwns (0-11) Heckle & Jeckle ("») The Lone Hanger 9:30 (9) Tennessee Tuxedo < ? -11) Atom Ant <f>) Milton the Monster 10:00 (7) secret Squirrel -(9 II) Mighty Mouse (5) Shehunagans 10)30 (3) The Beaties (7-11) Cnder<h>g (»> LlnnS 11:00 (5) Casper Cartoons (9-11) Tom and Jerry (7) Top Cat 11:30 (8) Potfcjr Pig (7) Fury (9-11) Quick Draw 12:00 (3) Bugs bunny (7) I'rontleg Circus (9-11) Sky King 12:30 (9-1)1 Lassie (5) Teneage Frolics 1:00 (7-11) NCAA Football (9) Flicka 1W0 (9) News (,-») American Bandstand 3:00 (») Movie 2-30 (5) Maverick 3:00 (11) Sports Special 3:30 (3) Wide Worn! of Sports -l:0« (9) NFL Countdown (7) High school Highlights 4:30 (7) Moments In Music 4:43 (7) Filin Fill 5:00 (5) Championship Wrestling (9) Lloyd Thaxton (7) TBA (It) Scoreboard 5:30 (7) NBC Sports 8:00 (5) Grand Old Opry (I) Saturday News Report (II) Flipper (9) Arthur Smith 6:15 (7) News * Weather 6:30 (5-9) Wllhurh Brothers (11) Walt Disney (7) Report 7:00 (5 9) Porter Wagoner (7) National Bclvet 7:30 (7) Flipper (9-11) tackle Gleason ; (5) shindig KIWI (7) 1 Dream Of Jennie . .Ojlwvhody Here Seen Jeanoi ‘.," Jennie worried IWavr""" 17JTTJ s safety tries to prevent hts pro posed Walk in space. is* (5) King Family 8:30 (3) iawrence Welk (7) Oet smart (») Trials «»f O’llrlern (11) Man From INCI.E 9:oo (7) Saturday Movie ‘Meny Andrew" hy repressed Andre* Larabee Is slated to be come headmaster of the family’s school in a rural England un til he accidentlly b:comes invol ved with a circus. 9:30 (S) Jimmy Durante One-hour special fun-and-music survey of contemporary culture. (11) Branded (9) The Loner •’Widow on the Evening Stage" Colton tries to persuade the father of a man who has been killed by Indian attack to ac cept his son’s Indian widow and baby. 1«:t»fl (9-11) (innsmoke 10:34) (5) shindig ll:M) (11) Three Star Final (5-7-9) News ll:i£ (11) Sat. Country Style (9) Movie ) (7) Bowling (5) Football Scoreboard (7) X. *vs-Weather lli’15 (5) Dateline 11:30 (5) Movie of the Week - SUNDAY PROGRAMS - OCTOBER 31, 1965 •7:8B (11) Church News (5) Big Picture 7:80 (11) Bob Poole (7) Trails West (5) The Christopher* 7 45 (5) Gospel Ceravan 8:8® (7) Singing Time in Dixftl (0) Lessons For Living 8:15 (•>) Musical .toSiUixini 8:80 (9-11) Gospel rovorttes (5) The Harvester* 0:00 (3) TV Gospel Time (7) Allen Revival Hour 0:30 (S) Bcllwtakle (0) Light Unto My Path (11) Sunday Movie (7) Don POwel 10:18) <; > Mis put life (0) Lump Unto My Feet (3) Annie OUUey 10:30 (7) This Is The Life (8) Look up and Live (3) Heaney and Cecil 11:00 (7) The Answer (9-11) Camera Three (8) Light Unto My Path 11:30 (11) Fate The Nation (7) ('hurt'll Service (9) Let’s Go To College 17:00 (9) BattleUne (5) Discover) (7) Search 111) .Pury 18:80 (5-7) Oral Roberts (9) Moment* in Music 1:00 (3) Church of uor Fathers (7) AFL Football t:!3 (9-11) NFL Football 1:80 (3) Issues and Answer* 7:18) (5) Direction* 2:30 (3) Nationwide Bowling (4) French Chef 3:30 (3) HoppJty Hooper (4) But* Hue , 3:43 (») Headline of Century 4:00 (9) Lost 111* Spare (II) Specials (Tj Learn T;i Draw (4) What In The World 4:15 (5) Film Fill 4:30 (5) Topper 4:30 (7) File lit <*) Flight (4) Creative Person 5:00 <9-11) Mr- Ed (!) Wild Kingdom (5) Family Thwitre (I) Pe, form bare 5:30 (9) Amateur Hour (7) G. E. College Bowl (II) Camp Ronamuck (41 HliMIc Affair* 3:00 (7) Well* Fargo (9-11) Twentieth Ceatruy .."Alan of the.Fonth: See. of St ate Dean Rusk.” The broadcast will explore Mr. Rusk's back ground inerests philoeophy and his day-to-day activities as head of the" State Department. <1:30 (9) Hone) numbers (5) Til* Flintstolies (11) Don’t Eat The Busies (4) Convened tah (7) Big Ear J:00 (9-11) Lassie koung Mattie Dawes takes Las sie on a harrowing trip through a swamp to the kennel where she hopes to find a puppy. (5) Bottom of the Sea “The Deadliest Game" The Pr-e sident and members of his cab inet are trapped below the sea and in danger of destruction by a nuclear force. (4) Public Alfalrs 7:30 (7) Walt Dlsbey (9-11) Favorite Martin Experimenting With weightless n jks fcr a return ta Mars Mar tin shntihs himself and has Tim cork him in a bottle only to land in an overseas relief package. 8:00 (9-11) Ed Sullivan (5) The FBI . "The Problem of the Honorable Wife” Inspector Erskine gets a lead to communist ring in at tempted bombing of warehouse loaded with supplies for Viet nam. (4) Houston Symphony 8:30 (7) Branded 9:00 (7-11) Bonanza •‘The Meredith Smith" A dying man asks Ben to see to it that his large estate bepassed on to a crtaln relative but things get confused when the man dies and six pelplc arrive to claim the fortune. (9) Perry Mason (5) Sunday Night Movie "The CQmancheros" A Texas Ranger Is assigned to penetrate the ranks of an outlaw band the Comancheros who are sup plying Indians with guns and whiskey ad have caused the sl aughter of many settirs. (4) Football 10:00 (7-11) Wackiest ship (0) Candid Camera 10:30 (9) What'a My Line 11:00 (9-11) News (7) Sunday Theatre Harem Girl (9) ABC Scope 11:15 (11) I Spy (5) ABC Scope 11:30 (9) Movie 11:45 (5) Moments In Music I LEE-MOORE OIL CO. all Us for Depend, ble Delivery of Heating Oil WITH THE SEAT . IMPROVE* additive American Brand Sta - Clean SERVICE! &RKVE YOU . LILLlNGTON 893-3145 ■ S. Clinton Ave. * trtWN 492-2450 Hi'. DUNN, N. C This Weekend SPORTS Sponsored By Lee-Moore Oil Co. OATI RHAY OCT. 30 1:00 0-11) Jrt'AA Football 3:00 (11) Sport* Hprrlal 3:80 (3) World Sport*' 4:00 (7) High Srliool Highlight:. (») NFL Countnown 5:00 (5) Championship Wnwtllitg (11) Hcnrrboupd 5:80 (7) NBC Shirts, SIND.W OFT. 31 1:00 (7) AFL Football 1)15 (0-11) XF1. Football •1:30 (3) Nutolnwld* Booling g ” 0:0 (4) Football mm ■ . The Daily Record's Weekly TV Channels Listed 4 WUNC 6 WRAL 7 W1TN 9 WNCT 11 WTVD THE KEY TO BELTEJl LIVING • Televisions • Radios . Stereo* • Electric Ranges • Automatic Washer* • Gas Ranges • Refrigerators • Water Heatetv FINE FURNITURE COMPLETE \) HOME FURNISHINGS “CASH IF YOC H7 V.> IT - CREDIT IF YOU NEID IT" 14 W. Broad Phone 192-3112 JOHNSON COTTON COMPANY DAYTIME PROCRAMS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY giggsgg . 9‘ 3:30 (5) Aspect «:00 ('.) Daybreak 6:28 (7) Aspect 11:30 (It) Morning Show (ft) Carolina Today 1 (7) Carolina Farmer 1 (7-8) Today 8Uow (II) All Outdoors (5) Today Shorn (11) Captain Kahgaroo j (9) News (5) Femme Fare (7) Leave It To Beam (U) Cartoon Show (•) captain Kangaroo (4) U. 8. History 9:30 (7) People are Funny (II) Concentration (4) Physical Science 10:00 (4) World History (7) Fraetured Phrases (9) 1 Love Lucy (8) Time F«r Vncle Paul (11) Jeopardy | . 10:30 (ft) llohna Heed ( (9-1)1 Heui McCoys *' (7) Concentration (4) Mathmatics 11:00 (7-11) Morning Star (5) Andy of Mayberry (.i) No Time lor Love f 11:30 (3) A Time For Cs (9) lllck Van Dyke (T-il) Paradise Bay 12:00 (5) High Noon News THIS WEEKS COLOR r PROGRAMS SPONSORED BY WEST'S RADIO A TV SERVICE DUNN'S COLOR TV EXPERTS DAYTIME Monday thru. Friday 10:30 (7) WHat’g This SongT , 11:30 (7-11) Jeopardy 12:00 (7) Say When! 12:30 (7) Trnth or Conseqoenea* 1:30 (7) Let’s Make A Deal 3:30 (7) Ton Don’t Say FRIDAY *30 (7) Comp Riipnamnck (3) The FUntstones 8:00 (3) Tammy 8:30 (9-11) llos,ah’» Heroes 9:00 (9-11) (iomrr Pyle 9:30 (9-11) Mr. Hot-etf 10:00 (7) Man From Inrle SATURDAY 9:30 (7.11) Hector MeathcoU 10:00 (7) Underdog 7:30 (7) Flipper 8:30 (7) Get Snuirt (B) Luwreuce Welk 9:30 (5) Hollywood Palace SUNDAY 1:00 (7) AFI- Football 3:00 (7) AFL Post Game Show 4:00 0-11) World Series of 4:00 (6) Custer 8:90 (7) College Bowl 1 ■■■ 1 r— THIS WEEK'S SUNDAY I 'f NIGHT | MOVIE "The Comancheros" John Wayne : WRAL-TV i "" (7) Jeopardy (9) News (11) Lore of Uve (4) Aspect 2:15 (9) Farm News * Weathes 2:S0 (4) Mid-Day News (5) Father Knows Best (7) Play Post Office (9-11) search For Tomorrow 2:45 (9-11) Guidng Light 1:00 (5) Beh Casey (9) Love of Life (U) Peggy Mann (7) Girl Talk 1:25 (9) Timely Tips 1:30 (9-11) As The World Tarn* (i) Let's Make A Ileal 2:00 (5) The Nurses (71 Moment ot Truth (9-.U) PassMOord 2:30 (9-11) Hmuseparty (5-7) The Doctor* 3:00 (ft) General Hospital (9) To Tell The Truth (7-11) Another World 8:25 (9) News 3:30 <;•) Tlic Young Married* (9-11) The Edge of Night (7) Ton Don't 0ay 4:00 (5) Superman (7) Match Game (9-11) Secret Storm 4:89 (7) Funky VOfle (11) Let’s Make A Deal (9) Boro Cartoon Jinctlon (5) The Early Show Tor The Best See West4 8:00 (7) Wild Kingdom 7:Ou (3) Bottom of the Sea 7:00 (9-11) rjissle 7:30 (9-11) Favorite Martin 7:30 (7) Walt Disney 8:00 (9-11) FA Sullivan (5) The FBI 8:30 (7) Branded 9:00 (7-11) Bonanza 9:00 (3) Sunday Night Movie 10:00 (7) Wackiest Shl|> In Army tl:00 AM (77 Banter sandy SM MONDAY 7:30 (7) Hullaballoo 0:00 (7) John Forsythe Show 11:30 (7) Dr. Kildare (8-11) luey Show 8:00 (9-11) Andy Griffith 9:00 (7) Anly Williams 9:30 (9) Bawd (5) f armer's Daughter 10:00 (7-11) Rtui For Font Life 10:00 (9) CBS Report* 11:13 (7-11) Tonight Show TUESDAY 7:30 (7) My Mother. The Car 8:30 (8-11) Red Skelton (7) Dr. Kildare 9:00 (7) Tuesday Nght Movie 9:30 (9> Petticoat inaction 11:13 (7-11) Tonight Show WEDNESDAY 7:30 (7) The Virginian (3) Ozzle * Harriet 8:30 (3) (fidget (9-11) Beverly Hillbillies 9:00 (0-11) Green Acres (5) Big Taney 9:00 (7) Jack Benny 10:00 (9-11) Danny Kaye 11:13 ffi-n^Torright Show THURSDAY 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:30 10:00 (7) Dean Martin 11:15 (7-11) Tonight Show -MONDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 1, 1965 m (11) Toft Bw J3) DiMInt Aspect m ■in mit *JS* •:88 (0) DPtattne Viewpoint 9:M (4) Friendly Ghtnt fiM fJ) CM *4, WW« Are Too 7:39 (7) Hullabaloo (•> ro Tell The Treth O') 12 O'clock Hl*h ‘'Runaway in the Dark" Col. Or Bikher Is seuaptcloua when ■unscheduled element* arise on a difficult mission to Norway. .."Show Me A Hero. Ill Show (8-4) Public Affairs coo (») I're Got A Seere* (9) John Forsythe 8:30 (3) 3csm James (»-ll) t«cy Quest star Danny Thomas cassts a musical production number & hires Lucy under ht« impression that she Is an experienced sli6w girl. (4) Public Affairs > (7) Dr. Kildare I “Toast the Qolden Couplf Dr. Kildare and Dr. OtU-sple ask a committee of laymen to aid in selecting patients who will be treated by a new kidney ma chine. 0:00 (9-11) Andy Griffith The Taylor family arrives In Hollywood but Andy has dif ficulty contacting the studio making a movie about his life. (7) AM; Williams (#) Man Called Shenandoab 9:30 (9) Hazel (5) Peyton Place Por Rodney a hospttal visit and consolation from unexpected so urce: for defes: attorneys a strategy outlined: for Marian Fowler a frlsth'.ful secert un coerto, Cli) IH-. Kildare I (8-4) Population Pr Idem 0:00 (5) Ben caaey ‘‘Then 1. and You. end All of Us Fall Down" Dr David Lan gley, Is a physic’ a with un known llless wh-> is acclaimed for his medical " ork In Africa. (7-11) fcun tor your life (Ik) Steve Lawrence 1:00 (5-7-0 If Newa Sports I vlfl (7-11) Tonight KBow 11:30 (a) S'nrllglit Thatre (9) Movie - TUESDAY EVENING - NOVEMBER 2, 1965 5:011 f») Kronen (11) tlubm •:S« (1) Wood) MOvffpcelnr (11) Trier Tot. mills «.oo <t*») Kmm Weather 8ptt (ir> New (5> iHitelln* (4) Aspect *:20 m dinner ttoar Ne*« 030 <fc-ll) Hem (1) II untie; Brtn*lej » «:15 (O Vrlptufly Olant (7) The LlttlMt Hob* WWft m Mo— ■<sniiljgpv ■ (2-0 Ntttriton 7:$o («) Combat ‘‘Croesflfe” Sgt Sounders prt fer* charges against a double medal wltiner for disobeying a direct order, (9) RaWlllde (1*1) What'* Kew (7) Mf Mother The Car 9:00 (Cl) The Ministers <*) I 7:00 «>.' (ti) (1) Don’t Eat The Dosles (2-1) Creative Person 1:30 (fl) Me Male’s Navy •tVolatflore Fish-Fry’’ The PT 73 Is used a# a fishing boat when Mayor Lugatto claims En sign Parker sunk the pride of the ' Voltsflorc fishing fleet. (T) Dr, Kildare Part 11 (8-11) Rod Skelton (2*1) trench Chef 8:00 (8) F Troop ' ''Old tgonpants ’ After two weeks at tactics sehool, Capt. Farmcn ter fashions himself after hl» Idol Oen Ouster and becomes a strict dlFClpllnarlan. (1) Tuesday Movie (8-4) Total Bahllice (2-1) About Ceramics 11:30 (9) Petticoat I unction Oncle Joe sccertly summons n ouyng physician to move Into the Hotel as the house doctor, and Kate encounters opposition f(om her daughters when she decress hem ust go. (S) Peyton Place Tor Korrnan, a fearful summons: for the Carsons, father and son a trip Is proposed and another trip recalled: for John Fowler justification for a job to be done (11) Dr. Kildare (2-4) History of l!. 8. 10:00 (3) The Fugitive '•An Apple A Day" Kihiblc lands In the home a naturopath and finds himself fighting agaalst bad mcdf-al practice and ro mantic adnners from his host's wife. (») CBS e|{ports (11) Andy Williams 10:30 (0) Hot..nine 11:00 (S-7-P-1I l News. Sport* 11:13 (7-11) Tonight Show 11:10 (5) Starlight Theatre Jump Into Hell ..satellite In The Sky (0) Movie - WEDNESDAY EVENING - 9 ' NOVEMBER 3, 1965 5:00 <g> Ctlejwnne (II) Lloyd Thorton W 'l*ehr» 5:30 (5) Mnfiflbt Gorilla (II) tVoindv Woodpecker t:*t (5-9) Ne«rs Weather 8pU <U) Neon (f) Dateline <4) Aspect *:30 «:Su 81 Dinner Boar N*w« ^ „ Hnatlei-Bmkisj . CR-fl> CMNM’ 0:43 (!) I'rtfMly Giant 7:00 (11) Hazel (5) Dentil *V 4 Daja (7) Leave It to Beaver (0) Wanted! Dead or Alive (2-4) Mental llealtli 7:30 (5) The Virginian "Jennifer” Judge Garth’s re cently-orphaned niece, Jennifer Sommers on her way west to stay with her uncle, becomer friendly vylth a troubled young cowboy unaware that he has just klll-rl a man. C*> t iovil Tliaxtoli (II) 1/4 ISl III tt|MU'C <») Oexle * Harriet "Wally nii A n,hor' Futile rc'Rns wlt.h hn'" tb fraternity ber-mse Wally In wrlltlno « boob «b(t, If publtrhed they err in be lr hot w T’-l) \V"tV N>v siw'V'i I'•*11 llulx 'lixw 1 •1 .j fc.nng lea" Pnt.ty gl vf he name as a witness to a miner traffic accident before »he discovers that her boyfriend IMe’>ard Is Involved. (2-4) Public Affairs 8:30 (8) GI tiger (Ml) Hillbillies Grann brews a love potU’n tc turn up a husband for hei ] granddaughter. 1 9:00 (7) 4ack IVeniiv (II) Get Ulnart ((I) llrecn AfPfs (5) Big Volley (4) Oalcllm 11:30 (0-I1) lllfk Van l>\ke *‘Odd E1 it T.up’ Mlill" Helper enters Rob In a newspaper con test for oddities after she dis covers that con nee tine the freezes On his back makes a picture of the Liberty fled. (2-1) Family Rector. 0:00 (.1) Amos Burke' (9*11) Baling Kaye (<) i spy “The Time of the Knife” The sudden, iolent death of Ag ent Michael Fane reveals, a matter of missing microfilm, and places his bereaved fiancee In great danger. (2-4) Volume f 1:00 (5-7-fr*ll) News Weather 1:1.1 (7-ll> Tonight Show 11:30 (.1) Starlight Theatre (0) Mode - THURSDAY EVENING - NOVEMBER 4, 1965 3:09 (9) Sumjrfwit (11) Uf** Thai ton • tM. AigeOra 5:30 (3) Toft Bear (h) Hnckleberry Houhd COO (7-0) Mew* Went hr# Sporti (11) Ntn (5) Dateline 0:15 (1) Upi tl 6r20 (8) Maim Hour New* (0-11) CB8 Newt K:8te (t) Defat of Spanluh Armada 0:35 <4) Dateline «$EftSr (0) ThnlwOty Kiftit Movie (0) Arthur Smith ti-M Voji The Deaf 1:3# (7) Sum Boom "Cry Of Gold” In a plot to take Boonesborough land, and English pugilist Is hired to kill Daniel Boone. (9) The Monsters "LUy’s Star Boarder" The Mun sters get a smooth-talking young man as tenant when they de cide to rent their spare room (2-1) What’s New 8:00 (11) Perry Mason (8) Gilllgn.it'* Island (2-4) Conversation 8:30 (?) Laredo (8) My Three Sons (2-4) What In The Worll 8:110 (3) Bewitched ‘‘A Very Informal Dress" Sa mantha and Darrin become vi ctims of Aun Clara’s waning witchcraft when sh*- creates th em some new clothes. <0—11) Thursday Movie ('1-4) Terrorniiinee 9:80 T) Meet Mona MCClusky (5) Peyton Plcae People versus Rodney Harring ton, a haring Is bgun; tor Da leng-awalted word from Boston For Martin Peyton bitter end to long Journey!g. (2-4) History of U. S. 10:00 (7) Bean Martin Show (.l) I,mis Hot Summer 11.00 (5-7-9-11) News Weather 11:15 (7-11) Tonight Show 11:80 (5) Starlight Theatre Storm Warnlhg Jet Attack (9) Movie BAREFOOT Radiator Shop We Use IFpil EXPERT SERVICE pmm m -nm TRICK OF THE WEEK WHERE TO SHOP AND SAVE IN DUNN FUEL OIL Uf-MOOft* Oil CO. Brand Heating Oil VCnM Lillington — 893.8145 | Dunn — 892-2450 ill 11 mm II AliO WARS CARR HARDWARE “We Uke To Help You Sol»» Your Problems’’ N. WUmwi Avc 892.7572 2253S FOWLER'S DUNN SUNDIUtS Luncheonette — Cosmetics Medicines - Gifts and Teys E. Broad St 892-2330 II. ill. JEWELERS STANLEY JEWELERS Expert Enfrxvhif * " Watch Repairs E. Broad St. 892-3595

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