- FRIDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 19, 1965 8:35 (S) Viewpoint 6:45 (4) Friendly Olant ?;00 (?) Wyatt Earp (U) otlllsan , (5) My Three Son* (9) Drnnl* The Menaee (2-4) Dr. Posin’* etents 7:36 (5) The Fllntatone* (7) Camp aviuimiet (9-11) WH Wild West (3-4) Forum on Ait * Most 9:00 (5) Tammy "Grandpa's 0*4 Flame” Grand pa Tarleton earn* that hi* for mer fiancee at coming to vi sit him because she believe* he la rich. (4) Cinderella (7) Hank «:S0 (7) Cohvey (I) The Mfe« Hmh (9-11) Hogan's Heroes 9:00 (5) Hone> West "A Neat Little Package” A news vendor hires Honey to find out who left 9175.000 In the trunk of hlscar. (9-11) Comer Pyle Sgt. Carter Is Involved In ar automobile accident and Garnet is a witness for the other driver (2-4) NV Festival Orchestra 9:90 (7-114 Mr Roberts <*) Parmer* Daughter (•) Smothers Brothers 10:00 (7) Man From *!nele j , ‘•The Cherry Blossom Affair Prances Nuyen guest atars as a Nisei film producer who hlep» Solo and Ulya halt Thrush from unveiling a volcano acti vator. (B) Jimmy Bran (9) Slattery’s People “The Last Oommuaer” Drams concerns one Anon's stubborn fight against a railroad. Lea Ayres and Joan Blondell guest stars. (11) Lorado 11 :M (5-7-9-11) Neaa We 1.15 (7-11) Tonight Shaw 11:30 (9) Maeht The D. I. (5) Starlight Theatre - SATURDAY PROGRAMS - NOVEMBER 20, 1965 6:30 (11) Space Solid** (3) Lon* Ranger 7:00 (3) Sunrise Theatre (7) Clutch Cargo 9:30 (II) Sec. sqairrel (7) Space Angel ••no *7) Hospitalnj float* (9-11) Captain Kangeroo 9:00 (7) The Jet souk (9-11) Heckle A Jeckle 9:30 (9) Tennessee Tuiedo (7-11) Atom Ant (5) Milton The Monster 10:00 (7) Secret Squirrel -(9 11) Mighty Mouse (5) Shetuuiagans 10:30 (5) The Beatles (7) Cnderdog (9) Linns 11:00 (5) Casper Cartoons (9-11) Tom and Jerry (7) Top Cat U:M (3) Porky Pig <*> raiy (9-11) Quick Draw 13:00 (5) Bags Bunay (7) Frontier Clreas (9-11) Shy King 13:30 (0-11) Lassie (3) Teneage Frolics 1:00 (7) FOaa Fill (•) Fltoka (11) TBA 1:15 (7) Moments In Munsle 1:30 (9) News (3) American Bandstand Wrestling (?) High school Highlight* *:00 (I) Movie (7) NCAA Football 2:30 (5) Maverick 3:30 (S) Wide World of Sport* 3:45 (0) Headline* of Century 4:0© (») NFI. 5:00 (fi) Cham (0) Lloyd Thaxtoa (11) Scoreboard 5:80 <t) NBC Sport* (II) sport* Spectacular 5:00 (5) Orand Odd op (7) Saturday Karra (11) FUpper ••Dolphin Patrol” A school ol killer sharks keeps Sandy and Bud trapped in a sunken wr eck. (0) Arthur Smith 0:15 (7) New* 0:30 (5-0) WUburh CM) (7) Sehere-MacuNl 7:00 (#-•) Portor Wa. (7) Natlohal Helvet 7:*8 (7) FHpper (0-11) Jackie tMaason (5) Let* <*o To The Bace* 8:00 (7) 1 Dream Of Jeanle “Djlmm and Water" Jennie br ings her great-grandfather out of the past to help Tony solve a scientific problem. (5) King Family 909 (tf (i) uet smart (9) Trials O. O'Brlern (11) Man From UNCUS 9:<l« (7) Saturday Movie "Please Don't Sat the Dash*' Story of a drama critic whose family life Is comkcaly complica ted when a musical comedy star takes a fancy to him. 9:30 (3) Hollywood Palace (11) Branded (9) The Loner ‘The Homecoming of Lemuel Stove" Coton tries to prevent a man whose father had been lynched by hoodlums from tak ing the law Into his own hands. 10:00 (9-11) Gimsamke A racher’s son who lets his older brother bear all the blame wh en they return home after a prison sentence for cattle rust ling uses the misplaced guilt as a cover fat new crimes. 10:30 (6) Shindig (t-ll) Underdog 11:99 (11) time Star Mm* 11 ilfMll)9*at*'couatty Style (9) Mnfe Dial M For Murder (3) Football Scoreboard 11:95 (5) Dateline 11:30 (5) Movie of the Week Brohters Riche (J) Rowling - SUNDAY PROGRAMS - NOVEMBER 21, 1965 6:30 (II) Sports 7:00 (11) Church News <*) Big Picture 7:30 (11) Gospel Favorites (7) Trails West (it) The Christopher* 7:45 (5) Gospel CormVun 8:00 (7) Singing Time U Dll* (») UHW Tor UWh* »:15 (6) Musical Meh*t«i..<n» 8:30 (9-11) Gospel Favorites (5) This I> The Life ,«*m 8:00 (5) TV (9)Ught^i ■to My ruth Movie sw> 10910 <9) MIC BM-tnre !?»%* 10:80 (7) This Is the Ufe Ct) look ap sM Un (6) Heaney and CeoU 11:00 (7) The MOW (9-11) Camera Three (5) Light i nto My Path 11:30 (11) Exploring (7) Church Service (9) BamrUne 12:00 (9) Concep s (5) Discovery (7) T*A (11).tiny (0-11) Face The Nation 1.-00 (5) Church of u*r Fathers (7) AFL Football (9.) Moments |n Music 1:15 (»-fn NFL Football 1:30 (h) Issues and Answers (7) Film Ftti (9) Moments In Musll 1:45 (7) L-arn T)> Draw 2:04) (5) Circuit Rider (7-11) AFI. Football 2:30 (5) Nation wine Dowling 8:30 (5) lluppity Hooper 4:4)0 (5) Range Rider (S 14) MU. F.tot ball (7) Pro Football 4:30 (5) Topper (I) l.earo To Draw 4:45 (7) Film fill 51414) (5) FamMv Theatre (7) Wild Kingdom 5:30 (9) Amateur Bonr (7) «. E. College Bowl (II) Camp Runs muck 3:00 (7) Wells Fargo 41:34) (9) Honeymooners (5) Donna Reed (7) Spanish Anpiada (II) Don't Gat The Da&les 7:00 (9-11) l*sale Ranger Stuart learns that a po ung camper may have been bit ten by a rabid squirrel and sets out with Lassie to find him. (5) Bottom of the Sea “The Silent atoteers” A beauti .-ful but perhaps deadly Oriental girl goes on a dangerous mis sion with capt. Crane into a hostile jungle. 7:30 (7) Waft Dlsbey “The Three Lives of Thom asina" Part II. Veterinarian be comes target of whispering cam paign when Daughter’s pet cat Is revived after he says animal must be destroyed. (9-11) Favorite Mania Uncle Martins time machine ta kes the Martian and Tim back to the frotler of 1870 Missouri and an encounter with the notorious Jesae and Frank Jamee 8:00 (9-11) Kd SnIUvan (3) The FBI "The Oiant Killer" Inspectoi Ersklne and partner Jim Rhod t try to keep a demeted pacifist from destroying a Thor missile (4) Houston symphony 8:88 (7) Branded 9:00 (7-11) Bonanza ■Tht Reluctant Rebel” Hoe be friends young BMly Penn, whc has been hanging raound with a gang of vicious cattle rustier and offers him a Job grooming the Ponderosa’e prize bull. (9) Perry Mason (i>) Sunday Night Movie ‘•ay One For Me” A song-f.llrd comedy about a priest in Hew Tork'sS theatrical section and hia efforta to aave a show girl from unaavery producer-enter 18^4) Football 10:09 (7-11) Wackiest Ship (9) Candid Camera 19:3d (9) What’s My Line 11:06 (9-11) News (7) Sunday Theatre Ohost of the China Sea <8) ABC Scope 11:15 (11) 1 Spy (5) ABC Scope 11:8# (8) Movie 14:45 (3) Moments In Music iCall Us far Depend, able Delivery of Heating OH TO &£RV£ YOU This Weekend SPORTS Sponsored By lee-Moore Oil Co. 8ATVROAY NOV » l:#0 (»> Hlfll SWftfllll lllglillgbtt )2:<HI SIC.U Football :30 (ft) riif World of Spurt* 1:00 (9) NFL Countdown 3:00 «) jCluimpk»ii»Wip Wre*tllnf , (11) Sport* Spertaonlar M NMY N«V *1 1 WO o AH, Football 1:13 (0-U) NJX Football 2:30 (5) Nationwide Bowling f:iai O ) Pro Foot boll (9-11) NHL ■FootbbwH awmonesimf «ov. « IllaW (31 Pro JpmUh'I * TBI RSIIW NBV. aft Wty Record's Weekly TV SHOWTIME CluMMflls Listed 4 WUNC 5 WRAL 7 WITH 9 WNGJ 11 WTVD stattonT nSjm** wlth-oat mUml THE KEY TO BBLTEit LIVING' Electric Automatic Gas Ranges Refrigerators Water neatest FINE FURNITURE COMPLETE HOME FURNISHINGS <92-3112 "CASH IF TOC W VJ IT - CKDR IF TOC 14 W. Broad JOHNSON COTTON COMPANY DAYTIME PROCRAMS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 5:30 (5) Aspect 6:00 («) Daybreak «:*« (7) Aspect 6:30 (11) MornDlg Shaw (9) Carolina Today ?;S (7) Carolina — .... (7-5) Today Show 7 :45 (11) AH Outdoors 7:30 <5) Today Show 8:00 (11) OapUla Kangaroo 8:30 (9) News 9:00 (S) Fomins Faro (7) Lease » To ‘ (U) Cartoon M» (9) Captain Kangaroo (4) 0. 8. History 9:30 (7) People are Fanny (11) Concentration (4) Physical Science 10 .-00 (4) World History (7) Fractured Phrases (9) I Love Lncy (5) Time For Vncle Paul (11) Jeopardy 10:30 (5) Dolma Heed (9-11) Heal McCoys (7) Concentration (4) Mat lunatics 11:00 (7-11) Morning Star (9) Andy of Mayberry (3) No Time For Love 11:30 (5) A Time For Us (0) Dick Van Dyke (7-il) Paradise Bay 19:09 (S) High Noon News <T) Jeopardy (»> New* (U) imt of Live (4) Aspect 12:15 (2) Perm News * Weather 12:20 (4) Mid-Day News (5) Father Knows Best (7) May Post Office (2-11) Search For Tomorrow 12:40 (2-11) Ooldnf Ll*ht 1:0« <5) Beh Casey (2) Lose of Life <ll) Pegcy M*n* (7) Girl Talk 1:25 (2) Timely Tips 1:20 (2-11) A* She World Tar®* (<) Let’s Make A Deal 2:00 (5) The Nurses (7) Moment of Truth (9-11) Password 2:30 (9-11) House party (5-7) The Doctors 2:00 (5) General Hospital (9) To Tell The Truth (7-11) Another World 3:25 (2) News 3:30 (5) Tile Yount Marrleds (2-11) The Bdte of Nltht (7) Ton Don't Say 4:00 (5) Superman (7) Match Game (2-11) Secret Storm 4:22 (7) Funhy Pate (11) Let s Make A Deal (9) Bozo Cartoon Jlnctlon (5) The Early Show THIS WEEKS COLOR PROGRAMS SPONSORED BY WEST'S RADIO & TV SERVICE DUNK'S COLOR TV EXPERTS DAYTIME (7) Don't m . 730 (7) Camp Dupnaoiiiik (5)' The I’ltntstones 8:00 (5) Tamm}’ 8:80 (8-11) Hugah’* lltroes 9:00 (9-11) Gomre Pyle 9:80 (9.11) Mr. Rorrts 10:00 (7) Man From Uncle SATURDAY 9:80 (7-11) Hector Heatlicoto 10:09 (7) Underdog 7:80 (7) Flipper 8:30 (7) Get smart (5) Lawrence IVelk 9:30 (5) Hollywood Palace SUNDAY 1:90 (7) AFL Football 3:90 (7) AFL Post Game Shot 4:90 (7-11) World Series ot 4:00 (5) coster “ * V.*» (7) College Bowl i »"«r—1.. THIS WEEK'S SUNDAY NIGHT MOVIE ..-Ty*'1 • ■ ■■ I'"" "$«y One for MV' DEBBIE REYNOLDS SEE WRAl-TV Monday thru. Friday I0:M <7) What’s This Bouf II Jo (7*f) deopdrty 18:99 (9) say When! 18:39 (7) Tenth or Ceneeqnenei 1:80 (7) Let's Make A Deal k M ■hIUmi* Hi—» * ■ ■ 4:00 (7) Wild Kingdom <>:30 (7) Spanish Armada 7:IM< (.">) Hottom of the Sea 7:00 (9-11) T-assle 7:30 (9-11) favorite Martin '.{30 (7) Walt Disney 8:00 (9-11) Ed Sullivan (5) The FBI 8:30 (7) Branded 9:00 (7-11) Bonanza 9:00 (3) Sunday Night Movie 10:00 (7) Warklest Ship In Army il:00 AM (77 Eaater Sandy sm MONDAY 7:80 (7) Hullaballoo 8:00 (7) Johh Forsythe Show 8:30 (7) Dr. KIMare (9-11) Lucy Show 9:00 (9-11) Andy Griffith 9:00 (7) Andy Williams 9:30 (9) dn) (8) Farmer’s Daughter 10:09 (7-11) Ran Fee Your Life 10:00 (») Steve Lawrence 10:00 (9) CBS Reports g.:|3 (7-11) I'onight Show <:S0 (7) My Mother. The Car 9:30 (9-11) Red Skelton (7) Dr. Kildare 9:00 (7) Tuesday Nght Movie 9:80 (9) Petticoat Junction 11:13 (7-11) Tonight Show WEDNESDAY 7:30 (7) The Virginian (S) Ozzle A Harriet 8:30 (5) Old get (9-11) Beverly Hillbillies 9:00 (9-11) Green Acres (5) Big Valley 9:00 (7) .lack Benny - 10:00 (9-11) Danny Kaye (7) I Spy 11:13 (7-U) Tonight Show THURSDAY 7:30 (7) Daniel Boone 8:00 (9-11) Ollligan’s Island 8:30 (7) Laredo (9-11) Sty Three Sohs 9:80 (7) Mona McClnMtey 10:00 (7) Dean Martin 11:15 (7-11) Tonight Show RCA VICTOR MCA mo* ^ WEST'S •■Mbrvic» Radio it TV - MONDAY EVENING - ' NOVEMBER 2fc, 1965 How News 8:00 (11) Uoyd (») Sugarfoet 8:80 (7) Huckleberry Hound ■ " ji-wAir ■ ■ »>r i) i) 5) , f>' (»-ll> (8-4) What's Near (8) Dateline Viewpoint 7:00 (7) Car M, Where Are Too <») Tombstone Territory (ID The Virginian (S' OK Craogerhy 7:80 (7) Hullabaloo (•> To Tell The Truth (8) IS O'clock High "Storm at Twilight" Ool. Gal lagher goes on leave and re turns to find his group In turmoil and crisis. B:Of f9) I've Ml Secret (7) John Forsythe 8:30 (8) Jesse James <9-ri> Lnfcy Countess Frsmbrolee and Lucy suspect every torolgfaer of being a Russian spy after; viewing a movie cm fqred'-u Intrigue. (7) Dr. Kildare I ••Fathers and' Daughters" While li at Blair Hospital for a check up pool shark Joe Quinlan If • reunited with his estranged dau ghter a medical missionary Just, returned from ■ overseas, ‘ 9:00 (0-11) Andy Griffith Andy la delighted, when he hears that the governor will I attend the 'Sfaybcrry Pounder’! l Day celebration hut Is concer- | ned about proidlng a security guard . (7) Kraft M lisle Hall (#) Man Called Shenandoat »:S0 (9) Hazel (5) Peyton Place A complusive true' atig Inter view for Marian F wler and for Steven Cord r> milestone service In a er W. for the Carsons a swtet charin'T. -» (11) l*r. Kildare I i do (5) in-n Casey “When Givers Prove Unkind' Wealth patient sets up founda tion for grants to artists ant doctors with Casey io make se ecticns. (7-11) Bon for your life (#) Steve I.ewrence 1:00 <B-7-* -11) News Sports I -.16 (7-11) Tonight Show 1:30 (5) Starlight Thatre Cry m th» Night (9) Movie - TUESDAY EVENING - NOVEMBER, 23, 1965 5:00 (9) Bronco (11) Lloyd Tftaxtoo •>M (1) Woody WooaiMwknr *.00 (7-9) Mews Weather Spts (U) News (9) Dateline <4) Aspect 6:20 (5) Dinner Hour News 0:50 (8-11) News (7) Huntley Brinkley (2-4) What’s N- w 7:00 (7) The Llttlest Hob* (5) Donna Reed , (9) Bobby Lord (11) Convoy : i 7:90 (5) Combat ‘ ’Sb) dler tot' ForOujne ' A G trapped beneath a (alien bean while wire tapping refuses t disclose information he’s ove ‘I heard. > ,vr (9) Rawhide *■_ • -..Mt 1! (7) My Mother The Car 8:00 (11) The Munster* (7) Don’t Eat The Basics 8:30 <S) Meilale’s Navy ‘‘The McHile Opera Company’ Cept. Binghamton’s operatic de t'ut is disrupted by an ajr raid which he believes was staged hy McHa.it-. (7) Dr. Kildare Part II • r fsraii haurai saiite 9:« (!>r ittop ■ : ' “A GUt from the Chief" Oapt Parmenter is rewarded with t ■"Wr&xs?- ^ * °! (5) Peyton Place i Eruption of a. horrifying truti c J - toi1. J8hn Fowler > and: for Juli^ Anderson an Unexpected visitor; for Betty Anderson a,, strange prtituiid tth ’ ’a' iliohei- '<h*te. i * «,li if t . • : I <?».r.r C’ Ti tv '* mV n. <■ (7) Tuesday Movie The Tunnel Of Love !>:30 (9) Petticoat Junction Betty Jo takes a one-week trip to New York City and the experience produces such a dra stic tranfortnalieii that she lc bajrey recognizable to her mother 1(I:K0 (») 1’IIS (t, ports (Hi the 1’i.gHlve . .‘Landereipe With Running Fig uret" Kimble helps Lt, Gerad's wile Mario whe she Is tempor arily blinded In a bus accident then discovers his identity. <11) Dr. Kildare (11) Andy Williams 10:30 (0) BatUeiine 11:00 (S-t-0-11) News, sports 11:15 (7-11) Tonight Show 11:30 (5) Starlight Theatre Danun Yankees (9) Movie : ■,. ' ■*" . 6:00 (9) Cheyenne (11) Lloyd Thaxton 5:30 (?) Majjftta tiurlllu fl:#0 (7-9) News Weather 8pU (11) News (5) Dateline j/' > (1) Aspect ,■ 6:20 (S) Dinner hour Ktn «:»« (1) Huntley-Brukley M , (9-11) CBS News ' " (2-4) Bhat's New 7:00 (11) llazel (6) Death »e' ,r B,yg (7) Leave U to Beaver (9) Wanted! Dead or Alive *7:30 (7) The Virginian "Beyond the Border" A lonel* .. saloon girl rinks the Wath til her desparado boy fried to nur se the ailing Virginian bask to - health. biM (8) rtgtaplwr: (IIA; >•/". t 1(1 “ pa.ee (5) OZZie A Harriet - Is :'g. t-JB- *fn •tre • * s-ijhjc .. >>jr tlrV.'afen ng1 bm horse..) S-'M' (11 Patty Duke Show ■ tfi^'^Pe-ademakrt-h ' Ros.‘ •learns the role of peacemakei 1 not always peaceful when he t uhteers to act as go-between in a e^>at between Patty and 8:30 (3) Oldget . iiHibtiiics afn<S Oranny ' InrTte the youth of Beverly Hills to an old-fashlnoed wlng-dfng so that Elly JVI,S e .and Jethro can meet the young folk. 0:0(1 (S) Big Viafley (1) Frank Sinatra (0) Green Acres (lit) Get Smalt (5) Big Valley 0:30 (0-11) Dick Van Dyke (S«|£JT,y 6Wc.fr' 10:00 (5) Sfa.vlfem (7) Congress Needs Help A special NBC News report with David Brinktey as narrator, bas ed on an objective study to evaluate the operating mach inery of Congress, 11.00 (5-7-9-11) News Weather 11:15 (7-11) Tonight Show 11:30 (5) Starlight Theatre (9) Movie ,'~i EVENING NOVEMBER 25, 1965 5:00 <») Sugarroot (11) LJtoyd l'haxton 6:00 (7*9) News Weathre Sports (11) News (*) Dateline (4) Aspect 6:30 (0-11) CBS New” (5) Dinner Boar News (i-4) Whnts New 6:35 (5) Dateline (11) DalUel Boone . .“The Thanksgiving story” Ke . beccii Boone’s eccentric father boasts that he plans to Invite warring Indian Chief Gabriel to Thaks«ivln« dinner. (5) Thursday Night Movie (#) Arthur Smith 5:00 lit)' Datrci Boone ((1) JThe Mun>lt‘if| ■•Herman's p'rlvfag. Test’ Char lie Ruggles guest stars In thr story of Herman's offbeat ef forts to jisnew hie license. 7:30 (j), ifcuiirl Uoojie «:1HK(11) Fcrrj Mt^son (9) UliHjMn’rislftfttl <9> My -Three rtcmfr 8:30 (7) Cole Porter <»-Jl) Tlnrrsnay Movie Mysterious Island 9:00 (S) Bewitched "Aunt Clara's Old Flame!! The arrival of- a» otti : hoy f^cnfi send /ja.nt Clara running tc fi-.un- n thn for help. (i) Peyton t'lcae Per o seven Cord persistent bunt for tie truth of Stella Cher n'k and for Doris Schuster trembled leave-taking for Gut <"k mack, a small vndctve tr 1 wph !f 50 (7) Mona MvClutkey lOr'kl (7) l>ean Mirtln (51 Visit To Waslihieton 11,00 (5-7-9-11) News Weather 11:15 (7-11) Tonight Show 11:30 (5) Starlight Theatre Hall the Conquering Hero (0) Movie ■ > > BAREFOOT Radiator Shop We Use FOR EXPERT SERVICE Phone 892-S228 TRICK OF T'!E WEEK Have someone throer ft pair of ike. tdd (be numbers that rfhow on lop to on the botioni of ihe dice, down to t iga l>ftey wwnt down t» tbianumber in ft deck of card* nod look at the card at that number . . . You proceed to read their minds. While they concentrate on the card you tell them the name of the card they are Uiinkitt|t of . . . reparation Count down to the four* trerish card in a deck . . . RcutMtcn this card . . . That's all there is to it . . . The number b always fourteen , . . Get out yoyr dice and try iL '.“"II1 WHERE TO SHOP AND SAVE IN DUNN a? LEE-MOOM OIL CO.' American Brand Heating «1 bf **• LiHington — 893.2145 Dunn — 892-2450 _•• •’ HABfiWAKB CARR HARDWARE “We t*e To HMi| JPon Solve Tour Problems'* N. Wilson Aye 892.7572 A:.;,, u* Z -VSfoll ft* F0WLPM8 _ DUNN SUNDRIES Luncheonette — Cosmetics tfedicima - OMto m*1 T*y m-ma E. Broad St. * I i» '»■-»" JEWELERS .. STANLEY JEWEtEAS Expert Eu*ravl«t * Watch Repaint E, Broad St 892-3595 M» H9*>" i.f

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