tOsuaUwi i! Generally fair this afternoon to il ,• night and TTiursday. Somewhat wanner tonight and in west and extreme south portions Thursday. -•nm is .1 •• . telephone snuii’. - ms-sus DUNN, N. C., WEDNESDAY -Mi---, SHOP EARLY! MAIL EARLY! mi cents na cops WINSTON SAIEM, N. C. --— R N |Hj 1 4' m ngk M II Officers Arrest Four Oaks Man On Liquor Count Jader Allen Adams was ordered held for trial in Johnston County Recorder^ Court Tuesday after noon on charges of violating the federal liquor tax laws. Adams, 46, of Route 2, Four Oaks, was arrested by Dunn ATU agent Roscoe Tedder 'and Johnston ABC officers Jim Britt and JJames Bare foot after the men found an un registered distillery in a barn at his home in Ingrams Township. The barn housed two stills - a lbo gallon copper pot still and 50 gallon outfit Also destroyed were 450 gallons of fermented mash, one half gallon of whiskey and other miscellaneous equipment and ma terials. Adams was released after post ing bond. CT&T Installing 42 Phones Every Hour The continuing growth of Eastern North Carolina is strikingly reflect ed by the fact that Carolina Tele phone has been installing telephones this year at the rate of 42 per working hour as r compared yith 19 just 10 years ago. Another indication of the area’s growing dependence upon telephone communications is the number of long distance conversations being handled by the company. This year, long distance calls are being com pleted at the rate of 2,163 per hour as compared with 1,666 in 1955. During the first 10 months pf 1965, Carolina Telephone installed to gain 17,012. Stated another way, 69,847 telephones, removed 52,836, the company’s installers placed |n service 339 telephones every worjf ing day or 6,984 every month. In providing facilities to serye these additional telephones, the company has spent an average of $84,373 each day for new construc tion as compared with a daily ex penditure of $24,969 in the first 10 months of 1955. At the end of October, the com pany served 278,796 telephones in 113 exchanges. Each of these phones was being used to ocmplete local calls at the average rate of 6.31 time per day. Completed long distance calls averaged 51,934 every day and 1. 558,136 every month. Thus, it can be readily seen that eastern Carolinians are relying more and more on modem and dependable communications for contact with each other and the rest of the world. FIFTH WIFE FOR FONDA — Actor Henry Fonda Is a happy man as he and his bride, the former Shirlee Adams, 33, pose in New York. The couple were wed Friday on Long Island. The marriage was the fifth for Fonda. (NEA Telephoto. Dickens Gets Suspended Term For 96 Cons Of Beer Man Convicted After Raid Hal Dickens, Rt. 3, Lllling ton. pleaded guilty to having in his possession 90 cans of beer, 13 ounce size, for the purpose of sale | recently, In Harnett County Recorder's Court Thursday. Judge Robert ,B. Morgan con tinued Judgement tor 12 months on the condition he not have in his possession or have on his premises Held At Go$pel Tabernacle Court Of Honor David T. Wellons. son of Mr. and Mrs. Billy Wellons of Fayetteville, and JJ.n H. Wellons, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Wellons, Sr., were presented Life Awards in a special service Sunday nigbt at Gospel Ta bernacle Church. __ This service marked the Court of Honor for Troop 782. These two awards Were made by Archie Wood, troop chairman. Joe Duff, scout executive for the Chicora District, gave a short talk on scouting and related an experi ence of scout Robert M. Hunter of “What Scouting Has Meant to Me,” It follows: “Scouting has taught me how to lead others to work hard for what CONTINUED ON PAGE • Local Couple Freed Of Charges Dunn Woman Gets Active Jail Term Two Dunn residents. Dorothy Hoi liday and Moses Lee Pittman, were found not guilty in Benson Record er’s Court on multiple charges in volving firearms. The vrman was charged with Christmas Party Thursday Nite Bundy To Address Lions And Ladies 8am D. Bund}; of Fkrmville, no ted humorist and »ftar dinner sp eaker, will entertain members of the Dunn Lions Club and their ladles at (heir annual Christmas party ftiursday night at 7 o’clock at the Woman’s Club. President Thad Pope announced plans for the gala want -*>day. Tom Fanner is in charge of ar rangements for the program and Bundy will be introduced by Joe Duff. rH Bundy, who te superintendent of schools in Farnwllle, has spoken in Dunn to various groups many times befor, and >lWl «,00 persons demonstrated in the streets of Moscow today against American policies in VSet Nam. 8trong police precautions barred a march on the XT. S. Embassy although a score of persons tried unsuccessfully to deliver a peti tion to the embassy. : Western newsmen saw tens of thousands of demonstrators at several rallies In various Moscow squares and streets. But by early evening the oWiclal Tass news ag ency reported the number had swel led to 250,000. The manifestations were part ot an increasing nationwide move ment against the United States, taking the form of organized mass meetings, newspaper editorials tnd hundreds of petitions delivered to the embassy. The stepped up drive coincided with Premier Alexei Kosygin’s bit terest attack yet on American for eign policy, made in an interview With the New York Times. He said U. S. policies had forced Russia to increase its military spending per cent and accused American soldiers of killing women and ch ildren in Viet Nam. Another official denunciation of American policy came today in a Matt message to Brititm as co chairman with Russia of the 1654 (Jenev* conference which ended the Indochina war. The draft mes sage accusing the United States of aggression said both Britain and Russia noted the moves with "deep anxiety." Britain is not expected to agree to the Joint message. Davis Trial Set For December 16 A load Negro was free under $1,000 bond today after being charged Tuesday with assault with a deadly weapon and resisting an officer. William Davis was charged and released under bond after he was treated for a ugnohot wound in the hand, inflicted by Sam Judge ,an inspector for the State License Buraftu. Trial has been set for Thursday, Dec. 1«. Judge told local police he shot Davis in the hand after the Negro pulled a gun on him whien the in vestigate demanded payment of $358 Davis allegedly owed the state on a tfuck license. NO Tom Instead of sending stars on tour for"£K>ctor Zhivago,” MOM will exploit the plture with 1,000 cos tumed from the production dis played on * tour of 200 American cities. Children's Party Scheduled ? v Erwins Christmas rn v Schedule Announced n. ' The Chrisbmas Operating* 'Schedules for the Erwin Di vision; a unit of Burlington Industries, were announced today*by Mr. G. W.HoWell, Erwin Manager, Who also revealed, plans for the children's Christmas party. Mr. Howell said Christmas holidays at the plant will be observed from the end of the second shift on Thursday* December 23, until the beginning of the re* gular work week on Monday, December 27. ■ Employees and members Of their families have ben invited to tour the new Weave Room facilities at the plant on Sunday afternoot^ Deoember 12, between the hours at 1:30 and. 6530 pcpC'Sdrita Claus will be on hand and* gift bags cotaiu% toys* candies, fruits and aLfWUrietjr of other gifts wiB'he dbrtrtbhted to all employees? children under ten gears Of age: The tenth' ■*' twetaCyear old yoitogsters receive indhS& gifts, n ’ Taylor Tells House Group To Come Up With Plan Reapportionment Work Begins RECIPE FOR COMEDY—All you need for a hilarious movie scene is the beautiful Elke Sommer wearing noth ing but a man’s shirt and Bob Hope trying to hold her upright against a wall with a mop. The bit is just one laugh in Hope’s new film, “Boy, Did I Get a Wrong Num ber.” Marjorie Lord is the third principal in the cast. Paul Strickland Senior Warden Billy Wade New Masonic Master Billy Wade, Superintendent of Mail at the Dunn Post Office, has been elected master of Palmyra Lodge No. 147 A.F. & A M. The Local Masonic Lodge elected its new officers Tuesday night. He will succeed retiring master Joe Ruark. Mr. Wade a leader in the organi zation for a number of years, Wade has served each office in the lodge. He is a member of Riverside Presbyterian Chudch and active in church work. Mrs. Wade is the former Evelyn Tudor of Erwin. They have three children, Becky, 15,. Bill, Jr., 13, and Martha, 9. Leaf Varieties Are Approved RALEIGH (UPI). — Agriculture Commissioner James Graham an nounced today that 31 varieties of flue-cured tobacco seed have been approved for sale ip North Carolina for the next planting season. Graham awtoupred rceor<^‘ ingp after receiving the recommen ations of the Tobacco Seed Com mittee that. 15 growers, producing one of more of the varieties, be granted approval to merchandise the seeds in North Carolina, State seed law requires the list ings of the varieties by tobacco seed producers as a prerequisite to law ful sale. One new variety was includ ed, Speights G-7, as approved by the Regional Flue-Cured Tobacco Advisory Committee. t r '' The complete list of varieties re corded this year is as follows: Bell 15, Bell 29, Coker IB* Coker 80-F, Coker 819, Dikie,,.Bright 1A1, 402* Hicks Broadleaf, McNair 1J2,. Mc Nair 10, McNair 12, McNair 20, McNair 39, NV '©f:95l!N. V.: t32*, N. C. 2812, Reams •jf^ Redins **; Speights G-5, Speight G-tr Speihgt‘ G-10, Speight 13, SbeigM G36. Ve?ta 3, Virginia W tfmtd gold. Other officers are Paul Strick land, Jr., Senior Warden; Bill Signor, Junior Warden; R. L. Cromartie Jr., treasurer; Nick Joseph, secretary; Sam Baer, a three year trustee. Appointive officers are Graham Henry, assistant treasurer; and Ralph Wade, assistant secretary. ■ The installation of officers will take place January 4. RALEIGH (UPI) — House Speak er Pat Tayhw told members of thf House Reapportionment Committee today they were here to lpok after North Carolina, not their v.^pa counties. * Taylor also said he expected the committee to work today until they come up with a House reapportion ment plan to be made public at the end of their session. In this way, he said, the pub lic can participate in their pro gress. The committee assembled in the legislative building to begin work on a reapportionment plan for the Jan. 10th special session. A federal court has ordered both houses of the leigslature and congressional ditricts reapportioned. Taylor talked to the House com mittee like a Dutch uncle. “The time has come to quit say ing you don’t like the rulings of • the Supreme Court . . . Regardless of how you feel we’ve got a job to do. Let’s look at it positively. . . “Not one of you was put on here Ho look after your county. You were put here to look after North Carolina.” Taylor said he wanted the com mittee to meet today until it comes up with a complete House reap portionment plan, no matter how ■imperfect. Then, he said, the public can see aud comment on the plan. “We’ve got 30 days before the session begins and the people of North Carolina ought to partici pate in working it out.” John Sanders of the Institute of Government gave ttohe fcommittpe some of the tests he thinks a court acceptable plan will have to meet. The minimum controlling percent age in either House wifi have to be 45 per cent or better, he advised. The ratio between the most and least populated distrist will have to below two-to-one. CANINE CAPEB "SweetPea,” asad-faced beagle, ruined several thousand dollars worth of film whan he waddled Into camera range during a scene for “What Did You Do In The War, Daddy?” NEWS ROUNDUPS WASHINGTON (DPI) — Defense Secretary Robert S. Mc Namara announced a slash of two-thirds in the nation’s long range bomber force today but hinted that a new type bomber may go Into production later. SPACE CENTER, Houston (DPI) — Gemini 7 flashed past the 1.5 million mile mark today with a “go” for another day toward its goal of two weeks aloft. Astronauts Frank Borman and James Lovell cheerfully reported, “We’re doing pretty good." WASHINGTON (DPI) — The Agriculture Department estima ted today that the 1965 D. S. cotton crop would total 15,059,000 bales, slightly below last year. But toe per-acre harvest was expected to be a new record. «jv % , SAIGON (DPT) — A D. S. Navy Phantom jet and its two crewmen vanished Tuesday during a mysterious flight over North Viet Nam, a“ American spokesman reported today. A second Amer ican plane crashed in South Viet Nam and berth men ahgkrd were killed. Sfudents Demonstrate Against U. __—_ "Karachi, Pakistan (upd — A. mob 6f Pakistani students dem onstrated and shouted Insults In the faces of nine tr S. congressmen whep they visited the cities of Mir pur to see a Kashmiri refugee camp, the leader' of th-Amerlca^ delega tion said today. «WV Sfert practically mobbed as our eawt-W Reft. (jleHieAt 3. Zablock. t>-Vrts% '“The situation got very much out of hand.” He said the to stop tto*' happened Hoi