Cffiii!; CCM.i Scientific Racism As the barricades of institutional Racism come tumbling down those who still wish to seek shelter behind a-wall-huilt only on the riifferenrp nf the pigmentation of the skin are hiding behind the barricade of scientific racism. Scientific racism differs ^rom institutional racism in that the latter relied on legislation by the govern ment for its support. The laws that -stipulated where blacks could eat. sleep, and socialize were all categorized under institutional racism. The former, however, relies on scientific methods to prove that Blacks are intellectually inferior to their white counterparts from a hereditary standpoint. Since the signing of the Civil Rights Bill racists had no legal backing to base their school of thought so they turned to the next best thing ... science. To date there have been many refutations and repudiations to this point by whites and blacks alike. But the refuters are more social conscious than factual. They argue from a personal standpoint rather than from an overall standpoint. Well, from an overall standpoint the method of proving that Blacks are inferior to whites is inconclusive :: by those tests given. Furthermore, educationally Blacks tend to score lower on achievement tests than their white counterparts. No matter how high in a position a Black man -goes there is always a white man over him. The gathering of such data and the testing done in universities to this extent is con ’ elusive. The problem with this, though, is hbt 'TrT the proof of the theory but rather in the initial assumptions. These assumptions did not take into account that white Americans and Black Americans did not have the same beginning in this country. Furthermore, the assumptions left out that the testsVere made up by whites and that whites administered them. The Western culture is only now beginning to take hold on the masses of Black people in this country. As far back as 1600 education was an established institution in this country for white America. By 1636 Harvard University was chartered. Not until 1822 was there any formal public training for blacks. The Bird School was opened in Philadelphia for educating blacks. One school in half of the 19th century Black public schools began to appear all over the country. From then even until today the quality of the education in the all black school as compared with the white schools was inferior. It wasn't until the 1860’s when higher educational institutions for blacks came into existence. Remember, public education for blacks tthough started by 1822 was not nationally mandatory. In many areas education was still unheard of for blacks. Not until 1933 was any effort made to successfully educate the mass of black people in this country. In 1940 nine southern states’per-capita expenditures were listed for public education as $18.82 for blacks and $58.69 for whites. This type of state expenditure continued until 1954 with the Brown vs. The Board of Education case in Supreme Court. From 1954 to now is pretty familiar to most. This synopsis of the educational history of the Blacks in America serves to bring home one point. That is the intellect of whites and blacks can’t be compared because of unequal conditions. That is they can’t be compared for the purpose of ridicule. They should be compared for the purpose of upgrading the entire society. White America has an over whelming head start in the Western culture compared to minority groups. Couple this with speech impediments and forced entry for the purpose of slavery it is amazing that we made it this far. It is un fortunate, however, that some white Americans use this head start as a vehicle ,for oppression and ex ploitation rather than a channel for upgrading our society. The npw barricade of scientific racism like its old predecessor is a sign of weakness rather than a tower of strength. Those people who need some sort of justification for op pression would find one regardless. So, don’t feet as scientific racism takes hold on the country. It’s the same dog trying new tricks. After all a spade by any other name is still a spade.' A Quest For Better Government A noted author once wrote, "Every other ethnic group in America ... has accepted the fact of its own social advantage. But the Black Man’s conditioning has steered him into that perpetual state of suspended tension wherein ninety five percent of his time and energy is expended on fighting prejudice in whites. As a result, he has neither time nor the inclination to realize that all of the efforts spent-fighting prejudice will not obviate those fundamental things an ethnic grou^ must do for Itself.” The Black community as a whole, must turn its attention inward and develop the miles of potential within our own community, mobilize our forces and begin to deal with the issues that confront us on a daily basis. The weapon to be used in this struggle is the vote. If you are aware of the potential scene today, you may have noticed that major political leaders in this country seek votes from almost all of the ethnic groups in our area but they take the Black vote for granted. -Blacks should—make a com mittment to strive to unite the Black r-Geimnunity as a voting body so'that J all office seekers, whether they be on the local, county, state or national level, will know that our needs and demands must be met if they expect support from -us in the future. THE CHARLOTTE POST , i t Serving The Black Community Since 1618 The Charlotte Post Publishing Company. Inc. 6136 Trinity Road. P.O. Box *7. Charlotte. N.C. 28214 Bill Johnson.Publisher Gerald O. Johnson.Business Manager Connie Jamison .^.Secretary Thomas Lesesne. Advertising Robert L. Johnson.Circulation Manager Polly Nivens .Feature Writer James Peeler.Photographer-Writer Published every Thursday by the Cha lotte Post Publishing Company. Incorporation, •134 Trinity Road. Charlotte. N.C. 28216. (P.O. Box 17'. Telephone 342-1366 * 362-1367. JC. . Second class privileges suthorlxed and post paid at Charlotte. N.C. „ , SUBSCRIPTION RATES National Advertising Representative Mecklenburg County Amalgamated Publishers. Inc. OnuYuur M 66 Suite 1463.48 West 45th Street MonthsT. 14 56 New York. New York 10034 Three Mont|M.„„ Subscriptions snd change of addresses should be mslled to: P.O. Box 67. Charlotte. N.C. 28202. The deadline for all news copy and photo Is 5 p.m. Monday. The Post Is not responsible for any photos or news copies submitted for nnbllcatlon. LAWYERS ARTISTS DOCTORS ARCHITECTS DENTISTS BUSINESS INGIN EERS SOCIAL WORKERS TEACHERS ACCOUNTANTS ► AFTER YEARS OF HARD WORK AMP STUDY-NOW r RETURNING TO BUTTD BETTER SLACK . ^wm/h/tieg. I I [ ou uunma . G 01U li! li It was a kind of reversal of the usual tribute and it generated a pride that was based, not upon the ac customed words spoken, no matter how sincerely, on such occasions. Among those present in the . throng at_ the Public Day program of the Negro Shriners in Philadelphia and their ladies, The Daughters of Isis, were representatives of Howard University, the National Jewish Hospital - of Denver, the United Negro College Fund, the National Association far - Retarded , Citizens, the heart and lung center and others.'.'--’ These had come to thank the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Noble Mystic Shrine of 1 North and South America and its Jurisdiction, Inc., for cash gifts which they continue to receive in their organizations. When these benefactions are called “cash gifts,” such a designation does not adequately measure the really substantial contributions which the Shriners have made 1 over the years. For example, the Prince Hall Masons, in distinguishable from the - Shriners, have given the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc., $20,000 a year for many years. Meharry Medical College has received scholarships and v w other help as fias Howard nedical school for research in cancer and other diseases. Another beneficiary has been the Homer Phillips hospital in St. Louis, Mo. Altogether, the Shriners have given $3,400,000 since 1950 to hospitals and schools of medicine. An example, in addition to the ones men ioned, has been the Jewish Hospital of Denver, a great institution, ministering to the health needs of humanity, regardless of color or religion. A representative of this hospital was present in Philadelphia to thank the Nobles and their Imperial Potentate, John W. Edghill, for the assistance which they had received. _ _ Not only have the Shriners ministered_through their substantial contribitions to the health of humanity, but they have been concerned with the education of humanity. Their scholarship program for men and women students is growing from a total contribution of $1,320,000 as of 1973 to what some of the Nobles and Daughters hope is a reflection of the importance of education in the hands of a minority. A recognition of the increasing Incidence of heart trouble in the whole human race - and blacks in par ticular - is seen in the funds for heart research. Perhaps the greatest at tention is in the process of being paid to centers for retarded people, children and adults. These are among the suffering of blacks as well as whites. The Kennedy Foundation brought home to black Americans how these handicaps do not respect race or color or religion. Love and patience are two essentials which the Shriners are en couraging and in Philadelphia they announced that they were in the final negotiations for the raising of funds which will enable them to give more to this activity. The Philadelphia ceremony gave a good feeling, a feeling of belonging to the human race. Marriage Conflicts With Male Upbringing By GERALD JOHNSON While watching “Good Times” on television the other week a reality was brought out in the episode that caused me to realize a conflict in most marriages. The episode dealt with two types of upbringing by parents. One type for boys, the other for girls. While promiscuity is applauded by all in male circles it is a subject for ridicule in for a female. Consequently the female if brought up in most cases practicing abstinence. If not abstinence the subject for females is not open and the whole affair becomes clan destine. On theotho- hand males are made to feel like bulls in a pasture of cows and for everyone that is nailed lheans a new notch on the fence post. The most familiar talk in all male circles (most male circles!!!) is about the one who didn’t get away. It is like a lumber jack contest to see who could knock off the most trees before one fell upon him. Even in the homes the males are given more freedom to seek relief from their frustrations than their female counterparts. Man to man talks always are on the cont racepfi ve devices whereas female talks are about wait until you’re married. Then there la the union of the male and female in Holy Matrimony. As I see it to tha female marriage is like a sigh of relief, for now she can become the lioness she always anticipated being but had to restrain from. Marriage is the escape route, the release, she has been told so much about and finally she can express herself sexually as she pleases Her built In frustrations will be relieved and the secretness of the af fair is gone for she is no longer condemned for havings wants and needs sexually as her male counterpart. Marriage to the male, however, is a ball and chain ordeal. He is expected to act against all his here - to - afore upbringing. He is considered the unloyal husband and family man if he continues to perform as he did before marriage. The ceremony overnight places a new found restriction on his previous behaviorisms. Overnight he is transformed from sdper stud to hen pecked, mild mannered lover. The male now has to turn to secret affairs to keep in .training. Consequently, the marriage suffers. The female is un willing to accept the fact that her males actions are in • breeded within him and the male is unwilling to change the mannerisms for which once he was applauded for. This friction is sometimes more than most marriages can take. All of this is a result of how we raise our children and what we as parents ingrain inside of our children. To pat a boy on the back for the same actions his sister is scorned for is discriminatory in nature and harmful to all concerned in reality. It is of the utmost inportance that we practice discretion in raising our children. Who knows the marriage you save might be my daughters! curac 'sr noDDCftinoi . oy BOB JOHNSON COOK OUTS... Mr. and Mrs. ERVIN REID gave a cookout at their very lovely home in Bahama Park last weekend. The menu for the day included: hamburgers, hot dogs, steak, tossed salad, baked potatoes, baked beans and other mouth watering dishes.—Among the people that pn joyed themselves at this outdoor function were: MATTHEW and SANDRA HARTLEY and their child; KENNETH GALLOWAY and his lovely fiancee PRISCILLA BROADWAY, BILL and CAROLYN SPIVEY and their lovely children; MR. and MRS. OLIfcJ GRIER: MR. and MRS. LARRY HARDY. A very fine affair of cook-out variety was also given on Wickham Place, at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. GEORGE MOORE. This function was given last weekend from 7 p.m. until 'with fine music, delicious food and tasty drinks. Among the participants were: CLEMENT and BONZIE MORRIS: ROBERT and BETTY JOE PRICE: HORACE BRYANT, PEGGY GUERRA: Mrs. LOLA BLACKMON, GLADYS -BROWER,—and—the— lovely hostess Mrs. BERNICE MOORE. Everybody in at tendance at both, cookouts' really had fun. The very lovely Ms. LOIS MASSEY and a friend of hers Ms, BONNIE WILSON were in town visiting Lois’s relatives last week-end. The two ladies who breezed in and out by plane are living in Baltimore, Maryland. Happening hopes the two sisters enjoyed their stay in the BIG TOWN, and will show their beautiful faces again real soon. / THE AVENUE was crowded ldst we'elc-£'nd as usual with brothers and sisters doing their thing. The MIDWAY LOUNGE on Statesville avenue with its cozy atmosphere was where HAPPENING SAW ... ANN BROWN from Concord; BARBARA COOPER from Greensboro; JAMES LILLY, SUGAR BEAR, TERRY HOGAN, PATRICIA MCDOWELL, WALTER BREWER, VIRGINIA MASSEY, SYLVIA MCGRIFF, HAROLD HARRISON from the Queen City and JOHN BURRIS from New York. These were just a few of the rpdfiy brothers and sisters seen enjoying themselves under the bright lights of this big city. Mr. and Mrs. WILLIE BLUE of 3407 Merrill Place will probably find it a little lonesome around their home this year. THE BLUE’S have a daughter JANEE PRITATRISE BLUE who will be teaching in Walterboro, South Carolina at Walterboro High School ... another daughter, ELIZABETH LEGENA has won a 4 year scholarship to Wake Forest University in Winston Salem ... and a son William IV who returned to North Carolina A&T, where he is a , junior playing great football for the Aggies. HAPPENING would like to congratulate all the BLUES’ and hope they have a fine year. The first annual AFRO-AMERICAN CULTURAL ARTS FESTIVAL was held last Saturday from 10 a.m. until 10 p.m. at Charlotte’s Marshall Park. The event was a success and Happening would like to say Right-On to the Charlotte - Mecklenburg Afro American Cultural and Service Center, and that our community needs more of this type of function .... ...KeeD on Keenlne on hrnthera and slatore THE PI PHI Chapter of the OMEGA PSI PHI FRATERNITY gave a real swinging affair on the outrigger boat at Lake Norman last week-end. Among the people seen having a good time were: BOB and THELMA WALTON: JOE and MARY HARPER: FREDERICK and FLORA ERVIN: MR. and MRS. EDDIE MCGIRT: ISAIAH and HELENA TIDWELL, MR. and MRS. SIDNEY SMITH: JAMES and ANN ALSTON: TEN NYSON and DORIS JOHNSON: JEFF and LINDA JOHNSON: MR. and MRS. ALSTON BELLAMY: MARSHALL SMITH: GERALD and SHARON JOHNSON: IVORY and MARJORIE HERBERT, TYRONE, and GWENDOLYN MCCARROLL: GEORGE and WILHEMINA FRIDAY. ROBERT and BARNETTA CARTER: CALVIN and GENEVIEVE BROWN: MR. and MRS. CHARLES DANNELLY: and FATINA NORMAN PAYNE, an attractive young lady who is visiting her parents in the city. She is presently residing in Washington, D.C. REMEMBER ... Whenever you get a chance ... Check out Charlotte’s own Fungus Blues and - or the 100 Per Cent Pure Poison; weren’t they bad!!! last Sunday. Until we rap again Beautiful-readers ... ROCK EAST.