\j[\k < «UEHE-CHABLOTTE POST Call 392-1306 ■· — "Charlotte s Fastest Growing Community WeekK ( II \KI.()TTK.\OKTM (ΛΗΟΙ.1ΝΛ 2M2IK-Thursda\. Drcrmbei 26. i»;i The Post R eaches Nearly 75 Percent More Black Readers I'i ut .mu To Worship On _ \ Christmas Day ..Area churches will solomn izeil (he merriments of Christ mas with special observances hjji· morning. . Kleven have planned pro lira ms for their congregations and friend* on Christmas Day and many others have planned a da> of quiet meditation for ^ the historié occasion. 1J ..According to Rev. Τ. \\ Ï* Samuel!). Mount Moriah Primitive Raptlst Church wilt W conduct a candlelight service ** from » In fi a m UVHiw^Hmv morning, Church members il and guests will be served breakfast in the church's W fellowship hall following the service. •..Our Lady Of Consolatiort will have Christmas carol singing, beginning at 11 ::<0 p.m. Christmas Eve. This ser vice will be followed by mass at midnight. Father Kugene Corbesero says masses will also be held at H a.m.. 10::io a.m. and 5 p.m. on Christmas Day. ..Rev. George Rattle has scheduled services for 7:30 p.m. Wednesday with prayer meeting following at Greater Gethsemane AME Zion Church at the corner of Cam pus St. and Cemetary· Ave. ..Rev. L. C. Riddick. pastor of Mount Carmel Baptist Church said his congregation has planned dinner for the poor from noon to 2 p.m. Christmas Day at the Green ville Community Center. I i 1 . .Gethsemane is also remem bering the poor. Rev. Battle's congregation will donate gifts to the poor and the un fortunate in .the immediate area of the church. ..The area's biggest celebra tion will take place on the southwest side of town where six local churchs will com bine to celebrate their annual Christms Service. The congre gations of Moore's Sanctuary ΛΜΕ Zion Church. AM Λ Y James Presbyterian Church. Metropolitan Presbyterian Church. Shiloh Kaptist Church Progressive Kaptist f'huryh and Mount Zion Bap tist Church will worship together Christmas morning at Moore's Sanctuary Church. Rev. M.A. Cochrane, pastor at Amay Jamçs_Presbyterian Church, will be the principle speaker at the II o'clock wor ship. lie will speak from the text "Finding Jesus." . .Some of the churches in the area planned Christmas Ser vices for Sunday morning in order,to give the members of _ their congregation more time « at home with their families on » Christmas Day. j Among these were St. . Mark's Cniled Presbyterian J Church. L'niversity Park J Baptist Church. Friendship ^ Baptist Church. Antioch Bap- V tHt « Hurefe, Gelbseniane Bap- j tist Church. First Baptist J Church.- Sr. ..Miss tMlllivan is a junior at South ".-Mecklenburg High **' 1 1 Kh" ■·'■■■ I»· «l.-yrlh..·! •8 being -acli* e in school activities. At SotitTT she is Secretary-Treasurer of the Junior Class Council, (ieneral Member of the Student Coun ..Along with all of her school activities our Beauty still finds time to enjov her favor ite hobby. mhich is writing poetry. "Writing poetry gives me a chance to really exprtjss my true feelings, especially when I find it hard to say the things I really want to say." ■toted Mi** KuUiian. ..Angela also likes to read poetry. "It gives me a chance to give my own interpretation of what the poet or poetess is trying to say." Angela's favor it·· poetess is Nikki Giovanni. "I find Miss Giovanni's poetry appealing. It's easy to relate the true meaning of the poem. Her poetry identifies with Klacks in general." .Mise Sullivan is very proud of a poem she ^has wrftten entitled "Black I.ike Me." The inspiration for the poem that has brought her many praises came from a hook of the same title by John Howard Griffin. —"AlUw cumpletini.the book I decided to see if I could ex press what I felt through writing. I -came up with a poem and decided to give it the same title as the book. I have received many praises from my poem, and this is an inspiration to me to keep writing." smiled our Beauty. I After graduation Angela plans to gu to college and I major in Willd psychology. "My main interest at first will be the Black child, but I don't plan to limit m? work to just him. So many parents are rearing dope addicts, prostitutes, criminals, and genuises but are unaware of this. The knowledge to under stand a child when he is young will give them some insight as to how they will turn out. < Angela and her family attend Friendship Baptist Church where Rev. Coleman Kerry is the pastor. At the church Angela works in the nursery. - ..Jimmy, the basketball star. Is the young man that has captured the heart of our Beauty. Angela describes him as sweet and intelligent. Little Rook AME /.ion < hurc h. At StatesviUp Avert up ——— Rev Jenkit|8 To Preach Retirement Sermon by James C'uthbertson Post Staff Wrllfr .Or. Thomas A. Jenkins will give his closing sermon at the Statesville Avenue L'nlted Presbyterian Church on Sun day. Mr i* retiring from Ihr active pastoral ministry, at the age of <17 having completed 45 years of service, to God and his church. .."Life Is good, and if we go quietly at work or play, then there Is strength for every day; that if our need be small or great, the help will come if we but wait--." says Dr. Jen kins in the opening preface of his "Remlnscent-e". his auto biographical pamphlet in ex pounding his philosophy on life. r Horn in 1907 in the <«reen \ ill*· neighborhood of Char lotte thr non ot a minister, spent hi* early years doing thr things young boys do and bring an artlvr participant at Krandon Presbyterian Church, thr church of hi» lather. In 1924. during hi* freshman yrar in collrge. he became an official candidate for the ministry, being recommended by the Brandon Church and received by the Presbytery of Catawba. He entered the Hem inary In 1928 and in 1929 he became the student minister at the Presbyterian Church in Marioi* North Carolina and that same vear he married I.ona. his teen-age sMeetheart Mho remained hit *i(f until her death for 15 >ears. Mr Max ordained to the t>>in 1str\ in April of Ι9ΠΙ and at the age nf 2S Max aMarded a Itarhelor n( l)i\init> degree from .Inhnsnn .Smith I ni \ ersit>. In I Kit. at the age nf 27. he heramr the pastor nf Shiloh I'resbsterian < hurcji in Knoiilllf. While in Knoxville. hr he β rame moderator and state clerk of the Presbytery of I.eXrie- moderator of the S>nod of the Klue H id tie and a member of the Bov Scout Council, the NAAt'P. YMCA. and I'rrsident of the Mini ster's Association. S·"»'* iiiy in \\ urlri War. Il as a chaplain. he ti»ilr2. hr became'pastor of the State*· ville Hd. Church and re mained in lhat capacity lor 24 year*. He* Jenkins holds four dr |brs. an \ It., a Η I), a I ». I». and an M Til 1'ositions held by Krv. Jenkins include, ■ chairman of the Hoard of l)ir· I ectors of Met rore\ Y.M.C.A., I treasurer of the Johnson Γ. | Smith Alunlni Association, and director of (he Catawba | Synod Summer Conference*. IEV THOMAS A. JENKINS ..<5 yur* of ifrvlr» Don't Be A Monster This Christmas— Want In be a monster this < Iii istnias ' llase Santa t'laus hi inu \.ui children toys Hrat ( .in rut. hum. shoot or poison. \cicircling to the - Stat»· Hoard of Health, there are still .1 nu m tier of dangerous toys on the market. Here are some of litem ' I hi ha hies up to two \ears old ■ stulfed animals with gl.ts* or button exes and blinks « itli sharp corners that uill dit them. luiiLimi\i-ar-iililjjii arhles. beads, and coins they can ' sv ears ("Sid ■ poisonous painting sets, pinch ing or cutting objects and shooting or target toys. Instead of dangerous toss, the Hoard of Health re commends the following hor up to two sears - sturd> rattles, rubber or washable squeak to»s. stuffed dolls or animals, large soft colored halts, blocks with rounded corners ami pnsh-and-pull Ions with strings or rounded handles. h'or two to three' s ears - sand 1)o\ with bucket, shovel and spoon: large peg, boards, wooden animals: tars .tut! wagons to push arounn; ii|> proof kiddie tars and til es ties. low rocking horse and .mall cnair and table I iir three tti four sears - _ small broom and carpet sweeper. to> telephone, dolls with" simple wrap-around clothing, dishes, miniature garden tools, trucks and tractors, non electrical train I and building blocks. . KiLsini! (iost t ^ i Zooms Ί ο ι ' S4.{ Per Child I J ΎΠκ7· ~c\ ί·Γ\Τί1ΙΙΠΓ"Γΐ«ΓΓτ thr I ι osi n( transporting "children I to school has increased. J 4 inures recently rf|pa*crt by > lh«- Division n( Transportation of the Slate education Agency I show thai Ninth < arolifta t.i\ ! |ia\its spent S 13.21 un each I child transported to school ; during Hit· 19*3-74 school > car ^ Thai's $7.92 more to transport I each child than, was spent. ! «Ιιιιing the 1972-73 schiml year. [* ttl the children who ι attended school in 1973-71. K9.2 r peri eut Hide the litis, mer .1 I percent more than last year \ The total number ol students J transported increased from 1 702.957 during I97J-73 to ; 7η«ί..>60 during 1973-71 j I'hr average school bus ' * r r»rri«l S.% pupil» per Hat as J compared with fifi last year I and «7 the two.wars before. It made I S trips per day. travel ing an average of 12.1 miles each day Kach bus traveled two miles more each day during the 4973-71 school year than it did during the previous year, representing a total annual mileage increase of over Xfi'i.tWH) miles. There Were I0.HI3 buses operated during 1973-71. over 200 more than the year before. These buses made a total of 17,741 bus trips earh school day. The total cost. of trans porting North Carolina's school children during 1973-74 was 1 11 HKfi.HOfi 29, including contract transportation and replacement buses, over $5,7 million more than the year before. Of that figure, II ,357.29β.3β was oised for transporting in 19.598 pupils who rode to school on buses contracted by the school sys tems. On the average, each school bus cost the State 12.H23.ll to operate during the 1973-74 school year. TlRTLfc-W#; A MAN who brags without SUAMK will find great diffi culty In living up to his BKAG GINfi. I ΕΕΩΜ m LULLS i *m J"h"s"" * » TO EACH OF YOl BEST WISHES FOR A MERRY CHRISTMAS ° n AND A v \ * ΉτΗΦ¥^ NEW - YEAR!,\^ it.Jerry Johnson, w ★ Hnh Jrthnsoti S ★ f.on nie Jamison : ¥ ★ Polly \ivens J /£, if Joint >s ( nthhertsoi^ ★ Donald W hi te $ ' · ί ★ H ι//vV ' It herrv ^ ★ James Peeler ^ it Helen (.onncil M- $