Your Best l Advertising The Post Medium In The Reaches Nearly (' Lucrative 75 Percent Black Market More Black Call 392-1309 , , Readers --— - ‘’Charlottes Fastest Growing Community Weekl\“ |__ Methodists To Tackle World Crises .United Methodist Bishop Karl G. Hunt. Jr., of Charlotte has called upon the 279,00 members over whom he pre sides to meet the crises of world hunger, unemployment and support of the Christian ministry to all people. ..The bishop, who presides over the Western North Caro lina United Methodist Confer ence. has directed the 700 local charge clergymen of the Con ference "to communicate this Call to your people immed iately and to seek its imple mentation in all appropriate ways.” . .At the heart of the challenge to the United Methodists of the 44 Piedmont and western North Carolina counties is the call to give up eating one meal each week and contribute the money saved to the world's hungry; the call for local churches to assist those who are unemployed; and the call to continue support of the Christian Church financially so that its mission to the world may continue. ..“The Gospel is made for times like these," Bishop Hunt said. “I issue this three-fold call in grateful awareness that our people have always res ponded heroically to occasions of crisis, and in the confident expectation that they will ‘rise up like folk of God, having done with lesser things' in this hour of peril and opport unity.” Bookkeeping Course Set For Minorities ..The Minority Development Corporation (MEDCO). the University of North Carolina at Charlotte's Extension and Continuing Education pro gram and the Small Business Administration will offer a short Bookkeeping course be ginning January 22nd for min ority businessmen and em ployees. ..The purpose of the course said William Ferguson of MEDCO is to help minority businessmen, employees of minority businessmen and those minority people who are contemplating minority busi / nesses. ..The free course will be taught by Ferguson on Wed nesday mornings from 9:15 a.m. to noon at the Alexander Street Center and on Wednes day evenings from 7:15 to 9 p.m. at the Greenville Neigh borhood Center. ..It will run for eight weeks. Those interested should con tact either Ferguson or Sadie Smith at MO of the Indepen dence Plata Building located at the corner of McDowell St. and Independence Boulevard or call the office at 3.12-8578. Mary Ann Stowe Is “Beauty Of Week” By POLLY MANNING Post Staff Writer ..Sixteen—the "What's Happening Age"—is the way our Beauty, Miss Mary Ann Stowe, describes her age. "Now 1 am allowed to do much more than I once could do." smiled Mary. ..Our 130 pound. 5 feet 3-inches beauty lives with het parents Mr. and Mrs. William Stowe at Rt. 7 Box 853 in Charlotte. ..She is a Junior at North Mecklenburg High School where she is a member of the Junior Executive Committee, the Air Force ROTC Program, and an Office Assistant. HO Tt is Miss Stowe's favorite class at North. "During class we have drills. Drill ceremonies, and I am a flight commander My duties include teaching a group of students various drills," stated Mary. . .Miss Stowe is very proud to be a student at North Meck lenburg. "We have not had any riots so far. Everyone seems to he getting along just fine. Not that I approve, but we even have interracial dating. When you hear of all the racial disturbances going on in the city, it makes you proud to know that your school can handle its problems with out the riot scene." stated Mary. ..Our Beauty's hobbies are Bowling. Skating, and Crocheting. Mary admits that she howls an average game. She enjoys crocheting blankets and scarves. WBT-TV, WB I To Sponsor Blood Give in ..Last year WBTV sponsored what turned out to he one of the largest blood donor efforts In America. Blood donors drove to Charlotte from miles around to give blood in w hat is truly a worthy cause. ..This y*ar, on January 7. Channel! and WBT Radio will once again donate their entire building to the local Red Cross in an effort to make this the largest Give-In ever. When she graduates Irani North._ Mary lias under tiled plans tn pursue a teaching career. “Il doesn't really ■natter what age group Cm teaching, smiled Mars I (eel I would just enjoy being in (he t l.issronm " Miss Stowe also feels as il she may enter the \ir Force, especially il it's anything like the HOTC pro gram. The Stowe's attend Mount Sinai baptist Church where the Kev. Norman Kerry is me minister. Mary doesn't partic ipate in any church aetirites. Mary would like to see more and more black people gelling involved in vital activities such as helping each other lo help themselves. "That’s -Hie only way we can gel things together, helping each utliei Miss Stowe stated somewhat serious. Our beauty is horn under the sign of Pisces. As we all know they are vers friendly people, lewis, is the inspira tion behind Miss Stowe's de cision lo become involved in HOTC. “lie is in the \ir Force and really likes it. she smiled." I suppose that is as good an inspiration as any. ahm, 1 rogram Has Fewer Recipients The Nation's largest cash assistance welfare program -- aid lo families with dependent children (AKIM i ~ had 2X.OOO fewer recipients in September this year than in September _ I97:t. Preliminary figures released Tuesday by IIKW Secretary t aspar W. Wein berger set the September AKIM total at in.790.non com pared to I0.K2I.00II in Septem ber 1972. Secretary Weinberger said that Kederal-State money payments of $075.1 million were made to AKDC reci pients in September 1971. $65.0 million more than in Septem ber 197!!. .lames S. Dwight Jr., Vilministrator of IlKW's Social and Itchahililalinn Ser vice, noted that the prelimin ary September figures were !-'.uno higher than thus?" for \ugiisi. lie said that a further breakdown of the September 1971 figures would he re leased. with tables. wh*n at ailahle. '•I I'M I^IH .ll>«» lll.ll complete AFDC figures for August I9Jt. are now avail able; these show that the August total was 92,(100 less than the in.85fi.0tl0 persons on (lie rolls in August 1973 t not Hit,000 less as earlier prelimin ary figures had indicated). lii(l(>|)t,n(l(>n(Ti High To Offer Ad,til Education ( lasses vdolt Education courses are again beginning at I ode-' prudence Senior High, ( lasses are held in ion junction'with < 1 *1 t on Tuesday and Thurs day et citings front 7;00 . 9.00 pin. Kegistration will be held on Jan. 7th and 9th and again on Jan. II and Ifith ( lasses begin on Jan. II. ( lasses will lie offered in High School Completion, Personal Typing. A\ eight Control. Interior De corating, I.canting the Metric System. and Auto Carr I specially for Women. Every one is welcome to attend For further information, call the school. Elder Cannon Heads Crusade For Christ hy .lamest ulli belt son Post Stall W riler The K. ( . ( annuli ( rnsade for Clirist is presently heini> enndueted at the Charlntte Civic Center. The Crusade, headed by Klder K. ( ..( annnn. is open tu the imlilie Tonight. (Thursday! the Klder .1. Dunlap will perform a (andlelit'ht service at 7Till p in. At K:3Q p.m . the Itev liiihhy (■. Koss, the head of the Kastvvay Drive ( hurch of (>od will speak to the eonuregalion. lie will be accompanied by the his choir and conjtret'ation On Friday al 7 :o p in the Itev. (*. K. Itatlle Jr. ol (. eth seuiane \ M. I /ion ( hurch will speak, lie wll lie iiuom panit-d by his choir and eon !*rcj>nlion Officials say that musicians, soloist and choirs from all parts of North Caro lina and \ iri>iuia w ill he pre senl for the e\ent Saturday uiahl will tie N outh Niuht with Missionary I). Johnson of Well's temple ( .O.(<.!.( in (ireenslioro. V ( . speakint; .iceompanied tiv the Youii)* People's ( lion aim tin Well's .Temple ( elesti il f hoir aixl Congregation. Midliri M Wells, wife id the late Itishup Wells will witness the rt n-nuiuv I he I- t (niiiinn frpsade. Tin m gani/cd several years ago in Mavlon. V < . is now lieadi|iiailerd in ( harlotte at '■•IB W nth S|. The erusatie oil ire is ii|icn daily Monday thnnigh Friday from It to a |i.m._Tlir office also lias a 21 Dial-VPrayrr service. The nuniber is :i:tf-!t»i;. f iller K. t . f aiilion is the president and louniier of the ••rgani/atiiin. It is a non-profit. Christian ion a I corpor ation. which consists ol |ieople ol all walks of lile and all colors, creeds, races and dr iioinin.itions, lie is a strong believer id Pentecost at any cost. Ihe objectives of the - ( riisadc according (o officials are i|i (o present salvation, sane t if ca t ion, and the llolv tihost to every soul. (2) to counsel those needing spirit ual guidance. <Iti to serve all com (nullities in aiiy aspect. I'toprav foi ihose w ho are in In 11 (Lsliin{jrl</n, I). (.. Senator Robert 44Bob" Morgan Will Take Oath Of Office January 14 Hubert Morgan will take the oath as l nited Slates Senator from North Carolina at noon on January 14, his head quarters announced Tuesday. \nd from all indications, there will be a large contin gent of supporters from North Carolina who will be in Washington for the occasion. Several hundred persons have written to Morgan head quarters here Indicating they want to be in the nation's capital when the stale's first elected Democratic Senator in some 20 years is sworn into office. Aides are in the process of arranging two receptions for those who make the trip In Washington. tine w ill be on the ev ening of January 13. the day prior to the swearing-in, at a Washing ton hotel where many of the North Carolina visitors will stay and the other will follow the swearing in on the after noon of January II in the liirksen Senate Office Build ing The swearing in itself will be iA the Senate chamber which has an extremely small seal ing area for visitors. With several senators being sworn in that day, there will be a scarcity of tickets. Indications are that North Carolina's new senator will receive only ten passes to the gallery. Though seats for the swearing in will by necessity be limited to close family members, there should be plenty of opportun ities for Morgan supporters to rub elbows with top law makers. Morgan is inviting several friends in the Senate who came to North Carolina to campaign on his hehalf to attend the receptions. This includes top presidential eon lenders llenrv Jackson, l.lovd Hentsen and Robert Byrd. (ieorge Anderson, a Raleigh attorney, has arranged group transportation on Amtrak for those who would like to travel by rail. This is an economical way to travel and also saves energy, the Morgan staff has pointed nut. Kven though Robert Morgan will not take his seal in the l nited States Senate until next month, he has managed, with the help of Senator Sam hrvin to help a North ( a rolina soldier stationed in Korea. SI** Brain .A. Sterk was in Korea on November Ik when he wrote Senator-eleet Mor gan and told him his problem, lie had been in Korea on Christmas day l!»7:t. Sterk wrote, and despite the (act that a soldiers tour there generally includes only one < hristmas. the Army had de ferred his homecoming until December ;>!*. l»7t. -which would cause- him to be away Irom home for the second straight ( hristmas. Morgan contacted Senator Krvln. telling him of the cir cumstances. and Krsin relay ed the facts to the department of the Armyv Sl*» Brain Sterk will spend this ( hristmas at his home near Brevard. ROBERT "BOB" MORGAN New 1'. S. Senator January 19 _ %.f ■* Black Churches Urged To Observe Dr. King Sunday ^__ Churches Must Remain i True To His Great Legacy . .On the eve ol Christmas and the beginning nf a long holidav period. I)r. I.. V. Booth, former president of National Baptist Convention. Inc., urged the major black deno minations to observe "Martin l.uther King. Jr. Sundav." on Januarv lit. I'.IT.V This Sundav is now set aside for obser vance each Third Sundav in Januarv bv both the Vmerican Baptist Churches and the Pro gressive National Baptist Convention, lie suggested: "on this Sunday, let's begin in Sundav School and continue throughout the day relating important incidents in Dr. King's life and urging our children and youth to pattern their lives after him and to achieve a higher standard of excellence." lie said further, "in this day when heroes are lacking and models are need ed. churches can greatly fulfill their mission by lemehering Martin I other King. Jr., the \postle of l.ove and Non Violence.'' Dr. Booth also said: "While we must support those who seek to make his actual birth day a legal holiday, we must never neglect our duty as churches. The black churFhos of \merica must remain the true custodian of his great legacy." Dr. Booth is recognized as one of the leading founders of the Progressive National Bap tist Convention, which obser ves annualllv "Martin l.uther King. Jr. Memorial Night." and it will be remembered that during his administration the convention began the ob servance of ‘‘Martin l.uther King. Jr. Sunday:'* Believing in practicing what he preaches. I)r. Booth, who is a vice president of the :il million member Baptist World Alii ante, will lead his church in such an observance, lie will serve as co-chairman with Dr tftis Moss. Jr. and will present Mrs. Coretta Scott King, as speaker to an ecumenical audience in t incinnati. Ohio. January If*. 197.1. A cilv-wido audience is expected to attend. FJJA Designates 7 For Increased Aid ✓ A , se\en-eounty area of North Carolina has hmimr eligible for increased federal financial assistance in plati lling and carrying out projects to help create new jobs, it was announced today by William W. Itiunt. Jr.. Assistant Secre tary of Commerce for econo mic Development. The area became eligible for the increased assistance npi>ii designation as the South western North < arolina econ omic Development District by the economic Development Xdministralion. I S. Depart ment of ( ommerec. The district consists of Cherokee. (lay. (iraham. Haywood, Jackson. Macon and Swain counties. . The aim of the CD\ district program is to encourage ad jacent jurisdictions to work together to overcome regional problems blocking growth and to create jobs for residents of economically lagging com munities. I nder the Public Works and Kconomic Development Act. each district must include at least one county designated as a redevelopment area by KDA because of high unemploy ment or low family income. A district also must include at least one growth center - a community that can provide jobs and services for residents of redevelopment areas. Cherokee. Clay, (irahani. Macon and Swain are re dex elopnient areas in the Southwestern District. The W ax nesx ille-t an ton ( orridor in Haywood County and the Sylxa community in Jackson County today were designated by KDA as growth centers for the district. Designation of the district makes the redevelopement areas eligible for bonuses of 10 percent above what they nor inally would receive in EDA public works grants, subject to an K0 percent maximum Federal funding rate. The two growth renters and other areas of Haywood and .lack son counties are -eligible for the full range of EDA benefits for projects that will provide direct benefits for residents of the redevelopment areas in the district. EDA benefits con sist of public works grants and loans, business loans, plan ning grants and technical assistance. ..All seven counties in the district will share in the bene fits of planning conducted with the aid of EDA grants. The Southwestern North Carolina Planning and F:con I om*c Development Commission. Sylva, is the official organiiation of the dis trict. The commission includes representatives of each of the seven counties. TURTLE-WA .. Nothing in more depressing than to feel bad in the morning without having had any fun the night before. MISS MARY ANN STOWE ...North Student Leader ELDER E. C. CANNON

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