‘•[SI "CHARII »TTE P( 1ST IW1 Charlotte s Fastest Growing Community Weekly" _ . VOL. 3 NO. 32 — CHARLOTTE.NORTH C AROLINA 282IK-Thursday Januars 3U 1»7 Laro winds Opens Job Recruitment Summer jobs might not be the easiest thing to find this tear, bu^there is one Carolina firm that has said it has open ings for more than 1.200 high school and college students. The Carowinds family en tertainment complex, located along the North Carolina South Carolina border south of here, has announced that its personnel department will be gin accepting applications this Saturday. Personnel Director Mrs. Brenda Serrell said there will be openings in guest relations, rides, merchandise, food ser vice and grounds maintenance areas. She said interested students 16 years of age or older should fill out an applk cation at the park's personnel office Monday through Satur day. 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Each applicant will be interviewed, she noted, The 1975 summer will be the third season for the 73-acre park. I -a st year, one million persons visited the attraction. C ltizens -To Influence Decisions Hundreds or citizens of Piedmont North Carolina, as indi\ iduals and as members of local churches and civic associations will take part in discussions of key world affairs beginning February 3, it was announced here last week by Robert Mundt and Harold Josephson. Professors of political science and history respectively at UNC-Char lottc. Mundt and Josephson are regional co-ordinators of "(■real Decisions", a nation wide annual review of current key foreign policy issues facing the nation and people. "Great Decisions ‘75" is organized by the Institute for l rhan Studies and Commun ity Service at UNCC in coop eration with the Foreign Policy Association, a national, nonpartisan educational agency. Topics for this year include the world food problem, the world economy, the control of nuclear weapons, the Persian Gulf oil states, and others. At the end of an eight-week per iod of study and discussion, participants will be given a chance to meet with congress men and a representative of the Department of State at an issues conference. This event, to he held on the UNCC cam pus on April 5, will begin with an address by former Secre tary of State Dean Rusk. Interested persons can ob tain further information by writing or telephoning the Crhan Institute at UNCC. (704 > 597-2307. College Student .. Mice Scudder, 96, who may he the nation's oldest college student, has returned for an other term at Schenectady County Community College. TURTLE-TALK Nothing bring* (he TRAFFIC regulation* to mind quite like spotting a POLICE CAR in the REAR VIEW MIRROR. CHARMING EILEEN NEELY ...Mother of two children Mrs. Eileen Neely Is Beauty Of Week By POLLY MANNING Post Staff Writer ..Hats off to Mrs. Eileen Neely, our beauty for this week. . .Our Beauty, who is married to Robert Neely, lives at 3308-C Dawnshire Ave. with their two children, a son 10 and a daughter I. .. The 5'6. 140 pound Mrs. Neely was born under the sign of Scorpio. She doesn't agree with the description of most Scorpios, “that they are dominate, and like to have their way at all times.” ..Mrs. Neely isn't a working mother. She is a student. She attends Central Piedmont Community College where she is studying Physical Thera phy. Wheh asked why she Have You Filed Your Taxes? ..Have you listed your per sonal property this month? .. If the answer is no, you need to hurry. ..Friday, January 31. is the deadline for City-County per sonal property tax listing, and a penalty will be charged for listings made after this date. ..Tax Supervisor Robert P. Alexander says the penalties paid last year amounted to 1105.000. ..About one third of the list ings, or approximately 40.000 have been filed this month, he said. ..Unless you are a new resi dent of Mecklenburg, you should have already received your listing form In the mail. Newcomers and others who have not received forms 1 should request them from the Tax Supervisor's Office at 720 (Cast Fourth Street. { .. North Carolina State law requires that a listing of all i motor vehicles, boats and < household furnishings he filed I with the County Tax Supervi sor by January 31. or a penalty must be charged. :hose this field our beauty 'eplied. "I have always been nlerested in Physical Thea »hy. I always felt that it would make me very proud if one of my patients were able to use a limb because of my thera !>hy.” The Neely family attend Queen of Apostles Catholic Church in Belmont. ..Eileen enjoys acting, dancing, and cooking. She is in the Drama Club at Central Piedmont. Eileen was in the play "Once Upon A Matress", but because of her studies and other things she had to with draw. ..When her studies are com plete at Central Piedmont, our Beauty would like to work at the Veterans Hospital in Salis bury. "I feel that this would be a challenge, stated Mrs. Neely. We might eventually move to Salisbury if I get the job. but for a while I think I will drive back and forth." In addition to being a mother, housewife, and student, Eileen is a member of the Tulip Social Club. “We do many things for the commun ity, smiled Mrs. Neely. Every Christmas we carry things to the sick and elderly." . The Neely's have lived in Charlotte for about seven years. Their home is Rich mond. Va, Mrs. Neely admits that she enjoys Charlotte very much and glad they chose It for a home. Hunt Appoints Alexander To Education Committee .Lieutenant Govenor Jamea *% Hunt. Jr. last week mnounced the appointment of Senator Fred D; Alexander to hr Senate Committees on ■tlgher F.ducatlon. Ranking, 'riminal Justice and Cor* rollons. Committee on •inance. Committee on I ns nr ince and Committee on Local iovernment and Regionl tffairs. The announcement ame during swearing-in 'eremonies for members of he I#75 General Assemlby. Senator Alexander was also ippolnted Vice Chairman of tKED ALEXANDER ■••Vic* Chairman lh* Committor on IliRhcr Education. . .Following the ceremony. the Lieutenant Goveinor said that "Senator Alexander is espec ially qualified to work on the committees assigned, lie will bring a special level of under standing to each of those committees. I have great con fldence that during this verv Important legislative session. Senator Alexander will provide great service to this constituents and to all North Carolinians." .Senator Alexander will serve on the assigned Committees for tin duration of the I97.i-7t> legislative term Uniform Piii( tiiisr IZrqi//reinrlit — USDA Makes Two Revisions For Food Stamp Regulations Crime Rate Steadily Increasing Hy James l uthhertson Host Staff Writer ..Crime in the predominately Black areas of the city have been steady on the increase, •ince last year, official reporta of the city police show . ..Sgt. J. C. Wilkins, head of the Helicopter Unit attributed the increase to the fact that the city's population and size grew, the economy, and the fact that more crimes are being reported now than in the past. .. The city’s size grew by 32 square miles in January and the population went from 242,00 to an estimated 302,000. Sgt. Wilkins said the increased population was a big reason for the rising crime rate. ..In Adam 2, tracts which incudes the West Koulevard. Homes and Dalton Village areas alone experienced 433 housebreakings. 3 murders. 3 rapes, 75 stolen automobiles. 164 assaults, and 187 store breakings during the last I months of 1974. ..The City's Holice are divided into Adam and Baker divisions with Baker units being primarily on the East side of town and the Adam units primarily on the West. V'est Trade St.. North I’oplar St„ ijorth Pine St.. Oaklawn and University Park areas, there were 18 murders. 1 rapes, 37 robberies. 130 as saults, 159 storebreakings. 270 housebreakings, and 36 auto thefts in the last four months of 1974. ..Adam 5 Division, includes Darden Park, Hidden Valley. Tryon Hills Apartments and Fairview Homes, the crime was just as rampant. Three murders. 2 rapes. 57 robber ies, 81 assaults. 193 store breakings. 209 housebreakings and 39 automobile thefts occurred in the last quarter of 1974 in those tracts. ..Raker 1 (Piedmonts Courts. Cherry, West .Morehead St.. North Charlotte) tracts 6.7.(j. 25 and 26 reported 2 murders, zero rapes. 46 roherries. 128 assaults, 138 storebreakings. 123 housebreakings and 30 automobile thefts. . .The Dilworth Section com poses Raker 2's tracts. There were no murders.no rapes. 21 robberies. 26 assaults. 52 storebreakings. 39 house breakings. and -18 stolen automobiles. See Crime on page 5 MS. ELRETA ALEXANDER . Warm and original Famed Black Judge Is YWCA Speaker . District Judge I.liela \lex jnder of tireensborn, the first black woman to hold a judge ship in North Carolina, will speak at a fi::tn p.m. dinner meeting at the Park Hoad Y\VC \ on I hursda) Kelt. ti. The event, open to all mem bers and friends of the HU \. will have "The fciupnwrrnient of Women" as its theme, announced Director Mieki Riddick. ..Judge Alexander, who has received nationwide acclaim, was described in a recent newspaper interview as "an individual' oi warmth and originalitx with an intense feeling for the whole." ..“She hla/ed trails for her sex and race in the legal field, all the while keeping her own identity without hemming a symbol instead of a person." She was the first black wo man to study at Columbia t Diversity l.aw School, and the first to practice in the courts of this state. Today, she is the only woman of her race serving as a judge in North Carolina, and the only one on the bench chosen by popular election in the t nited States. Reservations for the dinner meeting are due Friday . Jan. 31. and may be made by call ing the I'ark Hod YWCA at 52.-1-5770. Those wishing to attend only the program may come at 7::iu. Blacks Won .525 Offices In Off-Year Elections ..A total of .>?( Macks won public offices in tin- smith in the •'off-year' elections of 1971. according in the non partisan \ otcr I din ation Pro ject i VKP i. Highlights made two rev isions in the amendment to the regulations that it had proposed last month: • • — mr maximum ainounl that a household will be re quired to pay will be limited to $1.00 less than the amount of food stamps for which the household qualifies for the month. ..-In computing the amount that a household pays for its coupon allotment. any amounts that arj less than a whole dollar will be dropped from the purchase require ment. .One other exception is al ready provided, by law, to the uniformity of the purchase requirement. Food stamps continue to be completely free for all one-and two-person households with a net monthly income of less than $20 a Rangel “Attack Problems Facing Black Americans’ ..Congressman Charles B. Itangel (D-N.Y.) last week called for the formation of a Black Advisory Croup on the .Media to work with the Con gressional Black Caucus on solving the political and econ omic problems facing Black Americans. In the opening speech pre sented to the National News paper Publishers Associa tion's Mid-YYinter YY orkshop in YY ashington. D.C.. Thursday afternoon Kangri, who is Chairman of the Congression al Black Caucus, said that the Advisory Croup would consist of representatives from Black newspapers, magazines, and broadcasting stations. "The Advisory Croup will provide input into the Cau cus's legislative program." said Mangel. “It will encour age communication between the Black Press and the Con gressional Black Caucus." In his speech, entitled "The Mole of the Black Press In the Struggle for Kronomir Sur vival" Mangel, a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, outlined the work that he. and members of the Black Caucus, arc doing lo solve the economic crisis facing millions of Black \mcricanx. "One of our highest legisla tive priorities in 197.'. will he an effort to enact the Full F:m plovment Act introduced by Congressman Augustus flaw kins ol California." said Kan gel. The llawkins bill would pros ide one and a half million public service Jobs for unem ployed Americans. "The long-term unemployed are suffering the most from inflation and recession," Man gel said, "and there is no relief in sight. The President’s econ omic proposals will not help the unemployed; they are de signed to help the middle in come buy big ticket items such as cars through a tax rebate. At the same time, the proposals to raise the rost o' See Mangel on page 3 month, and tor all other households with income of less than 130 a month. These final amendments to the hood Stamp Program le gulalions were scheduled to he published in the Federal Register Wednesday. Jan. 33. and w ill go into effect March I. Details of the proposal to amend the Food Stamp Pro gram regulations were announced Dec. I i Press Re lease ISUA 3509-741. and text of the proposed amendment was published in the Federal ilegister Dec. 8. Comments, sugg"stions or objections were invited from all interest-' ed persons for consideration in making the decision on the proposal, and a period of 31 days was allowed for them to be submitted. < (kilim fills, mi I Itf ikpnnos..