QHionmj dcornmn The Welfare Program^.*,___ ^ _ Everyl:: ly’s Whipping Boy • If the welfare client is female, we draw a horror picture of repeated illegitimate births for the sole pur pose of increasing her welfare bene fit. She’s loafer, too. ..What are the facts? People wind up on welfare not because they are cheats, loafers or malingerers, but because they are poor. They are not just poor in money, but in every thing. They’ve had poor education, poor health care, poor chances at decent employment, and poor pros pects for anything better. ..We are advised that welfare pro vides such opulent living its clients would be crazy to give it all up and go to work. We hear repeatedly that welfare clients are cheats and wel fare programs are rampant with fraud. . .Here Are The Facts! Most of the poor are not on welfare. Some 15 million Americans receive some form of welfare benefits. There are more than 25 million officially below the poverty level of $4,000 a year for a family of four. Another 30-to-50 million are just barely above it. And $4,000 a year, as everyone knows, does not afford extravagence. ..Of the 15 million receiving wel fare, about eight million are child ren under 16 years of age. Anyone for “work-fare” for children more than half a century after child labor laws were enacted? ..Less than one percent — about 150,000 — welfare recipients are able-bodied employable males? Many of these are in their late middle years. Most are uneducated. All are required by law to sign «p for work or work training. A govern ment study shows more than 80 percent want to work, rather than draw welfare, and among the fathers in this group one in three is enrolled in work training. . .Welfare mothers are not churning out illegitimate children. Nearly 70 percent of all children in welfare families are legitimate, according to the Social and Rehabilitation Ser vice of HEW. Thirty percent of welfare families with any children have only one child. The remainder have four or more. ..Economically, anyway, the myth is nonsense, since the average pay ment per additional child nationally is only $35 a month, hardly an incentive toward mass production. .. More than 48 percent of welfare families are white; about 43 percent are black. Most of the remaining are American Indians, Orientals and other racial minorities. Students Feeling Labor Market Pinch .. Students in the cooperative occu pational education programs are feeling the pinch of the tight labor market. A survey taken by the Department of Public Instruction during the week of January 13-re vealed that state-wide approximate ly 17 percent of the students were unemployed. Students in the eastern part of the State seem to be fairing better than those in the west. ..Approximately 13 percent of co operative students in the northeast were unemployed while over 26 per cent were unemployed in far western North Carolina with the piedmont reporting about 15 percent unemployed. The on-the-job in struction that students receive is important in getting them ready for Borrowing Money .. THE LAW of supply and demand is frequently cited as a factor in the rise or drop in prices on the market place, but nowhere is it more applic able than in the money market. .. When the supply of money for loans is plentiful there is a tendency for interest rates to decline. And when the demand for money is high, the price of it • as translated into interest rates - goes up. .. Thus the announcement by the U.S. Treasury that it may have to borrow $28 billion from the private sector during the first half of this year can only raise a question as to how it will affect borrowing for the private sector. ..We have in recent months wit nessed the effect of escalating inter the labor market. There are things that the community can do to help train our young people during these times of high unemployment. .. Business-industrial-service leaders can volunteer to go into the schools in the afternoons and teach students. Members of the commun ity can assist the teacher coordina tor in developing instructional materials and activities related to specific occupations that can be used with students in a classroom • lab setting in lieu of on-the-job experiences. . .The local director of occupational education would welcome assistance in providing educational exper iences for our young people who are caught up in the economic slump. est rates on private business. The most obvious casualties have been the construction and real estate businesses. Homes must be financed by mortgages and mortgages must have a reasonable price tag if con sumers are going to utilize them. Interest rates in excess of 10 per cent are unrealistic for those who would assume a home mortgage. .. In recent weeks interest rates have shown a modest decline which has given rise to hope for a resur gent construction and real estate market. ..But the effect of such heavy fed eral borrowing as expressed in the estimate of $28 billion can only generate speculation on what It will do to interest rates. 0UTY /$ CARRYING ON PROMPTLY AND FAITHFULLY THE AFFAIR* NOW PC FORE YOU-ITI* TO PUL' FILL THE CLAIM* OF TO'PAY.* ■"S 90KTM ( Community Control_By Whom? REPORT FROM J^^VVashington^^ The $20 Billion Tax Cut ..Question-Congressman Martin, your Committee on Ways and Means voted to pass a $20 billion tax cut proposal. There have been a number of arguments on the issue from both conservatives and liberals. Two questions, is a tax cut needed and will it help the economy? ✓ ..Congressman Martin- My initial feeling was that because of the fact that our recession is complicated by the existence of, a very steep rate of inflation, we could not afford to move strongly in the direction of a tax cut, but on the basis of testimony before our committee I changed that position. It was pointed out, in a very convincing way, that as long as there is so much slack in the economy and so many layoffs along with plant closings an immediate tax cut of modest size could help to stimulate a recovery from the re cession. So during the committee discussion, I supported the basic measure of a quick one-shot tax cut, a rebate based on last year’s taxes. However, the entire package was something quite different. ..Question- You say a tax cut is needed, but during a meeting of the House Ways and Means Committee you voted against a $20 billion doUar tax cut. Why? ..Congressman Martin- That’s right. On the total package, I felt the $20 billion was high. That is over 20 percent higher than what President Ford has asked for, , but with the exception of two other features that were built into the proposal, I could have gone along with the legislation. One of these features I could not accept as it came out of the Ways and Means Committee was in addi tion to the quick one-shot tax rebate to stimulate a recovery from reces sion it also has an addition $8 billion that would be a more permanent tax cut. It would change the tax rates a more permanent way and it would be very difficult to correct that in the future. As we begin to come out of the recession, as we begin to bottom out in the economy and move back into productivity, this more per manent tax cut will still be there and will be providing stimulus. I could not support that concept, because it would be inflationary in the future. We are going to have enough in flationary pressures without adding to the pressure by this more per manent tax cut. It will add to the deficit and therefore will put upward pressure on interest rates. This is something we just can’t afford. .. There’s one other feature I could not buy. The concept was talked about a great deal but was in effect rejected in the 1968 elections. I am talking about the negative income tax. This bill which just cleared the Ways and Means Committee has some virtues, but it also incorpor ates an idea of giving a tax rebate to some people who don’t pay taxes. In that way as in income redistribution plan or a negative income tax pro posal, it is not something I am ready to go along with at this time. Now it is at a small level, but it is like the camel getting his nose under the tent. Once he gets his nose under, the rest of him is soon to follow. I don’t believe we are ready for that. TO BE EQUAL VERSON E. JORDAN JR. Black History Week-The Historians .. Black History Week is an annual event, usually celebrated in schools with special discussions on black history and great black figures of the past and present. By and large, it is a positive step toward heightening the consciousness of black and white children of the great contributions made by black Americans to our common history. . .What makes this year’s Black History Week somewhat different from the past is that the core experience of black history itself has come up for re-evaluation historians. And this new re evaluation tells us a lot more about the current climate of attitudes toward blacks than it does to enlighten us about the past. . .One of the most talked about studies of the past year was a book purporting to change our view of slavery by using computer-based studies. The authors, Robert Fogel and Stanley Engerman, come up with the rather startling conclusions that the slave experience was not as bad as previous historians had painted it. ..Their motives appear to be based on the feeling that portraits of docile slaves and brutal masters have to berevised in the light of their supposed new findings. They claim that it is wrong to blame the present plight of black people on the slave experience, that it is more clearly the discrimination of the post-slavery period right on up to our, own day that best accounts for black-white disparities. ..On that last point most can agree, but by portraying blacks entrapped in slavery as rela tively content, their masters as benign, and the entire wretched system as relatively humane, the authors just set up a new mythology as wrong as the openly pro-slavery historians of the early 1900s were. ..If the system was all that good, why did so i many blacks run away? If they were fed as well as the authors claim, why are plantation records so full of stories about slaves stealing food? Why are there so many eyewitness accounts of brutality and neglect? Most important today, why was such a book written and why has it found such wide acceptance? . .Other historians have ripped apart many of the authors’ assumptions. They've pointed out how they’ve fed statistics from one or a few planta tions in one part of the country at one particular time, and come up with fancy mathematical projections that led them to generalized — and • wrong — statements about slavery. • ■ I m willing to leave the technical discussions to their peers, who have held numerous confer ences and written many learned articles largely disproving this new revision of history. My primary concern is the rush with which the media and the public adopted a revision of the past that serves to soothe America’s guilt and to rob contemporary blacks of one of their moral claims against the nation. ..Scholarship always reflects the times. No matter how far into the past it delves, it tells us as much about the times in which it was written as about the dim past. During the years of open segregation and the institution of Jim Crow, the dominant scholars were neo-Darwinists who saw life as a battle in which only the fittest will survive-and you know who that would be. THE CHARLOTTE POST “THE PEOPLES NEWSPAPER” Established 1918 By A.M. Houston Published Every Thursday By The Charlotte Post Publishing Co., Inc. 9139 Trinity Road - Charlotte, N.C. 28216 Telephones (704 ) 392-1306 - 392-1307 . Circulation 11,000 Bill Johnson.Editor - Publisher Gerald O. Johnson.Business Manager Robert L. Johnson.Circulation Manager Second Class Postage Paid at Charlotte. N.C. under the Act of March 3,1878 Member National Newspaper Publishers Association National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers. Inc. 45 W. 5th, Suite 1403 2100 S. Michigan Ave New York. N Y. 10036 Chicago. 111. 606ifi 489-1220 Calumet 5-0200 First For Freedom? By Gerald Johnson ..Have you seen your North Caro lina License plates, the new ones, that Is? Yes, we are "First For Freedom.” Can you believe that North Carolina is First For Free dom? ..The state that has the largest number of people on death row is First For Freedom. The state that has conspired against political act ivist is First For Freedom. The state that has its major city ranked fifth in most segregated cities polled is First For Freedom. The state that allows proven corrupt people to serve in state government is First For Freedom. The state that is number one in disallowing liquor by the drink is. also, number one for Freedom. ..Well, I don’t know who made up the slogan, but I must say it was truly a bad choice of words. What is worse, we are stuck with the slogan for five years. First For Freedom, Last For Truth, is how the license plate should read. GROCERIES IN BLACK AREAS ..Have you ever been grocery shopping in the southeast section of Charlotte? Not that the food is any cheaper on that end of town, but the conditions of the food look much better. The food looks so good you want to eat it. ..The stores are so nice and clean, and very well kept over in the Southeast area. I was truly shocked. ..Compare the grocery stores in that area with the ones in Soulville. The same chain, mind you, but one store is in Southeast, the other was in West Charlotte. The store on the west side was filthy. Trash on the floors everywhere you look. The meat looks as If it was the south east’s store reject. It had begun to turn grayish green around the edges. The majority of fresh vege * ✓ tables were on the floor. The ean goods looked like the "Schlitz Malt Liquor" bull had gotten to them. The whole scenario was enough to make you sick. . .It seems to me that since the food was the same price in both stores, both stores should offer the same environment. The meats in the southeast area shouldn’t look any more appetizing than the meat in the westside area. But they do! It is the job of the community to see to it that the food you spend your hard earned dollar on is of the same quality as the food In stores in other areas. . But what’s puzzling me though is that the store in the southeast caters to whites and the store in the west side caters to blacks.You don’t think this might be.Nah!!! Shucks, we are First For Freedom!