Barber-Scotia Sets Inauguration For Dr. McLean ur. maoie Parker McLean will be inaugurated as the ninth President of Barber Scotia College, on Friday, Ap ril 1. at 2:30 P.M. in the College Convocation Center. Dr. McLean is the only black woman in the United States who is the president of a senior liberal arts college. Official delegates and rep resentatives from more than 12S colleges, universities, lear ned societies, business foun dations, civic, religious, and educational organizations will be present for the inaugura tion and will constitute the - processional, along with the Mayor of Concord, represent atives of the bod'- and the alumni, the faculty, the Barber-Scotia Board of Trus tees and the inaugural party. Presiding at the ceremony will be Dr. Thelma Adair. In addition to being a member of the Barber-Scotia Board of Trustees, Dr. Adair is profes sor of early childhood at Queens College of the City University of New .York and President of Black Presbyter ians United. * Dr. McLean will be invested by Dr. Marlow F. Shute, Greensboro, N.C., chairman of the Board of Trustees of the College. The vice chairman of the Board of Trustees, Dr. Howard Fitts, Jr., Durham, N.C., will present the seal to the new president. Two forpier presidents of the College will also partici pate in the ceremony. Dr. Leland S. Cozard, Charlotte, president emeritus (1932-64), will make the formal presen tation of Dr. McLean, while Dr. Lionel H. Newsom, presi dent of Central State Univers ity, Wilberforce, Ohio, will present the charter of the Col lege to Dr. McLean. Dr. New som served as president of Barber-Scotia from 1964-1966 Dr Richard M. Peek, minis ter of music at Covenant Pres byterian Church, Charlotte, will preside at the organ for the inauguration. Vocal music will be provided by Miss Adele Totten, Concord, a former teaching assistant in music at the College, Mr. Andrew Scott, a student from Darlington, S.C, and the Barber-Scotia College Girls' Ensemble, un der the direction of Mr. Wil liam Lindsay. Dr. McLean, a 54-year-old native of Moore County, N.C. 'is the first alumna of Barber - Scotia to become president of the College A 1939 graduate of Pickney High School, Carth age, N.C., she attended Bar ber-Scotia from 1939 to 1941 and received a junior college diploma with highest honors She received her bachelor of science degree. Summa Cum Laude, in elementary educa tion in 1943 from Johnson C Smith University in Charlotte She secured her master of arts degree in education in 1946 from Howard University in Washington. D C. Dr McLean has had addi tional graduate studies at Nor thwestern University, Evans ton, Illinois, and at The Cath olic University of America, Washington, D C. She is a summer, 1972, graduate of the Institute of Educational Man agement of Harvard Univers ity and received an honorary doctor of pedagogy degree from Friendship Junior Col lege, Rock Hill. S.C., in May, 1975 Dr McLean has been assoc iated with Barber-Scotia for nearly 20 years. Prior to her appointment as President, she served as Dean of the College. In addition to her service at Barber-Scotia, Dr McLean taught in elementary schools in Stanly, Montgomery, and Moore counties, N.C. A week of cultural activi ties, all open without charge to the public, will precede the inaugural Vespers at 6 P M on Sunday. March 28, at the First United Presbyterian Church of Concord, 127 Cabar rus Avenue, W., will open the inaugural week Other events scheduled include a program of drama, song, and dance by See Barber-Scotia page 3 Dr. Mable P. McClean ...Attended J.C. Smith ISEJ the CHARLOTTE PI 1ST |=q _Charlotte’s Fastest Growing Community Weekly” tL CALL 392-1306 CHARLOTTE. NORTH CAROLIMA-28215-Thursday March 25. 1976_-Read by 44,000 Charlotteans- PRICE 20c L. C. Coleman To Seek County Commissioner Seat ■ ■ •*«■**- - inii» ——mi Mks Linda Price Photo by Peeler ~~Favorite subject is speech Queens College Junior Named ‘Bea uty Of The Week’ by Polly Manning Post Staff Writer “My hobbies are sewing, dancing, yoga, and listening to a variety of music,” smiled Miss Linda Price. The Char lotte Post’s Beauty of the Week. “Sewing shows my cre ativity for fashion, dancing is a natural talent for me, some thing that I don't have to really think about to do; and yoga gives total relaxation to the mind,” she explained. Linaa lives at 415 N. David son St. with Mrs. Carolyn Clin ton. She attended Piedmont Junior High School and grad uated from Myers Park Senior High School. She has one sist er and one brother. Presently she attends Queens College where she is a junior, major ing in Social Business. She is ; also working on a Secretarial Certificate. At Queens she participates on the gymnas tics team and is aspiring to become a member of Delta Sigma Theta Soroity, Inc. Linda’s favorite subject is Speech, she enjoys using the standard English to comp ’ liment first impressions. ItfCTlMMA • I One girl to another: “Of course I had to tell her she looked like a MILLION - and I meant EVERY YEAR OF IT!” Born under the sign of Leo, our Beauty feels that they are naturally pleasant, sociable and fair. They like the good things of life, including travel and recreation, but they re sent being imposed upon. The future ambitions of Miss Price are to pursue a career in Marketing and Pub lic Relations. "I enjoy meet ing people and traveling," she stated. “I also feel that a competitive steady job is for me. Linda and her family attend Pleasant Hill Baptist Church where Rev. Cuthbertson is the minister. Linda's favorite actress is Billie Blair, a model from Flint, Mich. She admires Bil Howard Lee Calls For Welfare System Reform BURLINGTON ~ Howard Lee, Democratic candidate for Lt. Governor, today called for reform in North Carolina's welfare system. Speaking in Burlington before the North Carolina Association of Social Workers for Mental Health, Lee stressed the need to re duce the welfare roles by help ing welfare recipients to be come productive members of society. Lee said, "It is incumbent upon us to evaluate social agencies, social programs, and their objectives. If we are realistic, we should be the ones to identify the weaknes ses in our welfare program We should be the ones to take the first steps to bring about a different and more realistic approach to helping those in need.” , Lee said that people"must be provided an opportunity to be come independent■ lie because she has all the assets of a striking black woman. The person she most ad mires is Marcia A. Gillespie, Editor-in-chief, Essence Mag azine. “I like her style of writing and the way she ex presses different issues of to day," explained Miss Price. Beauty that is internal along with good faith is everlasting is the philosphy of our Beauty. On being chosen as Beauty of the Week, Linda stated that she felt it was a step towards the better things in life. Miss Price’s favorite color is blue, Her favorite food is seafood, and her favorite scent is Este Lauder. The show she enjoys watch ing the most is the hit comedy "The Jeffersons." "I like the positive image of a Black mid dle-class family, ft gives Bla cks something to aspire for ” Angers Officials State Black Republicans Pick Barnes DURHAM -- Black Repub licans from throughout the State, members of the mino ities Division of the State Re publican Party, met here recently and outlined a pro gram that will give it more muscle in the policy-making and elected Alexander Barnes, veterar part' worker president. Barnes, known as • Mi . B1 ack Republican" has had an eventful career, having regis tered in 1928 as a Republican. He has worked on both the state and the national level. Even though he has been quite active as a Republican, he has been outspoken against those in the party who have not been sympathetic with minority rights. The main focus of the meet ing was “grass root" opera tion, with a closer tie to county chairman-, along with repre sentation on county executive committees. The main thrust will be recruitment in densely populated counties. A recruit ing committee, headed by Barnes and including, A.J. Tprner, John Hawkins, Robert Fisher, James Hawkins and Attorney Don Pollock, will be gin an extensive drive, im mediately, to involve more blacks in the Republican Party. A mammoth fund raising effort will be launched to fin ance the program that will feature a public meeting in Durham. Greensboro, Win ston Salem or Charlotte, w^ich will feature Senator Ed Brooke and Vice-President Nelson A. Rockefeller. The program also includes tne selection of hlack candidates to run for office. —-- ^?.»5>*SS-.VW OLDEST MEMBER Lula Young. 102 years old, assisted by Sunday School Superinten dent Walter G Byers, turns spoke of earth at First Baptist Church Ground Braking Cere monies last Sunday s church pastor Dr J B. •*-1 Hi 5ft*: ... Photo by Peeler Humphrey observes approvingly. Board of Directors C hairman Edward High chats with County Commissioner Rowe R. Motley in the background at left. First Baptist Breaks Ground For New 650-Seat Sanctuary by James Peeler Poststaff Writer Numerous notable Charlot eans helped the comprise the crowd of approximately 300 persons present last Sunday for the 3:30 p.m ground brea king services signaling the beginning of construction of First Baptist Church's new 650-seat sanctuary at the cor ners of Fairfield St and Oak lawn Avc., adjacent to McCro rey Heights residential sec tion Rev. James B Humphrey, pastor of the 500-member con gregation since 1947, presided at the hour-long Ground Breaking Ceremonies that in eluded greetings from Char lotte Mayor John M. Belk and Mrs Mildred R. Alridge. Bui lding Committee Chairperson. First Baptist Church has occupied its prerent location at 1020 South Church “for 35 years”, according to Mrs. Al ridge, and hopes to move into their new $750,000 structure in 315 days as scheduled by Price and Hill Construction Com Dany, Contractors, who start ed construction last Monday. When completed the new church buildings will contain a 62x78 foot <8,361 square foot) main sanctuary, seating 650 persons including the choir, a nursery with 2 class rooms, a pastor's study, a church of fice, a choir practice room, a finance office, a conference room, a Director of Christian Education office, a 40x78 ( 250 seat) Multipurpose Room, and a Kitchen all situated on a site approximately the size of one and one-half city blocks A StructUrP nrpspntlv Inratf\v\ Chavis Organizes Caledonia Inmates Special To The Post North Carolina officials are rather unhappy these days because Rev. Benjamin Cha vis, principle defendant of the “Wilmington 10” case, has begun organzing prison in mates around grievances since his incarceration ruary 2nd. A few days ago after a very peaceful meeting of over 200 inmates at Cale donia Prison Farm, Rev. Cha vis and Marvin Patrick (also a member of the Wilmington 10) were intimidated, harrassed and threatened lor having called the inmates together. The most serious threats al legedly came from F.K. Saun ders, the area superintendent who also reportedly threaten ed Rev. Chavis’ life in central prison in 1972 Rev. Chavis, Marvin Patrick and others were warned not to hold fur ther meetings or conduct Sun day evening church services. The national Wilmington If defense committee has charg ed that this harrassment is in violation of all laws and that it represents a continuation o^ the persecution of the Wil mington 10. The defense committe which is based at 1330 Mass. Ave., N.W. Washington, D C. recently formed itself to aid Rev. Chavis and his 9 co defendants against continued harrassment and their efforts to obtain their freedom from the 282 year sentences they’re now serving. The defense committee is stimulating the formation of branches throu ghout the country and hopes to launch a campaign for their freedom as large as the “Angela Davis" defense effort. Rev. Chavis stated a few days ago that although the prison officials have threaten ed him, the Caledonia inmates have already won three con cessions. Visiting hours have now been extended, inmates will now have access to law books which had been donated to the prison by. law students some time ago, and the strip search procedure of inmates before receiving visitors will be ceased. Rev. Chavis report ed also that an on-going In mate Steering Committee will continue to meet and work for more reforms in the less than adequate conditons at Cale donia Prison and other prisons throughout the state Rev. Chavis and Marvin Patrick also reconfirmed their innocence of any crimes and indicated that their lawyers are continuing to appeal the I ’. Rev. Benjamin Chavis Principle defendant convictions of all 10 defen dants popularly known as the Wilmington 10 Chavis and Patrick hope the public comes th their support now and prevent physical harm — the site will house the Educa tion building with Sunday Sch ool Classrooms. Charlotte City Councilman Harvey Gantt, partner in the firm of Gantt-Huberman As sociates. Architects - the firm that designed the new church was included among the plat form guests _ Rev J B Humphrey is as sisted in his pastoral duties at First Baptist Church by Rev A L Tutt, Assistant Pastor; Rev Herman E. Thomas. As sociate Minister, and Rev. Paul H Hailey, Associate Minister. Church officers include: Ed ward High, Chairman of the Board of Directors; Mrs. Mil dred P. Alridge, Chairwoman of the Building Committee; Mrs Oreatha Bridges. Chair man of the Deaconess Board; Robert W. Wood. Chairman of the Deacon Board, and Ray mond P. Rorie, Co-Chairman of the Building committee. See First Baptist on page 12 Vows To Speak For The People by Sidney Moore Jr. Post Staff Writer A need for more black rep resentation in government has prompted businessman and civic leader L.C Coleman to announce his candidacy for a seat on the Mecklenburg Coun ty Commission. . Although the Democratic Party primary is not until August and the General Elec tion is not until November, Coleman is already drumming up support He initiated his campaign this week by mak ing his announcement to the Post Coleman, proprietor of Cole man's Westside Sundries at 1116 Beatties Ford Road has been active with many com munity projects. He serves as president of the Northwest Community Action Associa tion a coalition of 29 neigh borhood groups. Several of these groups have joined the association since Coleman as sumed leadership of the assoc iation. The association has been re sponsible for a number of community improvements, said Coleman. Among the most important accomplish ments Coleman cites a city sponsored lunch program at 26 sites where a large number of children are fed daily, a $36, (XX) lighting project for West Charlotle High School tennis courts and the initiation of publicly financed ambulance services for the west side of Charlotte Coleman has also worked to limit the drug traf fic in the black rnmmuniiv and for better services for retarded persons The candidate says he wants to continue to "speak for the people He said he has ded icated his life to seeing that justice is being done.” He indicated that getting more citizen participation in county and city goverenment is what he would concentrate on as a commissioner He said he intends to organize committees in each commun ity to keep him informed of its needs Coleman said he will contin ue to fight for a hospital on the westside He wants to work for a drug center in this area to facilitate better rehabilitation for drug addition victims. The candidate said he would seek state and federal funds, including Revenue Sharing to finance these projects. To get his campaign off the ground. Coleman has named Mildred Baxter Davis as his campaign manager Margaret Flanders will be his Fund Raising Chairperson.