p;,nMr irpiny m Llcnnal <)* 310 -V. TVyonTt°f Cftirlottu 2 ’976 ^h^rlotta h ^ ' w*~- *8202 ;,V'•?:: v-A'us'auH’ |=E] THE CHARLI ITTE POST [=q _“Charlotte’s Fastest Growing Community Weekly” |< AL1 392-13**> vm. 9 no ^ ^ CHARLOTTE. NORTH CAROUNA-28215-Thursday, April 1, ,976 Read by 44 000 Charlo.teans PRICE 20c MISS SYLVIA ARLENA CRAWFORD ...Northwest Junior High student Sylvia A. Crawford Is Beauty Of Week By Polly Manning Post Staff Writer “It is exciting to me to be chosen as Beauty of the Week. It gives me exposure as well as giving the readers a chance to know me better." This is the statement coming from Miss Sylvia Arlena Crawford, this weeks Charlotte Post Beauty. Most girls fantasize about being chosen as some type of beauty. Miss Crawford is no exception. “I still can’t be lieve that my picture and story is going to be on the front page of a newspaper,” she exclaimed. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Crawford of 2717 Coronet Way. She at tends Northwest Junior High School where she is a member of the band and at one time she was on the track team. Sylvia’s favorite subject is .Science. She enjoys it because of the way the teacher con ducts the class and because of the many different things they study. Her favorite teacher is ►’••s. Nance. Sylvia likes the patience that she shows to wards her students and the way she helps them. Miss Crawford’s hobbies are sewing and listening to music. She enjoys sewing because she can make the things she wants and listening to music helps to get things off her mind Our Beauty’s favorite food is chicken. Her favorite colors are green and red and her favorite scent is grape. ' Our Beauty, born under the cusps of Capricorn and Aquarius has a dual person ality. The aquarius side is supposedly intellectual and compatible with most fire t TURTlt'Wft I Sign on the back of a school but: "Approach with care driver under the INFLU ENCE OF CHILPREN. signs. They are friendly, understanding, and easy to get along with. The capricorn side is somewhat hossy, loves to have things their way and they can’t tolerate being wrong. * Putting both of these differing personalities together you come up with the personality of Sylvia. _/ Although she is a junior high school studepCshe already has her future^Jlans together. She plans to become a secretary because she enjoys all phases of the business field. The Crawford’s attend Be thany Baptist Church, 2300 Sanders Ave. The pastor is Rev. J. E. Henderson. Sylvia’s favorite group is the Commodores. She’s espe cially impressed with their hit single "Sweet Love." Black Women Caucas Prepares For Attic Sale The Black Women's Caucas is busily preparing for its an nual participation in the Wor ld's Largest Attic Sale. This WBTV sponsored affair is to be held at the Merchandise Mart Saturday and Sunday, April 24 and 25. The community is urged to come and support this effort Funds from this project will help support the varied com munity and civic projects of the Caucus CMS Student* Get Friday Off From School Charlotte-Mecklenburg pub lic school students will get a one-day vacation on Friday, April 2, but it will be work as usual for teachers. The vacation, scheduled at the end of the third quarter, provides a workday for tea chers without students so they cAn catch up on necessary reports and other required paper work. Class will resume on normal schedule Monday, April 5, as the fourth quarter begins. All school system offices will be open as usual during the one-day student vacation Squandering Of Taxpayers’ Money Capitol Hill Conference Reveals Misusage Of Millions Of Dollars Directory Of Black Businesses Due Shortly by Sidney Moore Jr. Post Staff Writer Work on a second edition of a directory of black business is now being done by the Business Resource Center, an affiliate of the Charlotte Cha mber of Commerce. A special committee of the center met recently to consid er the distribution of 1.000 copies of the January 1976 edition of the directory and what steps should be taken to update and add to the informa tion contained in that edition. Copies of the directory will go to the approximately 400 businesses listed in it, 80 to members of the Minority Pur chasing Council (another affil iate group of the Chamber of Commerce designed to assist minority businesses), an un specified number of copies will go to business and profes sional leaders in the Charlotte community, 100 copies to the Chamber of Commerce and remaining copies will be rese rved fo'- later distribution by the center, the committee de cided. Harris Innpc m n a o o r r\ f market development for the center, has staff responsibility for the directory project. He works with various committees of the center, area companies, and government agencies to develop ways to assis minority businesses in the Charlotte area. Jones said the first step in fulfilling the function of the center is to know what busi nesses areas minorities are already in. He described the functions of the center as to help minorities own their own businesses, help strenthen and expand minority businesses, help minority businessmen be come aware of the business opportunites available to them and to assist minorities in applying for business loans. The directory will better en able the center to do these things, Jones stated. Printed material on the ser vices of the center listed five areas it specializes in. These areas are financial resources, management assistance, mar keting, business development and professional develop ment. Jones, who played profess ional football for five years, is a native of Lake City, S. C and attended Johnson C. Smith University. He indicated that the center would like to have more input from the community to make the next edition to the direct ory more comprehensive. He said the directory did not real ly begin to come together until a subcommittee of minority people gave their assistance. On that committee were Jacob Anderson, William Biglow, Ol iver Blue, G. Jack Burney, Val ory did not really begin to come together until a sub committee of minority people gave their assistance. On that committee were Jacob Ander son, William Biglow, Oliver Blue, G. Jack Burney, Val Carter, Herbert Clegg, David Daly, Carey Dowd III, J. Ed gar Duquette, Les Green, Clif ton McClenney, Charles Mc Fee, Larry Melton, Bessie Reid, B.D. Rodgers, Robert Suarez, Isaiah Tidwell, Wen del Waldon, and Lummie Young. Other assistance came from the Chamber of Commerce Community Development De partment of the City of Char lotte, IBM Corporation, Knight Publishing Company and PAED-LBDO Jones urges those who have businesses to contact his office about listing in the upcoming directory. He also said con tacts about business assis tance are also welcome. Miss Tourchbearer Talent Hunt Planned For Sunday, April 4 The Charlotte Council of Al pha Pi Chi Sorority, Inc. will present a ‘‘Miss Torchbearer Talent Hunt" Sunday, April 4, at 4 p.m. in West Charlotte High School Auditorium. Eleven girls, between the ages of 13 and 16, will be competing for the title of "Miss Torchbearer” through their talent presentations. The Charlotte Council is composed of Alpha Alpha Chapter and Alpha Beta Chap ter. Their motto is: "Lighting The Way For Living and Lear ning" and the Council put spe cial emphasis on activities for young women and their invol vment in cultural and com munity projects. MRS. GEORGIA BAILEY ...Popular scout leader 42-Year-Old Scout Leader Loves Kids WINSTON SALKM, "I've been in scouting for more than 42 years because I love child ren and I know how much good scouting does for boys." says Mrs Georgia Bailey, Cub Scout den mother with the Old Hickory Council here. Mrs. Bailey. 61, was one of the more than 75 den mothers taking part in a Knights in Armor contest for Winston Salem-area Cub Scouts spon sored hy the local scout organ ization and KJK Archer, Inc. a locally headquartered com pany. Archer, which manufac tures consumer wrapping materials and foil, supplied enough foil and decorative materials for more than 500 Cub Scouts to make -suits of armor for the contest. "I guess I really got interes ted in scouting when a local judge told me he almost never has a boy who was in scouting appear before him in juvenile court,” Mrs. Bailey said. "I figures that any program with that kind of recommendation was more than worthwhile Mrs Bailey, who was one of the first women to be honored with the Silver Beaver, one of scoutings highest awards for adult leaders, said she was "only 16 or 17” when she first trained as a den mother. "We did not have a»s many adult leaders then, so as the hoys got older, I just naturally followed along with that first group Consequently, I have not only been a den mother, but was a scoutmaster and leader of an Explorer post," she said. "In all, I served 20 years as a scoutmaster or explorer leader for 20 years, and as a den mother of 22 years." Many of Mrs. Bailey’s form er Cub and Boy Scouts are now grown and she says she is proud of the way many of them turned out. "One of my boys, Robert Robertson, is working at the White House." she said, "Sev eral are military officers, and some hold elected office in North Carolina. Because of her longevity, Mrs Bailey is now working with the sons of some of her former Cub Scouts "In fact, this young man's father was one of my Cub Scouts, she said, pointing to nine-year-old Robert Lyles who was waiting for contest judges to check his suit of armor. Despite her years of service, Mrs Bailey says she sees no end to her work in scouting. Reports Says Intent Of Congress Being Thwarted Special To the Post WASHINGTON. D C., - A re port documenting flagrant misuse of millions of tax dol lars intended to fight urban blight and improve the living conditions of poor city dwel lers was presented Wednes day, to Senator William Prox mire (D-Wisc ) at a Capitol Hill news conference The 130-page report - pre pared by the Southern Govern mental Monitoring Project of the Atlanta-based Southern Regional Council (SRC) -- is the first independent compre hensive survey of the Com munity Development Act of 1974 Joining the SRC in calling for Congressional oversight hearings on the new program were the National Urban Lea gue and the National Associa tion for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). George Esser, SRC execu tive director, said, “Since Sen ate Anpropr’ations Committee hearings are scheduled to be gin next week, we must insist that the Department of Hous " ing and Urban Development be made accountable for these expenditures of public mon ies.” Monitoring Project Director Peter Petkas added. "We found that the intent of Con gress is being thwarted. There is no other way to describe the misuse of federal funds under this Act than waste — a squan ering of the taxpayer’s money that must be corrected." The report is based on on the-spot investigations in 26 Southern cities and towns con ducted during the summer of 1975 by investigative interns for the Monitoring Project. Of those cities surveyed, very few spent the bulk of their community development funds on projects of maximum benefit to the Act's intended beneficiaries - low and mod erate income urban Ameri cans. The report states, ".. .the very mixed achievements of Southern cities have shown that local diversions from the national purpose are not just occasional abuses, but rather form a pattern inherent in the implementation of the Act." According to Haymond Brown author of the report, 11 CD oversight must be sharp ly improved and local govern ments must be held account UrJth Ubservance J. C. Smith To Celebrate Founder’s Dav The one hundred and ninm Anniversary of the founding of Johnson C. Smith University will be celebrated on April 4 at 3:30 p.m in the University Church Dr. James Hester Hargett, Co-Pastor of the Liv ingstone Avenue United Church of Christ in New Brun swick, New Jersey and mem ber of the University Board of Trustees will be the featured speaker. Rev. Hargett is a 1952 grad uate of Johnson C. Smith Uni versity. He received his Bach elor of Divinity degree from Yale University in 1955 and his Doctor of Divinity from Col gate-Rochester Divinity Scho ol in 1975. A native of Greesboro, North Carolina, he is married to the former Louilyn Funder burk, of Lancaster, South Car olina. Mrs Hargett is also a Smith graduate Immediately preceding the Founders Day Convocation there will be a ceremony of re dedication for Biddle Memor ial Hall and Carter Hall, two campus buildings which have been designated as Historical sites by the Charlotte-Meek lenburg Historical Properties Commission and the North Carolina Department of Cul tural Resources, The ceremony, which is sch eduled to begin at 2:30 p.m , will include W.G. Lino, Class of 1916, Dr Worth A Williams, Class of 1917 and W .P. "Perk" Williams, Class of 1918. Other participants will in clude Mrs. Mildred P. Alridge, representing the state and lo cal historical agencies, Rev Thomas A. Jenkins, Class of 1928, Seminary Class of 1931, Rev. H.L. Counts, Class of 1933, Seminary Class of 1936, and Dr. Joseph A. Gaston, Class of 1950, Seminary Class of 1953. Dr. Wilbert Green field, President of the Institu tion will preside. The names Biddle and Car ter are highly significant in the early history of Johnson C. Smith University. In 1867 Rev S.C. Alexander and Rev W.L. Miller saw the need of estab lishing an intitution in this section of the South and began devising such plans as would secure the desired results On April 7, 1867, at a meeting of the Catawba Presbytery in the old Charlotte Presbyterian Church, formerly located at the corner of D and Forth Streets. Charlotte, North Car olina, the movement for the school was formally inaugura ted and the Reverends Alex ander and Miller were elected teachers Information concerning the establishing of the school was brought to the attention of Mrs. Mary D. Biddle, an ex cellent churchwoman of Phil adelphia. who through appeals on behalf of the work in one of the church papers pledged $1,400 In appreciation of this first and generous contribu tions, friends of the project requested of Mrs Biddle the privelege of naming the new ly-established school after her late husband, Major Henry Biddle The request being gr anted. the school was named "The Biddle Memorial Insti tute" and later was chartered by the State Legislature under that name Biddle Memorial Hall, the oldest building on the campus still stands It is a five-story building with a tow er which contains the chime clock It is located on a high hill on the campus and may be seen from almost any section of the city Dr James H Hargett Featured speaker Carter Hall is a resident hall for men built in 18% The orginal building was a gift from Miss Lorna Carter of Ceneva, New York, Although the building has been mnder nized in recent years. able both to federal taxpayers •- through HUD and Congress ** and to the local citizens whom the Act was intended to serve, “Perhaps even more important," Brown said, "lo cal political pressures must be shifted in such a way that the needs of low and moderate income persons receive their proper weight in all locaLcom munity development deci sions." According to William Mor ris. Housing Director of the NAACP, his organization's audit of local government ex penditures in 120 communities across the nation reinforces SCRs finding that "meaning ful citizen participation in 'he program is largely non-effec tive; that far too many expen ditures under local govern ment decision-making powers are going into projects that benefit more wealthy popula tions, rather than the poor; ana that HLL) lacks the capa city and willingness to assure compliance with the spirit and letter of the law, as the Con gress intended." Morris went on to say, "Now that this three year program is nearing the half-way mark with little to show in the way of productive results, it becomes a matter of extreme urgency that the Congress schedule oversight hearings without do' lay Prompt and decisive com gressional action is the only recourse, if the poor and dis advantaged people of the na tion are to receive their ^air share of the benefits promised in this New Federalism pro gram. "The NAACP is, of course, particularly concerned with the plight of the black poor, who suffer the added hard ships of racial discriminatory practices by local officials It is time that the federal gov ernment stopped ‘winking' at biased local governments in the wholesale approval of ap plications which do not meet the strict requirements of the Black Firm Awarded $10 Million FAYETTEVIIXK The Fuller OH Company, a small, minor ity owned firm located in Fay etteville, North Carolina, has been awarded a $10,000,000 contract for the delivery of fuel oil and gasoline to Fort Bragg and Pope Air Force Base, North Carolina U S Small Business Admin istration Itegional Director, Wiley S Messick, who signed the contract, March 31, with Fuller in Governor Holshous er's office said, "this is the largest minority business con tract ever awarded in this region by the Small Business Administration." Mr Fuller started his Fay etteville oil business in 1962, operating from the kitchen of his home Over the years, he • has steadily built the Fuller Oil Company into a thriving enterprise The contract will run until March 31, 1977, with an estimated dollar value of $10,000,000 Minority owned or managed firms interested in performing government contracts are hel ped through Section 8<a > of the Small Business Act.

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