Sandra Dupree Verdict Has Merits By Hoyle H. Martin Sr. Post Executive Editor The acquittal of Sandra Dupree, a 34-year-old Scotland Neck white wo man, on a charge of murdering Harry Lee Dickens, a 21-year-old unemployed black man living on his mother's welfare check, has led to renewed protests about a dual jus tice system, white racism, and the need for basic changes in the state's jury selection process. Furthermore, "the trial," accon ing to one published report, "attract ed national attention because of the racial issues involved." It appears, therefore, that every thing about the Dupree murdertr iai, particularly from the viewpoint of the uninvolved observers and self styled critics, was viewed in the context of race with*little attention being given to the merits of the case and other important related econo mic factors. Sandra Dupree alledgedly testi fied that her 14-year-old son had been assaulted five days before the fatal shooting of Dickens by three youths (who happened to be black) while on his newspaper route. She said further that on the day of the shooting she placed her husband's .22-caliber revolver in her pocket book and got into her car to follow her son, Mark, as he delivered his newspapers. Dupree stated as she approached the Dicken's house she "saw a black man holding my son to the ground. She claimed she ran to aid her son and in the ensuing struggle she reportedly shot Dickens in the back of the head as he turned away, possibly to go and get a knife as he had threatened to do during the struggle. Conflicting testimony by three eye-witnesses - Dicken's two sisters a neighbor - left unclear what actually occured just prior to the shooting, however, there is little doubt that there was a struggle. The only really controversial question arose over ballistic reports on how close Dupree was to Dickens when she shot him. Under similar circum stances would not any mother have done all she could to protçpt her son and herself? To that extent, race had nothing to do with the events that took_place. With regard to the matter of economics, the state appointed law yers for the prosecution probably were, as they too often are, limited in experience and underpaid. Fur thermore, Milton Fitch, 28, a black lawyer from Wilson hired by the Dickens' family to assist in the prosecution, made the first jury argument of his law career in this case. This appeared quite eVtdent when he used the weak argument that Mrs. Dupree had used unrea sonable force to protect her son and herself from Dickens. After the "not quilty" verdict, Golden Frinks, a field director for the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, told a protest rally, "We can no longer accept the jury system in the State of North Carolina the way it is now" and blacks in Eastern North Carolina need more political power and increased voter registra tion efforts. The POST agrees that the jury system certainly is not perfect, however, it is the same system that cleared Joan Little and released John Thomas Alfred. Furthermore, blacks in Eastern North Carolina or elsewhere in the state do not need the Dupree case to remind them of their need for greater voter registra tion efforts. It is in fact, the apathy of blacks toward registration and voting that has and continues to contribute to the weaknesses of the jury selection system - a system that selects prospective jurors from state and tax and voter registration re cords. If both Dickens and Dupree wer. black or both were white, would we as blacks be uttering the kind of rhetoric that Golden Frinks has with regard to this case? Think about it, and while you are doing so, ask yourself are you registered and prepared to vote? iteagan 8 Contradiction The heated race between Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan for the Republican Party nomination for the presidency appears to have come to a sudden halt as a result of Reagan's selection of Pa. Senator Richard Schweiker as his vice presi dential running mate. The selection of Schweiker, a strong liberal who is ideologically very far to Reagan's left, has left many Reagan supporters bewilder ed and has caused many uncom mitted delegates to move "a little closer" to Ford. For example, Go vernor Meldin of New Hampshire, an early supporter of Reagan, believes "Reagan has abandoned hi. conservative principles" by this selection. A Mississippi delegate I sciiu, n.eagaii lias uiuwn 11 ana former Texas Governor John Con nally has committed himself to support Gerald Ford. More significantly, Reagan's de- ' cision shows quite clearly that he is not a man of firm conviction or principle and therefore should not be trusted to run the country. The Post feels that Reagan is simply an opportunists who cares little about principal and party platform when it comes to his personal desire to achieve tne presi dency. It appears to us that Mr. Fort has now gained the delegates h> needs to get the nominatiion, th< POST believes Mr. Ford to be thi wiser choice. 1 BLACKS RETICENCE TO SEIZE THE INITIATIVE TO OROANIZE THEIR COMMUNITIES" SAID DOUOLAS 0. GLASGOW, DEAN OF HOWARD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK, ISA MAJOR FACTOR AND AN IMPORTANT FACTOR CONTRIBUTING TO OUR COMMUNITIES" UNDEVELOPED STATUS" POLmCAN BUSINESS MAN DOCTORS LAWrERS ARTISTS TEACHERS MINISTERS WORKERS COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS SOCIAL WORKERS FRATERNAL CROUPS FINANCE COMPUTER SCIENCE INSTITUTION ADMINISTRATION engineering PLANNING ARCHITECTURE BLACK PRESS Blacks9 Destiny In Own Hands DOWN TO BUSINESS Minority Railroad Center Hangs In Bureaucratic Game iyiv. uuivnnnn a uuivivuuij President, N.B. League Last February 5, President Gerald Ford signed into law the $6.5 billion Railroad Revi talization and Regulatory Re form Act of 1976. The long awaited Act provided for fede ral subsidies to reconstruct and to rehabilitate the delà pi dated and bankrupt railroads of the Northeast. Most impor tantly, and with historical sig nificance, the Act provided for the Minority Resource Center program under Title IX, Sec tion 906. Not until June 7, four long months later, was Kenneth Bolton sworn in as Director of the Minority Resource Center under the Federal Railroad Administration. Barely ade quate funds for the Center were allocated June 1, after much unnecessary bureaucra tic procedure. However, Consolidated Rail Corporation (Conrail), autho rized by the same legislation to operate the system, began operations on April 1. Imme diately, contracts went up for bids and work began on the program, but without the Cen ter to insure participation by minorities as mandated by the Act. During swearing-in cere monies for Mr. Bolton by the Secretary of Transportation, I urged speedy action with the following statement and I wish to share with you: In January of 1975, the National Business League be gan a serious review and analysis of the Regional Rail Reorganization Act of 1973 to determine how the minority sector of the national economy couW participate in the eco nomic activity and the econo mic benefits that the Act would generate. The partici pation that we envisioned then and now calls tor the minority sector to become a major supplier of goods and services to the railroad industry. These goods include the manufactur ing of hardware components, spare parts, and capital equip ment; all facets of construc tion from grading and hauling to the new construction of bridges, tunnels and termi nals; and a wide range of services in the areas of archi tectural and engineering work lfegal, accounting, computer, banking and financing and insurance. The objectives of our efforts were to stimulate economic recovery and economic revi talisation in Black, Spanish, Indian and other economically disadvantaged communities by providing these goods and services to the rail industry. That economic activity for minority business firms is a pragmatic and sensible means of creating permanent Jobs in our communities for a large work force that is faced with massive unemployment and inadequate income. The models we followed in developing this initiative were Marshall Plan for the econo mic recovery of Europe and the MacArthur Plan for the economic recovery of Japan. This nation has proven that the economic participation program we advocate is an effective means of revitalizing an entire national economy. Today, it is one and a half years later since we began our effort. On February 5th of this year, the President signed the Dr. Berkeley G. Burrell $6.4 billion Rail Act of 1976 into the law of the land. That Act calls for extensive minority sector participation in the na tional rail revitalisation effort which is expected to create a $100 billion market over the next ten years. Federal funds are already flowing into the majority sec tor as a result of the Rail Act. Conrail began operations on April 1 with a (2.1 billion capital subsidy from the tax payers. The Federal Railroad Administration expects to a ward a $2 billion contract for the revitalisation of the Northeast Corridor by August. The minority sector is still waiting for the program au thorized under the Rail Act to begin. We are concerned that the economic activity and the economic benefits minority fa milies, workers, communities and businesses have been pro mised under the law will not be implemented in fiscal year 1976. By fiscal year 1977, it will be too late--major contract and procurement commit ments will have been made. We believe that there is still time to save this program. But extraordinary measures are required. TO BE EQUAL Vernon Ε. Jordan Jr.! What Poor People Want One of the problems with being poor and powerless is that a lot of people assume they know what's best for you and don't ever bother asking what you want, what's on your mind, or what you need. That's why a recent survey by the Washington, D.C. Urban League is so important. That community organization designed a question naire and conducted a survey of se lected poverty neighborhoods in the nation's φ Capital to find out what the people themselves think about their situation. It's true that poor people have been studied to death, most often by scholars trying to prove that something's wrong with the poor. Remem ber all of those psuedo-scientific studies purport ing to show that black families are disorganized, that black IQs are low, that schools don't matter, and all the rest? Such studies made the poor into objects, things to be studied the way scientists study lab> animals. They didn't treat the poor as people whose opinions counted and whose perceptions were valuable and worthy of consideration. The Washington Study treated people with respect and further, was action-oriented. It tried to pinpoint areas of concern that could be followed up with sound action to improve people's lives, not blame them for what's wrong. Some of the findings are interesting, and applicable to other communities. I don't have the space here for a comprehensive report, but here are a few of the findings that ought to get some attention. a oasic community proDiem was touna to oe the high cost of food, in part a reflection of the lack of competition in the ghetto economy as large markets and chains have abandoned inner-city neighborhoods. Many people reported they had to travel far from their homes to buy food and other necessities, and four out of five said such goods are available cheaper in other, more affluent neighbofhoMs. M !„ Thé answers' to this Situation, supplied by thè people themselves, are for more and better consumer education and for establishing better shopping facilities in their neighborhoods. Co-op arrangements and putting markets on city-own ed land would go a long way toward making this a reality. Not surprisingly, lack of jobs and decent income are continuing problems. The interrelat edness of social problems is demonstrated by the fact that half of the unemployed blacks in the survey lost their jobs because of health pro blems. The popular assumption that unemployment is effectively cushioned by jobless benefits was disproved: only about 16 percent of the out-of work blacks surveyed were receiving such benefits. A majority said they needed job-training and even those who were working indicated they were looking for another job, probably because of the low pay scales. All of this suggests that training programs, with jobs at the end of the line, are desperately needed in urban areas. And consumer-oriented health facilities are tied to the job issue since they're needed to assure the better health that enables people to work. THE CHARLOTTE POST "THE PEOPLES NEWSPAPER" Establisl od 1918 Published Ev< ι y Thursday By The Charlotte Post Publishing Co., Inc. 2606B West Blvd.-Charlotte, N.C. 28208 Telephones (704 ) 392-1306, 392-1307 Circulation 11,000 ' 57 YEARS OF C< >.\TINUOUS SERVICE Bill Johnson ; Editor-Publisher Sidney A. Moore Jr. ...Advertising director Rex Hovey Circulation Manager ^erald^jJohnson^w^^Business^anager Second Class Postage Paid at Charlotte, N.C. under the Act of March 3,1878 Member National Newspaper Publishers Association North Carolina Black Publishers Association Deadline for all news copy and photos is 5 p.m. Monday. The Post is not responsible for any photos or news copies submitted for publication National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers. Inc. 45 W. 5th, Suite 1403 2400 S. Michigan Ave. New York, N.Y. 10036 Chicago. 111. 60616 (212 ) 489-1220 Calumet 5-0200 D The Prison Reform System By Gerald Ο. Johnson. Post Staff Writer Most philosophers will a· gree that justice finds its merits as a public utility. In fact justice depends entirely on the particular surroundings in which men are placed. Its origin is based on proper ty ownership Since nature only provides the means and men provide the end to proper ty. ownership of property is a necessary idea in all societies Nature provides trees toi everybody's use However, ownership comes into play when a person takes a tree anc makes a house from it. Only by some inate skill or learned ability of an individual can a means such as a tree, be made into an end. such as a house Therefore ownership is tangi ble in a civil society Now . justice is those rules of equity used to protect owner ship of property Of course in a complex society such as the one we live in loday the rules of equity extend past the simplified form given above But in general justice today is basi cally the same thing. Obviously, justice wouldn't be needed if everyone had everything he or she wanted If property ownership was equally distributed among the individuals in a society then justice would have no place in that society. Moreover, if ev eryone was above the law and did as he or she pleased, then obviously justice would have no benefit Since in our society we are not at either of the above mentioned extremes, but ra ther somewhat amidst the two, justice does have a place in our society. Having agreed on the merits of justice, the question now becomes what is to become of those individuals who do not abide by the rules of equity In all past and current socie ties this question was answer ed by simply making such individuals outcasts and plac ing them in exile from society. This isolation was a form of punishment and the time spent in isolation depended on the severity of the crime Harsher punishment was giv en for some crime·, rvan death. But modem day criminolo gists along with many others in all walks of life agree that this method of punishment leaves a lot to be desired The biggest motivating fac tor for prison reform is studies indicating that individuals go ing into prison come out much worse than they were before they went in. This is because we exile criminals that com mitted crimes of different de grees together Consequently, a robber learns murder tech niques and vice-versa. When a criminal is released back into society he is a much better Criminal. Moreover, with the number of criminals in our society increasing, we are running out of exiling places. Therefore it is almost u nanimously agreed that some type of prison reform is indeed necessary Most people tend to agree that rehabilitation is the ans wer. I say it is not the answer. A simple reason it we can not afford it. Still another reason is that it is an inequity for an inequity. Let 's deal with cost first. To rehabilitate prisoners effec tively, you must deal with them on an individual basis Thçy must be given personal attention, in order to get such attention would require a huge staff and modern facilities An unprison like environment must be created to aid in the prisoner response to such a program But the cost of such a program would be exorbi tant. A program that didn't offer this much would be inadequate and thus a waste of money. Furthermore, a pro gram that offered such atten tion might t*ke away from the punishment effect that a pri son is suppose to represent But in reality the fault with prisons is not in the method that is used to run them but rather in the inadequacies in our society that institutes them. As it turns out those people that have property are the ones making the rules of equi ty to keep on top of the have nots. Ownership by the haves is based purely on oppression of some sort. As people be come more aware of this oppression th«y break the laws in hopes of becoming one of the haves. Understanding this makes it easy to see that rehabilitalion is a right trying to correct a wrong. The place io start is not at the prisons at all. The place to start is with equity in distribution of property. If we set up oui- society to give individuals an equal chance to be what they want to be, then we woujd be on the right track to prison reform Until then we will be spin ning our wheels going exactly no where! Film Shows Dr. King's Visit To WhpI The Rev. Martin Luther King Sr. visited Israel in 1974 with Mrs. King (before her tragic death) and daughter That visit has been captured in a stirring film called "Mar tin Luther King, Sr. in Israel » The Dream Lives " In the film, Rev King speaks of his commitment to world peace and brotherhood and of his belief that "Jeru ( lalem is the mother country for all the world. "I could live in Jerusalem - I could preach here," he states η the film. Rev. King is seen touring he country and at an interde nominational service conduct id in the Garden of Gethse nane This 16mm color film, 30 linutes ir^figth

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