cuis t commis Bray boy-A Man For All Seasons Dir U/m.U ΤΙ λ« t. Post Executive Editor Dr. Jack Brayboy, coacn, teacher, civic leader and administrator - in that order - died last week at the age of 55. Because of his wide yet unassum ing contributions to the educational and civic community and his strong never-ending commitment to the needs of youth, the POST salutes Jack Brayboy as truly "A Man For All Seasons." Vice President for administrative affairs at Johnson C. Smith Univer sity at the time of his death, Jack Brayboy will be missed by students and the citizens of Charlotte alike. His activities in community affairs include serving as vice president of the board of directors of the YMCA and the United Community Service. He was also a member of the boards of Dimensions for Charlotte-Meck lenburg, the Metrolina Bank and the Boy Scouts of America, a presiding elder of the Presbyterian Church, USA, and a member of Memorial United Presbyterian Church. In spite of his administrative and civic duties, Jack Brayboy had always felt a need to have close contact with students. He has told this writer on more than one occa sion, "In coaching, in teaching, you can see progress...In administration you don't have the human contact that allows you to see progress." Dr. Brayboy's commitment to the needs and problems of youth - particularly black youths from hum ble backgrounds - was so strong that a close friend of his recalls that he rejected an offer of a position at a large mid-western university at a considerably larger salary because he felt he could render greater service to Smith's students. An expression of the JCSU's stu dents appreciation for Jack Bray t>oy s interest in their welfare was demonstrated last year when the student yearbook was dedicated to him. A native of Vineland, New Jersey, Jack Brayboy graduated from Smith in 1943, served three years in the Armed Forces, and then return ed to Smith in 1946 as an instructor of health and physical education and assistant football coach. By 1960 Dr. Brayboy was director of athletics and chairman of the department of physical education. In 1966 he was named dean of the University and in 1968 promoted to the position of vice president for academic affairs. He assumed the position of vice presi dent for administrative affairs in 1973. Born to parents of humble means, Brayboy was instilled with the will to succeed and the humility to care for the needs of others. He carried these values with him throughout his many years at Smith. While working his way through Smith, Brayboy sought his triple major in chemistry, physical educa tion and mathematics and yet found time to play football so well that he won a berth on Negro Ail-American Team in 1940, 1941, and 1942. He earned a position on the All-CIAA Team for four consecutive years. In addition, he earned a master degree and a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1947 and 1960 re spectively. Jack Brayboy's personal success was surpassed only by his concern for youth and his efforts to help them to reach their potential. Those Smith students who have been helped and influenced by Dr. Brayboy will enable a part of a great man to live on through their own good deeds, thus, even in death Dr. Jack Bray boy continues to be "A Man for All Seasons." Voting- A Giant StepTo Equality "TV.if * ~e 4U_ -;i!— "Λ"'" — North Carolina will again partici pate in their own local elections. The big question is: 'Will Blacks also participate fully?' If history repeats itself, it is very likely that we will not." This statement was the lead paragraph in a POST editorial writ ten in July of 1975. The concern that the POST has today, in 1976, is that it is still, "very likely that we (blacks) will not" participate fully in the political process. The POST has repeatedly stressed in its editorials the need for blacks to register and vote in greater num bers. Black people cannot afford the luxury of not voting since the vote is the most powerful tool available to blacks in their quest for equality and justice in America. In the August 17 primary only 23 percent of the registered black across the state voted and approxi mately 27 percent of those in a 14 Îrecinct study conducted by the nrnrnt mr« * ι ν/οι. ιυυ many oiacKs are satis fied to with saying, "Well, only 32 percent of the total registered voters in the county voted so we did all right to get 27 percent." That kind of thinking is self-defeating. If , for example, there had been a 50 per cent black voter turn-out across the state, Howard Lee might have won an outright nomination as the Demo cratic candidate for governor. We are not making this statement just because Lee is black, we say this because he is without question, the most qualified of the two candi dates, and the hard reality that some will not vote for him because he is black. Since black people have little economic power it behoves them to realize that the vote is the only way to demand and get justice and true equality. Let's stop giving the white man hell for what he does not do for us or for how he denies us when we fail to do what we can for ourselves. f I Do You Care? ILETTERS TOTHE EDITOR State, National Election Time P.O. Box 7371, Washington, D.C. 20044 August 31, 1976 Letters To The Editor, THE CHARLOTTE POST 2606-B West Blvd. 28208 Dear Editor : It is getting pretty close to State and National Election time in the aweful big and great nation of ours-belong ing to all of we's and us's regardless of race, color, creed, how much money we (is) or (ain't) got, and where ever we (is) from or what sections we live in or what kind of house or "shack" we is supposed to roof under, rent, shelter in, own, or share crop upon! And in these coming elec tions in our cities, counties, states, and the nation, black voters ought to be as equally concerned about who repre sents them in Congress, at the state house, city council, boards of education and coun ty supervisors, and in any other body in this nation where Black citizens are ei ther in the majority or cast the "deciding votes" of "make or break"! So while Black voters are concerned about who is going to represent them in the White House (Jimmy Carter, or otherwise), they ought to be concerned about some "house cleaning" now and not only in Washington, but also in Congress, the state senate and assemblies, the county boards, city councils, boards of educations and supervisor, and the like! Especially should Black citi zens, coming this election times, concern themselves with the question as to whe ther they should continue to be represented by and vote for some other "minority" mem ber (American-Italian, Jew, etc.) when Black voters in the area are in the majority and can elect one of their own, or that Black voters have the "black vote 'balance of po wer'" ballot to so determine whether an American-Italian or Jew should represent them or not ! For the school busing MESS, for example, in both Louisville and Boston, if not Cleveland too, suggest clearly that black citizens in these areas now represented in our law-making bodies by some one of the "other American 'minority,' " or "minorities," can best be represented by a black person or persons! Be it New York City; Newark, N.J.; Louisville; Atlanta, Oakland, or Pascagoula, Mis sissippi ! To my way of thinking, the South, Congress, the White House, and all of our nation's law-making councils, boards, commissions, assemblies,and the like, will all be far better off places, more productive, and achieve a more pluperfect representative complexion of our areas and of the nation as a whole, if Black citizens are elected and appointed to pu blic offices in representations of their ownselves-and not by someone calling himself, or herself, "I am a 'minority' too," but who AIN'T BLACK TOO.jVT ALL !_ Real "Reconstruction of the South" speaking, the "more the black, the more the better," to me! What about you? Sincerely yours, Leonard S. Brown, Jr. General^KSjAMRet. ) Letter to the Editor Dear Editor : This is just a note to let you know how much I enjoy read ing your newspaper. Some of my friends think the idea of Charlotte having a black newspaper is something from the past. Although your pa per is old, I think it is an idea whose time has come. Yours truly, S.A. Orr A&T Booster Club The North Carolina A&T State University Aggie Boost er Club chartered its first satelite chapter in Charlotte today. The organization is known as the Queen City Chapter of N.C. - A&T Aggie Booster Club. Other chapters are scheduled to be organized throughout North Carolina and the United States. The purpose of the booster clubs are to support the athle tic program at A&T State University. All chapter will serve as host to the visiting Aggie Boosters when A&T ath letic contests are conducted in the home city, and will also assist the A&T coaches in their scouting and recruiting. Elected officers are Walter Hunter, President, Robert Faulkner, Vice President, Joe Allison, Secretary, Marvin Rorie, Assistant Secretary, William Cassidy,.Treasurer, William Barksdale, Jr., Ser geant at Arms, and Howard C. Barnhill Sr., Reporter. Howard C. Barnhill 2400 Newland Road 392-4754 TO BE EQUAL Vernon Ε. Jordan Jr. Campaign And The Issues This year's presidential election campaign will be hard fought, and both sides are beginning to sound the themes they'll be pushing between now and November. Jimmy Carter has been quoted as suggesting the central issue this year is "trust in govern ment," while President Ford appears to be readying as his main themes, inflation and limiting government. φ Both miss the mark. The central issue this year should be unemployment, a scourge that claims about 15 million victims with no end in sight. Those who point to the recovery from the depths of the recession ignore the fact that the major economicmdicator that matters to most people-unemployment-is still at intolerably high levels. And is not likely to come down by much without a sound federal policy of getting people back to work again. Τ eoir ——41 '—1 * — — —^ > wva ι^/âivj k/vvauov viuj' uic 1CUC1 ai government has the resources to deal with such an all-encompassing problem, and also because this is a national issue demanding national solutions, not piecemeal efforts by local jurisdic tions of limited powers and resources. Some people favor a filter-down approach to creating jobs. According to this theory the way to create jobs is to cut corporate taxes drastically. That wav Drofits will rise and business will expand, thus creating more jobs. It's a theory that fails to understand the changes in our society; what might have worked back in 1920 won't work today. First, this process of trickling or filtering down takes ages to finally happen£ad~aftïïlgjthe way much of the resources will be drained off. Industry is operating so far below capacity that it will take years for capital expenditures and higher production to reach the point where many new jobs will be created. There's no iron nile that says a corporate tax cut would result in job-creating investment. A lot of it will be diverted to other forms of investment - such as buying tip other companies - and into higher dividends for shareholders. The private sector should be given incentives for direct job-creation, not questionable across the-board measures that only might result in more jobs. And governmental public service jobs should ensure the jobs are available for all who want them as a matter of right. There are other issues of importance that should be in the forefront of this campaign. The candidates should tell us what they plan to do about extending quality health care and housing and education to all Americans, regardless of 4-· · — · - - UIC11 111LUIIICS. The problems of the cities have to be brought front and center in this campaign, too. It's not enough to extoll the virtues of small towns and to indulge in nostalgia for days gone by. ine cities are in trouble, bad trouble, and their problems are spreading to smaller towns and to suburbs as well. And we are at war today. True, for the first time in years we're not involved in armed conflict abroad, but the war against poverty and deprivation should not be halted by a truce broken occasionally by outbursts not against the , problems of the poor, but against the poor themseluac iiMiUiAiUAilltnjSiT "THE PEOPLES NEWSPAPER" Established 1918 Published Every Thursday By The Charlotte Post Publishing Co., Inc. 2606-Β West Blvd.-Charlotte, N.C. 28208 Telephones (704 ) 392-1306, 392-1307 Circulation 11,000 57 YEARS OF CONTINUOUS SERVICE Bill Johnson Editor-Publisher Sidney A. Moore Jr Advertising Director Rex Hovey Circulation Manager Gerald O. Johnson Business Manager Second Class Postage Paid at Charlotte, N.C. under the Act of March 3,1878 Member National Newspaper Publishers Association North Carolina Black Publishers Association Deadline for all news copy and photos is 5 p.m. Monday. The Post is not responsible for any photos or news copies submitted for publication National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc. 45 W. 5th Suite 1403 New York, N Y. 10036 (212 ) 489-1220 2400 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago, 111. 60616 Calumet 5-0200 c Lee - A Qear Choice For Lt, Governor By Gerald Ο. Johnson Post Staff Writer The race for Lieutenant Go vernment of North Carolina between Howard Lee and Jim my Green will be over in less than one week. After the smoke clears the winner will know that he was in a brutal struggle. But in reality there should not even be a contest because it is apparent that Mr. Lee is the better candidate of the two. Mr. Lee has proposed solu tions to difficult problems fac ing North Carolina. He has taken hard stands on critical issues. I must say that I disagree with a lot of his proposals, but it is refreshing to have politicians speaking out on issues rather than side-stepping issues. Mr. I^ee seems to be work ing in earnest for solutions facing North Carolina. He seems to have done research on several issues even before being elected It would be a shame to let such a capable talent as Mr. l>ee he wasted, when North Carolina is in such dire need nf such great talents Mr. Jimmy Green does not possess the aggressiveness, the willingness, and the fresh ness, for a job of such great importance as the Lieutenant Governor. He hasn't proposed any solu tions to the problems facing North Carolina. Mr. Green seems content to stand on his past record. This is reason enough not to elect him. I would hope, however, after Mr Lee gets into office that he will look closely at budgetary matters facing North Carolina before taking hard stands on some of his proposals. Mr Lee's position on the Equal Rights Amendment, overcrowded prison condi tions, North Carolina earned wages, and capita) punish ment are commendable. How ever. suggesting that teachers should be given an opporutnity for collective bargaining is where we part. I need only point to the Philadelphia School System as an example The Teacher Union in Phila delphia kept public schools closed nearly three months on two different occasions The teachers won out eventually, but the divisiveness that was I Gerald Johnson caused by the strike still exist today. Of course school child ren suffered tremendously from all of this. Again, as long as teachers are paid uniformly rather than merit wise, then teacher pay will always be a problem The state has under its au spices much more than just public education For teachers much more than just public education. For teachers to get pay raises ultimately will lead to higher taxes I personnally can not afford higher taxes But even with this Mr Lee is the obvious choicÎfor Lieute nant Governor. FLASH! I just talked to my man from Las Vegas,...Ole Ned. I sent Ned a Charlotte Pott last week and he really enjoyed It. It did say that the sports depart ment was lacking and asked me if we needed someone to do "Sports Beat." I said sure, all I have to do is clear It with the managing editor. Well, the managing editor blew his top. He said we had somebody doing "Sports Beat" already That was news to me. Anyway, I told Ned that we couldn't hire him. Ole Ned was a little disappointed but he agreed to send me "The Week's Best Bets" every week Ole Ned is a good ole boy! "The Week's Best Bets" 1 ) JCSU over Lenoir Rhyne by 10 pts. 2) New York (GianUT over Washington 3) Denver will surprise Cincin* nati I had a few Aggies disagree with Ole Ned about the De cember 4, Bicentennial Bowl. They don't think S.C State will i beat out A&T in the MEAC. Only time will tell. Athletics in Black Colleges It is good to see Black Colleges and Universities build their prespective sports programs to a point where they can compete with major college competition. North Carolina A&T is a good exam ple. They have been classified as a Division I school which allows them to compete with major colleges in athletics. I just hope that N.C. A&T realizes that being allowed to compete and competing are two different things. It is evident that along with N.C. A&T'* new classification, new stadium, and great public re< lations department, a new coaching staff is needed for basketball. The calibre of coaching in Division I schools are Division II schools is completely differ ent. It is. therefore, hoped that the entire program is upgrad ed to Division I. If you can remember that scrimmage N.C. A&T put up against UNCC you will realize what I am getting at. The Aggies came to Char lotte loaded with talent but short on discipline and funda mentals. After the first half it was easy to see the handwriting on the wall The suave green wave of UNCC made every body's All American Mr. Sparrow look like a parokeet. It got so bad that the AliT players began fussing among each other on the floor. The coach was up chasing the referee because he thought it was O.K. for Sparrow to run up Massey's back. I couldn't understand why A&T coaches didn't call for a time out to regroup But it occurred to me that they wouldn't have had anything to say, so why waste the time. Well, this year the Aggies will travel to Raleigh to play N.C. State. The experience will be futile until the Aggies get someone that can interpret fundamentals and instill dis cipline. There are a lot of good assistant coaches gaining in valuable experience with ma jor universities This should be where athletic directors go to get their head coaches.