Message Of The Week t ICWRCHOfeECl AFRICIAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL Zl Ο in ton Chapel ΑΜΕ Ζ ion Church 1901 Rozzells Ferry Road Rev Morgan W Tann, Minister Cast Stonewall ΑΜΕ Ζ ion Church \779 Griers Grove Road Rev. Jamas Ε McCoy, Minuter Gethsemane AME Zion Church 531 Campus Street Rev. George Ε Battle Jr.. Minister Or ice ΑΜΕ Ζ·οη Church 71» Brevard Street «•v. Smith Turntf III. MiniHf M>lor Oreenville Memorial AME Zion Church 4UMontieth Drive Little Rock AME Zion Church 403 N. Myers Street Rev Williams M. White, Minister Walls Memorial AME Zion Church Î722 Bancroft Rev J.T. White, Minister AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL Greater Bethel ΑΜΕ Church 301 Grandin Road Rev. L.S. Penn. Pastor ΒΑΗΑΊ Baha'i Faith 4122 Providence Road BAPTIST Antioch Baptist Church 3701 Monroe Road Rev. Preston Pendergrass. Pastor First Baptist Church 1020 South Church Street Rev. J.B. Humphrey, Pastor First Mount Zion Baptist Church 1515 Remount Road Rev. F.G. Lower y, Pastor Friendship Baptist Church 3301 Beatties Ford Road Rev. Coleman W. Kerry Jr., Pastor Gethsemane Baptist Church 1300 S. Winnifred Street Rev. C.E. Dewberry. Pastor Greater Mount Sinai Baptist Church 1243 West Boulevard Rev. Norman E. Kerry, Pastor Greater Providence Baptist Church 1829 Cleveland Avenue Rev. J.W. Wallace Jr., Pastor UBI/llll V."Ulin 1401 Hatteras Avenue «•v. L.J. Wallace, Minister Mayfield Baptist Church Memorial 700 Sugar Creek Road Dr. L. Dlggs, Pastor Mount Carmel Baptist Church 412 Campus Street Rev. Riddick, Pastor New St. John Baptist Newell-Hickory Grove Road Rev. R. H. Leak, Pastor Pleasant Hill Baptist Church 517 Baldwin Avenue Rev. Andrew Cuthbertson, Pastor St. Luke Baptist Church 1109 Rodney Avenue Rev. L.O. Parker, Minister St. Paul Baptist Church 1401 N. Allen Street ^Rev. PauM^JDrurT^gjPastof 'it Paul Communitjjjy^ËTchurch 2200 Julia Avenue Rev. Robert M. Young, Pastor Salem Baptist Church 5318 Salem Church Road Second Calvary Baptist Church 114 Nelson Avenue Rev. J. M. Kennedy, Pastor Tabernacle Baptist Church 1115 Redbud Street ;Rev. W.A. Rorie, Minister University Park Baptist Church 2154 Senior Drive -Rev. James E. Palmer, Pastor EPISCOPAL T t "Christ The King Center *425 E. 17th Street -Father James J en y on. Priest EVANGELICAL United House of Prayer :«321 Beatties Ford Road Elder C. Wllkêrson, Pastor 'Derita House of Prayer F52Ô Cheshire Road Cider S. Ford, Pastor LUTHERAN •Prince Of Peace Lutheran Church 1001 Beatties Ford Road J|Aev. Bryant E. Clancy, Pastor • » METHODIST Cathay Memorial ΑΜΕ Church J*} Chicago Avanua Jtav. Ell Prica. Pal tor Logan Chap*I CME Church «60S Parkton Road Jlav. Jam·* L. Cotton, Pastor Weeping Willow ΑΜΕ 1\όη Church ΧΜ Bllllngtley Road («•v. J.W. Menderaon, Pattor WmpaonGllleaple Unlftd Methodltt S40 Wlntton Street Wev. Jamtt McCallum. Mlnltt»r PRESBYTERIAN Am»v J«m« Pr»»byterHn Church im Wnl Bouleverd Kov. M.A. Cochr«n·, PMtor PRESBYTERIAN UNITED Plrtl United Pre*byteti«n Church »1 N.B. 7th Street Rev IJ Moor·, Ρ «l'or prior H eight* Preobyterlen Church HS Skyland Avonuo Memorial United Preebyterlen Church MM Boottl·· Fora Hood ,· I H#v.*I.W. Olven», Potior I». Poul United Pretbyterlon Church ■OOlnton Church Rood (Τον Robert L Wellon, Potior Moteovllle Avonuo Unltod Proobytorl· SO* Stetetviiie Avonuo ••v. Wllburn M Sender·. Minuter PRIMITIVE BAPTIST Mount Morloh Primitive ΒορΙΙιΙ Churl 147 W Trode Street Hev Thomo» W Semuett. Pettor Merereth Primitive Beptltt Church ttJO Boncrolt Street Hev Jeme» A Prleion, Pettor "The Sovereignty Of God In Salvation99 "■"·· ciuiior-m-enter The Prophet's Column, Inc. Editor's note - This is the first of a three-part series of mes sages to appear in the Post in the coming months. Part I God is sovereign in the salvation of every sinner that ever gets saved. What do we mean by that? We mean that God saves whom He pleases and whom He pleases, He hardens. In Rom. 9:13 and 15 we find these words; "As it is written, Jacob HAVE I LOVED, but ESAU HAVE I HATED. For He saith to Moses, I (God) will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion." The ninth chapter of Ro mans is a chapter in the Bible most preachers skip over and never preach from. Why? Be cause they cannot harmonize the Sovereignty of God in saving a sinner with their human reasoning and their "free will." This chapter sets forth that God is responsible to no one and can and does do as He pleases in saving a sinner or reprobating a sinner. What does He mean when He says "Jacob have I loved? Before the foundation of the world God loved Jacob and elected him to salvation in Christ. God does not elect a sinner to salvation in Christ on the basis of anything in the sinner. God's election of a sinner to salvation in Christ is based purely on the will of God, His pleasure. Listen to the Word of God; "According as He hath chosen us (belie vers) in Him (Christ) before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love:" (Eph. 1:4) So we see_ there that God chose Jacob "in love" before the founda tion of the world. This is true of all the elect of food. I was chosen in love before the foundation of the world. That God would choose the chief of sinners, J.M. Little, in love and piece me in Christ. Salva tion was planned by the Fa Jtjgr before Φβ foundation of "tfte world. It God had not elected a certain number to salvation, no sinner would ever be saved. The sinner is dead in très r'"d"v° (the H i' y°U haUl (the Holy Spirit) quickened ^«£ttS3rtg X"Ti ""β,ϊ:·' -" ' ?Ρύ·« *»«kens you y^ "pIn HÏÏlT Ρ In Hell. In order for anv >inner to be saved you must t» "«toed by GoS ÎS rPIJ",..y°Ur spirit is dea Where and when in the Scrip ture did the Lord Jesus tell you to give Him your heart9 Vou listen to the Word of God. And He said. That which cometli out of the man. that defileth the man. For from within, OUT OF THE HEART of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornica tions, murders, thefts, cove· tousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolish ness: All these evil things come from within, and defile the man. (Mark 7:20-23) My friend, all that is in your heart and you tell me you gave all that evil to the Lord? You did no such thing. What would the Lord do with sin? He hates sin and you will too if you are ever going to come to know Him. The Lord Jesus does not want, and will not have your old natural heart. The Lord pro mises to give you a new heart (Ez. 36:26). Read the 26th chapter of Ezekiel and pray that the Lord will give you a new heart. If He doesn't give you a new heart you'll never get foot in the kingdom. If God had made the choice based on something in these two brothers, Jacob and Esau, He certainly would not have chosen Jacob, why? The very name Jacob itself tells us. The name Jacob means, cheat, supplanter.liar, thief etc. Esau was the gentleman. I'm glad God did not make the choice for His elect based on "anything in them if He had, no sinner would ever be saved. Man by nature hates God. Have you ever seen that you hate God9 If not, then the god you know, is not the God of the Bible, the god you know is only the "figment of you imagina tion ." Now you let that soak' in. Horn. 8.7 Because the carnal mind is enmity (ha tred· against God: There it is, man hates God by nature and if you are ever to be saved the Holy Spirit is going to show you when He brings you under Holy Spirit Conviction that you hate Him. God the Son. and God the Father Let's look at God's Sover eignty again m verse 1H of Rom. 9. "Therefore hath He mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom He will He hardeneth." You can't make God have mercy on your soul But if you take your place before Him as a guilty sinner, a lost sinner. He wil have mercy on you. J. M. LITTLE r··· :amuua&!*Mm& "These messages are kept in print by the love offerings of our friends who love the truth preached under the power of the Holy Spirit that awakens sinners and edifies saints, mail all contributions to The Pro -phte's Column Inc., 9626 Feldbank Dr. Charlotte, N.C. 28216." Around The Wicket Gate - Chapter Five Reprint from Prophet's Col unhealthy nature-the (ear to inhealty nature -the fear to >elieve. Vet have 1 met with it >ften so often that I wish I nay never use it again It ooks like humility, and tries ο pass itself off as the very ioul of modesty, and yet it is in infamously proud thing in 'act, it is presumption playing Jie hypocrite. If men were afraid to trust their God is at jest an absurdity, and in very ieed it is a deceitful way of refusing to the Lord the ho lour that is due to His faithful ness and truth How unprofitable is the dili gence which busies itself in finding out reasons why faith η our case should not be saving! We have God's word ror it. that whosoever believe h in Jesus shall not perish, jnd we search for arguments Ahy we should perish if \*e did relieve If any one gave me an .•state. I certainly shoujd.not .•ommence raising questions as to the title What can be the jse of inventing reasons why I should not hold my own house. )r possess any other piece of property which is enjoyed by me? If the Lord is satisfied to save me through the merits of His dear Son, assuredly I may ae satisfied to be so saved. If I lake God at His word, the responsibility of fulfilling His promise does not lie with me. out God. who made the pro mise. But you fear that you may not be one of those for whom the promise is intended Do not be alarmed by that idle suspicion. No soul ever came to Jesus wrongly. No one cao come at all unless the Father draw him. and Jesus has said, "Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out." No soul ever lays hold on Christ in a way of robbery ; he that hath Him hath Him of right divine; lor the Lord's giving of Him self for us. and to us, is so free, that every soul that takes Him has a grace-given right to do so If vou lav hold on Jesus 5y .the hem of His garment, without leave, "and behind Him. yet virtue will flow from Him to you as surely as without it He had called you nut by name, and biden you trust Him. Dismiss all fear when you trust the Saviour Take Him and welcome. He that believeth in Jesus is one of God's elect. Did you suggest that it tvould be a horrible thing if you were to trust Jesus and yet perish'' It would be so But as you must perish if you do not trust, the risk at the worst la not very great Ί can but perish if 1 go. I am resolved to try For if I stay away. I know I must for ever die." Suppose you stand in the Slough of Despond for ever; What will be the good of that'.' Surely it would be better to die struggling along the King's highway towards the Celestial City, than sinking deeper and deeper in the mire and filth of dark distrustful thoughts! You have nothing to lose, for you have lost everything already. therefore make a dash for it, and dare to believe in the mercy of God to you. even to you "* But one moans. "What if I come to Christ, and He refuses me?" My answer is, "Try Him." Cast yourself on the Lord Jesus, and see if He refuses you. You will be the first against whom He has shut the door to hope Friend, don't cross that bridge till vou t come to it! When Jesus casts you out. it will be time enough to despair; but that time will never come. "This man re ceiveth sinners": He has not so much as begun to cast them out. Have you never heard of the man who lost his way one night, and came to'the edge of a precipice, as he thought, and in his own apprehension fell over the cliff He clutched at an old tree, and there, hung, clinging to his frail support with all his might. He felM persuaded mat, should he quit ' his hold, he would b< dashed in '· pieces on some awful rocks that waited for him down -. below There he hung, with the sweat upon his brow, and anguish in every limb. He ' passed into a desperate state of fever and faintness, and at last his hands could hold up his body no longer. He relaxed his ^ grasp' He dropped from his -, support ! He fell-about a foot or so. and was-received upon a soft, mossy bank, whereon he lay, altogether unhurt, and perfectly safe till morning. Thus, in the darkness of their ignorance, many think that sure destruction awaits them if they confess their sin, quit all hope in self , and · i resign themselves into the hands of God They are afraid ■·' to quit the hope to which they ignorantly cling. It is an idle fear Give up your hold upon everything but Christ, and drop Drop- from all trust in ' your works, or prayers, or feelings. Drop at once! Drop now ' Soft and safe shall be the '' bank that receives you. Jesus phrist, in His love, in the r efficacy of His precious blood, in His perfect righteousness, . will give you immediate rest , and peace. Cease from self confidence Fall into the arms of Jesus Nine Seek Five School I Board Seats Continued from Page 1 ; :ontroversy that has develop ;d about some of the candi dates involving alleged offers )f political jobs, the financial status of one candidate, the personal habits of another and school board candidates who voted for our publicly stated support for firing School Su perintendent Rolland Jones. In the Democratic race for lieutenant governor Howard Lee and .Jimmy Green swapp ed charges of offering John Jordan a political job in ex change for his endorsement after Green openly admitted having made such an offer in violation of the law. Jordan finished third in the August 17 primary behind Lee and Green. HEAR THE VOlOE OF TRUTH BROADCAST WITH OUR LATE PASTOR, L.R.-SHELTON SUNDAYS 8:00-8:30 a.m. WAGL 1560 kc. LANCASTER, S.C. 29720 Black History Is Made Each Week In The Charlotte Post! Keep Up With The Happenings In The Black Community by Reading The Charlotte Post Each Week THE BUCK PRESS and IKE BLACK CHURCH Both Born Out of Necessity For Self'Expression And Both Block - Owned. Together, The Press And The Pulpit Can Give Us Full Citizenship Beyond 1976, The Bitentennial Year, SUPPORT BOTH ! ✓ • ' . - FT