uMHLul It 3fl1 iill'.I ri| '■■■tv oix T ^ m^RtI THE CHARLt fTTE P{ 1ST ll§§“ **l '1> — 1 _ A » 9 • .. -»-» /~» t T f . CALL 392-IjOG | PRICE 20c" MISS REGINA M. HILDERBRAND ^ ...Johnson C. Smith junior JLovely Kegina HJderbrand Is Our Beauty This Week By Melvetta Jenkins Post Staff Writer Regina M. Hilderbrand, a native of Reidsville, N.C. is our Beauty for this week. , Regina is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hilder brand Sr., of Reidsville and a member of a family with four children. Before graduating form Reidsville Senior High School, Regina says that she was a cheerleader for three and the Secretary of the Stu dent Body for two years. Regina, who sAys her major at Johnson C. Smith Univer sity is business administra tion, is what seems to be a Bicentennial Classic Celebration Begins Friday V i_t_A_ n _ »iiigoiunc VA/UCgC OI oailS bury and Johnson C. Smith University of Charlotte will sponsor a week-end of activi ties on October 15-16. The focus of interest will be a football game which comme morates the fact that in 1892, just 24 years after Princeton and Rutgers Diaved the first intercollegiate football game, Johnson C. Smith (then Bid dle) University and Living stone became the first two black colleges to attempt the sport. After 84 years on inter mittent rivalry in football, baseball and basketball, the two teams will meet as a tribute to black athletics and as a salute to the nation’s Bicentennial. The events of the weekend will begin on Friday, October 15 with a commemorative banquet which will be held at the Convention Center of the Holiday Inn-North, 3815 North Tryon Street. H. Matthew “Matt” Snorton, Vice Presi dent, Senior Commercial Loan Officer, National Division of North Carolina National Bank will be the after-dinner speak er. Mr. Snorton, who played flight-end for the Denver Bron cos in the mid-sixties, has been a resident of Charlotte since his employment as Exe cutive Vice President, Direc tor of Motion, Incorporated in 1971. Since that time he has distinguished himself as Chairman of the 1976 Caucus of Black Democrats, as Color Analyst • WBT Radio ror the World Football League Char lotte Hornets and with such civic organizations as the Uni ted Way, McCrorey Branch YMCA, the Minority Econo mic Development Committee of the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce and many others. Turnt-w* / i Heredity is something every man believes in until his own SON begins acting like a DARN FOOL i * uuests ot honor for the Commemorative Banquet will be the descendants of the 1892 teams of Livingstone and Bid dle. Among those in attendance will be W.X Trent Jr., whose father W.J. Trent Sr. became president of Livingstone Col lege and was the lone survivor of the 1892 teams at the time of his death in the mid-fifties. The sons and daughers of Charles H. Shute, who became a full professor at Johnson C. Smithr-his Alma Mater, will also be present. Two daugh ters, Vivian Shute Washington and Lone Shute Gamble and two sons, Marlow F. Shute and Matthew A. Shute, Sr., their wives and children will also be honored. Among the descendants of Rev. W.L. Metz Sr. will be W. L. Metz Jr. and F.P. Metz Sr. of Charleston, South Carolina, J.M.'Metz Sr. of Denver, Colorado, Mrs. Beulah Metz Simpson of Gaffney, South Carolina, Mrs. Melissa Metz Lowry of West Haven. Connec ticut and their families. Rev. Metz, who played full-back on the 1892 team, became Jour nalist of Africo-American Presbyterian Newspaper, the See CLASSIC qn page 12 welfare Lrroup Asks For Major Reforms WASHINGTON - The Ame rican Public Welfare Associa tion (APWA) has sent a set of welfare recommendations it described as "realistic and achievable" to the Congress both Presidential candidates and major public interest groups across the country. It calls for. among other things, the consolidation of certain assistance programs ■ includ ing Aid to Families with De pendent Children iAFDC*. food stamps, and local general assistance programs •• into a single program with a nation wide minimum payment fully funded by the federal govern ment. The level of the national payment, iii« group said, would be based upon a percen tage of an "objectivly esta blished and annually updated United States poverty index. (The current poverty level, which is adjusted each > year lor inflation, is $5,500 for a non-farm family of four > rare specimen in our society-a female sports freak. “My hobbies include play ing baseball, swimming, and watching football games,” she said. Born under the sign of Cap ricorn, on January 6, 1955, our Beauty describes herself as being “an ambitious and ob servant leader.” “My goal in life is to become a successful businesswoman and operate my own business firm.” Our Beauty enjoys watching “The Jeffersons” on television because “George” possesses personality traits that her fa ther has. Her favorite movie is "Imitation of Life,” because it has “realism.” In expressing her philoso phy on life and living, Regina further emphasizes the ambi tious aspect of her personal! ly. J, “I believe people should strive to do Uie things they want to do, Bit they should always remember to show respect for themselves and others.” Regina’s list of favorite things include seafood, the cologne, Charlie, and the co lors red, black, and white. Her favorite subject has always been mathematics and her favorite teacher is Earnest James, a Communications In structor at Johnson C. Smith. The POST is proud to pre sent Miss Regina Hilderbrahd as Beauty af the Week. College Street To - Close For Walkway Construction College Street will be closed between Fourth Street and Trade Street after 6 p.m. Friday, October IS for erec • tion of steel for the pedestrian bridge now under construc tion. The work was originally scheduled to be done October 10. Motley, Lynch Named To Carter Committee RALEIGH-A six-member compiittee has been named to promote democratic presiden tial candidate Jimmy Carter in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg County area. The formation of the com mittee was announced Wed Atty Julius Chambers '...Committee member i nesday in Raleigh by Milton Short, Carter Campaign Co ordinator in Mecklenburg County, and by Joel Mc Cleary, Director of the Carter effort in North Carolina According to Short, who will chair tk|e committee, other members include Mrs 'Flo Bryant. Mrs. Martha Shaw. Mrs Billie Staff. Mr Rowe Motley and Ms. Phyllis Lynch. In announcing the formation of the committee. Short noted that it would function in co operation with the total demo acratic effort. “Democratic Unity in 76 is our theme throughout North Carolina and we intend to apply that principle in Meck lenburg County." said Short “We expect to work closely with the regular democratic party and with campaign ef forts of other candidates." he added McCleary noted that the Carter organization was pleased to see that Mr Short has organized such an out standing group of people in Mecklenburg " "As the largest county in the state, Mecklenburg is of great importance to our overall ef fort." said McCleary "We are confident that the committee will help enlarge the majority we expect from North Carolina voters," he said. Short noted that all mem bers of the Mecklenburg Com mittee had been active in Carter's successful effort in the March Presidential Pri mary. Mrs. Shaw and Mrs Staff were co-managers of Carter's Mecklenburg County Primary effort and Mrs. Bryant was also active in the March Cam paign.. Short served as co-manager of Carter’s effort in the Ninth Congressional District Carter gained a larger per centage of votes in the Ninth district than in any other in the Primary. Motley, in addition to serv ing on the Mecklenburg Com rhittee, is also a member of the North Carolina Carter Steering Committee, as are Short and Mrs Bryant. Several other prominent members of the Mecklenburg community also serve on the statewide steering committee. State Senator Fred Alexan der and Congressional Candi date Arthur Goodman, Jr. are members, as is Ms Liz Hair, who chairs the Mecklenburg County Board of Commission ers Also members of the state wide committee include Mrs Louise Brennan, attorney Ju lius Chambers and Luther Hodges. Jr. Short noted, "We feel that we in Mecklenburg have a real input into Jimmy Carter’s campaign.*’ Rowe Motley .. County commissioner CMPCSets Rezoning Date ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Chavis Cites Federal Involvement Defense Says A1 Hall Lied Special To The Post Wilmington Ten defendant Rev. Benjamin Chavis, Jr., charged Monday that federal involvement in the 1972 prose cution of the Wilmington Ten by the State of North Carolina has been demonstrated con cretely in papers filed by Chief Council for the Wilmington Ten, James Ferguson, of Chamber, Stein, Ferguson and Becton. Two motions were filed by Ferguson, one to amend a writ of habeas corpus under consi deration by the court, and a motion for bail for the defen dants while the court ponders the case that began in 1971. Bail was denied earlier this year by U.S. Magistrate Lo gan Howell because in his determination the defendants did not show a likelihood that their case would win on ap peal. Ferguson seeks to a mend the writ of habeas cor pus because the State’s main witness against the Wilming ton Ten admitted in a sworn ctntAmAnt iknt k» 11_I_I_t _ gave testimony. "I think Al Hall's statement which is included in the mo tions that we filed today in federal court shows concrete ly that there was federal involvement in the prosecu tion of the Wilmington Ten on the part of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Division of the Treasury Department - Agent Bill Walden," said Rev. Cha vis from McCain Prison, where he is serving a 34-year sentence for arson and conspi racy to arson a white-owned grocery in Wilmington’s Black ghetto in 1971. The sworn statement of Al len Hall raises considerable doubt that the 1971 trial can stand careful scrutiny of a fair court. First, Hall said that he did not know the defendants; although at the time of the trial he had testified that he knew them well. Hall said that then Assistant District Attor ney Jay Stroud, who prosecut ed the case, coached him in his testimony. Hall explained how he identified the Wilmington Ten in court, saying Stroud helped him and told him what to say. "They would show me the pictures and tell me who this one was and like, ah, Jerry Jacobs, you know the one with the burned, you know the diseased face, like they said, I couldn’t quite remem ber his name, you know, so they said, well you just say, well you call him sparface.’’ See Chavis on page 5 -■—^ • / * • GOV. CARTER WITH CALVIN ROLACK —Following meeting with Black Press members Jimmy Carter Promises Full Equality For Women Jimmy Carter last week pledged that as President he would seek total equality for women in such areas as em ployment. politics, education, health cafe, housing and jus tice. Speaking before the Nation al Women’s Agenda Confer ence, and unprecedented ga thering of the leaders of more than 200 major women’s orga nizations, Carter condemned the Ford Administration for responding to women's needs with “vetoes, indifference and empty rhetoric.” “We need to restore the faith and trust of our people in our government,” Carter said, “but we cannot expect Ameri ca's women to have faith in a government that ignores your legitimate needs and aspira tions, and excludes you from the decisions that shape your lives." Carter outlined nine actions he would take to guarantee equality to women, with spe cial stress on the need for economic opportunity for wo men His nine points were: (11 the development of a com prehensive program to help fund state and local child care programs; (2) vigorous enforcement of federal anti-discrimination re gulations; (3) the appointment of addi tional women to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the promise to give EEOC the staff it needs to carry out its mandate; (4) a directive to the Office of Federal Contract Compliance in the Department of Labor to enforce the Executive Order forbidding discrimination by federal contractors or subcon tractors, including institutions of higher learning; - 4 (5) insistence upon a hiring policy that will bring far more, women into the top grades and throughout the entire govern ment. <6> the encouragement throughout the federal govern ment and private business of flexible working times for men and women, and action to provide for additional part time jobs; (7) action to correct the dis crimination agaist women in obtaining credit and insu rance; 18> support for American homemakers, including legal assistance and counseling for women who must enter the job market without experience; <9i the elimination of inequity of federal financial aid to women for education. "1 have often said that the Voting Rights Act was the best thing that ever happened to the South, because it not only liberated the blacks, but it liberated the entire South and permitted us to move finally into the political mainstream. "In the same way," Carter said in conclusion, "I agree with y«j that the Women’s movement can do ag much for men as for women, by passing the Equ li Rights Amendment, by enat ling us to overcome our old Drejudices and stero types, i nd to move toward richer, f jller more rewarding relation|hops with one ano ther. "Char ge does not come ea sily or juickly, but you and other v omen like you are making it happen. What you are teaching us is simply that we shci^ld treat people as people, and not limit or cate gorize or sterotype others on the basis of sex." "I have an eight year old daughter whom I want to grow up knowing that she can be a doctor as well as a nurse, a lawyer as well as a secretary, a President as well as a President’s daughter." “All of you are helping make that possible and for that I give you my deepest thanks." "I hope you’ll help me in this election. If you will, I’m going to do all I can to help the women of America for the next eight years.” Carter's audience for the Washington, DC. speech brought together such diverse elements of the women's movement as the Junior Lea gue, NOW., Y.W.C.A. Wo men's Action Alliance, and Girls' Clubs of America, a mnnff others. Northwest Requests To Be Heard By Hoyle H. Martin Sr. Post Staff Writer The Charlotte-MecKienouig Planning Commission has scheduled a public hearing for October 25 in response to the Northwood Estates Communi ty Association's request for substantial rezonings of pro perty in the vicinity of Beat ties Ford Road extending __ from Interstate 85 to Capps tfill Mine Road. The NEAC’s petition re quest, filed with the Planning Commission on August 31, calls for changing the chec kerboard mismatch of proper ties zoned industrial (I-i and 1-2), business , office (0-9 and 0-6), residential mul ti-family (R-9 MF), and single ' family residential (R-6 and R-9) to single family residen tial R-9 only. The Planning Commission sent a letter dated October 5 to f-** WJ/Va vJ uniivi J III lilt districts affected by the zon-, ing request change. In addi tion to explaning the nature of the zoning request, the letter noted that the hearing will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, October 25 in the Board Room of the Education Center at 701 East Second Street. In preparation for the Octo ber 25th hearing, the North wood Estates Community As sociation held a meeting last Thursday for the purpose of explaining in greater detail the nature of the zoning change request and to solidify community support Mrs. Johnsie S. Evans, chairperson of the NECA and coordinator for the seven resi dential communities repre sented in the zoning petition, told the more than 90 people at the meeting, held at the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, “We have bought homes in a residential section, but we find zoning for busi ness apartments and office buildings threatening our pro perty yalues " Dave Blevins, an experienc ed community organizer and advisor to NECA, told the group, “New zoning will not change existing facilities, however, such facilities as apartment complexes and of fice buildings could not be enlarged under the requested zoning change " Blevins told the POST in an interview that "The NECA’t zoning change request is de signed to protect and preserve the basic single-family resi dential nature of the major portions of the seven commu nities and to encourage the establishment of a policy and procedure for good zoning.” In a separate interview, Mrs Evans told the POST, "We feel our neighborhoods should be properly zoned Most Charlotte area neighbor hoods do not have the complex of zonings that we have. We favor a united neighborhood zoning policy." The October 25th session will be a joint hearing before the Bpard of County Commis sioners, the Charlotte City Council and the Charlotte Mecklenburg Planning Com mission because the zoning request involves land in both the city and the county The hearing will include an expla nation of the zoning change request and both proponent! and opponents will have ar opportunity to express theii opinions about the request. Earlier this year NECA launched a successful cam paign to prevent the building of a county maintenance ga gare in northwest Charlotte.'