CÎMlrt: We Recommend Carter, Hunt, Hair By Hoy le H. Martin Sr. Post Executive Editor The presidential election of 1976 will occur in a setting of voter choice determined by the candidates' tele vision style rather than substantive issues, rhetoric rather than defini tive political philosophy and Ford's apparei^t lack of leadership versus Cartej^apparent potential for lead ership. Looking beyond the style-setting q^the debates, the rhetoric appeals to specific ethnic or interest groups, arid the past records of the candi dates the POST offers *■ what it believes to be the best choices for national, state and local offices in the election of November 2,. For the office of the President of the United States we prefer Jimmy Carter. He has a reasonably good record as governor of the state of Georgia, an impressive record in civil rights, particularly when view ed in the context of the history of the times, and a commitment to a domestic policy that will be of particular benefit to middle and low income citizens. ivir. r oru on me oiner nana, nas shown an inability to provide asser tive leadership, has a questionable — _record in civil rights, supports a domestic policy that hinders reduc ing unemployment, and a foreign affairs program that exploits black Africans and practices economic imperialism in Panama. -For the office of the Governor of North Carolina the POST recom mends Jim Hunt. Hunt has expres sed a commitment to progressive government, a desire to strengthen the N.C. Human Relations Commis sion, and supports a full employ ment economic policy for the state. For the four State Senate seats representing Mecklenburg and Ca barrus counties we recommend FRED ALEXANDER (D), J. CARL YLE RUTLEDGE (D), CAROLYN MATHIS (R), and BARRY MILLER (R). A former city councilman, Alex ander's record in the legislature has been one of getting things done for urban areas, blacks and consumers. J. Carlyle Rutledge has had pre vious legislative experience and we believe he should be given the opportunity to serve again. Carolyn Mathis has shown consi derable growth and maturity during two terms in the House. We believe she will use well her developed skills in the Senate. Barry Miller has a wide knowledge about health mat ters and has an untiring record of positive activities in community affairs. His dedication and sense of good judgement justify our support. Mecklenburg County has eight seats in the N.C. House. For these seats we recommend LOUISE S. BRENNAN (D), RUTH M. EAST ERLING (D), JO GRAHAM FOS Γ TER (D), PARKS HELMS (D), BEN TISON (D), FRED W. WHITE (D), MARILYN R. BISSELL (R) and DAVID JORDAN (R). Four of these candidates (Gra ham, Tison, Helms, and Bissell) are incumbents, and one (Jordan) has previously represented both Meck lenburg and Buncombe counties in the House. All have been given high marks for being knowledgeable and effective legislators. Mrs. Brennan has been an effective party member and possesses considerable knowledge about local and state political affairs. This background should enable her to become a good House member. Ruth M. Easterling is making her second bid for a House seat. Her long involvement in civic affairs and a term on the Charlotte Citv Council should give her the basic skills to be an effective lawmaker with some expertise in the problems of the cities. Lastly, Fred W. White, one of the few westside residents to get the opportunity to seek state office, is a successful business man. His busi ness experience and identification with working people - partly through administrative leadership at the N.C. Heavy Equipment School - should enable him to take a unique point of view to the law making chamber. To fill the five seats on the Mecklenburg County Commission, we recommend ELIZABETH G. HAIR (D), ROBERT WALTON (D), LEWIS C. COLEMAN (D), PETER FOLEY (D), and THOMAS F. MOORE JR. (R). In two terms on the County Com mission Mrs. Hair has demonstrated effective and compassionate leader ship Robert Walton offers a wide know ledge of civic and business affairs - including a depth of understanding of the black community - that we believe will add much to the com mission's effectiveness. Lewis C. Coleman has a record for. getting things done at the grass-roots level. We believe he will continue this effort and . help the commission to stay in touch with the real human needs of people at all socio-economic levels. Peter Foley had demonstrat ed, in our opinion, an increasing awareness and understanding of peoples needs, therefore, he will continue to add much to the commis sion. Thomas F. Moore Jr. is a former District Attorney of proven ability and judgement. We believe he will be a welcome addition to the commission. Finally, the POST believes that Clifton E. Johnson, Larry Thomas Black and J. Frank Huskins have well demonstrated their abilities and should receive your vote for the judgeships they seek. On the sewer and water bond issues we ask that you vote ves. h NOW. IF THE BLACKS WANT POWSR-THEY WILL HAVE TO CET IT THR0UOH THE PAi BOX." AGH£UL. WTEÏ SELF HFTP OUR J CHLDRENS What Makes The Difference In Sehool? By D. Marie Washington Special To The Post When discussing the problems of today's schools, one of the words most frequently heard among higher level educators is accountability. It has been noted that the schools which offer quality education are those which are accountable to the people whom they serve,' namely, the parent corn m unity. U seems that in schools wttefe the staff seeks to gain and keep parents' approval, parents are found to be cooperative and supportive; children are obedient and responsive; the physical plant is respected and cared for, and learning t$kes place. But in schools where the staff disregards parents and their opinions, parents become hostile and aloof, children become destructive and rebellious, and learning dwindles to a mini· ' mum. It also appears that accountability and parent power go hand in hand. There is more accountability to rich parents than to poor parents; private schools are more account able to parents than are public schools, and schools serving White communities are more accountable than schools serving Black com munities. In an effort to make all schools account able, school Jsoards in many cities have experimented with various ways and means of giving communities more control over their schools, but those programs which have offered the most promise have been strongly resisted and oftentimes defeated by the powerful teacher unions. Even though ac countability is a reality in affluent communi ties, it seems that teachers and principals are especially fearful of any real reorganization ' which would give power to parents in the inner city -, yet it is in the inner city where the quality of education demands that some system be devised which would make schools more responsive to their parent-communi ties. It is suspected umi one ot tne cmei reasons why accountability is so difficult to achieve in inner city schools is that it requires educators to recognize that their relationship to the community is that of employee to employer, and as such, it requires a sense of subordina tion - and there's the rub! Many people who work in the inner city schools simply refuse to think of themselves as being in a subordinate role to the Black, the poor, or the powerless. They assume that their higher level of income and education automatically places them in a superior position to the parents, and that they should not be challenged or questioned by parents concerning their decisions and beha viors. On the other hand, teachers and principals seem to have no trouble accepting their service role in affluent communities, and they even admire and applaud the fact that those parents there keçp close watch on teaching behaviors and on the school's performance. ν Regardless of the difficulties and obstacles, however, those who desire quality education for all children must continue to work to make all schools accountable to the citizens whom they serve, because accountability is to quality education as yeast is to bread; and until it is equally realized in all schools, education.for affluent Whites will continue to come as a full, delectable loaf, while educa tion for the Black, the poor and the powerless will be no more than a thin, tasteless wafer. TO BE EQUAL * \ Vernon Ε Jordan Jr. | Removing The Poor Remember those urban renewal programs of the 50's that plowed up central cities, destroying homes and neighborhoods of poor people to make way for speculative projects that benefited the better-off? Well, hold on to your hats because those days are on the way back - at least if numerous housing experts, city planners, and urban theorists have their vtay. Typical of the new thrust in city planning is the recent testimony, before a Congressional com- φ mittee, of a man described in news accounts as "a theorist on the recovery of American cities." He urged that the urban poor be moved away from center-cities so that the areas could be redeveloped to attract middle income suburbani tes back to the cities. That sounds to me like a theory for the destruction of American cities. But it's typical of the mounting support for that kind of thinking that his testimonv was taken so seriously. It fits into what is becoming known as the "triage" theory. mat sa Datueueia lerm ιογ meaics-iacea wnn a situation in which they've got to provide fast medical aid to casualties under battlefield conditions. Let the dying die, the theory goes, and concentrate, your scarce resources on those who might pull through. Translated into the urban environment by planners, the theory says, in effect, that poor neighborhoods can't be saved so just let them deteriorate while providing services to neighbor hoods in better condition. Ultimately property values will fall and the areas will be ripe for developments like shops, offices and middle and upper income housing. And for the poor who live in those neighbor hoods-tough luck. Help them relocate to the outskirts of town. Out of sight, out of mind. The abject failure of the urban renewal programs of two decades ago ought to be a warning against this approach to city officials, but they're blinded by what they see as the attractions of increasing the city's tax base. Run-down slums.juré full of' nori-taxpaying properties and abandoned buildings. Redevelop ment means increased property taxes and wealthier residents who can spend more. ine jouer in ine aeck is tnat supporters of this approach think it can be effected smoothly. Large scale emigration to the suburbs somewhat eased the urban housing crunch in the sixties, and they think redevelopment can be accom plished without too much pressures on the housing market. This so called "triage" approach has been encouraged by the abandonment of federal attempts to formulate a comprehensive urban strategy and the vacuum that withdrawal left, a vacuum filled by local interest hostile to the poor. The way to save the cities isn't to abandon them to the mercies of speculators. The cities will be revitalized through programs that help the poor, preserve and improve their neighbor hoods, and ensure their participation in decisions that affect their lives. Spare us the solutions of self-styled urban "experts" and other social quacks who prescribe DOlicies that will nnlv loarf tn IHIi LWAKlXriTE POST "THE PEOPLES NEWSPAPER" Established 1918 Published Every Thursday By The Charlotte Post Publishing Co., Inc. 2606-B West Bivd.-Charlotte, N.C. 28208 Telephones (704) 392-1306, 392-1307 Circulation 11,000 57 YEARS OF CONTINUOUS SERVICE Bill Johnson Editor-Publisher Sidney A. Moore Jr Advertising Director Rex Hovey Circulation Manager Gerald O. Johnson Business Manager Second Class Postage Paid at Charlotte, N.C. under the Act of March 3,1878 % Member National Newspaper Publishers ι ' Association t ι North Carolina Black Publishers Association Deadline for all news copy and photos is 5 p.m. Monday. The Post is not responsible for any photos or news copies submitted for publication. National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc. 45 W 5th Suite 1403 2400 S. Michigan Ave. New York, N.Y. 10036 Chicago, 111. 60616 (212 ) 489-1220 Calumet îMWOO ' OS i see ic Amendment For The People By Gerald 0. Johnson Amendment for the People There is an amendment go ing before Congress that if passed will allow tax payers to set priorities as to how our taxes are spent. This amend ment would, also, restrict the amount of money the govern ment can tax us. More than of the taxpay ers polled were in favor of the amendment. However, those in government and civic or ganizations are opposed to the amendment. Though those opposed to the amendment are in the minority, the amend ment will not get off the ground. The reason is that the people voting on the amend ment are government offi cials. Individuals opposed to the amendment qfgue that tax payers couldn't agree on how to spend Ux dollars. More over, they*argue that critical issues would not be resolved because of voter apathy. It has even been said that those in favor of the amendment would stop taxes altogether. The truth is the taxpayers are fed up with incompetency in government Government has squandered away so much money that people honestly regret paying taxes at all. For instance, up until re cently the Charlotte City School Board was using tax dollars for legal fees in an attempt to keep Black kids from getting a decent educa tion The federal government has used tax dollars to keep ex president Nixon well support ed. t, The federal government has used tax dollars to give Con gress a raise practically every year. Note that Congress is primarily responsible for the expenditure of tax dollars. Moreover I find it hilarious that people relate welfare to Blacks when in fact the big gest welfare group is the Government iUelf. There are many agencies in Washington with no work to do. That is ridiculous. Hence, we are pay ing taxes to pay people to do nothing for the government; The President not being ex cluded. ''/Tax ftrHlare are being pour ed into the Defense Depart ment for national security. This is the biggest watteoCâH Doesn't it seem strantfe that" we spend more money for Gerald Ο. Johnson defense in peace time than we do in war times. Something must be wrong. We are main taining Army bases that are obsolete. They have been ob solete since WW II. Defense contracts are issued to non existent companies. The hat goes on and on. The Government has de monstrated that its priorities are not in the best interest of the people The truth is the amendment would be good Since the re -peeeentatives we elect to of fice do not represent us, we need a means of representa tion. We need a way to indi cate our priorities. Since of the voters have indicated that they are in favor of the amendment U would seem that our represen tatives would vote {he amend ment in. However, this is a case in point to show that we the people are getting taxation without representation. It Is time to get this government for the people back to the government by the people. Two Party System "The Democrats giveth and the Republicans taketh away" is a little saying heard fre quently in Black neighbor hoods. The saying is true. The two platforms of the parties indicate this fact "" Democrats are people orien ted and they support heavy spending for people programs, liiis type of government I* inflationary but it gives the people hope for the future. It is without a doubt that inflation leads to depression (mild recession). ♦ Once Republicans take of fice the people programs start going out the window. Cutbacks are made to slow the growth of inflation. This con servative Government stabi lized the economy and keeps the country from going over the brink. The trouble is they do this at the expense of the people. Thus moral is low during the Republican re gime. However, this type of up and down Government keeps the country in balance, believe it or not. The country can not exist purely on overspending nor solely on underspending. There should be a happy me dium It doesn't seem foolish to me to have a co-existence of both worlds. 1 don't Mieve we will get it t with the two party system. Hoorah for the Band The Johnson C. Smith Gold en Bull Band under the direc torship of Mr. Davenport, bet- . 1er known as "Mr. D," has come a long way since the beginning of the school year. The band's marching, play ing, and intricate patterns were extremely good for the last two years. Hats off to Mr. D. and the band for providing good half-time per formances during football games. So everyone on JCSU campus should be proud of those fast becoming immortal words "Band Take The Field". aomeunng un Τ our Mind? Something on your mind is the name of a column devoted to our readers of this news paper-as long as it relates in some way to young people, regardless of age. It will be written by you and about wl^tever is on your mind! So, if you have something to say...WRITE ON! Some subjects that may be of special interest to you are: Drugs, Generation Gaps, Welfare, Gangs, Scnool, Going Steady, Police Revolution, Whites, Blacks, Integration, Busing, Draft, God, Negro churches, etc.