MISS LULA GASKIN ~ ...CMS teacher '_ , Las Amigas Honors i Miss Lula B. Gaskin Church. She is active in the Missionary and Day Care Boards. She is a member of Pisgah Temple, 228 Elks of the World. Service with the Elks include nine years as Grand District Deputy. Her sorority is Beta Eta. She served as treasurer lo cally and as youth advisor nationally. She has traveled to a num ber of places including several States, Bermuda, Canada and 17*.__ Mrs. Simmons Hosts Druid Hill Club C't....__ _... > HomAncfrofoH knur tkn kulk • aiiaugciiicuu anil bulb planting were discussed at a recent meeting of the Druid Hill Garden Club. The club met at the home ol Mrs. Della Simmons, till Druid Circle, Thursday, No vember 11. Part of the meeting include •H explanation of the correc way to prepare soil for bul planting^Mrs, Hattie McCre must be planted at a certain depth for success. One of the flower arrange ments made at the meeting was presented to Mrs. Rebec 1 ca Patterson, a new member ■ of the club. This special ar rangement was made by Mrs. 1 Minnie Conner. 1 Members of the club also 5 planned their annual Christ - mas party. Student Says Racial Discrimination Exists At UNCC special to ine rost -, The budget for the Children of the Sun, the black gospel choir of UNCC, has been plac ed before Student Legislature for the third time. Each time, the budget has been rejected with no real valid explana tions. This makes us, the members of the Children of the Sun, wonder if Racial Discrimination exists at UNCC. The choir's original budget was approximately $4,600. Ths covered the director’s salary, choir robes, transportation ex penses, supplies, publicity, concert performances, pos tage, historians, and gas. Af ter a series of rejections by the legislature, the final budget amounted to approximately $2,800. This cut required the Children of the Sun to curtail much that was essential to its program: however, the latter budget was not approved. These cuts did not come without reason. The director s salary, which was $1,000, was allegedly too much; our bud jet was allegedly not in by the May lat deadline; there is already a functional choir on campus; the student legisla ture alleged that the Children of the Sun did nothing to rasie funds until they thought that their budget was going to be refused. The Student Legisla ture’s strongest argument was that they didn’t have enough money. Ves, there are rea sons, but we question the validity of these reasons. Let's examine them one at a time. Although the legislature claims that the director's sa lary was too high, most choir directors are faculty mem bers who command much lar ger funds. Our director is a very talented pianist who has had much experience as a choir director. Musicians of his quality are usually paid much more than we asked, which means that he is mak ing a sacrifice in working with our choir. Our budget was allegedly not in by the May 1st deadline. Legislature says this, but the truth is that legislature has no record of when it, or any of the other budgets, were turned in. We think this says something about the efficiency of the legislature. And during the hearing on our budget, al though we stated that the budget was submitted on time, legislature simply ignored these statements, which seem ingly constituted bias on the part of the student legislature. Legislature says that there is already a functional choir on campus. That’s all fine and good, but we are a separate choir serving a need and function distinct from any other musical group on cam pus. We feel that we should be supported in our endeavors. We are a chartered body on campus, and no matter where we go to sing, we go as the uncc Children of the Sun. We are not working only for our selves; we also represent UNCC. We are enhancing its popularity, including the one’s who are cutting our budget. Student Legislature alleged that the Children of the Sun did nothing to raise funds until it was apparent that the bud get would fail but there were plans prepared even before the budget was submitted. Fund raising programs, such as the Miss Black Gospel Choir Contest, dances, car washes, and other activities were planned and scheduled for this semester. So we have been trying to do for our selves, but we do need help. Since we represent a dimen sion of UNCC and exist as a chartered body on campus, we should be helped by our legis lature. Is it fair to be cruel to those who serve you? Besides, funding chartered bodies on campus is one of the functions of thp lpffislatnrp Lastly, the legislature says that they just don’t have e nough money. According to our sources, we had our bud get in by the May 1st deadline Legislature had plenty of mo ney then. They looked at our budget, without even consider ing where these expenses were going, and said that the sum was too much. We sub mitted an outline which went virtually unnoticed. The legis lature didn't even look at the validity of our needs. They just looked at the sum total and said, "SORRY, NO DEAL.’’ A third grader could do that. A third grader could make a‘ decision with no re gard to-..the substantial evi dence. Student Legislature is supposed to be made up of college students. So whv could they not act in a manner appropriate to college stu dents. As you can see, there is :onsiderable weakness in knir ....... t--;-».__ budget and since these given reasons don't hold up, we feel that there maybe a deeper hidden reason behind the bud get refusal. There are only two black school funded organiza tions at UNCC. Every year, at least one of them has to go through the Student Legisla ture. Is this just coincidential or are there ulterior motives? We think there are; so much that we ask. ‘Does Racial Discrimination Exist at UNCC?" _ WHY? Why do you persecute us We w^jo have stood by you Why do you try to kill us Through reasons that are not true Aren't we all your children, Are double standards fair? We go to many cities ^Carrying your name But still you turn against us Tell me what's your game If you will not stand by us. Don’t tell us your lies! Why be cruel to the ones who ft piaque commemorating 30 years service to the Char lotte-Meckienburg School Sys tem was presented to Miss Luia B. Gaskin recently by the Mecklenburg Chapter of Las Amigas Incorporated. The hoporee was the first president of the club, said an announcement. She served in a number of offices including her present position of chair man of the Founders’ Day committee. Miss Gaskin is a member of Clinton Phanol AMS' Tinn I Peeler's Portrait Studio U The Holiday Season | Is Again Upon Us!!! i Ijet Peeler Capture The Gala Memories Of ★ THANKSGIVING ★ CHIRSTMAS ★ NEW YEAR ★ DANCES * B ! I it Portraits j l m it Cap & Gown * Weddings Photos In Natural Color 2224 Beatties Ford Road Charlotte, N.C. 392-2028 or 392-0945 Each of these advertised items is re «JJiJjj|lMaiM quired to be readily available for sale ^■T3TrV7T|nf?T^V at or below the advertised price in each A&P Store, except as specifi cally noted in this ad. . riuiiLa minvK THrtU SAT., NOV. 20 AT A&P IN CHARLOTTE I YOU CAN WM UP TO $1000! || NOWI ALL NEW ... 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