CHARLOTTE, H. C. 28202 YOUR BEST ADVERTISING MEDIA IN THE LUCRATIVE BLACK MARKET CALL 392-1306 · THE CHARLOTTE POST VOL. 3 NO. » - "Charlotte's Fastest Growing Community Weekly CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA-28208-Thursday, November 2S 1976 BLACK NEWSPAPERS EFFECTIVELY REACH BY FAR, MORE BLACK CONSUMERS LOVELY DEBRA WORTHY ...Has duo personality Ms. Debra Worthy Is Beauty Of Week By Melvetta Jenkint. Post Staff Writer A duo-personality (the re sult of being born under the sign of Gemini ( distinguishes this week's Beauty, Ms. Debra Worthy from all others. Ms. Worthy, who resides at 2401 N. Sharon Amity Rd., is a 1972 graduate of Myers Park High School. She is presently employed with Crum and For ster, where she is an evalua ting clerk for automobile insu rance renewal. Ms. Worthy said that she enjoys her work, but anticipates the day when she'll "be able to" look at someone else's job application and decide "yes" or "no." Looking toward the future, our Beauty plans to enroll in Trim Modeling School in Jan uary. She said that she has been invited to Chicago in July of next year to audition for Carlton Hamilton as a fashion 1-1 Ms. Worthy has many loves in her life, the most important being Antonio, her four-year old son. "1 love children," she i jd, adding that she devotes most of her time to being with Antonio and the children in her neighborhood. "I try at lea^t once a week to get the kids in the neighbor hood over to do things. I believe that children have to be taught to use their minds, which is really good. If they aren't taught to utilize their minds, they'll get lazy. Child ren are really smarter than a lot of people think. I like to see them thinking and to hear them talk about what they feel and think," explained our Beauty A very conscientious mo ther, Mrs Worthy said that she believes a child should be discouraged from excusing TtfroE-TAMi .ΛΤίΠίλΗ could have HALF /his wishes heNvould DOUBLE, ' his TROUBLES'. don't know.'' in ο nays that she's teaching Antonio to think by encouraging him to tell her why he does and says certain things instead of copping out by saying "I don't know." Ms. Worthy enjoys collect ing house plants (she has 27), sewing, playing tennis, paint ing and writing poetry and short stories. She said that she does abstracts in oil and wa tercolors, but hasn't submitt ed any of her pieces to be exhibited. On the other hand, she has submitted a short story to ESSENCE magazine and is awaiting a reply. She's been writing since she was in high school and plans to have some of her poems published this summer. Melba Moore, Lou Rawls, and Clifton Davis head her list of favorite entertainers. She said that Miss Moore is her favorite actress because "she's for real. She has a beautiful voice, appears to nave a ιυι ui sen-respect ana lives her life in a way that demands respect." Ms. Wor thy is an avid fan of Clifton Davis who, she said, "likes smart women, not just a pret ty face. He doesn't strike me as being a "hound" for wo men." Lou Rawls gained a strong supporter when he made "Groovy People." Ac cording to Ms. Worthy, "no thing beats being" around peo ple you can really relate to; just sitting around and talking to." Our Beauty believes that "gentlemen prefer Hanes" and television is full of "fairy tales and propaganda." She only eats fish and vegetables because she's trying to get away from "mil those preser vatives and additives." "My philosophy of life is 'if at first you don't succeed, try, try again.' I feel that you'll get knocked down a lot in life and can't always depend on any body else to pick you up, so you've got to do it yourself,'' Ms. Worthy said. "I also be lieve that there's no such thing as Ί can't,' it's always 'I'll try.* " Ms. Worthy said that she is glad to be a Beauty, "not because I wanted my picture in the paper, but to get to meet people. I like meeting people and want them to read this article and see what I'm all about." . The POST takes pride in introducing Ms. Debra Worthy as our Beauty of the Week. Bus Strike Continues « «UV/L· £\JÇ CAF Board Of Directors Urge Riders Τ ο "Make Needs Known" Attorney General's Request Not Detailed CCNS - The Rev. Léon White, director of the North Carolina · Virginia Commis sion for Racial Justice, has expressed dissatisfaction with the investigation of the miss ing files which a former offi cial of the N.C. Good Neigh borhood Council said could have exonerated the "Wil mington 10" if they had been part of the trial documents. White said on Tuesday that the investigation of the files, which disappeared from the Council in 1972, was only a small part of what he had requested in order to fully clear the "Wilmington 10". Michael Carmichael, press se cretary for Attorney General Rufus Edmisten, denied White's claim and said that his letter contained no specific details beyond investigating the missing files. Disappearance of the files was revealed by former Good Neighbor Council official Rev. Aaron Johnson to a reporter With the Greensboro Daily News. Johnson said informa tion conuined in the files indicated the innocence of the Wilmington 10. Johnson was quoted as saying (Jhavis was in Wilmington in a peace keeping role and the Good Neighbor Council was glad to have Chavis there. The vete ran mediator of racial turmoil said, "Chavis was about the only man we knew who could prevent that (refering to a takeover from Black militants from other cities) and still have a chance of keeping a lid on things." Johnson was also quoted as saying that the files would have ' documented where Chavis was during the turmoil. The Wilmington 10, nine Black men and a white woman were convicted in 1972 of arson and conspiracy charges con nected with the burning of Mike's Grocery, a white own ed grocery in Wilmington's Black ghetto. The only testi mony which directly accused the 10 young defendants ol criminal activity was that ol Allen Hall, a young Black mar who pleaded guilty to burning the grocery. Hall recently re canted his original testimony that he saw the defendants burn the grocery. He said thai his initial testimony was co erced by Prosecutor Jay Stroud for leniency on Hall U.S. Magistrate Logan Howel is now considering amendinf an original petition in behalf o: the Wilmington.lO.with Hall's recanted statement. _ Rev. White said that he wants the suppression of he testimony of the Good Neigh bor Council investigated and the role the Attorney Gene ral's Special Prosecutor in the case played. Johnson said the Good Neighbor Council resisted testifying even after being subpoenaed because the Council wanted to keep a low profile and funding from the North Carolina General As sembly. Johnson was quoted in the Greensboro Daily News, saying, "We were on our way (to the trial) when we heard the defense had rested. We had communications with the Wilmington 10 defense. So far as 1 know they never knew that we had received the subpoenas and never knew we were on our way with the records." · · Rev. Ben Chavis, interview ed at McCain Prison after the revelation of the missing files, said that "it was no accident or coincidence that they (the . N'.C. Good Neighbor Council) were late for the trial. 1 think it was a very controlled situa tion from ' the top of state government to further us away." Lee, Michaux To Get Top N.C. Posts (CCNS) Two among the se veral Black North Carolinians who are expecting patronage from the recent Democratic Party victories in the state and nation are N.C. House Representative H.M. Mi chaux, Jr. from Durham County and former Mayor of Chapel Hill Howard N. Lee. Patronage refers to a sys tem of dispensing out political appointments to boards, com missions, jobs in government and governmental contracts based not upon qualifications alone but primarily upon re numeration for the support given the candidate who won the office. Howard Lee said recently that he had heard rumors that he was being considered for appointment by Governor elect James Hunt to a political office but did not know which See LEE on page S Elizabeth "Liz" Hair ...Board chairman Robert "Bob" Walton ...New commissioner Pete Foley ...Received 87.075 votes New County Commissioners To Take Office December 6 The new Mecklenburg Board of County Commission ers will officially take office Monday morning, December 6. The swearing in ceremony will be in the Commissioner's Meeting Room on the fourth floor of the County Office Building and it will begin shortly after 9 a.m. The five Commisssioners who will take office are, in the order of the number of votes received: Elisabeth "Liz" G. Hair,'84,075 votes; Peter A. Foley, 74,567 votes; Robert L. Walton, 61,599 votes; Edwin B. Peacock, 52,973 votes; and William H. Booe, 50,933 votes. Other candidates for the Board in the November 2nd election were L.C. Coleman, 48,903 votes; Thomas F Moore, Jr., 47,946 votes; Har ry McKinnon, 47,938 votes; William L. Griffin, 39,132 votes; Jerry Taylor, 31,117 votes; and Stephanie Ezrol, 805 votes. Mecklenburg County Com missioners are elected by a countywide vote every two years. Elections for the Board «re held in November of even numbered years and candi dates run for office as mem bers of a political party. Major duties of the Board of Com missioners include: -Adoption of an annual County budget. -Establishing the annual County property tax rate. -Appointment of various Coun ty officials including members of County boards and commis sions and some County em ployees. -Regulation of land use and zoning outside the jurisdiction of municipalities. -Enactment of policies con cerning the operation of the County. -Planning for County needs -Enacting local ordinances. The Board also has authori ty to call bond référendums, enter into contracts and esta blish new programs and de partments. The Board holds regular business sessions on the first and third Mondays of each month in the Commis sioners' Meeting Room. Zon ing hearings are held by the Board on the second Monday of each month in the same location at 2 ρ m. IN ational Campaign Begins To Reduce Black Resistance (CCNS) Frank Lewis, ad ministrator of the state's swine-flu program said this week that although millions have been inoculated against the risk of catching the virus only 13 persons have been known to have it. Lewis and other health administrators around the country, responsi ble for inoculation of several million people this year, are concerned that only a few Blacks have been inoculated " and will conduct state-wide and national campaigns to break down barriers that Blacks and other inner city residents have against the shots. The flu was isolated by researches last year and de termined to be the cause of death of a Fort Dix soldier. The soldier became the first and only.victim of the flu. With the virus reproduced it be came possible to develop a vaccine which would intro duce the antibodies of the virus in safe quantities into the systems of people to pre vent their catching the much feared virus. There are two types of vac cine. Type A New Jersey is the swine flu, called so because it resembles a virus isolated in hogs. Although only one per son has had the disease, pork producers and health admini strators have been quick to Johnson C. Smith University Plans To Extend Its.Boundaries By A mette Barksdale Poet Staff Writer There is presently a long range plan for the five-points area of the Northwest section of Charlotte which may result in J.C. Smith University ex tending its boundaries and acquiring more land, accord ing to the University Presi dent. Dr. Wilbert Greenfield stat ed that among other tkings the plan calls for Trade St. to be transformed into a Freeway similar to 1-77. "If this happens then the campus would be surrounded by three expressway's (1-77, Northwest, Trade St.) and very easily accessible," Dr. Greenfield continued Students in J.C. Smith'· Ur ban Studies program have been assisting the two plan ning commissions in studying the areas that are in blight conditions around the campus Ur. James D. Bass, urban studies director, stated that "the class is going to look at the area around J.C. Smith, and conduct feasible studies of alternative land use pro grams, as it relates taJCSU." "If this land, which is pri vately owned, is acquired by the University," Dr. Green field explained, "we can use it for future campus housing and to help in finishing up our campus football stadium." The University's president added that "right now the five-points plan is not given high priority, but hopefully within three to four years it* will be top priority on the Commission's list." Commenting on the future of I J.C. Smith in community in volvement Greenfield added, "Through our Social Science classes and Urban Studies I want to see this University get involved in more community orientated affairs, and solving some of the problems of the neighborhood." The Urban Studies program at J.C. Smith is sponsored by the government and is part of the Advanced Institutional De velopment Program (AIDP). Dr. Bass said that the govern ment is becoming increasing ly concerned about urban pro blems. "Consequently it has opened up new fields and need people with expertise in Urban Stu dies," Dr. Bass said. "Many urban problems, are not lust political but economical and social." Dr. Wllbert Greenfield .. J.C Smith president Dr. Bass added that any ultimate decision for the land use program in the five-points area should reflect the input of Smith students say that the virus in people does not originate from eating pork The other type of virus is A Victoria which is the last virus. The two viruses are given to elderly citizens while only the A New Jersey is given to person 18 to 59 years of age. Much of the concern of the health administrators is that once a virus takes a host it is too late for the person to inocu late against it. Lewis said that an expected outbreak of the virus could have detrimental effects to many of those who are staying away from the mass inoculation centers - Blacks and other poor that suspect the government's in tention with the vaccine. No sooner had the swine flu program begun that reports of deaths resulting from the vac cine bagan to mount. In a center in Pittsburgh, Pa , three elderly people died fol lowing the inoculation with the vaccine I.ewis saiH thai iho first person to die in Pitts burgh was an elderly women who had stood in a long line to get the shot (or at least three hours "After she was vaci nated." Lewis said. "She col lapsed because of her seem ingly weakened condition." Two other elderly persons in the line collapsed and subse quently died after they receiv ed shots The National Center for Di sease Control studies the deaths that occurred after the vaccine was administered but were unable to uncover any link between the vaccine and the deaths Lewis said the deaths and the distrust of government are responsible for Blacks staying away but expressed optimism that a public campaign in North Carolina with the NAACP could bring Blacks into the vaccine centers City Keeps Hands-Off Policy By Hoyle H. Martin Sr. Post Executive Editor The Board of Directors of the Charlotte Area Fund (CAF ι unanimously adopted a resolution at their regular monthly meeting on Thurs day, November 18, expressing its "deep concern about the possible hardships the 12,000 daily bus riders might be experiencing as a result of the. strike, and particularly the large number of low income residents who might not be able to get to work, receive medical care or pur chase food stamps." Furthermore, CAF officials accompanied an overflowing crowd of mostly poor and mostly black bus riders, and a number of downtown retail merchants, who pleaded with the City Council on Monday to take some action in an at ννκιρν vu viiu ui\. ιυΛίαj jii inc. Councilman Harvey Gantt joined (he voices opposing cm city's hands-off policy. He proposed that the city send an observer to the bargaining sessions between the City Coach Lines and the striking bus drivers' union. Action on Gantt's proposal was post poned due to a technical point in parliamentary procedure Gantt told the Council fur ther. "The relatively small number of complaints coming into the city from riders can not be a serious measure of the crisis we face. Many of the citizens are poor, and are often the least vocal about making their plight known." Gantt's comment was in support of the CAF board's resolution which "urges all bus riders who have not been able to find alternative means of transportation to immedi ately make their needs known." Sam Kornegay, CAF execu tive director told the POST upon leaving (he City Council chamber, "the people here are trying to make an impression on the minds of those who must make decisions about transportation that the need to end the strike is great, parti cularly for low-income peo ple " In the meantime, the strike remains at a stalemate as Joseph Poquette, president of City Coach Lines, say he will hold firm to his offer of a 74-cent hourly raise and an estimated 45-cents cost-of-liv ing increase over two years The bus drivers and their union contend that they will accept nothing less than a $1 per hour increase plus the cost-of-living increase City Manager David Burk halter responded to Council man Gantt's proposal for city involvement to help break the stalemate by saying that to send an observer to the nego tiation sessions is "very bad" for legal reasons and that such action would "undermine our management company's poei tion." Apparently most coun cil members supported Burk halter's viewpoint. One reason the City Coach Lines is apparently taking such a hard line in the negotia tion is that company is on the brink of negotiating its own contract to continue managing the bus system for the city. It is the feeling of some who are "in the know" that if the bus managers looae in their dis pute with the striking bus drivers the city will not renew their contract.