IMHLuiti' fa u p , Will President Jinuny Carter Appoint A Black Man? By Benjamin Hooks Special To The Post Will Jimmy Carter appoint a black man to the Federal Communications Commission to take my place? I know he will.' I believe that President elect Carter is highly cogni zant of the fact that Blacks furnished his margin of politi cal victory and will, some disbelievers notwithstanding, respond by not only naming a black to the FCC when I depart sometime in 1977,. but will also appoint qualified * black * tnfn and women throughout the hierarachy of government during his admi nistration. I say this on faith because I have not talked personally with Jimmy Carter about this. I believe, however, he is a man of integrity, a man who is as good as his word In several columns I have written of.the number of com missions and agencies, in Washington that touch every aspect of our lives, yet black people not only have not serv ed on many of them but are unaware of their existence or the power and influence they yield. In light of the heavy support Blacks gave Carter, I think it is worth mentioning again But black support is not the crucial thing, I might add. I expect President-elect'Carter as an eminently decent and humane man to be a President of all the people, black, white, red, brown, yellow. A few Blacks such as Leon Higgenboiham. of the Federal Trade Commission, now a federal judge, Constance New man of the Consumer Pro ducts Safety-Commission, now of HEW, Howard Jenkins of the National Labor Relations Board, and a pumber of blacks, includirig Tour succes sive chairman of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, have served on some of these bodies But for the most part Blacks have not served on the Securi ties and Exchange Commis sion. the Federal Maritime Commission, the Nuclear En: er'gy Commission, the Civil Aeronautics Board, the Inters state Commerce Commissiojt the Federal Power Commis sion. and until I came, on the Federal Communications P nm miccmn And there are a host of other commissions and agencies on par with or just slightly below the above-named in terms of power and status These in , elude the Energy Research and Development Administra tion. the Federal Aviation Ad ministration. the National La bor Relations Board The list goes on and on. plus InKc in (Ka Ctnl#. _____ and with the Foreign Service, where Blacks are still em ployed in far too few numbers, and in positions that lead nowhere. -Not long ago. I ^.remarked that some forty or fifty items may come before the Com mission every week for resolu tion and most of those items in some way touch on Black and ^__ _ m . *-- -- *»•••»»> MVJ/UI iiiiClll imiiumi VVII^CI lid SS&tTv^I THE CffARl.l ITTE Pi |QT I black newspaper, i BLACK MARKET * VJULJL JL Jl IJLJ1 f M l M % I 1 I | | I EFFECTIVELY REACH CALL 392-1306 - * " F V A I BY FAR. MORE — ill “Charlotte s r astest Growing Community Weekly” | black consumers I vni. ■* —■ ^—————— CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA-28208-Thursday. Commissioners’ Last Action Northwest Residents Win, Lose In Zoning Request NEW MECKLENBURG COUNTY COMMISSIONERS —4t swearing in ceremony Monday Walton Says Being A __ “Public Offical Is A Hard Job” By Sidney Moore Jr. Post Staff Writer Community desires for pu blicly financed services, cou plec with resistance towards higher taxes makes being a piulic official a hard job, according to County Commis sioner Bob Walton. The newly elected commis sioner was referring to a request for $75,897 from Char lotte Memorial Hospital in the Monday December 6 County Commission meeting. Action on 'he request was deferred. Walton favors the program, which reportedly serves near ly 3,000 poor persons a year. He indicated that the county has not budgeted the funds for the clinic. Accreditation from the A merican Dental Association for the 36-year-old clinic will be lost without the money, according to published re ports 41ie funds would be used for new equipment and dental personnel. Walton, who was elected with 61,000 votes in November, says the $119 million county budget is not. as much as it seems when all the services people demand are consider ed. Since his election, the ex candidate has been recupera ting from a hectic campaign schedule and preparing to assume office. The commis sioner recalls campaigning as many as 14-hours-a-day for sometimes 7-day sa-week dur ing his 6-month campaign. He announced for the Democratic Party primary on Mav 20. TURTlt-W# 0 ■ . ...Do not expect that EVERY ONE WILL THINK YOU ARE PERFECT: Be SATISFIED if you are ABLE TO FOOL ONE OR TWO PEOPLE. —. Preparations tor office in clude attending a seminar on county government at the Uni versity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and conferences with county department heads. He sees no problems con cerning working with four fellow commissioners. Walton doubts that any ef fort to lower property taxes will succeed. He favors reduc ing wasteful spending and applyine monies thus saved to otner needed services. The politician has been the pastor of St. Paul United Presbyterian Church for four years. He is now a branch manager with First Union National Bank, where he has been employed for seven years. Regarding a sensitive issue unrelated to county govern ment, Walton wants to "urge city council to move with all deliberate speed to bring a bout a settlement” to Char lotte’s bus strike. Mrs. Lucile McNeel Decries Lack Of Action ..IVHVIVl UUVIJC McNeel decries lack of action by city officials to end Char lotte's bus strike. She led 100 people to a city council meeting and presented a petition with over 1,600 signatures to request action. When the council refused to become involved, a smaller group including McNeel made two additional, but unsuccess ful attempts to meet with Mayor John Belk. When the mayor, council members and the city mana ger went to Denver, Colorado recently for a convention of VIVJ 1VUUVI ci| UIV |/l WiVUkVI chided the officials. Tele grams were sent to Belk and the chairman of the meeting urging the Charlotte Delega tion to return home. “This is a grave situation that our city is in,” said McNeel in a recent statement. “And it is TIME that our mayor and city council recog nize the needs of these people and take action.” The protest group says, “Hundreds of Charlotteans cannot get to work, to the doctor, to school, etc. due to (the) Bus Strike.” rost 8 executive tailor Hoyle Martin Sr. Director Of LBDO Hoyle H. Martin Sr., execu tive editor of the CHAR LOTTE POST, waa elected last week Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Charlotte Local Business De velopment Organization , (LBDO). Martin, who is also a lecturer in economics at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, succeeds Isaiah Tidwell, who resigned upon being transferred to Winston Salem by his employer. A native of Brooklyn, New York, Martin, who has served as the LBDO's treasurer for the past 8 months, was elected to the chairmanship, accord ing to executive director Tho mas Staton, "because of his commitment to the needs of minority business people and his wide experiences in work Ing with federal and state agencies.” Chairman Martin was the first full-time director of the Charlotte Opportunities Indus trialization Center (OIC) in the late '60s He also served for 3'? years as the executive director of the $2'i-mtllion-U9 staff Charlotte Concentration Employment Program (CEP). Simultaneously. Mar tin served for four years as the chairman of the 8-county Co operative Area Manpower Planning System (CAMPS). These experiences afforded him the opportunity to work closely with many federal a gencies that coordinate and fund some local social service type and manpower pro grams. He is currently a member of the Mayor’s Advi sory Manpower Committee for the city's Manpower De partment. The new chairman has also served as a management con sultant for minority business and has conducted numerous seminars about such busi nesses, their needs and pro blems. An honor graduate of Bene dict College, Martin received the MA degree in economics from Syracuse University. He has also studied at the univer sities of South Carolina, Mis souri, North Carolina State and Emory. Formerly affiliated with the Progress Association for Eco nomic Development (PAED), the Charlotte LBDO is funded by the U.S. Department of Commerce and receives tech nical advise and assistance from the Office of Minority Business Enterprise (OMBE). LBDOs have the responsibility of providing technical assis tance, information and consul tation service, loan packag ing, and back-up management assistance to new and existing minority business Area Fund Will Help Poor People A recently funded program of the Charlotte Area Fund (CAF) will help poor people protect themselves against cold weather. Samuel H. Kornegay, CAF executive director, said $20, 290.72 was granted to his agency for this effort by the f'xlcra! government. He listed two ways the money can be used. Up to $50 can be paid to utility or power companies on behalf of an individual or family “to prevent hardship or danger to health,” said a statement from CAF. This “crisis intervention” payment is available to low-income, elderly or near-poor people. Up to $120 can be spent to make repairs on the dwellings of needy persons. First priori ty will be given to stopping the infiltration of cold air by repairing broken windows, patching roofs and walls, caulking cracks and joints, and weather-stripping doors and windows. Second priority for repairs include insulation for attics, floors, walls, exposed heating ducts, storm windows and doors. Persons interested in re ceiving help may call CAF at 372-3010, said the statement. CAF first initiated the pro gram last year. Records show 135 families received “crisis intervention” payments and 115 homes were repaired. A total of $5,410.41 was paid to power and utility companies by CAF on behalf of destitute poor people and $8,746 28 was spent to repair their homes Kornegay said additional money for this program is expected from the state. Families applying for help must meet federal income guidelines MISS TAMMY ROSEBOROUGH ...Eighth grade student Tammy Roseborough Is Beauty Of Week By Melvetta Jenkins Post Staff Writer Our Beauty for this week comes in the form of 14-year old Tammy Koseborough, a 5’5”, 125pound talented enthu siast'. Tammy is the daughter of Mrs Mary Koseborough of 1713 Patton Ave. She is an eight grade student at Pied mont Middle School where she is a member of the chorus and will participate in the school s Variety Show as a singer ana dancer. In the December 13 show. Tammy will do the "Charleston" and a tap dance, as well as sing "Old Man River.” Iceskating is only one of our Beauty’s accomplishments and hobbies. Among others, she takes ballet and tap les sons, voice lessons, plays the piano and skies She also enjoys her pet cat, Snowy, who is a white Persian - Siamese, her guppies, and her stuffed animals. Citing science as her favo rite subject and Miss Howard, a Language Arts instructor at Piedmont Middle, as her favo rite teacher. Tammy goes on to say that she wants to be a medical technician later on in life She plans to go to West Charlotte when she reaches the 10th grade level, but she hasn't decided which college she will attend Piedmont Middle .School is an open school and Tammy says that she prefers an open school learning atmosphere to a traditional school because there is no pressure to make you learn. Tammy says, while describing Piedmont Middle. "My school is different from (he rest You work on your own level and don't always have someone telling you what to do We go to a lot of places and met a lot of famous people ” The POST thanks young Miss Roseborough for bring ing with her a "breath of fresh air" and invites you to enjoy her being Beauty of the Week' Governing Agencies Give Mixed Responses dj nuyie n. iviarun ar. Post Executive Editor In its last official action before going out of office, the Mecklenburg County Com mission and the Charlotte City Council each gave mixed re sponses to' the Charlotte Mecklenburg Planning Com mission's recommendation to deny a zoning petition 176-60 > request made by the residents of the Northwood Estates community in the vicinity of Beatties Ford, Hoskins and Capps Hill Mine Koad area. In separate actions on Mon day, the two governing bodies each approved parts of the petition request The Commis sioners rezoned a residential area involving Fern Valley Drive, Plumstead Road and Northwood Drive all located in the Northwood Estates com munity. In addition they re zoned the tract of land on Beatties Ford Koad where the McCrorey YMCA is located. The zoning change calls for allowing a lower level of dense development than in currently permitted. The end result of this action means that apart ment complexes cannot be built in these areas. The City Council approved one zone rhancir* and cnnl nine* nf Oi neighborhood parcels back to the Planning Commission for further study and considera tion The Northwood Estates Community Organization (NECO) had requested the zoning changes to protect their residential area from more commercial establish ments and apartment com plexes. Mrs Johnsie Evans, coordi nator of NECO, told the POST on Wednesday, "we feel much better since the governing boards did give us fair and proper consideration instead of washing our request down the drain.” Mrs. Evans' com ment refers to the fact that her organization was upset over the fact that the Planning Commission, in their view, had refused to consider ade JCSU Auction Sale To Benefit College Fund Appliances, jewelry, house plants and other Christmas J__ . • 11 1__i i_ Biddle Auditorium of Johnson C. Smith University on Satur day, December 11, at 1 p m Goods and services have been donated by local busi nesses Proceeds will be do nated to the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) Sponsors of the auction are the university and WGIV ra dio. ' The auction presents the opportunity for you to get some of that Christmas shop ping behind you and to contri bute to a very worthy cause," said a statement from the University Office of Commu nity Relations It Services quaieiy me menu of the zoning petition as required by law before forwarding their recommendations to the go verning bodies. In addition to NECO's con cern about population density in their area, Mrs. Evans told the POST as she had stated during a public hearing on zoning change request, "our group desires to continue to up-grade the zoning in our community. We have present ed such a large area to be rezoned because we wanted you to develop an overall zoning plan for the area, in stead of changing zoning piecemeal." Both governing bodies appear to agree with Mrs Evans on this point, however, they would not agree to the extent of rezoning pro perty of persons who did not agree to the zoning change r ui mu reason me county commission denied NECO’s request as it related to 13 tracts of land owned by people not in agreement with the zoning change. Welfare Roll Shows Increase RALEIGH- Based on the number of welfare recipients for the month of October, it appears that Christmas will be bleak this year for more tarheels than last year. There were a total of 195,487 Aid to Families with Depen dent Children recipi ents across the state this October compared to only 190, 849 during the same month last year This represents an increase of 4,638 recipients AFDC provides a monthly check to families where child ren have been denied the support or care of one or both parents due to their death, continued absence from the home or incapacity The vast majority are female-headed households. The average payment per recipient in October amounted to only $54.97. "Three out of four of these AKDC mothers have never finished high school This fact, coupled with the unemploy men! rate and present econo my. has made it more and more difficult for these mo thers to secure employment." Dr. Renee Hill, director of the N.C. Division of Social Ser vices said "Many county social ser vices departments across the state will be accepting food, clothing, money and toys to hdlp make Christmas a little brighter for these families. I urge our fine citizens and organizations across the state to contact their local social services department to see how they can help," Dr Hill concluded