-PUBLIC LIBRARY OF_ - _ DEC 1 7 1976 H. *•". <9202 CHARLOTTE ami MECKLENBURG COUNTY CHARLOTTE, N. C. 2820^, stsfa THE CHARLOTTE Pi fST I , CALL 392-1306 - V .7 . . „ * ^ ' V JL | BY FAR. MORE i ■■■ Charlotte s Fastest Growing Community Weekly” I BLACK consumers CHARLOTTE. NORTH CAROLlNA-28208-Thursdav. Dr. Sutton Is Formally Installed The Rev. Dr Alan B. Sutton wins formally installed as pas tot oT Kbenezer Baptist Jiurch during Sunday after noon services conducted by denomination Moderator Dr. J B. Humphrey. After the “Administering Of The Charge” to the church congregation and pastor-elect Sutton by Rev. Humphrey, the former pastor of Union Bap tist Church, Wilmington, N.C. offically became the succes sor of the late Dr. A.J. Ryans, who held the post 28 years befor his death. To mark the occasion, an Installation Committee, head ed by Chairman Ceasar Wal lace and composed of Claude Boyd, William Byrd, Mrs. Warbirk Corley, Mrs. Bernice B. Douglas, Tennyson L. John son Sr., Mrs. Mary B. Max well, Ruben McKissick, and Mrs. Bertha A. Spencer, con ducted two days of activities beginning on Saturday night, November 20, with a Buffet Supper in the Student Union U O 11 rxf InknrnM r* o_ University. Organist William Crowder and soloist James Nesbit fur nished the music for the occa sion which was attended by 225 guest including Judge Clif ton Johnson, County Commis sioner Robert Walton, Coun cilman Harvey Gantt, Dr. and Mrs. J.B. Humphrey, Rev. ^r.d- MrS; John Thomas, Rev. and Mrs. R.W. Dalton, Rev. and Mrs. Coleman Kerry, Jr., Rev. and Mrs. M L. Dilling ham, and the famous dancer, "Peg Leg” Bates. The Rev. J.W. Baines, pas tor of First Baptist Church, Roxboro, N.C. was the featur ed speaker for the Saturday Supper. Guest speaker for the 11:00 a m. Sunday Worship Service was Rev. M.L. Dillingham of Wilmingtoh, PJ.C. and Rev. R.W. Dalton delivered the message at the Sunday after noon Installation Service where Ebenezer’s new pastor "was presented several beau tiful paintings, by artist Pres ton Fair, for his office and home,” according to church spokeswoman Mary Maxwell, who added, “A beautiful Re ception in the church’s Fel lowship Hall (733 East Trade St.) followed the Installation Service.” Rev. Sutton has served as interim pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church since July. He and his wife live on Capps-Hill \Loc Road and have three c*dren: Pam, Alan Jr., and Kita. Gov. Holshouser Appoints 5 To Medical Commission Governor Jim Holshouser announced this week the ap pointment of two new mem bers and three present mem bers to the North Carolina Medical Care Commission. The members reappointed are: Dr. William L. Adcock, Jr . of Raleigh, Dr David S. Nelson of Winston-Salem'and Thomas R Howerton of Dur ham. The new members are Mrs. Mattye M. Reed of Greensboro and Sister Mary J Spradley of Charlotte. TURTLE-W* The EASIEST WAY to pick out the host at a COCKTAIL p.\KTY is to find the one who s MEASURING the DRINKS DELIGHTFUL TARA BYRD ...A very special person Miss Tara Byrd Is Beauty Of Week By Melvetta Jenkins Post Staff Writer The delightful 16 year-old Tara Byrd is featured as this week’s Beauty. Tara is the daughter of Mrs. Betty Goines of 402 Benjamin Street. She is a junior at Myers Park High School, where she is a member of the ROTC, the Project Aries Club, which visits area junior high schools to help them with their problems, the Upward Bound Program, which is located at Johnson C. Smith University, and the Distributive Educa tion Club. Tara says that English is her favorite subject and that Mrs. Mason, a history in structor, is her favorite teach er. Among her various hobbies, Tara listed dancing, singing, and meeting new people as her favorites. Presently Tara’s future plans are up in the air, with joining the Navy, where she can implement the training she has acquired from ROTC and serve her country, or going on to college being her two main choices. Our Beauty worships at Gethsemane Baptist Church where Rev. C.E. Dewberry is the pastor. "I like Gladys Knight," Ta ra says, explaining the choice of Miss Knight as her favorite singer, "because of her dyna mic voice and style. Her re cordings are always ’right on time' and have a lot of mean ing which is accented by her special style, of singing.” Our 5'7" Beauty was born under the sign of Capricorn on January 13, 1960, so she is looking forward to her upcom ing 17th birthday. Tara says that her knowledge of astrolo gy is limited but that she has heard other people describe Capricorns as being stubborn. "But I'm not,” Tara says, clarifying the point. Tara recognizes her aunt, Mrs. Frances Debeuneure, as the person she admires the most, excluding her mother. "She's really special to me. Anytime that I want to go somewhere, she's the person who persuades my mother to let me go. She's just sweet,” Tara smiled Our Beauty, in regards to being Beauty of the Week, says "It's a pleasure, really, because, like most people, I like to see my picture in ,the newspaper It makes you « feel special. Tara, who used to be a Candy Striper at a local hospi tal, says that she still likes to go visit the elderly people there. ‘‘I like to visit them because a lot of them are without families and I believe that having visitors makes them feel like they are wanted and that they’ve got some one.” She says that she loves children and plans to adopt a child when she’s in a better position to do so. "I think that there are too many unwanted children in the world today without parents,” Tara says. “So, instead of bringing some of my own into this over crowded world, I plan to help some of the children who are already here and need my help. "I believe that you should “do unto others as you’d have them do unto you,” because it’s really true that what goes around comes around.” The POST urges all to take heed of Tara’s refreshing, hope-giving philosophy of life and to enjoy this blessed Christmas season. W a _ _ ^_ _ • *wv ^ Examine Toys Before Buying Toy-related injuries wil! wipe out the joy of the holiday season for thousands of young sters this year,. Many acci dents can be avoided by heed ing some common sense pre cautions-especially by hur ried shoppers looking foi children’s gifts at the Iasi minute. The Dogwood Easter Sea Society serving Anson, Cabar rus, Cleveland, Gaston, Lin coin, Mecklenburg and Unior suggests that shoppers take i few minutes to examine a toj before buying. That extri time could save a child fron serious injury. Although most toys on thi market are safe for children thanks.to comprehensive safe ty standards developed bv th< American Toy Industry, there still are some that are poten tially dangerous. The U.S Consumer Product Safetj Commission has banned some 1800 toys in the past three years, most of foreign origin Parents can help cut dowi accidents by providing safe storage space for toys suitable for older children that wouh be hazardous in the hands o young children. Most of the estimated 150,000 toy relatee injuries each year occui through misuse of the toys lack of guidance and adequate instructions. -Be sure your child is oh enough or sophisticated e nough for the toy you choose Don’t give a six-year-oh shooting toys, or a pre-school er a chemistry set. -Beware of rough or sharj edges on toys and stay awae from toddlers’toys that come apart easily-those tiny part! can choke a child. -When shopping for an infant be sure the toy is unbreakable and too big to fit in the child’! mouth. A broken piece o plastic can do great damage te a youngster’s eyes or ears. -Check all electric toys to be sure that both the cord and the toy itself have UL (Under writers Laboratory) approval If not, don’t buy it. JCSU ALUMNI PRESIDENT James I. Mel vin, third from left, accepts gavel from past president Rufus D. Spears, left. Other officers •/">! . n • i Photo by Peeler included: Myra Maxwell, Willie Walker. Jackie McKinly. Horace Gaines, and Julia Garvin. r resiueru Melvin Heads JCSU Alumni , ■ By James Peeler , Post Staff Writer I James I. Melvin, a native of Cay'ce, South Carolina, was installed last Wednesday night I as President of the Charlotte Chapter of Johnson C. Smith University Alumni Associa tion during the organization's regular monthly meeting at I Excelsior Club. New President Melvin is a 1969 graduate of Johnson C. I Smith University. He also has an M.A. degree in economics. He is married to the former i Joyce Johnson, a student in the School of Nursing at the • University of North Carolina i at Charlotte. They have one daughter, Kerin, age 5. He is a member of Mt 1 Carmel Baptist Church and 1 sing on the church's Senior Choir. 1 Melvin is also Second Vice Polemarch of Kappa Alpha ! Psi Fraternity. *, The 30-year-old Melvin suc ceeds R.D. Spears who has served at Alumni President since December of 1974 During his administration, President .Melvin says he “has a strong desire to increase the chapter's revenue so that larg er amounts of money can be given to the University." He also "hopes to increase active participation in the operations of the chapter and form a better liason between the chapter and the University." Other officers installed at Wednesday's meeting includ ed Joe Majors. Second Vice President; Glynda Pyant. First Vice President; Myra Maxwell. Secretary; Jackie McKinly. Corresponding Se cretary; Horace Gaines, Trea surer. Willie W. Walker, Sgt At-Arms; and Julia Garvin, Historian. (CCNS) - Joanne Little has won two recent battles which could have delayed her re lease from prison on parole later this month. The first battle was a hearing to deter mine if her 1974 probation from a shoplifting conviction should be revoked, thus mak ing active a 6 month suspend ed sentence The second was a charge of possession of items banned from inmate posses sion at the North Carolina Correctional Center for Wo men where she is incarcerat ed. She will be eligible for parole on December 19. at which time ;he will have served one-fourth of her sen tence. The hearing before Superior Court Judge Herbert Phillips to determine if Ms. Little's probation should be revoked. Officially designated as a court proceeding, it has been characterized by Ms Little and her supporters as one more way to keep me in prison.” The heroine was charged with moving from her home in Beaufort County with out notifying and receiving consent from her probation Charlotte City Government announces the follow ing sche dule. for Christmas and New Year's holidays. Due to the four-day work week, the Sanitation Division will provide service to each residence in the city on a Monday and Wednesday and Tuesday and Thursday sche dule for backyard garbage collections There will be no curbside trash collection dur uecemoer i v Joanne Little Eligible For Parole officer, Mary Moore, and with violating the terms of her pro bation when she was convicted in June, 1974 for a January 9, 1974 breaking and entering of a mobile home in Beaufort County. It was following the Beau fort County conviction, while Ms. Little was in jail in Washington, North Carolina, that she was sexually assault ed by jailer Clarence Alligood She killed Alligood and was later acquitted in a nationally publicized trial Jerry Paul, one of Ms. Lit tle's defense attorneys, ar gued that the State had waited too long in bringing the char ges. and that bringing the charges at that point would serve only to delay the parole for which Ms Little will be eligible on December 19 "Why did the State wait until Ms. Little was ready to be paroled to bring this charge?" Paul asked the court. "Your honor. I talked with you on three occasions about these violations and asked your advice on what to do." answered Ms Mary Moore, Joanne Little's probation offi , cer Judge Phillips and Assis tant District Attorney Hoover appeared shocked. “You said that there was too much na tional interest and publicity around Joanne for charges to be brought at that time' Ms Moore continued to explain to the Judge. The Judge's me mory refreshed, he asked Ms Moore what disposition she would recommend, and she suggested that Ms Little's probation not be revoked Despite the probation offi cer's testimony D A Hoover still argued that Ms Little's probation should be revoked because "we can show no special treatment for Joanne Little or Susan Smith." Paul and co-counsel Williamson re sponded that if it were not Joanne Little the charges would not have been brought. Joanne's second bout to pre vent a possible delay in her December parole came the following day, December 1, in Women's Prison in Raleigh Ms. Little was charged in November with possession of a pair of scissors and cassette tapes Both items are prohi bited from inmate possession Ms Little said that her pos session of the items was ap proved by prison staff mem bers. The shears, she said, was approved by a quilting instructor, and the tapes by her drama instructor She said that the charges were "ano ther way of them to keep me from_ being paroled " Superintendent Louis Po well, contacted by reporters, made an investigation and later in the day dropped the charges. Home Builder* Optimistic About Hoiiaing Upsurge Home Builders Association of Charlotte this week expres sed optimism for the local housing industry. End of the year figures support this out look as single family housing starts to surge upward Comparing J a n u a r > through November starts, 197*. shows a 3 percent increast over the 1974 figures and a Jo percent increase over the 1973 figures Delegation Ejected From Court SALISBURY - (CCNS) - A delegation from the Ronnie Long Defense Committee was ejected from the Rowan Coun ty Court House in Salisbury as they attempted for the second time to present petitions call ing for reduction in Ronnie Long's $100,000 bond to Supe rior Court Judge William Z Wood Wood, the judge that sen tenced Long to two life terms after an intense week-long trial in Concord in September of this year, had set Long's bond at $100,000 pending ap peal me ueiegauon naa in meir possession petitions contain ing the signatures of over 1000 persons calling for reduction of the bail. They had been waiting at the Rowan County Court House to present the petitions to Wood, who was scheduled to begin holding court there. Wood a source said, spotted the delegation and entered the court house from another entrance. The delegation then attempted to present the petitions to Wood, but were prevented from do ing so by the Rowan County Sheriff’s Department, which refused to allow them into the courtroom They were then told to leave the courthouse and were escorted out by several armed deputies. Long, age 20 of Concord, N.C.. was convicted by an all-white jury of the rape of Sarah M Bost, the widow of a Cannon Mills executive. Seven of the jurors were Cannon Mill employees. Cannon Mills is one of the major industries in North Carolina, and in the Concord area in particular. This was the second time that Wood had refused to accept the bail petitions. Ear lier an attempt was made to present them to Wood when he was still holding court in Concord huf hp rpfucprt in City Announces Holiday Schedules ing the week Therefore, the city officials are asking that no trash be placed at the curb. A spokesman for the city said the York Road Landfill will be open from 8 a m to 4 p.m. from December 20 through December the 23 It will also be open until noon on Decem ber 24 The landfill will be closed on Christmas Day. City employees will also get a holiday on Monday, Decern accept them He told the com mittee that-they would have to present them through the law yer, which the committee said appeared to be an attempt to divert and delav the presenta tion. Mrs. Staley To Attend White House Conference Mrs Hazel Staley of Char lotte has been appointed by Governor James E Holshou ser, Jr to be one of the sixteen delegates to represent North Carolina next year at the White House Conference on Handicapped Individuals The appointment took place in Raleigh at a luncheon meet ing on Friday December 10, where delegates were pre sented their commissions by the Governor Six regional North Carolina Conferences of the White House Conference have been held throughout North Caro lina during the past several months providing North Caro lina's handicapped individuals an opportunity to speak out on their needs and problems The White House Confer ence will be held May 23-27. 1977 at the Sheraton-Park Ho tel in Washington. D C. Total attendance at the conference is estimated to be 2.S00 per sons and at least fifty percent of these will be handicapped i 4/ v.uiin iMm Mrrv ites ior the week alter Christmas will be on a Tuesday and Thursday and a Wednesday and Friday schedule, with two backyard garbage pickups during the period Special curbside trash ser vice will be provided during the week Residents north of Wilkin son and Independence Boule vards should place their trash at the curb by 7 a m Thurs day, December 30 for collec tion the same day On the southside. residents should place items at the curbside by 7 a m on Friday. December 31 for pickup the same day The York Road Landfill will be open from 8 am. tot pm from December 27 through December 30and until noon on December 31 The landfill will be closed New Year's Day All City government offices will be closed on Monday, Januar> 3 in observance of New Year's Sanitation Divi sion will provide two backyard garbage collections during the week on a Tuesday and Thurs day and Wednesday and Fri day schedule No curbside trash will be collected during the week However, trash at the curb will be collected on Tuesday. January II and on Wednes day. January 12

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