If — WLLee Thomas Owens Jr., second from the left, and Donna ρ Marie Epps, second from the right, were named "Mr. and ■ Miss St. Mark United Methodist Church," recently. Mrs. Doris Owens, left, worked with her son Lee in the annual fund-raising effort. Rev. and Mrs. John Κρμ> also stood with their daughter. Protect Those Eyes Sç By Dr. Raleigh W. Bynum, ; O.D. F.A.A.O. M.P.H. Special To The Post S If you wear prescription ι glasses, they are probably i made with plastic or heat B treated safety lens. It is the I conviction of the National So ξ ciety for the Prevention of κ Blindness that eye safety I should not be optional for Β those who wear glasses. Ψ This convition could be up £ held by NSPB's newspaper clipping files alone, where ρ week after week reports from •I across the country document ;· accidents that would have p been minor...but turn into tra 5 gedies when eye glasses are fi broken and silvers of glass ί penetrate the eye. Ironically, such accidents are almost ζ always referred to as "freak" ' happenings. r uriner corroooranon ol the incidence of such eye injuries H has come from surveys of I ophthalmologists, « · reports from armed forces medical : officers, and other sources "who share the Society's con ' "cern about the problem. For example, the Massachusetts Society surveyed their 261 state ophthalmologists, and received 152 responses. Of those who responded, 52 had seen eye injuries which resulted from shattered len ses, for a total of 142 cases, within the past two years. Fully one-half of those cases, resulted in temporary disabi lity for the patients; 22.5 per cent received a permanent vision impairment. The efforts of the National Society, along with other con cerned organizations and in dividuals, have been long and up-hill, in attempting to se cure shatter-resistant eye glass and sunglass lenses, and flame resistant frames for every American wearing glasses. About 100,000,000 Americans wear spectacles all the time or for specific purposes such Dr. Raleigh w. tjyiiuiu as reading. Most have the added protection of safety lenses. Countless unnecessary injuries to the eye could be avoided if fill had plastic or case-hardened (heat-treated) glass lenses. Also, now all lensesr,;Q)jifti plastic or impact j-esistant. Within the last year, significant advanc es have been made in the campaign to make flame re sistant frames required. Although eye safety in in dustry and educational insti tutions has produced com mendable results in economic as well as human terms, ordi nary lenses and flammable frames still represent a need less hazard for both children and adults. If eye safety is routinely provided for the ge neral public, as well as for workers and technical stu dents, the National Society's premise that half of all blind ness is preventable will come closer to realization. IT ; FAYS TO ' ADVERTISÉ TH^f^RJLÎlÎTÉi { m* Kl post"ί 1 What hannpnw In Thursday. December 30. 1976-THE CHAKLOTTE POST Page 9 After Prison - More Crime Or A New Life 9 napcAn ■ ■ - ■ after he or she leaves prison? Will he be able to readjust to living in.a free society? Or is he likely to fall again into bad habits and bad company, lead ing back to more crime and further imprisonment? Alston Wilkes Society has been work ing for years to answer these questions, and to help solve the problems of the former offender. One of the best solutions to these problems has been Al ston Wilkes Society's Ex-Of fender Project. Since 1974, the porgam has recruited very special volunteers and match ed them on a one-to-one basis with returning ex-offenders. The volunteer works to be come a supportive friend to the former inmate. As in any friendship, the volunteer and client get to know each other by doing things together that they both enjoy. They might go fishing, to a movie, out to eat, or just sit and talk. The volunteer also has the opportunity to nelp his or her friend witt individual needs. He may hel[ the ex-offender find a job, 01 an apartment, or get a driv er's license renewed. Bj spending time together th< two develop a strong bond. Coordinating the activities of the Ex-Offender Project in York County and the sur rounding area is Van Bost of Rock Hill. He is actively en gaged in recruiting, screen ing. and training volunteers to be friends with former offen ders. Bost also does counseling for ex-offenders himself, and often finds himself trying to serve the very complex needs of former offenders and their families. He says, "My most frustrating task is attempting to help ex-offenders find suit able employment upon re lease. Of late our rate is up considerably, and we have developed some really good community connections for job placement." One former offender told Bost that he would have had to return to crime and more imprisonment less than a month after his release if he had not been able to locate employment through the Ex Offender Project. He said, "As far as I am concerned the Ex-Offender Project is the best thing that could have happened. I was free, but with no job there was nothing left but to go back to prison." Through the help of volun teers the Ex-Offender Project helps people like this man get back on their feet. The staff of the Ex-Offender Project has a saying, "To be a volunteer. Pryor's Latest Album Is Certified Gold Following the gilded tradi tion of "That Nigger's Crazy" and "Is It Something I Said?", Richard Pryor's latest War ner Bros, album, "Bicenten nial Nigger" has been certi fied as a gold album for sales in excess of 500,000 units by the RIAA. you don't have to be a special ist...you just have to be spe cial." Van Bost can be reached at F Ο Box 10731, Rock Hill. 29730 CAROLINA CUT RATE OPEN 8a.m. "YOUR FAMILY DRUG STORK 225 Wt*t Trade Street Open 365 Days A Year CALL 332-1189 CLOSE Vm.MCHT PER MONTH •LOAN ASSUMPTIONS \ - NO CREDIT CHECK I PRACTICALLY NEW HOMES NORTH CHARLOTTE LOCATIONS $1,000°° movein HOME NOTES LESS THAN S16000 READY TO MOVE IN / 1 Vi Bathe, Spacious Backyard 3 Bedrooms, Some Appliances Electric Heat, On Busline NEAR DOWNTOWN CHARLOTTE MOTION INC CALL Bob Acree 332-1078 Our Very Best Wishes For Jllfépy Jfappy JfcwKarf FROM ALL OF US AT A&P ADVERTISED ITEM POLICY Each of these advertised Items is required to be readly available for sale at or below the advertised price in each A&P store, ex cept as specifically noted in this ad. FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE OPEN YIU 7 P.M. NEW YEAR'S IVE OPEN AU DAY NEW YEAR'S DAY OPEN SUNDAY IAN. 2 REG. HOURS PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SAT.. JANUARY 1 AT «,λΡ IN CHARLOTTE c-a FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES U.S. NO 1 ALL PURPOSE [WHITE POTATOES FRESH COLLARD K£v 119 BAG |φ 49< FAVORITE OF THE SOUTH LARGE BUNCH CALIFORNIA ICEBERG Sp LETTUCE 3-12° RED RIPE ^^tomatoes3 1?0 ^^^^ANADIAN WAXEO VIRGINIA RUTABAGAS RAW PEANUTS 2 «■ 29e Έ> >1% F9 FLORIDA JUICY TANGELOS OR (100 SIZE) ORANGES 15-K° 1100 WINNERS !ΊΛ ù* Kr 'Wl W IHM ut· en» I C NtM Ν C 1100 WINNERS WIN UP TO $1000 super. cosh bingo S» WINNERS Ç Λ Λ QJi :. •Ml Pa»*.· Im* A*** V OMtf· ft!**" ·»· "M MUM· «1 « C «Mr·κ CMrM* Ν C CMffMM· IC INfi·»· ■ C Cm»··· ■ C 0·#· I C **»l Ν C f20 WINNERS α MMM JHMH C»·*·· NfN· «1 J f β»*·*»·, Qn Π«*Μ JMM4 KM Ml··! 0ΜΜΙ C«t InwM IC *'· »t UMd* IC Cm—·« tC VmHm IC It·· "C rules as:,o • •*·'"··-····Ν··»^ ·»*» μ·ί«· η·*, ê ·* · « ·*·» ···♦*' «-·· -<·#■·· ·» -«-··■·*»·· • •«ril l «Ml- -^1·,· Λ.., , • ··*»«· ··«· *·· -r»· ^ rVÎL'j ** ι ·«■«"·» W:«î-#W »o «t. 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CHEF BOY AR DEE PIZZAS 99e DIXIE GARDEN Sultana beef chicken turkey CHOPPED '·£ one POT Λ - inn COLLARDS UO PIES 4~os I. \ » CONTAINS RICH BRAZILIAN COFFEES 8 OXLOCK INSTANT COFFEE "& 2s9 MP C0·\%> A&P FROZEN CONCENTRATED ORANGE JUICE WITH TmiS COu*»ON ANC) ' ADD·* CM, * *>0 η»Γ>£ » 6 PACK OF 6 O! CANS HMIT onc rou* ·. GOOD ThRu* SA τ jA», · αλ» • m Δ ft ί ►_ a a C 46 PURE VEGETABLE WESSON OIL II9 Μ ' ν ·■ ·. GOOf> îmH vat as · A* A\i C 46 BAKtRYDEPT FEATURES m JANE PARKER - BAKE Ν SERVE ffc |A* CLOVERLEAF ROLLS 3 1?° JANE PARKER 12 OZ SUGAR DONUTS /ER » ι Ff FRUITCAKES JANE PARKER PLAIN OR SEEDED plain π ο2 C'NNAMON '7 02 < SUGAR 12 02 EACH PKG ! OR " A ** 0« OC<»»* '4tOCO VIENNA JANE PARKER BREAD OVER 7 j FRUIT ANO NUTS %% 4" RYE BREAD 2-"89c 1 » LB lOAf PEPSI-COLA or Mountain Dew. Pepsi Light 632^z Ί ΊΟ returnable ■ bottles JL OFFER GOOD ONLY IN CHAALOTTE BUDWEISEF BEER 6 Pack of -| 4Q l2oz cans I OFFER GOOD ONLY IN CHARLOTTE YUKON CLUB DRINK MIXERS • GiNGCP AlE • CLUB SODA _ • if MON ί 28 OZ • COll»ns m.« • Q-JININ6 Λ AT £ R BOTTLES DAIRY DEPT FEATURFS A&P home style or buttermilk BISCUITS 6 Η 69· HOLIDAY FAVORITE DABI COUNTRY ·' KRAFT DIPS CHEESE WEDGES • βιυ€ Of IS€ • P A ·. D*fSS*G • Ci-AM Cup 8 0/ 3QC .Sk ]99 VEGETABLE JUKE