"Strong Delusion" By J . M Little 'And with^>11 deceivable ness of unrighteousness in them that perish, because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause GOD SHALL SEND THEM STRONG DELUSION, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness " II Thess. 2:10, 11, 12. Our subject is "Strong Delu sion ine definition of the word "delusion" is: some thing which one accepts as true or real but which is untrue and unreal. That tells us a lot doesn't it? Every soul out of Christ lives, anil lias his entire mind and being in a delusion. Has it ever occurred to you that you are in a delusion? Has it? I'm talking to you. Do you know that you are deluded by your old wicked heart and by Satan, your father, who holds you captive at his will? According to Jer. 17:9: "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately (incurably) wick ed: who can know it?" And II Tim 3:26: "And that ehey may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will." There you have it, every soul out of the Lord Jesus Christ is deluded by his old wicked heart and Satan who holds you captive. My friend, your old wicked heart and Satan always lie to you, you can't trust them in any way. *-»>-«· »iwt, au IX 1I1CS5., raui is warning of the Great Delu sion the world would be in just before the return of the Lord. And" oh, JioSZBje wurld is deluded. The world is ripe for the take over of the Anti Christ Sometime back we brought some studies on the different classes of demon spirits. One class we mention ed was the class of "lying." Over the last few years, more particularly the last seven, we have seen the intrusion of lying spirits into the human race as never before. It began at the top of the nation in Mr. Richard M. Nixon and has come all the way down to the bottom of our society here in America. This Ts^he lyingest generation we have ever lived in. In govern ment you can not trust the officials to tell you the truth about even the smallest of matters. They will lie as com mon as batting an eye. If I did not see and know it with my own eyes I would not believe it. Our government from top to bottom has been invaded by a wave of demons of lying. The same is true in the business world. Men lie and cheat one another and do it with a smile. In the social world it is the bame There is all the make believe and put on and make up. The demon spirits have invaded this entire generation of mankind and deluded all except the very elect of God. If it were possible they would deceive the very elect. But I thank God He has a few who cannot be deluded by Satan because the Holy Spirit has sealed every one of the elect and keeps us from being delu ded. I've watched here in the halls of government and seen how men will lie for any cause or goal they hope to reach. Then in every day life in the homes the husbands and wives lie to each other. All because you are in the Great Delusion of Satan that grips the whole world now which is waiting for the appearance of the "Son of Perdition" who is the Anti christ that will rule all the Charlotte Post Ads Bring , Quick Results Call 392-1306 J. Μ. Little world (Rev. 13). Every man, woman, boy, girl, rich or poor, you are caught up in the Great Delu sion if you don't know the Lord or if you are not under Holy Spirit Conviction. 1 thank God He awakened me to my lost condition and gave me a love for the truth that I might be saved. If the Holy Spirit has not awakened you to your awful ruined and lost condi tion, my friend, you pray that He will because your time is running out. Just because you are a great church member is no sign you are saved. The religious world is in this Great Delusion in all likelihood more than anyone else. The preach ers of this nation and ali over thp wnrlrt art» ιη the great delusion, my friend. You may say that is a strong statement. Well, I know it to be so. The preachers of this deluded gen eration have never been a wakened to their lost condition out of Christ. There, not know ing what it means to be lost, they can't tell what it means to be saved. They can't. I've read one religious periodical after the other. Do the preach ers speak of knowing Christ as a living reality to their hearts? No, they do not. You cannot preach someone you do not know. The religious world is deluded in that they are look ing for "another." That "ano ther" is the Anti-christ who is soon to appear on the scene. I believe the Anti-chrlst is al ready on the earth. But if you read II Thess. closely you will see that he cannot be revealed until the church and the Holy Spirit are taken out. Let me ask you some ques tions my friends, have you ever seen that you are the one who is deluded by Satan? Have you? Now, you know whether you have or not. Have you ever been made to see that you were tricked by Satan into thinking that you were saved and then in His great mercy the Lord revealed to you that you were lost? Has that hap pened to you? If not then you are not saved! Let me ask you another question: did you ever see that you hated God? Have you ever seen your heart of rebellion and hatred against God? According to Rom. 8:7 every natural soul hates God. If you have never seen your heart of hatred for God then the god you think you know is only a "figment" of your depraved imagination. Now you great church folks, you deacons and Sunday school teachers, let that soak in. You had better listen, my dear man. For you are thinking you are saved while you are on the road to Hell. A great Bible teacher once spoke up in regards to your editor: "He's alright when he is talking to us but when he gets to writing he writes like we all are going to Hell." Well, that teacher ex posed himself didn't he? According to John 8:44 eve ry soul is bom a child of the Devil. The late Lyndon B. Johnson once said : "All of us, not some of lis, are God's children." My, how deluded that mas was. It was a great shock when he woke up in. Hell. The Bible plainly de dares-there are the children of God and the children of the Devil. Have you ever seen yourself as a child of the devil? Then how do you know you are a child of God's? You will see yourself as a child of uie ltcvii long oeiore you see and know you are a child of the living and true God. May God help you to see it my friend. Yes, all around us we see the world deluded and running at break neck speed to get to hell. You don't realize you are on the road to hell, but vou are. Every way you turn you come face to face with such open rebellion and hatred a gainst God. If you can find one in a million interested in how God saves a poor hell-deserv ing sinner you are doing good. Practically everywhere I look and turn no one is the least interested. Some may think they are interested in being saved but you are deluded by your old wicked heart that tells you that you have plenty of time left and you can get saved later on. Well, my friend, you are very much deceived. Christ could come any time and you'd be left to enter the awful tribulation. Men and women are taken up with the riches of this world. You are going on as though you will live forever. But I am crying : judgment is coming friend! Judgment will find your soul wanting. Eter nity is forever dear soul, forever! You are going out into eternity. As death finds you, so shall eternity hold you. How will death find you? Are you ready to die? J!t 'It 'Jr -Lir >h >!t CHARLOTTE POST; jjOURLOTTE'e MOST WIDELY READ WEEKLY |u«t Mail In The (Coupon Liated below Please Send Me The Charlotte Post Enclosed is the sum of: $8.00 Please Print NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP Signature Mail to: The Charlotte Post P.O. Box 97 Charlotte, N.C. 28230 .ίι—iji Ί '!< 7,'i lit ·;, ί, '■ ( fbihmry Mrs. Cuthbertson Dies Following Lengthy Illness Mrs. Sadie Cuthbertson Harris, 64, of 3022 Morning Drive died recently after a long illness. The funeral was held at Grier's Funeral Chapel with the Rev. C.E. Dewberry of Gethsemane Baptist Church officiating. Burial was in the York Memorial Park. Born June 19, 1912 in Mon roe, N.C., she was the daugh ter of the late John and Minnie Cuthbertson and the wife of the late Luther Harris. AI mi RMily agr Mm Harris moved to Charlotte and be came an active member of Gethsemane Baptist Church. Surviving are her onTy son, James Oscar Cuthbertson Sr. of Charlotte; two brothers, Foye Cuthbertson of Winston Salem, James L. Cuthbertson of Fort Wayne, Ind., four sisters, Mrs. Madge Horton of Monroe, Mrs. Ruby Cuthbert son of Jersey City, N.J., Mrs. Pearl Dunlap and Mrs. Ethel Henderson, both of Charlotte. Also seven grandchildren; James Oscar Cutlibei t»ou Ji., Yolanda Denise Cuthbertson, Anita Louise Cuthbertson, and Coties Michael Parnell, all of v^narioue ; nucnie uurana Cuthbertson and Myron Ber nard Cuthbertson of Los Ange les, Calif.; and Beverly Wyon ne Cuthbertson Neal of West bury, N.Y. And five great grand child ren; Mel vin Lamonte Cuth bertson, Ritchie Durand Cuth bertson, Comyron Rlcardu Cuthbertson, Tammie Latar sha Neal, and Jamal Kashad Cuthbertson. MRS. MARY ALICE CLARK Mrs. Mary Alice Clark, of 1920 Umstead Street, died Tuesday, January 18. Funeral plans are presently incom plete. Alexander is in charge. MRS. WILLETTE CHERRY Mrs. Willette Cherry, of 328 Renssaeler Ave., died Tues day, January 18. Funeral plans are presently incom plete. Alexander ia in charge. WILLIE SCOTT Funeral services for Willie Scott were held yesterday at l p.m. at Alexander Funeral Home. Surviving is wife, Lucille. &rTp£ i * t Λ·* ..V /'<·· f' : · ···.· · "l J • · « · M·-· · k . . · . * Γ IP AÏS TO ADVERTISE IN THE CHARLOTTE „ ι · · .· POST* 1— PUT IT IN THE : I Ψ _Ηβ1|3 wanted CLERK TYPIST Large Class I Motor Carrier with home office in Charlotte departmerçj for a clerk typist. Duties consist primarily of filing, typing and some dicta phone transcription. Liberal fringe benefits. Hours 8 to 5, Monday thru Friday. For interview call 376-1561. E-O-E Keep your out-of-town friends informed on what's happening in Charlotte by sending them a copy of the Charlotte Post each week. The cost is only $8 per year. REAL ESTATE LICENSING EXAM 6 WEEK CERTIFYING CQURSF, QUALIFIES FOR BROKERS OR SALES CLASSES START JANUARY 31 FOR APRIL EXAMS EVENING SESSIONS CLASSES AT JOHNSON C. SMITH UNIVERSITY To Register Call 523-2933 N.C SCHOOL OF .REAL ESTATE Vane D. Mingle Realtor-Director John Mack Instructor NOTICE TO BROKERS ON HUD ACQUIRED PROPERTIES INSUREDSALES 381-124875-203 356 Melbourne Court Charlotte, N.C. SALES PRICE $14,000 MAXIMUM MORTGAGE AMOUNT $13,550 AS IS SALES-NO HUD WARRANTY OR INSURANCE AVAILABLE - ALL CASH EARNEST MONEY 381 125559-203 1554 Merriman Ave., Charlotte, N.C. 8,150 250 NOTE: ALL PROPERTIES SOLD AS IS MAY BE IN VIOLATION WITH LOCAL BUILDING CODES The highest offer from a OWN ER OCCUPANT OR INVEST OR meeting or exceeding the minimum advertised price submitted by the close of business January 31, 1977 in a sealed envelope indicating (1) Case No., (2) Property ad dress, (3) Either "OWNER OCCUPANT" or "INVEST OR", (4) Expiration date of offer period, and (S) Return address will be accepted. HUD PROPERTIES MUST be Sold without re GARD TO PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER S RACE, SEX, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NA TIONAL ORIGIN Brokers may obtain listing from Department of Housing and Urban Development 415 N. Edgewôrth Street Greensboro, North Carolina 27401 Telephone No 378-5692 City of Charlotte An Equal Opportunity Employer PART TIME-DATA COLLECTOR Individual need for Data Collection. 20 hour a week. Statistical background help :ul. Equal Opportunity Employer · Open House 801E. Morehead KEY PUNCH OPERATOR Large Class 1 Motor Carrier with home offices in Charlotte has opening in Key Punch department. Must be able to punch ALPHA and NUME RIC. Experience preferred. Salary commissary with skills ] and ability. Excellent bene- ' fits. Hours 8 to 5, Monday thru Friday. For interview call 376-1561, ask for personnel. Equal Opportunity Employer r PART TIME DIRECTOR FOR HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION The City of Charlotte has immediate opening for a part time Director for the Historic District Commission. Duties include coordinating work with various governmental a gencies, acting as a liasion with Fourth Ward applicants, keeping up to date infor mation on all Fourth Ward Projects, surveying existing buildings, and land in the area, and carrying out Com mission recommendations. Applicants must have a Bac culareate degree and some administrative experience in the area of Planning, restora tion, and-or Government. Qua lified applicant should con tact: NANCY BROWN 374-2290 CITY OF CHARLOTTE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER MALE-FEMALE Read the Charlotte Post each week. S*™*** I Numerology # By Herman 328 609 207 647 541 794 516 721 092 517 092 630 ^ GENERAL WELDING SERVICE CERTIFIED WELDERS Custom Trailer Hitches Shop & Portable Equipment Ornamental Iron Work Steel Fabricating Aluminum Welding & Brazing] "We travel anywhere" 800 W. Morehead St.- 376-4181 Foft 5ALE Used refrigerator·, extra clean. 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Memorial notices and resolutions of respect and legals are charged at regular classified rates. Α-Ί RENTS, V\ . th Purc^ow· Op*'Ci* Ι COLOR TVs j STEREOS »- OLICE SCANNERS .VASHERS - DRYERS Α Λ APPLIANCE ™ ■ TV tfFNT Al ■>I 9? 7 More head 3'^ 8 40fl| SISTER ANGELA f Spiritual reader. Is blessed by the touch of God. Guarantees to help vou in all of your problems. Call today and be rid of your problems tomor row Answers S questions free by phone. Send $5.00 for read ing: 1109 Cook town Rd., Hus ton, Louisiana 71270. Phone (318) 255-71S6 ' FORLEASE ! Office space available for lease at 1939 Trinity Road. Approximately 800 square feet. Lounge also available, approximately 3,000 square feet, arifrtTtrinity Road. Cafr Charles Adams at 392-1931. HAYNES PIANO TUNING & REPAIR SERVICE 19 YRS. EXPERT ANTIQUE PUMP ORGAN REPAIR & RESTORING KEY RESTORING CALL 394-5541 CHARLOTTE KOR RENT : roseland"" s APARTMEIVfS ; TOTALS ^A-elecTHIC w Refrigerator It Stove Kur-| nlshed .Vinyl Flooring ■Private Kntrances '.Yearly leases 'Conveniently Located Nearj Schools. Churches & Trans it portation For More Information //. ONEBEDROOM $110 TWO BEDROOM-$12SjOO ★ PONDEROSA* GREAT LOCAnON ★ ★ ★ WESTBLVDATKENNILLir * * CALL 399-5592 1 ûfeflVICE 4 Health Wealth Universal Temple of Peace P.O. Box 1506 Miami, Florida Happiness ' I am a black ι powerhouse of goodies especially \0 you Having problems kuch as domestic, sex, healtn, badluck, courthouse cases or need case work, prayers, or just advice. This is an opportunity to move up In more ways than one. Write or call Mother Jenkins at 624-4561. This ad is worth $5.00 to *25 00 a gift for the New Year. GRIER FUNERAL SERVICE, INC, 2310 SU te* ville Avenue Phone: 332-710·-Cherk*»·, Ν. C. 282H 704 Walkup Avenue Phone: 283-S423 - Monroe. Ν. C. 2811· R. 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