f'- P>g 14-THE CHARLOTTE FOST Thuriday. March 31. 1977 ^‘The Saddest Day In All Tlie World” ByJ.M.UtUe Oh (he sadness of it all. you'll stand there in complete silence, guilty. Here is a man who pleaded with his wife here in time to turn to Christ. You were light and frivolous. , spumed the truth. You cared^ nothing about the claims of Christ on your heart at-all. You were determined to have your own way. What did you Part 6 - The Great Separation earn by having your own way? There at the judgment you are separated from that godly man. You can't enter into the blessings of Christ and eternal bUss with him. You think that won’t bring tears to his eyes and heart? It brings tears and sorrow to his heart here in time. Y6u don’t know the groans and sighs of his heart that the Lord will get hold of your rebellious heart. If you go on in your rebellion, the prayers of your godly husband will witness against you that day. Yes. that man of God you ate with lived with and slept with, you slept in the same bed. 'There that day you will be separated from him forever and forever, never to see him again. Husbands, what would ;it.be like to have to remember tlneughout eternity that your wife is in the Lake of Fire? No. you’ll not have to remember^ her being in torment. After' Uiis Judgment God will wipe out the memory of our loved kiw being in the Lake of Fire, praise the Lord. ■ Now you listen will you? Don’t go off saying I’m craay, I'm talking to you young wo- a^. You had better listen as ^ eternity. God is giving you ^ce to repent. He’s sent the truth to your heart there is no excuse. At the judgment you will have no excuse. You may go on turning away from the gospel. The Lord is not going to always let His servant plead tbr you. He will not always let you go on in the comforts of his life. The comforts of this life however, may be all you will fiver have. If that is your case dear heart, it would be better that you bad never come in here, I mean it would be better be saved, so I’ll just go on and enjoy things now. You take that attitude and you are going to split hell wifte open. And then there is another attitude you can Uke, (21 the word says only a few will be saved, by the grace of God I'U be one of that few. When I was under oonvietioB 1 knew only a few J. M that you had never been born. You go on like the grasshopper now, but there is coming an end to your life here on this earth. One day dear soul you will have to face judgment. 'You will face your past life alone. You won’t look back .then and get anyone to sympa- - thize with you in your rebel- ‘lion. You’ll stand alone. You won’t scoff at the truth then sinner. My friend, you are going to die! You don’t believe the truth I’m t«n»h(ng now, but th^ you’ll know 1 was true to your soul. You won’t nicker and make fun then. There is a false peace on your heart. It’ll be caved, in before you get to the judgment. Your judgment is certain. You can not miss giving account to God for mocking at His truths. You think these truths I’m laying down are things I dreamed up. Th^ you’ll see it was the Lord of glory you rejected. And oh how sad you will be. You’ll see you sold your soul to the Devil, and for what? There you will see you have no foundation to stand on. In time you rejected God’s way of salvation. At this judgment children will be separated from ungod ly parents. In time you thought your child was crazy, always talking about Christ. You were religious but you had no time for Christ. What a tragedy! In time you persecu ted that child, did everything you could to hurt them. There parents, you’ll see you did it unto the Lord and you will be separated from those godly children. My friends, I know what I’m talking about. There will be offlce workers who will be separated from one another. T^t dear man you called idiotic because he wanted to talk to you about Christ, you’ll be separated from him. He’ll no longer be pleading for your soul. You’ll see you were very foolish to reject his testimony. You said you had your church, but there you’ll see you didn’t Christ. You can go on in your prestige church. If that's all you die with young woman you'll split hell wide open. And at the judgment you won’t laugh nor will you get anyone Uttte to laugh with you. Thefe will be no laughter at this judg ment. You’ll see your murder ment. You’ll see you murder ed your own soul. I can’t picture how sad and awful this judgment win be. But I know from God's word it wiU be awful. My friend you will be here for only a short while. You win be out in eternity forever. Do you ever consider that your life here is going to end? No you don’t. AU yoUr so-caUed good times wiU be over. You and every false friend who lifted their voice against the truth wiU stand there silent and guilty. Oh the sadness of it aU. . I’ve thought often about the judgment as I see careless souls going out to eternsd ruin. The rich man wiU be there as Bro’ Jack Holcomb says in his song. But his debts are too heavy to pay, sinner your debts are too heavy to pay. But it's a pnce you have to pay, it’s a price you must pay, it’s a price you wUl pay, you’U be paying it all eternity. My heart has bled, I can’t sleep at night sometimes because I know what lies ahead for you. May the Holy Spirit awaken you now, may the arrow of conviction sink deep in your heart and let you see you are on the road to eternal ruin sinner. May the Lord have mercy on you, especially you. If the Lord doesn't turn you, you’re gone. There are two attkudes-you can take, (1) well. If the Lord turns me I’ll would be saved. I cri^ Lord, if only one is to be saved I want to be that one. And you know something? God saved me. Now you take that atti- tude and you’ll be saved. THIS IS YOUR PAPER USE IT I T1u8 Is Tile Law Annual Leg€tl Check Vp By Robert E. Lee Sponsored by The Lawyers of North Carolina Individuals are beginning to realize, with all the complexi ties of modern life, that they may be in the future have legal troubles which they can prevent. A person may enter a law yer’s office and say "I ha ve no legal aches or pains, but tell me - am I in resonably good legal health?" The idea of an annual legal check-up is founded on the- assumption that lawyers are more familigr with law (legal health) than are non-lawyers. As between a lawyer and a client, the lawyer is more able to determine the client’s legal status than the client himself. Most people don’t know whe ther they are in good legal health or not. For example, they have no clear-cut idea of what would become of their worldly possessions if they should die tonight. There is a saying that, "a man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client." let Post want ads work for you dial 392. 1306 Crossword Puzz 1 e ACH088 1. Preceding 7. Castle 13. Potion 14. Odors 9. Rodent 18. Clever .8. Bitter vetch 9. By 1. SMttish attire tl. Father Group . Born I. Pronoun Floe .--.Fhars 33. Mouths 33. Owns 34. Woods 37. Categorized 40. Sea eagles 41. Frost 4K Withered 44. Chinese 43. Hark 47. Prefbc 4A Area 80. Super- hei^: from lyne 51. Biblical eggs name m. Set^ 52. Azmulled 57. Dwell 54. Scrambled _Aa«w*f to Pnol* CAN*r WE STDPANDTELLTHE WIFE WHERE X AM 80 SHE W0M*r WORRV ? * THl nz □□□□□□ □□□□.sa □□□□□□ □□□ anaarj UUUU UUU uuua □□□□□□ □□□ □□□ □□ □□□■J □□□ □□□£: as □3Daa □□ □□□ QQD □aaouin □□□□□□ DOWN 1. Scold 2. Elevates 3. Convulsion 4. Animal 8. Chance “AWfiltefur 7. Separated 8. Crafts rO.Sral: Fr. 11. Caviled 12. Literanr compositk) 17. Bevinage 23. Fruit utl oak xa 24. Hones 28. Bends ». Urgency 29. Danes step 31. Greek letw 34. Downed 38. 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DELETION OF HUD ACQUIRED PROPERTIES SOLD 381-125318-221 1214 Echo Gleen Dr., Charlotte, N.C. 381-123893-235 118ArrowoodRd., Charlotte, N.C. 381-898729-235 409 Cherry wood. CharlotU, N.C. 381-080198-221 511 EchotMle Drive, Charlotte, N.C. 381-105088-303 Lo(30,iU. 5, Llacohitoa, N.C. HUD PROPERTIES MUST BE SOLD WITHOUT RE GARD TO PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER’S RACE, SEX, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NA- ITONAL ORIGIN. Broken nuy oMala tlsUiM from Department of Housing and Urban Development 415 N. Edgeworth Street Greensboro, North CaroUna 27401 Tsiephons No. 3784088 Merchants Who Advertise In The Post Are Telling You They Appreciate Your Business! I Patronize them! ■ All classified advertising Is payable in ad-' [vance. ' A minimum charge ttf $3.00 is made for insertions of 2S words or less. Charges thereafter I are $3.00 per insertion; with a charge of 12 cents per word for each word over the^3& mimmumr^^jo refunds given. 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Garage Thea tre. Church, Retail Shops Call 3928642 ReaaoaaUe Service PSYCHIC Can enchant friends, others to your bidding. Brings you good luck. Removes spells. Write fequesta: Fui detalln, enclOM' stamped envelope; Robert Donnelly, Box 6-T Malverne, N.Y. 11565 FORSALE Used refrigerators, extra clean. Large quantity. 3400 Wilkinson Blvd. Phone 392-2381 RENTS ♦>' Pi»rfl»n.i- Op* f COLOR T V s STEREOS POLICE SCANNERS WASHERS DRYERS 1 appliance I T V KFNT Al - \ B4n Cali Us For Tha Very Best In f LORAL DESKyS Givens FIcM'Kt 2221 Kftllrr Av» fci back of the West Charlotte Drive>ln 399-0904 or 323-3646 PAINTING Exterior and interior paint ing. Over 20 years experience. Local references, free esti mates. Also inclute caulken for energy saving. Call- 394-7543 - 392-1703 392-9269 Fred Scott Numerology ®y Herman 427 927 602 184 273 452 429 609 146 916 275 437 935 938 745 GHIER FUNFraL service, UNO 2310 Statesville Avenue Phunei a3a'7199 ■ ChartiNte, N. C. 2g2Dg~ 704 Walkup Avenue Phone: 283-5423 - Monroe, N. C. 28110 1937 40 Years of Satisfactory Service CRAWFORDS INC. Venetian Blinds,'Cleaning and Repair NEW BLINDS MADE TO ORDER ^inM W. Crawford Sr. 1507 W. Trade St. Phone 333-1996. Charlotte, N.C. Open 9 til 5 - CHosed Saturday. 1977 28204 R. V. C, Inc. TRACY TRIGG 'TRAILERS .Snim and Servltu IFie Appreciate Your Busineu Telephone: 537-7844 B. Indapeadenee GharleOa, Ifecth CmtoHM HELP WANtW Cky of Oiarlode An Equal Opportunity Employer ■TOTAL apartments LECTRir Refriferalar g giave 9 *,- alsbea .% ta.W Plaaring •Prbale KMraaces '.%>arl> l.ea«et L'onvenieaily Located .Near .Schools. Churches 4 Trans-' poriaiion For .More Informaiion 52341440 1219 Praiilav Rd. HELP WANTED WAYS has an immediated opening for the following: Part-time general office Ught typing. l-5;30 p.m. Telephone experience helpful Call 392-6191 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. We arc an equal opportunity employer. HELP WANTED TELEVISION TRANSMIT TER ENGINEER wanted for full time position at WUNG- TV, Channel 58. near Char lotte, TV transmitter experi ence and FCC First ClaM Radiotelephone Operator's li cense required. Contact Mrs. Altemueller, UNC General Administration, P.O Box 2668. Chapel Hill. NC 27514, 919-933-6981. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER ASSKTANT REHAnUTATHMV LOAN AGENT Wort involvM performing tochoicol wort roqulrrt m ui proccMing of appHcaUDiit for loans and franta raouaated h WW^owi-r. U, rwmullu,pm pn,J« SUTSSr! or mortgage apMlra riluSnSir Accouming." Send reaum# with salary hiatory to: PERSONNEL DEPT. CrlT OF CHARLOTTE 600 E. Trade St. Charlotte, N.C, 2830S Eoual OpDortunltv Emnlnver M-F ( \ 1

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