• I Jack Beasley To Star In UNCe Play How wfiuld .you EeacLif you_ lost nearly everything that meant anything to your life in a single clay’s time? Mad? Frustrated? Sad? Or, possibly react as Butley, with civilized cynicism and biting wit. The play, “Butley,” ex plores the psyche of an En glish university professor who does lose nearly everything he possesses in a single day. The production, which is presented by the theatre en semble at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, will begin April 1 in the Studio Theatre in Rowe Arts Build ing. The charartoir of BuUey will be portrayed by Jack Beasley, acting chairman of the Crea tive Arts Department at UNCe and a theatre profes sor. According to Beasley, Butley is the typical English professor. "I wouldn't like him personally,■■ h« ^vpiojns because of his apathetic na ture. “1 admire him, though because of his intelligence and spirit.” The entire play spans only a single day’s time. Other cha racters in the play are But- ley’s wife, roommate, three students and fellow profes sors. “Butley” is a biting come dy, filled with “sardonic, nee dling, feline, vituperative, ci-.- vilized lines,” according to the London Evening Standard. Written by Simon Gray, it was voted best new play of the year. ProdllCtiofM hagin at a ic Page B3-THE CHARLOTTE POST-Thursday, March SI, 1977 FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK By Hoyle H. Martin Sr. Post Executive Editor p.m. April 1-2 and 6-9. Matinee performances will be given at 3 p.m. on April 3 and 10. Call 597-2477 for ticket information. General admission is $3. Stu dents may purchase tickets for $1. The Federal Home Loan Bank Board agreed to the demands of civil rights groups to increase its efforts in com bating race and sex discrimi nation in home-mortgage len ding. + + -f The Carter administration has announced that Eleanor Holmes Morton, 39, has been selected to be chairman of the Equal Employment Opportu nity Commission (EEOC). Mrs. Norton is currently Com missioner of Human Rights for the City of Nt -I- -I- -I- A Recreation Center in Griertown has been named in honor of local resident, Naomi Drenan. Dedication date to be set. UNCe Dance EiiiseiiiUe To Present Concert Sunday afuinwoa April 3 at 3 pjn. promlsei to be an excUtng day at the Mint m... Mum. 'The Performing Arts Department to proud to pre- ."•aent Mr. Voya Toncitch^ Pia nist of Paris, PVance in con cert in the Gokton Circle Thea tre, 501 Hempstead Place. Mr. Toncitch is appearing on a special grant from the French Government to come to this country and play at the Mint MoMnm. His prngTsm will conatotof Omiposlte Sono rities, by Gim|dMr; Miroir De Votre Fan^J^ PotMseur; Mu- sic for Piano Nrs. 3 and 17 by Caye; Metapiece (Mimetics) bv Kaael He will , -F -I- -f Eldridge (Heaver, confessed rapist, alleged murder and former Black Panther leader told a Texas TV audience, “I met a different kind (tf revolu tionary - Jesus Christ, (ton He be trusted to untangle a mes- sed-up life? I’m living proof (that He can).” lecture in French on contem porary music aesthetics and philo«m*>y which will be tran- slated by Martha Britt of the UN(3C faculty. Sundays concert will be free and open to the pubUc. For more information, phone Ro bert Pierce, Performing Arts Director, 334-9726. Subscribe to the Charlotte Post! Your support helpel The budget for UNCC’s basketball program for 1976-77 was set at $180,’»5. On the other hand, UN(X: will receive at least $180,000 from their participation in the NCAA finals in Atlanta. This does not include the dollars from their regional victories and the dividends from re cruiting and increased student enrollment for the univnsity. [ewLook! A NEW HAIR DO I^*f^^^olIhirColor(}rA.HairRekixer' ToKeep Your Hair From The Fizz ASK FOR OUR NEW SrnniST STLVU RHLES WHO B UP TO DATE WriH EVERY HONG* Hair Original Beauty Boutique Manage, Mi» Eloiee Fcifnieon 2523NOnhGrciqm8lrMt Talaphona 373-9239 Grandstand To Spotlight NABA ChamiMonship Highlights of the finals in the National Collegiate Boxing Association Championship will be a featured segment of NBC's “Grandstand” Sunday, April 3 (5:30 - 6 p.m.) "Grandstand” host Lee Leo nard and Bryant Gumbel will conclude the afternoon of ten nis and golf coverage on NBC - the finals of the Family Circle Magazine Cup (2 - 3:30 p.m. NYT) and the final round in the Greater Greensboro Hoyto R. Mvtfa Sr North (torolina has 123 dis- -trlct court Judges or'which Open (3:30 - 5:30 p.m. N'VT) with features and late- breaking sports news. Top boxers from colleges in the United States and Canada will compete for this year’s -NCBA tUle- only five are black. Among the five is the only woman. Judge Elrita Alexander re ports the Associated Press (AP).- Field House on the campus of West Chester (Pa.) State Col lege. “Grandstand’s” cove rage will include highlights of 12 championship bouts. JAMES (COSS) DAVIS DAVIS AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE On 4-1-77 ,7:00, CHANNa42 Keopiy wHh ack America “What is a Black Laadar?” How does one become a black leader? Who picks them? What do they do? Who are they? Ikm In fer 9m iCnai eemen or 0*1 InlanMe and te«p up. Tun* In to Btaek Journal. Sponsored by your local Pe^i Cola Bottler