SIF] THE CHA1 LI ITTE PI 1ST psa , "Uiariotte s t astest Growing Community Weekly” | black consimers vm. Black banks were consid erably more affected by com munity economic conditions than white banks, in the same community Wright said this arises from the fact that black banks were more actively in volved in the community, that is. having more accounts and making more loans, than their wiiiic uuiu^ciiiurb Mr Tucker expressed a greemeut with these conclu sions by noting that black hanks have a higher percent age of savings accounts which are more costly and less pro fitable "than demand deposits (checking accounts) He add ed that a typical white bank may have demand deposits of 70 percent and savings depo sits of 30 percent while a black bank may have a 50 to 50 percent ratio Tucker continued, "minori i£v vendors are not as well grounded i.n financial matters and few of them .have estab lished histories of suc^oss/u! financing " Other problems he noted in support of Professor W right’s conrlnsinn were that 00 percent of Mechanics and Farmers Bark’s (Charlotte) depositors are wage earners." with relatively small savings and demand deposits while “'he tvoma' white bank has a high percentage 6. arporate Hpmanrl Horv^ilc uiKipn -on quite profitable.” With regard to employ -**. Mr. Tucker said that on i e first and 15th of each monL and on Fridays most banks actually can use more labor, especially tellers White banks can usually locate the neces sary part-time help, black banks cannot In conclusion,as the local bank official said, black banks have considera ble difficulty in investing mo ney in high interest loans." Finally, in responding to questions about the status of black banks in today’s econo mic setting. Mr Tucker said indications are that the nat-' ion's black banks are “faring quite well " With regard to the Charlotte branches of his own bank. Tucker said. “If we keep on like we are going our profits for the year tl977i will be pretty good ” Epilepsy Group To Hear Cong. Jim Martin Congressman Jim Martin. N C. Ninth Congressional District, will address the Mecklenburg Chapter of the Epilepsy Association of North Carolina. (EANC) Tuesday. August 16 at 7:30 p m at the Sheraton Center, McDowell Street For more information call 704-377-3619 Cunningham Wins First Bicycle In Post Subscription Campaign TUKUMM* | REMEMBER when the ONLY PAY CHECK deduction was the one slipped out for a BEER on the way home from work?