BLACK NEWSPAPERS EFFECTIX ELY REACH BY' FAR. MORE black CONSCMERS _ PKUK.’.k JUSU Okays Endowment Funds ATLANTA. - The Frank T. Wilson - Elder G. Hawkins Endowment Fund, to aid in the theological education of minority students, has been established by the Board of Trustees of Johnson C. Smith. .^Theological Seminary. Final •^approval of the endowment fund was given by the board in its fall meeting this month. The fund was named for the - two men for their “dedicated the whole church and especially to theological education through their deci sive roles in helping Johnson C. Smith Theological Semina ry develop a new dimension by becoming a constituent school of the Interdenominational Theological Center,” the trus tees said. Assets now available for the fund, as well as future gifts, will be deposited with the United Presbyterian Founda tion, with income earned each year to be used to help meet the costs of the seminary. Special emphasis in use of the endowment money will be placed upon scholarship aid. Established in 1867 and mo ved in 1970 from Charlotte, N.C. to become a part of the seven - denomination Center in Atlanta, Johnson C. Smith has been the primary training ground for the denomination's Black ministers. The need for more seminary - trained Black men and women was - stressed Dy the trustees at their decision to establish the endowment fund. Property Taxes Due Immediately Please add this item to your Christmas List: Pay your pro perty taxes before Christmas! This is the message from J.A. Stone, City-County Tax Collector. The deadline for paying 1977 property taxes without inter est is Tuesday, January 3, 1978. Beginning Wednesday, Jan uary 4, interest equal to two percent of the tax bill will be placed on all unpaid taxes, '•«rl 3-4 per cent interest will l3» added every month there after until payment is made The mailing address for the Tax Collector’s Office is P.O. Box 10897, Charlotte, N.C. 28234. Citizens are urged to mail their payments. Be sure to enclose your “Tax Payment Card" when you send your payment. Parking-is available in the County Parking Garage for those people who find it neces sary to come to the Tax Collector’s Office. The park ing fee is 50 cents, payable in exact change as you leave the garage. The access driveway into the garage is on East Fourth Street, between South McDowell Street and South Alexander Street wot-w* / •» I Good eye eight is a good thing to have, but WISDOM is a good thing to be SOUGHT... If you are truly wise you POSSESS good vision and the WISDOM to know that TRUE VISION IS NOT SHORT SIGHTED < V- / / ' / / • LOVELY SYNOVIA SAMUELS ...Like mellow music synovia Samuels Is Beauty Of Week ny jeri narvey Post Staff Writer Synovia Samuels, the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Samuels, is The Post Beauty of the Week. A native of Fustis, Florida, Synovia is a graduate of Bethune-Cookman College in Daytona Beach. When her father accepted the pulpit of Mount Moriah Baptist Church in Charlotte four years ago, Synovia was already enrolled at Bethune Cookman and so has spent mostly holidays here but she says, “Charlotte is O.K. At least there’s a lot more to do than there was in the little town where we lived in Flori da. There was absolutely no social activity there. When I’m here I mostly bowl and shop but at least there are other things to do if I choose to.” Synovia majored in pre-law history in college because cri minal justice, her first choice, wasn’t offered. She plans to work with Probation and Pa roles and, in fact will return to Florida shortly to take the State Boards examination for a Darole officer She hopes to work with youth and young adults. Asked for her views on why young people get into trouble in the first place, she said, ‘It usual ly begins in the home. Often they haven't been taught any values and have trouble sepa rating right from wrong. Ano ther reason is trying to get something for nothing. Things just don't come that way. You’ve got to be willing to work for what you want. Rob bing and stealing is not the easy way because eventually you have to pay a price of some kind - usually prison." As the daughter of a minis ter, Synovia considers her upbrining "very strict" but adds, "It was helpful. Parents should be concerned about their children Some just don't care so they let their kids do anything they want to. I still have a curfew to keep even though I'm out of college but I know it's because my parents love me and don't want any thing to happen to me." CMS Announce** Holiday** For Student, Teacher** Christmas holidays for stu dents and teachers in Char lotte-Mecklenburg Schools are scheduled Monday. December 19 - Friday, December 30 Classes will resume on Janua ry 2. The Education Center and other offices will be closed December 22 . 23, 26 and 30 Because she doesn t spend much time here, Synovia says she doesn't have a lot of friends in Charlotte but she stays busy with a class at Central Piedmont, working pan-time at The Charlotte Post, bowling and shopping. She likes to listen to “mel low music" and lists Roberta Flack, Gladys Knight, Diana Ross and Maze as some of her favorite artists. One of four children, Syno via has an older sister, Genni ta, who is a graduate of Morgan State University and works with the U.S. Agricul ture Department in Washing ton; and two brothers, Henry, a student at Central Pied mont; and Thomas, who at tends Myers Park High. Just because our beauty had a “strict upbringing" and has some serious views on life, don’t think for one minute that she’s a “stick in the mud." Nothing could be farther from the truth. An articulate, cheerful you ng lady. Synovia brightens up any room she enters with her warm, friendly ways and her bubbly personality. We, at The Post, quickly adopted her as a member of our "family" and sort of hope she fails the state boards when she takes them so she’ll stay with us a while longer. Seriously, howevr, we know she'll pass with flying colors and we wish her all the luck and happiness she deserves, "o matter where she goes. Lewis C. Coleman Has Gone To Arms To Abort Area Fund’s Foreseeable Failures By Jacquie Levister Post Staff Writer ‘ The Charlotte Area Fund is a great organization that has a valid service to render this community, but the present director gives one cause for concern," stated L.C. Cole man. Coleman, of the North West Community Action Associa tion and a highly vocal critic of local issues, has gone to arms in an effort to abort the foreseeable failure of the Charlotte Area Fund “When the organization be gan. its budget was S5 million, it has been reduced yearly to the present low of one-half million. We have a lot of people in this area that could use the goods and services that money afforded Had the administrative end of the Charlotte Area Fund used pru dent judgement our city eco nomy would have those added funds, and. our poor people would have some much need ed services," Coleman stated as he geared up to take on the battle. Coleman further stated as examples of unsound judge ments made by Sam Korne gay, Director of Charlotte Area Fund,” the resignations of former fund organizers Da ve Blevin and Bill Chnveny. a lack of concerted effort to work with council and other elected boards and a total disrespect for senior citizens and their affairs." Joining the Coleman s fight to keep the Area Fund an active part of our community is Ms Luciel McNeil, member of the Board of Directors of the Area Fund, who was no minated to the board by the West Boulevard Coalition Ms McNeil agrees with state ments made by Coleman and further states that the ulti mate problem with the orga nization is its Board of Direc tors Luciel McNeil stated 'a poor board makes a poor agency." She further cited poor communications between board members, improper preparations, and deceptive manuevers as causatives for poor board performance For Thursday night's board meeting. Ms. McNeil, on Tuesday, has yet to receive a copy of the agenda According to Ms McNeil "it was only today (Tuesdayi that I receiv ed the minutes from the last meeting " "How can you pre pare for issues called to a vote when you only receive notices the day before0 ", Ms McNeil asked According to both Ms Me Neel, and Coleman, services L C Coleman Highly vocal critic like hot lunches programs need transportation (or the aged to encouagr more parti cipation. The poor peoples store '(ormerlv on oaklawn Avenue' and the Credit Union 'once in the organizing; arc needed in this community It is the Charlotte Area Fund that should Ik- the provider of such services and would be il the program were effectively run,' they chimed ( oleman shares Ms McNe el s feeling that in kind money necessary to maintain the lund would be forth coming if enough working programs were organized and effective In reference to a statement bv Mayor Ken Harris Post Oct 20' stating he wondered if the area fund was a duplication of services the city can render. Coleman stated 'you should beware of people making those types of statements "ft could be Chat he is insensi tive to people and their needs il he doesn't see the good of Head Start, a service adminis tered by Area Fund and not duplicated in other services. Racial Discrimination Must Be Solved In This Decade? Families To Get Help With Utility Bilk WASHINGTON -- Assistant Secretary of Agriculture Carol Tucker Foreman has an nounced new rules that will allow food stamp households to have the purchase price of their stamps reduced this win ter if their heating or other utility bills rise. The new rules, effective Jan. 1, require state welfare agencies to count a house hold's most recent utility bills in computing the household's food stamp purchase price. The new rules also direct states to recompute purchase prices within 10 days when a household's most recent bills represent an increase of more than $25 over the bills used to certify the household initially. “We want the food stamp shelter deduction to reflect current utility expenses,” As sistant Secretary Foreman said. “We don't want people to have to choose between buy ing food stamps and paying the heating bill this winter. Our new rules should enable households with significantly increased utility costs to con tact their local food stamp office and receive quick ser vice. Last winter, she said, utility costs rose sharply for many food stamp households, but some did not get the corres ponding increase in their shel ter deduction which would have lowered the food stamp purchase price. Under food stamp regula tions now in effect, the amount a household must pay for its stamp allotment is based on net income, after itemized deductions. The principal deduction is for shelter costs -- rent or mortgage payments, property taxes, and utilities. If these costs are more than 30 percent of a household's income after all other deductions, the a mount over 30 percent is coun ted as a “shelter deduction.’’ Allowable utility costs include electricity, heating and cook ing fuel, water and sewage, trash collection, and basic telephone service. Here is how the new rules on increased utility bills will See FAMILIES On Page 12 Mrs. Eva Connor of Gastonia, along wittrher a hectic shopping spree at Eastland Mall last daughter and neices take a breather during week. neighborhood Groups Air Proposals To City Council By Jacquie Levister Post Staff Writer At a public hearing held Tuesday night Dec. 13, mem bers of the City Council and Community Development De partment listened as Neigh borhood organizations presen ted their proposals for area improvements to be conduct ed by the community develop ment department. The highly visible Cherry community organization that fears a squeeze on their neigh borhood by business encroach ment, announced a new work ing agreement with communi ty development department. Of immediate concern to the Cherry residents is a partition before council seeking to re zone a partial of land to facilitate business usage. Re sidents feel through Commu nity Development the land could be purchased and main tained in accordance to the areas classification as a “re habilitation. conservation, and re-conditioning area" as stated by the Charlotte-Meek lenburg Planning Commission in June 1976 The Council has yet to act upon the rezoning request made by Dwelle of Dwelle Realty. The Cherry Communi ty Organization seized the moment to inlorm the council of their shedding of the "real tor" role (sometimes attribut ed to the organization because of its failure to agree on previous plans presented for the community) and the shar ing of a cooperative spirit with Vernon Sawyer, director, and the Community Development Department In her presentation to city council. Mary McLaughlin of Cherry, presented documen tation stating the establish ment of the Cherry Communi ty Organization is a non-profit neighborhood corporation un der North Carolina State Law “By incorporation, we will be anie to take a more active role in the development and imple mentation of the community development plans." she said The organization requested that the council appropriate approx $10,000 lor the hiring of a full-time staff person with sufficient resources to organ ize a survey of the social and physical characteristics of the community through door to door canvassing The results of which would be the bases ol the communities development thrust The fate of the community is still to be decided The Cherry Community has let it i>e know n that they plan to have a voice in their destiny I oole Named Superintendent uoraon iv t'ooie nas oeen appointed Superintendent of the Motor Transport Division of the Public Works Depart ment. He replaces E G. •'Buck' Davis who retired in May For the past five years. f'ooic nas worked in tin ruhiic Works Engineering Dmsioh as Project Control Otlirer In that position, he was response hie lor providing the overall coordination lor Federal pro grams and projects assigned to the division Goal Is Equality For M\ People The problem of racial di* crimination must and wul h. solved in this decade, one 01 the live members of the \.i tionai Labor Relations Hoard said Tuesdax in Knoxville Speaking to the South .- lead ing labor relations expert.' attending L'T's -is' annua: seminar on trends in roller live bargaining Howard Jet. kins. Jr said "One of the great problems confronting V-hhtk ca todax is the extent n l blaek people are brought inti the industrial work foreo "The programs designed *q ' accomplish this have not boon to effective." he said it took the I^ibor Board a quarter of a cenlurx to discover it had the power to require fair an i equitable representation of black apt! white workers regard this as nm o' Ihe big issues which has i r ri -on ed in this decade . A native ot Denver. Jerkin said the goal is equalitx tor persons of anx race, re'igion or sex in opportunities tor emplox ment. adx aneerro i ' u Mil ii/i/xn.mxi. - ii/ii i ri 1 < The NLKB menitie: sain Tennessee was making pre gress that great!', exceeded the "lagging ettorts nl other sections ot the nation He commended ttiose attending for their enlightened, progre.s sive labor relations programs involving the employment ol minorities and women He noted Tennessee's pro gress had not produced riots disruptions of hearings or ol her programs us had happen ed in some of our larger cities limiting from the Kenter Commission report which sin died the urban riols pi HUiK M.ldi Jenkins said. "We will have not one America hut two." unless Ihe racial discri initiation problem is solved According to Jenkins ano iher NLKB problem demand mg solution is the Hoard * every increasing caseload He said the NLKB load has in t reased 7 percent a year over the iast l."> years "We in the National I abor Kelal ions lioard take our work senouslv he said We know and Congress knows we have certain problems Congress and the 5-member board are ii’(iLinil iii'iir i off orl <lo something about them He said he could not make any suggestions to Congress that had not or were no' lining considered He noted Con gress has before it now a rather comprehensive propo sal to restructure the hoard and to change its procedures The hoard now hears ap peals from its judges The next step on the appeals lad der is the I S Courts of Appeals ' In fiscal 1977, we had-^a caseload exceeding 53.«oo the NLRB member said Local Mtitledt* Five Charlotte residents are among the 35 Winston Salem State University students ap proved for listing in the 1977 78 edition of Who's Who Among Student In American College And Universities They are. Hegina Hailey. Asonia it Bat tie, Alice M Johnson. Ronnie Kakestraw. Dianne Strong and Robert Lewis Weeks

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